Check this page for frequently asked questions about J-GoodTech.
For further details, please refer to the Operation Guides here.
- Login, ID and Password Information
- About J-GoodTech (General Info)
- For Overseas Companies
- Using J-GoodTech: Your Company Profile
- Using J-GoodTech: Needs
- Using J-GoodTech: Topics
- J-GoodTech Business Coordinators
Login, ID and Password Information
What should I do if I have forgotten my J-GoodTech ID or password?
If you have forgotten your J-GoodTech ID or password, please refer to the following instructions:
Users that have forgotten their ID:
Your J-GoodTech ID is the email address you used to register for J-GoodTech. If you do not know the email address you used to register, please contact the J-GoodTech Management Office using the Contact Form.
Users that have forgotten their password:
If you have forgotten your password, please use the following URL to reset your password.
Password reset page
Enter your email address and click the "Reset Password" button, then follow the guidance in the email you receive.
About J-GoodTech (General Info)
Are there any costs associated with using J-GoodTech?
Registration and all other J-GoodTech services are available completely free of charge.
What type of companies and organizations can join J-GoodTech?
Overseas companies and support organizations can also become members of J-GoodTech and benefit from our services.
"Overseas support organizations" include government agencies, government-associated organizations, chambers of commerce and industry, trade associations, and other such bodies. All such organizations must be approved by SME SUPPORT JAPAN (SMRJ) to become members.
Overseas companies must be recommended by an approved overseas support organization to become members. There is no restriction on the size of the company – membership is available to overseas startups, SMEs, and major companies.
Domestic (Japan)
Domestically, membership of J-GoodTech is available to Japanese small and medium-sized enterprises, Japanese major companies, and Japanese support organizations. All such members must be approved by SME SUPPORT JAPAN (SMRJ) in accordance with our approval criteria.
If you have any inquiries about registering for J-GoodTech, please send us a message using the Contact Us form.
Are the same features of J-GoodTech available to all members?
J-GoodTech has several different categories of member. Different functions are available to different categories. For details, please click here.
What languages are supported by J-GoodTech?
J-GoodTech is available in Japanese and English.
If you would like to use J-GoodTech in another language, please check the help page of the browser you are using and utilize the browser's translation function.
How can I learn how to use J-GoodTech?
Please refer to the "Using J-GoodTech" sections of this FAQ or check our Operation Guides.
If you have any specific questions or requests for the J-GoodTech Management Office or our coordinators, please send an inquiry using the Contact Us form.
For Overseas Companies
What type of companies can we connect with using J-GoodTech?
Overseas companies can connect with Japanese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that have been approved by SME SUPPORT JAPAN (SMRJ).
Japanese SMEs are selected based on various factors, such as the special characteristics of their products, technology or services, as well as their willingness to expand their sales channels or do business overseas.
J-GoodTech's network includes SMEs in a variety of sectors such as manufacturing, distributing, service, retail, and contruction, as well as innovative startups.
What J-GoodTech functions can we use to connect with Japanese SMEs?
You can use the "Company Search" function to search for companies and view their corporate profiles. You can then send direct inquiries to the company via their corporate profile page.
In addition, you can use the "Needs" function to submit your specific requirements to the other members, recieve proposals, and arrange business meetings.
You can also use the "Topics" function to post topics of interest and communicate with the other members.
For more details, please check to the "Using J-GoodTech" section of this FAQ, or refer to the operations manuals here
Using J-GoodTech : Your Company Profile
Who updates my company profile on J-GoodTech?
You create and manage your own company profile. To attract potential customers and give them a good impression, be sure to make your company profile as appealing as possible.
Furthermore, as J-GoodTech becomes more widely known in Japan and overseas, more and more companies are browsing the site and searching for new business partners. To make sure that your company appears in search results, it is important to regularly update your company profile. Profile's that are not updated will be less likely to appear in search results, and will be less appealing to potential customers.
How do I edit my company profile?
Log into J-GoodTech and follow these steps to edit your company profile:
- Go to “My page” and click “Edit corporate profile”.
- Set the language to “English” and start editing your profile. There are multiple sections that you can edit.
- Select a section and click “Edit” to start editing it. When you are finished editing the section, you can save the data for immediate publication by clicking “Save”, or you can save it as a draft for later publication by clicking “Draft”.
You can also watch our explanatory video on how to edit your company profile here.
What should I write in the "Contact Person Information" section?
The J-GoodTech Management Office will contact the "contact person" regarding matters related to J-GoodTech.
Please enter the contact details for the person in your organization who will act as the contact person. If the contact person changes (e.g. if the previous contact person leaves your organizations), please be sure to update this section so that the J-GoodTech Management Office can contact you. *For further details, please refer to the operation guide (p.26).
What kind of information can I publish on my company profile?
You can publish information about your company and related information about your business (i.e. strengths and advantages of your products or services).
What information should be included in the “Promo Info” section?
In the “Promo Info” section, you can tell potential business partners in detail about what your company can offer them.
We recommend that you include the following information:
- A brief description of your company's technology, products or services.
- Who is it for (your target customers/clients.)
- Where and how it can be used (specific manufacturing processes, concrete examples of your services, etc.)
- What added value you can provide (how you meet your customers' needs, customer satisfaction, etc.)
All the terms included in your"Promo Info" can be found in searches by other users, so it is a good idea to include keywords that are likely to be searched. *For further details, please refer to the operation guide (p.28).
How will filling out the "Promo Info" section benefit my company?
Filling out the "Promo Info" section to increases the likelihood that your profile will be found in searches by potential partners.
*For further details, please refer to the operation guide (p.29).
Is my company information searchable after editing?
Yes, all your company information is added to the search engine. The more sections you complete, the more likely J-GoodTech users are to find you.
When will our company profile and promo info be updated on the website?
Your company profile and promo info will be updated immediately when you click the "Save" button.
Can we add external links or videos to our J-GoodTech company profile page?
External links and videos can be registered in order to display company PR sites, event info, company videos, etc. in the "Promo Info" section. PR pages or event info registered as external link information will be displayed as banners in the "Promo Info" section. This is a useful way to grab users' attention. *For further details, please refer to the operation guide (p.33).
How can I get the URL for a YouTube video?
You can get the URL for a YouTube video on the YouTube website. *For further details, please refer to the operation guide (p.35).
What are search keywords?
Search keywords are words (other than company names, etc.) that increase the likelihood of a company appearing in search results.
By registering search keywords that are not included in your company profile, such as technical terms or proper nouns, you can increase the chance of potential partners finding your company.
Words that are included in your "Promo Info" section will be set as search keywords even without being registered.
*For further details, please refer to the operation guide (p.30).
What are keywords used to display "Needs"?
These are keywords used to display needs in the "Recommended Needs Information" section of the "Home" page of your dashboard.
Needs with keywords matching the "keywords to display needs" entered in the corporate information settings will be displayed in the "Recommended Needs Information" section.
*For further details, please refer to the operation guide (p.31).
How can I check saved draft content?
Click the "Preview" button to view saved draft content. *For further details, please refer to the operation guide (p.27).
Can I make my corporate information private?
You can set whether corporate information is public or private in the disclosure range and overseas connections settings.
*For further details, please refer to the operation guide (p.32).
Using J-GoodTech : Needs
What is the "Needs" function?
The "Needs" function allows you to post information about your company's needs (e.g., sourcing materials, solutions to technical issues, etc.) and receive proposals from SMEs registered with J-GoodTech. Users can then arrange business meetings with each other to discuss proposals further.
*For further details, please refer to the operation guide (p.40).
Who can view the information posted as “Needs”?
Needs information can be posted either for all members or for target companies only. Needs posted for all members can be viewed by all Japanese SMEs registered on J-GoodTech and the J-GoodTech Management Office.
Needs posted for specific recipients can be viewed by target members selected by the poster and the J-GoodTech Management Office.
When registering your needs, you can set whether or not to disclose some of the information to non-members, and whether or not to make your company name public or anonymous.
What kind of information should I provide when introducing my needs?
In general, by providing more abstract information, you may receive more proposals. However, the relevance of each proposal may be low. On the other hand, if you provide more specific information, you may receive fewer proposals, but more relevant ones. In either case, please be careful not to include confidential information.
Who can view proposals submitted in response to needs and subsequent communications?
The contents of proposals and all ensuing communications are only shared between the poster of the need and the submitter of the proposal. Other members cannot see the contents.
I received a proposal in response to a need I posted. How can arrange a business meeting?
You can arrange the date, time and place of the meeting by using the "Arrange meeting date" function together with the proposer.
How can I send an inquiry to the poster of a need?
When submitting a proposal in response to a need, the "Make a New Comment" button will be displayed at the bottom of the "Details of Needs" screen. Click this button, fill out the inquiry form, and send it to the poster of the need. *For further details, please refer to the operation guide (p.61).
What happens after requesting a meeting?
In response to a meeting request, the respondent can choose either "Continue Business Meeting" or "Decline Business Meeting". If the request is accepted, the status of the proposal will change to "Continue Business Meeting".
*For further details, please refer to the operation guide (p.62).
How can I cancel a meeting?
Click the "Cancel the business meeting" button on the "Details of Needs" page. Enter the reason for cancelling the meeting in the comment section. *For further details, please refer to the operation guide (p.63).
How can I set needs to be visible by target companies only?
On the "Register Needs" screen, upon selecting "Target companies only", the "Choose Recipients" button will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
Click the "Choose Recipients" button after entering your needs information to display a list of targeted companies.
You can then search for companies that match your preferred conditions in the "Target companies selection" tab.
*For further details, please refer to the operation guide (p.64).
What happens after I register a need?
After registering needs, they will appear in the list of "Needs prior to transmission" at the bottom of the "My Page" tab. The J-GoodTech Management Office will check the contents of your needs before publishing them on the site. When your needs are published, they will be moved to the "Needs already transmitted" list.
*For further details, please refer to the operation guide (p.65).
Using J-GoodTech : Topics
What is the "Topics" function?
The “Topics” function is a bulletin board where members can exchange information freely with each other on topics of interest. The aim of this bulletin board is to encourage the creation of new business relationships through member-to-member interaction. Using the topics function, members can post announcements, press releases, event information, and so on.
*For further details, please refer to the operation guide (p.66).
Can anyone post a new topic?
So long as they are a J-GoodTech member, anyone can post a new topic.
Can I respond to a post I'm interested in?
If you are a J-GoodTech member, you can respond at anytime to a post you are interested in.
If I start a new topic or respond to posts, will my name and the name of my organization by displayed?
Only the name of your organization will be displayed.
Can I start a new topic without displaying my organization's name?
The topics function is designed to promote the creation of new relationships between companies through information sharing. For this reason, it is not possible to hide the name of your organization when posting.
Can I delete a topic I posted by mistake?
Users cannot delete topics. If you want to delete a topic, please contact the J-GoodTech administration office using the contact form. However, users can delete comments that have posted in response to topics.
How do I edit a comment I posted in response to a topic?
Users cannot edit posted comments. You can, however, delete your comment by clicking “Delete” on the right side of the posted comment.
What happens if someone comments on a topic I posted?
If someone comments on a topic you posted, you receive a notification email. Please login to J-GoodTech to check the comment. *For further details, please refer to the operation guide (p.72).
What should I do if I receive an invitation email?
When an account administrator uses the user invitation function on the "My Page" screen to invite new members to login to their J-GoodTech account, an invitation e-mail will be sent to the invitee.
To access the account, the invitee must open the "User Registration" screen from the invitation member registration URL provided in the e-mail, enter the required information such as their name and password, and accept the terms of use and privacy policy.
*For further details, please refer to the operation guide (p.98).
What is "delegated operation"?
Account administrators can change other users' information, such as invited users. From the "My Page" screen, click "Edit Corporate Information" and then click "User List" at the top of the screen. You can then move to the "User Information" screen by clicking the name of the user you wish to edit. On this screen, you can make changes to user settings such as job titles, mail magazine settings and permission settings. You can also delete user accounts.
*For further details, please refer to the operation guide (p.99).
J-GoodTech Business Coordinators
What kind of people are J-GoodTech coordinators?
J-GoodTech coordinators are experienced in product and technology development, procurement operations, partnerships, trading and support for small and medium-sized businesses, etc.
What kind of advice can I get from a J-GoodTech coordinator?
J-GoodTech coordinators can give advice on these topics:
- How to use the J-GoodTech platform effectively (needs, topics, editing your company profile, etc.)
- How to exchange information and start business discussions with Japanese companies.
Cooordinators can also post needs on your behalf.
How can I get advice from a J-GoodTech coordinator?
To ask for advice, please send an inquiry using the Contact Us form.
We will put you into contact with an appropriate coordinator for the type of advice you require.