Sustainability&Ethical Consumption Exhibition

Introducing Japanese products with a strong focus on sustainability and ethical consumption

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Chopsticks brand that nurtures forests【OEDO】


Obama, Fukui

Name of product / serviceOEDO

Features of products and servicesThese beautiful, durable, dishwasher-safe lacquered chopsticks are made using technique of Fukui's traditional craft "Wakasa lacquered chopsticks", which help save water, electricity, and labor. Light and square shape that feels good on your fingers. The tips of the chopsticks have a non-slip finish. The simple geometric pattern makes is easy to match with any tableware. These chopsticks are made from thinned materials from the forests of Fukui, leading to decarbonization.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe lightest ever Wakasa lacquered chopsticks 【OEDO】series.
These chopsticks are the first in Japan to use Fukui cedar, an internationally certified PEFC material, as the wood for lacquered chopsticks. By using high-quality Japanese cedar, we promote thinning of the forest, contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions, improving the local woodland environment, and contributing to the future of the earth. This is a "PURE JAPAN MADE"" craft that is dishwasher-safe and environmentally friendly.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Carbon neutrality
  • Upcycling
  • Recycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Environmentally-certified products
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesSelect shops, department stores, restaurants, government, etc.

Overseas business recordUSA, UK, Australia, France, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and others

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives"383,600kg", this is our chopstick brand "hashi-coo"'s target amount of CO2 to reduce in one year.
STYLE OF JAPAN has decided not to import foreign wood resources that have been over-harvested in other countries, even if they are inexpensive.
For example, the amount of CO2 emitted during transportation from Papua New Guinea, which has the largest import volume, to Obama City, Fukui Prefecture reaches 35,000kg. On the other hand, if we use domestic thinned cedar lumber, only 1500kg of CO2 emissions are required to transport the lumber from Satoyama (nearby forest/mountain) to Obama City. The difference is 33,500kg. It can be reduced by 96%.
Furthermore, STYLE OF JAPAN makes chopsticks from thinning Satoyama trees that are more than 40 years old and finished growing. By thinning old trees that no longer absorb CO2 and growing young trees that absorb more CO2, 350,000kg of CO2 can be reduced.
We aim to reduce CO2 emissions by 383,600kg. We want to leave a rich environment for our future children. We will increase CO2 reduction by making products the right way.

Company profileSTYLE OF JAPAN INC.
32-10-8 TSUJIDOHAUS, Kizaki, Obama, Fukui 9170025, Japan
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:5
Capital(JPY): 6,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Next generation biomass tableware made from eggshells.


Sabae, Fukui

Name of product / serviceShellmine

Features of products and servicesNext-generation biomass tableware made from eggshells, aimed at reducing the burden on the global environment and realizing a recycling-oriented society. A composite material consisting of an inorganic filler containing more than 50% inorganic eggshells, which is calcium carbonate, with added reinforcement material. Paint can be used to reproduce ceramic-like texture and weight, and unlike ceramics, it is lightweight and resistant to breakage. It is possible to produce tableware of various shapes, sizes and colours, including original products.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionMore than half of the main ingredient is made up of eggshells, with the equivalent of one eggshell used for every 15g of Shellmine product. This is an environmentally friendly recycled product that reuses eggshells that would otherwise be discharged.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Recycling
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesThis eggshell tableware has been on sale since October 1991 and has been sold about 3,000 units.

Overseas business record30 each of 20 items were sold to one EU country for online sales.

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe are a 'Fukui SDGs Partner' participating in 'Fukui Prefecture SDGs Partnership Conference', where Fukui Prefecture works together to create sustainable communities and societies, and we work with various local organizations and governments to promote sustainable community development and actively address environmental issues. We also participate in the Sabae SDGs Glocal Club.
<Key points of the challenge>
- Proposal for a new environmentally friendly material (eggshells) for vessels for the future of the planet.
- Creating a healthy, orderly workplace in which employees can fully demonstrate their abilities.

Company profileFUKUI CRAFT CO., Ltd.
24-23 Tonokuchi, Sabae, Fukui 9161198, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:60
Capital(JPY): 20,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Traditional Crafts

A relaxing tool that delivers heartfelt relaxation and a smile

Takaoka Futon Co., Ltd

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / service"Kangu" [relaxation products] such as futons and zabutons crafted by craftsmen

Features of products and servicesMaking use of the techniques for making futons and zabutons that have been passed down since our founding in 1919, our craftsmen make their own handmade products at their workshop in Gojo, Kyoto. Using materials from Japan and around the world, we bring people a sense of relaxation and smile through “kangu” (futons and zabutons for relaxation), using the craftsmanship and planning power to think through the comfort of the users. While taking advantage of the advantages of traditional futons and zabutons, we can offer new proposals that are close to modern lifestyles and customers.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionTailor-made, artisan-made kangu in any color, pattern or shape you like make them special for you. Because the craftsmen carefully tailor the products with the user in mind, they can be used comfortably over the years. As after-sales maintenance, we also accept re-tailoring, and have long-lasting customers who use their favorite kangu. Based on a made-to-order basis, we strive to make things lean.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Long lifespan
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesDaimaru Matsuzakaya Department Store Co., Ltd.; Isetan Mitsukoshi Co., Ltd.; Sumitomo Realty & Development Co., Ltd.; Hoshino Resort Co., Ltd., Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.

Overseas business recordThe Tatami Shop Pte Ltd

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa, Other
【Priority countries and territories】
China, Singapore, Indonesia, United Kingdom, France, Germany, USA, Canada, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Australia

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Trademark Registration No. 4791877 Rakuchu Takaokaya
Trademark Registration No. 4572826 Senbei
Trademark Registration No. 5025557 Ojami And so on.
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
NHK "Asaichi", NHK WORLD-JAPAN "Core Kyoto" and others

Selection for programs, etc.Vibrant HABATAKU Small and Medium Enterprises 300 Program

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe manufacture custom-made and made to order products. We continue to make our products with the utmost care and attention to detail by our craftsmen, keeping waste to a minimum. Our products are also available for re-tailoring, such as changing the padding, in order to ensure future use.

Company profileTakaoka Futon Co., Ltd
242, Kintoyoko-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 600-8331, Japan
Industry/Business field:Textile Industry
Number of employees:29
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): 300,000,000

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Traditional Crafts

Kyoto Japanese umbrellas and design lighting that have inherited traditional techniques


Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceWAGASA(Japanese Umbrella)・Pendant Light[KOTORI]

Features of products and servicesBased on the philosophy that tradition is a series of innovations, we are developing products centered on Japanese umbrellas and interior lighting. While valuing the traditional craftsmanship that has been passed down from long ago, we have also incorporated designs and functions that match modern sensibilities, and are offering Japanese umbrellas and lighting in new forms. We have created products that meet the needs of our customers through our unique selection of materials and customization that no other company can offer. While preserving tradition, we continue to innovate, and continue to create new appeal in Japanese culture.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionOur products and services contribute to the SDGs and ethical consumption. The manufacture of Japanese umbrellas and lighting using traditional craftsmanship contributes to the revitalization of local economies and the preservation of traditional culture. In addition, the use of environmentally friendly materials contributes to the protection of natural resources. Furthermore, by repairing and reusing Japanese umbrellas and other items, we are encouraging a review of the disposable culture that is a problem in our mass consumption society, and promoting sustainable consumption behavior.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Recycling
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesNone

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesParis, Singapore, New York

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
CE mark certification for lighting fixtures
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Japanese Unexamined Patent Application 2008-53037 Japanese umbrella structure lighting fixture
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
2011: MOTO was awarded at the Kansai Design Selection (by METI Kansai); 2011: KASAAN was selected as JCD Product of the Year (by Japanese Society of Commercial Space Designers (now: JCD)); 2008: KOTORI was selected for FORM# AUSGEZEICHNET PRODUKTE (Award of Excellence); 2011: MOTO was selected for iF Product design award, Industry Forum Design Hannover (iF), and many others
【Media coverage】
Kyoto Broadcasting System Company Limited, TV Tokyo Corporation, The Kyoto Shimbun, and many others

Selection for programs, etc.Companies Driving Regional Growth Selectee, Vibrant HABATAKU Small and Medium Enterprises 300 Program

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe are working towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the production of traditional Japanese umbrellas. We are promoting the revitalization of the local economy and the preservation of culture by supporting the inheritance of local artisan skills and using environmentally friendly materials. We are also involved in projects to develop human resources who can produce local companies and communities in rural areas. In addition, through the promotion of Japanese umbrellas, we aim to respect cultural diversity and realize a sustainable society.

Company profileHIYOSHIYA Co.,Ltd.
546, Dodo-cho, Teranouchidorihorikawahigashiiru, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 602-0072, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other manufacturing
Number of employees:10
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

A collaboration between fresh vegetables and highly absorbent towels.Color your life with gentle colors dyed with natural dyes.


Izumisano-city Osaka

Name of product / serviceSHIZUKU

Features of products and servicesFor bags and towels, we use discarded raw materials and ingredients such as vegetables, alcoholic beverages, and matcha made from nature's blessings to dye them, and we manufacture unique towels that combine inherited techniques with excellent water absorption. No bleach, optical brighteners, or fabric softeners. This product has a Dekabo score of 17% off, which visualizes the "reduction rate" of the equivalent amount of emitted CO2.

Recommendating organizationOsaka shinkin bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionBased on the idea of "mottainai" (too good to waste), we extracted colors from natural materials that have finished their purpose, such as those in bad shape, and created towels with the strong yet gentle colors of vegetables. "SHIZUKU" not only introduces raw materials, but also introduces vegetable producers, and uses QR codes to provide purchasing guidance for vegetables of interest. We not only make towels, but also make products that convey the cotton, feelings of farmers, and the region.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Upcycling
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companies FELISSIMO CORPORATION, Hakuhodo Inc. (Earth hacks & Co.,Ltd.), Hotel Nikko, Kansai International Airport Terminal 1 Building, "Kansai Tabi Nikki" Terminal 2 Building, Applause

Overseas business record(Countries: Australia, Taiwan, Germany, America, Hong Kong, England, Singapore) Specialty store

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesEnsure sustainable consumption and production patterns. We dye our products using leftovers such as poorly shaped vegetables and alcoholic beverages. We introduce production areas, specialty vegetables, and producers, and use the QR code inside the towel to introduce producers and vegetable purchasing sites, creating circular purchasing opportunities. We are working to grow cotton and make cotton yarn in local communities and schools.

Company profileFUKUROYA TOWEL &Co.,Ltd.
3-37 Asahicho, Izumisano-city Osaka 598-0052, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Towel manufacturing
Number of employees:9
Capital(JPY): 1,700,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Outdoor/Interior Products

Proposal for new handling of rush products that meet the needs of SDGs consumers in the United States and other countries


Kurashiki-city Okayama

Name of product / serviceNatural rush grass products

Features of products and servicesFunctions of rush:
① Natural aromatic ingredient = phytoncide aromatic ingredient, healing effect
② Color psychological effect: The gentle green color of rush calms excitement. Easy on the eyes. Stress relieving effect
③ Natural air conditioning = cool in the summer and warm in the winter
④ Antibacterial properties of rushes = antibacterial properties are 5.5 times that of cotton cloth
⑤ Adsorption of harmful substances = adsorption of formaldehyde and nitrogen dioxide
⑥ Deodorizing effect = ammonia odor in the room Absorbs sweat and animal odors
⑦Sound absorption effect = gently absorbs shock and sound and suppresses noise

Recommendating organizationMizushima Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe raw materials "rice straw" and "rush" are plants that are produced every year in paddy fields. There is almost no environmental impact due to the manufacturing method, and it has the air purifying effect unique to natural materials. The basic material, tatami flooring, is made from pesticide-free rice straw and is a product certified by the Japan Environmental Association's Eco Mark. The traditional method of sewing with thread allows you to repair damaged tatami covers and edges while leaving the tatami floor intact. By using quality products for a long time, you can contribute to economy and waste reduction.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Long lifespan
  • Energy-saving
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional heritage products
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companiesRetail, trading companies, wholesale, preschools (kindergartens, nursery schools)

Overseas business recordFrance, Thailand, Taiwan, China

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives■In order to create an environment where children can live with smiles, Oshimaya will work on the following nine items as SDGs goals.
What Oshimaya can do.
First, start with the small things that are familiar to you one by one.
■We contribute to a sustainable future through manufacturing.
Both customers and employees. Providing healthy living for people connected to Oshimaya.
■Utilizing traditional techniques in modern times, we are working toward carbon neutrality and building a circular recycling system between production and consumption, and connecting it to the future.
■We will pass on the ecosystem and resources to our children.
Efficiently conduct production and operations, promote power saving and paperless operations.
We will strive to reduce energy usage.
We believe that the spread of rushes around the world will lead to the expansion of rice paddies and greening.
■Providing health and peace of mind for working people. We will create a diverse work environment.
We will create an equal work environment regardless of disability, nationality, or gender, so that you can take care of your time and your family.
We pursue the happiness of everyone involved with Oshimaya.

Company profileOSHIMAYA Co.,Ltd.
852 Nishiachi-cho, Kurashiki-city Okayama 710-0807, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:27
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

A project to inherit Japanese beauty through used kimono and obi.

Peak Co.,Ltd


Name of product / serviceUpcycle kimono and obi, clutch & chain bag, Azuma bag

Features of products and servicesWe use gorgeous kimonos and obi that were used on special occasions in the Showa era. It consists of rare textiles collected from all over the country, including auspicious floral and bird patterns, gold thread, embroidery, and Nishijin-ori. Due to the high cost of raw materials, it could only be realized through remakes. Handmade by bag craftsmen in Toyooka City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan's largest bag production area.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionBrightly colored and gorgeous kimonos are originally something that can be passed down from generation to generation, but in modern times, with the declining birthrate, it has become very difficult to do so. Rather than throw away the traditional Japanese costume, the kimono, we upcycle it, change its shape, pass it on to more people around the world, and provide something that energizes their daily lives, and contribute ethically.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Upcycling

Business record with domestic companiesPermanent stores: THE COVER NIPPON Imperial Hotel store, KIMONO QUEEN ANA InterContinental Hotel Tokyo store and Roppongi Hills store.
Limited time shops: Hanshin Umeda Main Store, Odakyu Department Store Shinjuku Store, JR Nagoya Takashimaya Store, Keio Department Store Shinjuku Store, etc.

Overseas business recordHong Kong, China, Singapore, Malaysia

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe upcycle used kimonos and obi.

Company profilePeak Co.,Ltd
1313 The Harumi Residence, 5-1-17 Harumi, Chuo-ku,Tokyo 104-0053, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Retail of textile, clothing, etc.
Number of employees:-
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

Environmentally friendly eco-silk made from secondary silk thread

YUITO Co., Ltd

Ooharu, Amagun, Aichi

Name of product / serviceECO SILK MELANGE 5TOE SOCKS

Features of products and servicesThe unevenness of the fibers gives it a different look than silk, which is uniform and glossy, giving it a casual and interesting feel. It has excellent moisture absorption and heat retention properties, and the more you wash it, the more fluffy and soft it becomes. We recommend it as an everyday-use silk that can be used in a variety of situations.

Recommendating organizationSeto Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe product is upcycled by using Neusilk(Ecosilk), a short fiber made from recycled byproducts such as damaged cocoons. Because our concept is to reduce the impact on the earth as much as possible, we also use paper containing non-wood pulp made from bamboo, vegetable ink, and FSC® certified paper.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Upcycling
  • Environmentally-certified products
  • Attention to harmful substances

Business record with domestic companiesJR Takashimaya in Nagoya(managed by JR Tokai Takashimaya Co.,Ltd.), minne, Creema

Overseas business recordSingapore, Taiwan, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Greece

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesOur company supports SDGs and is actively working on them.
Specific initiatives includes:
① Use of NeuSilk (eco silk),
②Paper made from non-wood pulp blended with bamboo,
③ Use of vegetable ink,
④Efforts to eliminate plastic materials,
⑤ Green Action (activities to increase greenery),
⑥ Use of paper certified under the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC® )forest certification system, and
⑦ Use of bags made from certified biomass material (rice bran) and reusable materials for wrapping.

Company profileYUITO Co., Ltd
198-2 Sanbongi Yakata, Ooharu, Amagun, Aichi 4901142, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Planning, manufacturing and sales of knit products
Number of employees:3
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

hand made in Nara, Japan


Kitakatsuragigun, Nara

Name of product / serviceJapanese Traditional Sandals SETTA

Features of products and servicesOriginally, "Setta(leather-soled sandals)", a traditional Japanese craft, had no concept of left or right. Using our unique idea of shifting the thong, we introduce the concept of left and right, creating a product that incorporates the essence of modernity and conbines comfort and design. It is a completely original product, and we are committed to "planning, developing, and manufacturing it in Nara Prefecture, Japan".

Recommendating organizationNARA CHUO SHINKIN BANK, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe collaborate within the region by selling products from local industries, and we contribute to the local community by passing on local traditions and creating jobs. We contribute ethically through these activities and their spread effect. In addition, it is ethical fashion that uses eco-friendly natural materials such as hemp and rush as much as possible, and contributes ethically through consideration for the environment.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companies Mizuno Corporation, Hoshino Resorts Inc., Mori Trust Hotels & Resorts Co.,Ltd.

Overseas business recordFrance, United States, Canada, China, Taiwan, Malaysia

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesProviding a comfortable work environment tailored to employees' life stage
Product development using leather as a discarded material
Reduce paper use by digitizing stored documents
Product planning and development using natural and eco-friendly materials

Company profileSAKAGAWA INC.
3439-16 Kanmaki, Kanmaki-cho, Kitakatsuragigun, Nara 639-0214, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Wholesaler
Number of employees:11
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

A bag is born from kitchen trash!


Adachi-ku, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceMILK CARTON BAG

Features of products and servicesMilk carton that would be thrown away as kitchen garbage are upcycled and designed to:
1)Reduce waste, 2)Contribute to continuing employment for people with disabilities, 3)Make maximum use of waste materials, 4)Collaborate with local products, 5)Ethical products with consumer participation

Recommendating organizationThe Tokyo Higashi Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionUntil "MILK CARTON BAG" is created, we involve consumers and create jobs and products using only waste materials in the supply chain from 1 to 5 below.
1)Garbage from consumers ⇒2)Collection (reducing garbage)⇒3)Social welfare corporation continued employment A/B type work request ⇒4)Design and production of products with bag factory technology ⇒5)Buyer ⇒6)Retail store sales ⇒1)Consumer

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business recordSingapore "Supermama" museum shop at National Museum of Singapore
* The bag has received high praise for its design at the musemu shop.

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesThe company's original products include "earth-friendly bags" made of Japanese paper "Washi". This bag is a paper cloth bag made from cloth woven from Japanese paper "Washi" thread. In order to create ethical products, we develop and sell durable, washable, and long-lasting paper products made of perennial plants that contribute to CO2 emissions reduction.
And for this time, we took on a new challenge to update new product using waste materials. We created 3R tote bags and sacoche made from used milk cartons that look like tanned leather. During processing process, kitchen waste is transformed into new materials and recycled without using new resources. The use of milk cartons also maintains the waterproof function of the product.

Company profileMANYSIDE C
1F 23rd Arai Building, 4-27-8, Minamihanahata, Adachi-ku, Tokyo 1210062, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacture and sales of bags, cases, etc.
Number of employees:2
Capital(JPY): 3,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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SLD steel satin-finished Sanjo kitchen knife with an unevenly shaped Naguri carved handle

Yamatani Industry Co.,Ltd

Sanjo-shi Niigata

Name of product / serviceTADAFUSA×KANEKO×MURANOKAJIYA Naguri kitchen knife

Features of products and servicesThis knife has a handle with Naguri carving, a type of decorative carving used in Japanese architecture since olden times. The uneven carvings fit your fingers so your grip won’t slip. The satin treatment on the blade surface uses SLD steel, which prevents ingredients from sticking to it and makes the blade extremely sharp and rust resistant. We have brought together local techniques to create a sophisticated knife that allows you to experience the craftsmanship of the artisans.

Recommendating organizationSanjo Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionIt was developed in cooperation with Tadafusa, a kitchen knife workshop in the traditional knife production region of Sanjo City and Kaneko Sougyo, a woodworking company. The blades, handles, and outer boxes are all manufactured in Sanjo City. We are also working to contribute to the local community by manufacturing and selling within 10 km of the city. By shortening the transportation distance, we reduced the environmental impact and realized an environmentally friendly manufacturing process.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesIndividual

Overseas business record Japanese Knife Company (London, UK), BEP XINH (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe are contributing to the development of sustainable economic activities by collaborating with local companies that have metalworking technologies to develop and manufacture products, incorporating local features and appeal into products. In our ongoing partnership with welfare facilities, we have commissioned the packing and modification of our core product forged pegs, and for each peg sold, we donate one yen to Sanjo City.

Company profileYamatani Industry Co.,Ltd
2-2-57 Kitanyugura, Sanjo-shi Niigata 9550053, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Wholesale and retail
Number of employees:17
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Harmony of natural beauty and sharpness that elevate ingredients makes for the ultimate knife for cuisine


Sanjo-shi Niigata


Features of products and servicesThese kitchen knives are made by two craftsmen who have continued traditions and techniques for many years in Tsubame Sanjo. We deliver to the world unique knives, “Houzan Tomoe”, which combines a sharp blade made by Hinoura Hamono Koubou that can cut without any effort and a handle made by Wasabi Japan Co., Ltd. that is fused with resin one by one while watching the grain of each olive tree.

Recommendating organizationSanjo Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionBased on the concept of fusing natural beauty with traditional techniques, these knives are one-of-a-kind masterpieces created by a blade maker with a century of history and a handle craftsman that continues to create traditional Japanese culture. These knives inherit the Japanese tradition of “resharpening knives,” born from the Japanese culture of “valuing objects,” and unlike mass-produced knives that are replaced when they rust or become old, these are knives that you can use for a lifetime.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Long lifespan
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companiesAll individuals.

Overseas business recordAll individuals.

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesTo eliminate the distinction between male and female employees in terms of salary and work duties, we have introduced a personnel evaluation system based on employee equality. We are always thinking, acting and executing to ensure that all employees are motivated to work in their daily duties. This contributes to achieving the SDGs goals of “gender equality,” “decent work and economic growth,” and "reduced inequalities."

Company profileKANAI SANGYO Co. Ltd
1-23-36 Tsukioka, Sanjo-shi Niigata 9550803, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Wholesale of hardware and tools
Number of employees:25
Capital(JPY): 20,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Outdoor/Interior Products

From used PET bottles to Glasses


Sabae-city, Fukui

Name of product / serviceGlasses frames made from recycled PET bottles

Features of products and servicesWe were the first in Japan to develop eyeglass frames with lightweight and practical strength by recycling PET bottles. We collect PET bottles trashed in homes and on beaches, crush and clean and create frames using our unique technology. You can choose lenses made from biodegradable bioplastics. We have a track record of winning the Japan Glasses Award 2021 and the Marine Garbage Zero Award.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionRecycling discarded PET bottles into new products will help reduce waste. We have also uniquely developed frames using biomass plastic that decomposes in the soil and sea. We will work to commercialize products that take advantage of these technologies and promote environmentally friendly manufacturing.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Environmentally-certified products
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesTOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION, ZOFF, Sanyo Shokai., LTD., AEON Co.,Ltd., ALPEN Co.,Ltd., CO/OP, 120,000 pieces/year

Overseas business recordUS, China, South Korea, UK

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWhile we hope that plastic is a useful tool for humanity, environmental pollution caused by plastic has become serious in recent years. Our answer is ultra-durable plastics, recycled plastics, and plant-based plastics. We aim to become a top runner in these technologies and strive to make use of them to make products. We aim to "create a prosperous society through plastics," which has been our goal since our founding.

Company profileUCHIDA PLASTIC
3-11 Kawada, Sabae-city, Fukui 9161222, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:20
Capital(JPY): 3,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Fukushima Komori Coloring pencils


Iwaki-city Fukushimai

Name of product / serviceFukushima Komori Coloring pencils

Features of products and services`Fukushima Komori Coloring Pencils'' are extremely rare purely domestic colored pencils, with both the shaft material and colored core made in Japan. This product took three and a half years to develop in a workshop utilizing a closed school in Iwaki, and was selected as one of the "Good Design Award 2023 Best 100". Please enjoy the scent of cypress that wafts every time you shave it.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThese purely domestically produced colored pencils made through integrated manufacturing from Hinoki thinned logs and the use of precious domestically produced colored cores, have an extremely low environmental impact in terms of carbon footprint. In addition, we are working to reduce our environmental impact thoroughly by not producing any garbage from the logs we purchase, and by not using any petroleum to dry the wood, contributing to our ethical efforts.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Environmentally-certified products
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesIt is on sale at bookstores in Iwaki City. We also have a track record of delivering them as souvenirs to local governments.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives・All of the cedar and cypress used as materials are thinned wood produced from the surrounding mountain forests (mainly in Tabito-machi, Iwaki City), with the aim of restoring a sustainable forestry industry.
・We manufacture everything from logs to final products including designs, add value, and sell directly.
・We are working hard to reduce our environmental impact by not producing any garbage from the logs we purchase, and by not using any petroleum to dry the wood.

Company profileIwaki-Takahashi,Inc
95-1 Aza Tsubonouchi, Minamiodaira, Tabito-machi, Iwaki-city Fukushima 974-0153, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacture of other wooden products
Number of employees:6
Capital(JPY): 22,400,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

"Rice Resin®" is a domestically produced biomass plastic derived from rice (non-edible).

YSC Co.,Ltd

Adachi-ku, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceRice Resin® goods

Features of products and servicesOur products utilize Rice Resin®, a biomass plastic. We use new technology to upcycle rice that would otherwise be discarded, such as old rice that is not edible or crushed rice produced by rice cracker manufacturers, etc., without being processed as feed.

Recommendating organizationThe Johnan Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionRice Resin® is a natural rice material that helps save oil resources, contributing to ethical consumption, SDGs goals, and sustainable circular innovation. In addition, the "Rice Ballpoint Pen" has received the "Biomass Mark Certification" from the Japan Organic Resources Association, which certifies it as an environmental product that utilizes plant-derived resources and complies with quality and related laws and regulations.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Environmentally-certified products
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesCompanies and organizations nationwide

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe are developing novelty products that are environmentally friendly. Specifically, we use rice resin®. Rice Resin® is Japan's first biomass plastic made from rice (non-edible). Using our unique technology, we upcycle rice that would otherwise be discarded without being used as feed, such as old rice or crushed rice that is not suitable for human consumption, into plastic. This biomass plastic has the same durability and heat resistance as general petroleum plastic resin, as well as high processing ability that allows it to be used in a wide range of moldings, and has great potential to reduce CO2 emissions as an alternative to plastic.

Company profileYSC Co.,Ltd
2-35-7 Kohoku, Adachi-ku, Tokyo 123-0872, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Planning and manufacturing of novelty goods
Number of employees:4
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

“Takenokami” is a gift from the bamboo god.


Nagoya-city Aichi

Name of product / serviceBamboo Paper Paste Bamboo Fan

Features of products and servicesSince ancient times, Japan has had a culture of using bamboo in daily life. Moreover, bamboo is an excellent sustainable resource that can be harvested in just three years. A modern technology has been developed to turn bamboo into paper. It's bamboo paper. The product using this bamboo paper is "Take no kami" bamboo fan. We will appeal to inbound customers with the Japanese pattern design and bamboo paper atmosphere.

Recommendating organizationSeto Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionBamboo is an excellent sustainable resource that can be harvested in three years. However, in modern society, there are fewer opportunities to use bamboo, and the current situation is that bamboo groves are becoming desolate. Also, if bamboo is not cut down, it will erode neighboring forests, and eventually the entire forest will become a bamboo thicket. Therefore, cutting down bamboo and making effective use of it is a very beneficial activity from the perspective of forest protection, and this product contributes ethically through this activity.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products

Business record with domestic companiesTOKYU HANDS INC.(Nagoya)、Souvenir shop in Osu shopping street、Seki Hamono Museum

Overseas business recordEuro Japan Crossing(France)

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesTrees require 30 years to be harvested, but bamboo is a resource that can be harvested in just 3 years. It can be expected to absorb carbon dioxide during the growth process, and it reproduces quickly, making it very useful as a resource. In the bamboo market, we are planning and developing new types of bamboo products that utilize this bamboo, such as "bamboo paper","bamboo fiber",and "bamboo laminated wood".

Company profileTAKE-ICHIBA CO.,LTD.
277 Utasato-cho, Nishi-ku, Nagoya-city Aichi 452-0807, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Wholesale and retail sales of bamboo materials and bamboo products
Number of employees:5
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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This is a kit to make eco-wrap that can be washed and used repeatedly.


Kyoto-city, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceTakeda Senzo Shoten beeswax wrap kit

Features of products and servicesOur beeswax wrap is a food preservation wrap made by coating cotton cloth with wax secreted by honeybees when they build their hives.Beeswax is said to have natural antibacterial and moisturizing effects. It can also be washed and reused.The kit includes a 30cm square of cloth with an original Kyoto-style pattern and 50g (enough for two 30cm squares of cloth) of beeswax. It is a fun way to be environmentally friendly.

Recommendating organizationTHE KYOTO SHINKIN BANK, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionBeeswax wrap can be used as a film wrap for food storage and washed and reused repeatedly. By reducing the amount of plastic film wrap used, it can contribute to reducing CO2 emissions. Additionally, beeswax wrap can preserve and keep foods delicious and fresh, it is an ethical product that also contributes to reducing food loss.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companiesHankyu Department Store, Nishimiya Hankyu Department Store, Kyoto Furusato Nozei Gift Item

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe have launched our own brand "TAKEDA SENZO Shoten" in 2022 and are developing environmentally friendly products (Beeswax Wrap kit), and are planning and developing traditional crafts that fit modern lifestyles. Through the sale of beeswax wrap kits, we are promoting the "plastic -free", and working to reduce food loss. Selling traditional crafts that fit modern lifestyles contributes to the passing on of traditional craft techniques.

Company profileTAKEDA Co.,Ltd.
5-147 Hommachishin, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-city, Kyoto 605-0989 JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Wholesaler
Number of employees:1
Capital(JPY): 20,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

SHAQUDA, a brush brand backed by traditional techniques

Mizuho Brush Co., Ltd.

Aki-gun, Hiroshima

Name of product / serviceSHAQUDA, a brush brand backed by traditional techniques

Features of products and servicesSHAQUDA is a brush brand that combines the traditional techniques of brushes from Kumano, one of the best brush villages in Japan, with sophisticated designs since the end of the Edo period.The specially crafted tips, handcrafted by artisans who have inherited traditional techniques from the Edo period, and the simple design that is kind to people and the environment, make the user's movements beautiful, feel good on the skin, and enrich the scenery that reflects in their mind.

Recommendating organizationKure Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe will promote the coexistence, succession and development of the Kumano brush industry, a traditional craft of Hiroshima Prefecture, which has a history of over 180 years. Inheriting the superior traditional techniques and artisanal spirit of Kumano brushes, we develop and provide superior quality makeup brushes to the market.By providing make-up brushes, we decorate and color the minds and lives of people around the world, contribute to society, and strive for the physical and mental happiness and growth of our employees.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Long lifespan
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesIsetan Mitsukoshi Co., Ltd.; Hankyu Hanshin Department Store, Inc.; Daimaru Matsuzakaya

Overseas business record18 countries, including Europe, the United States, and China

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesIn FY2024, we will start formulating concrete measures assuming the following items:
3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation
17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Company profileMizuho Brush Co., Ltd.
2-7-35, Hagiwara, Kumano-cho, Aki-gun, Hiroshima Japan
Industry/Business field:Other manufacturing
Number of employees:25
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Antibacterial and deodorizing with the power of platinum

Nishisenkoh Co., Ltd.

Imabari-city Ehime

Name of product / serviceThe Odorless Towel

Features of products and services"The Odorless Towel" suppresses the growth of odor-causing bacteria by attaching platinum nanoparticles to the fibers. Prevents unpleasant odors such as unused odors and half-dried odors after use. It has been confirmed that this effect persists even after washing. Platinum is harmless to the human body even if it gets into the mouth, so it can be used safely even in homes with small children.

Recommendating organizationEHIME-SHINKINBANK, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionOdorless towels are thin and light, making them less bulky and more convenient to carry than traditional towels. It also dries quickly even if you hang it indoors. When washing, the amount of water and detergent used can be reduced by 50%, and drying time can be reduced by 40% since it dries quickly. This towel requires less resources and time, and is an ethical product that uses only natural fibers.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Energy-saving

Business record with domestic companiesEC, wholesale, direct store sales

Overseas business recordFrance

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesNishisenkoh strives to conserve the natural environment through energy measures and other measures through the development of dyeing technology and products for a sustainable world, thoroughly prevents harassment regardless of gender or nationality, and provides rewarding work through support for childbirth, childcare, and caregivers. In order to create a sustainable environment and actively incorporate the SDGs as a goal of our activities, we will coexist with local industry and society and actively address the issues indicated by the SDGs in order to achieve sustainable development.Our company can produce dyeing, weaving, sewing, and finishing in an integrated production system, and also supports OEM. Additionally, as we are an internationally certified OCS (Organic Content Standard) certified factory, we are also able to handle organic cotton.

Company profileNishisenkoh Co., Ltd.
4-5-1 Minamidaimon-cho, Imabari-city Ehime 794-0027, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Textile industry (excluding garments and other textiles)
Number of employees:60
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Outdoor/Interior Products

Bringing traditional manufacturing methods to the present day - Real tatami mats -

Waraku Co., Ltd.

Ishinomaki-city Miyagi

Name of product / serviceWaraku Tatami®

Features of products and servicesRice straw tatami, which has a history of 1,000 years, has been recognized for its excellent functionality centered on insulation, elasticity, and durability. Our "Waraku Tatami" is a rice straw tatami that has been improved using our unique technology so that it can be used as a tatami on the floor. While maintaining the same functionality, we have made it half the thickness and reduced the weight to 7.5 kg to make it easier to move and store. In an age of overflowing chemical materials, you can experience a natural space within your home.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe raw materials "rice straw" and "rush" are plants that are produced every year in paddy fields. There is almost no environmental impact due to the manufacturing method, and it has the air purifying effect unique to natural materials. The basic material, tatami flooring, is made from pesticide-free rice straw and is a product certified by the Japan Environmental Association's Eco Mark. The traditional method of sewing with thread allows you to repair damaged tatami covers and edges while leaving the tatami floor intact. By using quality products for a long time, you can contribute to economy and waste reduction.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesCrowdfunding (makuake) was launched from December 2021 to January 2022, and achieved 341% of the set target amount.Since then, it has been sold to individuals.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesOur company was established as a tatami store in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture in 1889. Since then, we have been supported by the local community for 135 years, with the company business creed of "making tatami mats that are good for health and the environment". Tatami, created by the wisdom of the Japanese people 1,000 years ago, is a combination of rice straw tatami flooring and rush tatami facing, sewn together with thread, and has grown together with traditional Japanese culture to this day. We are proud that all of our products make use of natural materials harvested every year and meet typical SDG initiatives. We have recently developed "Waraku TatamiⓇ", the lightest rice straw tatami. We would like you to experience the unique feel and warmth of original tatami.

Company profileWaraku Co., Ltd.
237-6 Sue Kawarayama, Ishinomaki-city Miyagi 987-1221, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Tatami material manufacturing industry, Tatami/Fusuma/Shoji reupholstery business
Number of employees:14
Capital(JPY): 27,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

"Non-disposable sticky notes" that can be used repeatedly and used semi-permanently.


Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo

Name of product / servicewemo Pad type ver.2

Features of products and services"Non-disposable sticky notes" that can be used to take notes repeatedly. Made of silicone with a unique coating, you can write on it with a permanent ballpoint pen and erase it with an eraser or your finger. The back has an adsorption sheet that can be easily pasted and removed over and over again. It will not bend or tear like paper sticky notes.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionMade of silicone with a unique coating, "Non-disposable sticky notes" can be written on with an oil-based ballpoint pen and erased with an eraser or your fingers, allowing you to take notes repeatedly. The back side is an adsorption sheet that can be pasted and removed many times. It will not bend or tear like paper sticky notes. By making products usable over and over again, we contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Long lifespan

Business record with domestic companiesHands, Loft, and other stationery stores

Overseas business recordStationery stores (Countries: France, Taiwan, Hong Kong, America)

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesOur company aims to become "Non-disposable'' and is working towards the realization of a sustainable society by utilizing our technological capabilities to make various items that were previously thrown away as a matter of course reusable over and over again. We are working on various activities aimed at realizing a sustainable society.

Company profileCOSMOTEC CO.,LTD
5-5-35, Nishiki-cho, Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo 190-0022, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:42
Capital(JPY): 60,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Kannawa weaving and hot spring dyeing cushion "Yuami"

Re-Born LLC

Beppu-shi, Oita

Name of product / serviceYUAMI

Features of products and servicesFabric made from scraps is dyed with dye made by steaming strawberry leaves and kabosu branches using the Jigokumushi method of Kannawa Onsen in the hot spring resort of Beppu and extracted using the hot spring dyeing technique, to create a unique warm color. Each piece of this fabric is carefully woven using traditional techniques taught by craftsmen to produce one-of-a-kind cushion coasters and other products, which are sold under the Yuami brand.

Recommendating organizationThe Oita Mirai Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe fabric used in this product is made from scraps received from a nearby furniture manufacturer and is very pleasant to the touch. Factoring in the manufacturing process and the fact that we are an employment support facility, all of our business embodies the SDGs and ethical behavior. In addition to making the most of "unused resources," we contribute to the effective use of local resources and the succession of traditions and skills.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Upcycling
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe have a multifunctional office that operates Type A and Type B employment continuity support with the aim of realizing a society in which everyone, disabled and non-disabled, can shine as their own person, based on the community as a foundation for welfare practice. In addition to growing strawberries, our company manufactures and sells processed foods from nonstandard fruits produced in Oita Prefecture in order to make the most of “unused resources” in society. The goal is to make use of the labor force from Employment Continuity Support and the "traditional skills" passed down in Beppu's Kannawa Onsen hot springs.

Company profileRe-Born LLC
228-1, Furo-no-Moto, Kannawa, Beppu-shi, Oita 8740044, Japan
Industry/Business field:Welfare Services for Persons with Disabilities (Employment Continuity Support Types A and B)
Number of employees:38
Capital(JPY): -
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

Lighting that can be made to freely change sustainable design


Sunto-gun, Shizuoka

Name of product / serviceGLIM BLACK

Features of products and servicesThis is an andon type lighting that makes it possible to change the design, which was impossible with conventional products. Panels can be changed to suit the season and emotions. We offer designs that are optimal for Japanese-style rooms, as well as Western-style rooms and Western-style spaces, making it a product that you can enjoy semi-permanently while choosing a wide variety of designs.

Recommendating organizationThe Numazu Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionOur products are made exclusively from recyclable materials such as paper and PET. In addition, the use of energy-efficient LEDs reduces power consumption. It is possible to change it into various designs by replacing the panels. You can enjoy it semi-permanently because you never get bored. This product will lead to upcycling in the unlikely event that it is not needed.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Upcycling
  • Energy-saving
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe have stopped use of plastic by using panels that are made of vulcanized fiber, a cellulose nanofiber material made from paper. It is lightweight, stronger than paper, has good workability for cutting and bending, pressing, and machining, and has heat resistance and insulation. We create environmentally friendly products by using bulb-type LEDs made of PET materials. We use iron for the frames to create recyclable products.

Company profileUPPER'Z
Suda apartment 102, 192-1 Shinshuku, Shimizu-cho, Sunto-gun, Shizuoka 4110901, Japan
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:1
Capital(JPY): -
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

New habits for living with cats

Wataoka Co.,Ltd

Kure-shi, Hiroshima

Name of product / serviceNekojasuri

Features of products and servicesNekojasuri is a product that is expected to enhance communication between you and your cat, as if you were grooming each other. Please stroke your cat gently so that it is mesmerized by your touch. The secret behind mesmerizing your cat is that the sanding surface is rough and finely processed, like a cat's tongue. It can be washed with water to keep it clean.

Recommendating organizationKure Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThis product reproduces the roughness of a cat's tongue by utilizing the tool-making techniques inherited by Wataoka, a sanding manufacturer with over 130 years of history. Nekojasuri is long-lasting, not consumable, and from a broader view, we aim for a 'lifestyle that is kind to cats, people, communities and the environment.' We also campaign to donate a portion of the proceeds to conservation cat activities.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Long lifespan
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesThe most important thing when making products is that they are things that connect people, communities and the future. We are working to create products that are not disposable and ad hoc, but that can be used for a long time and that will make our lives and bodies healthier over time. We are also committed to preserving, passing on and reflecting ancient traditions to the present day.

Company profileWataoka Co.,Ltd
12-20, NigataNishigami-cho, Kure-shi, Hiroshima 7370145, Japan
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:7
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Outdoor/Interior Products

Diverse pet clothing that is incredibly resistant to water and dirt

surf shop USA

Tokushima-shi, Tokushima

Name of product / serviceNEAT

Features of products and servicesOur company manufactures and provides one-of-a-kind pet clothing by making it to order. Pet clothing items that can be worn according to the intended use for pets living like family members. In partnership with Suzuki Wet Suit K.K. of Shonan, we can provide clothing with the best quality for pets, as we make use of more than 30 years of wet suit production experience.

Recommendating organizationTokushima Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionCurrently, surplus materials from the wetsuit production process are discarded, but by reusing them as pet clothing, resource loss can be reduced and resources can be efficiently consumed, contributing to ethical consumption. Because we use discarded materials, we can provide at a lower cost than those for human use. Collecting material is also not a concern, as our representative has competed in national surfing competitions and can make use of his name recognition and contacts.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Energy-saving

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesビーチクリーンや、環境配慮型商品を取り扱うことで、人と環境にやさしい安心・安全な製品を提供しています。また、環境配慮型商品の利用を進めることで生物多様性と海の保全に取り組んでいます。オーダーメイドでの受注生産を進めることで、無駄な生産を行わず、アフターケアを含め製造工程におけるCO2の排出量削減に取り組んでいます。

Company profilesurf shop USA
2-1-27-2 Suehiro, Tokushima-shi, Tokushima 7700866, Japan
Industry/Business field:Retail
Number of employees:-
Capital(JPY): -
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

A new sanitary bag that adds "gentleness"

Sherpack Co.,Ltd.

Osaka-shi, Osaka

Name of product / serviceSherpack Sunny

Features of products and servicesUnlike conventional sanitary bags and sanitary boxes, the zipper prevents odors from leaking and makes the contents invisible. It is a "sanitary bag that is easy for all ages and genders to use." These sanitary bags are upcycled bags that would otherwise be thrown away even though they could still be used, such as bags and raw materials that are misaligned by a few millimeters, have small wrinkles, or do not meet the strict standards for food packaging materials and can no longer be used.

Recommendating organizationAmagasaki Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe upcycle the bags and raw materials that were supposed to be thrown away and use them to the end. It does not require a lot of energy because it keeps the original product intact. Sanitary bags are required regardless of age or gender. To help everyone live comfortably, the zipper prevents odors from escaping and the contents cannot be seen, so it can be carried safely, providing peace of mind to those who feel anxious about going out because they have no place to throw things away.This sanitary bag is "friendly" to both people and the planet.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Upcycling
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companiesIntroduced as a hotel amenity in the Kansai area

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesBags have come to have a negative image with plastics due to global warming, ocean pollution and other factors. However, bags are necessary to deliver safety and security to customers and live comfortably.We thought it was necessary to increase the value of bags in order to make a good life for everyone regardless of gender, age or culture through bags. We plan and sell environmentally friendly bags that are useful to people.

Company profileSherpack Co.,Ltd.
1-22-6 Kamikita, Hirano-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 5470001, Japan
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing wholesale
Number of employees:2
Capital(JPY): 5,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Outdoor/Interior Products

A comforter made from artificial feathers derived from recycled plastic bottles

Ishiken Co., Ltd.

Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima

Name of product / serviceEthicaldownrich Comforter

Features of products and servicesThis comforter is made from 100% recycled polyester special fiber cotton (AirFlake®), a manufacturing patent obtained in Japan and the United States. The filling material has a 3D extra-long fiber structure that maintains the structure of down, making it fluffy, light and warm, and reducing the amount of cotton breakage and dust generation during use. Designed to be easy to dismantle, fit and environmentally friendly without natural feathers. Washable and easy to dry, these products are friendly to people and the environment.

Recommendating organizationShimanami Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThis environmentally friendly product is made from 100% recycled polyester. With consideration for house dust and allergies, this product is feather-light and, combined with a smooth satin fabric, fluffy to the touch, providing a comfortable and clean sleep. With an easy-to-disassemble structure that also considers post-use recycling, these ethical products support a sustainable lifestyle.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesKurabo Industries Ltd., Texet Limited

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe use a make-to-order method because we want to deliver freshly made futons. Ethical Down Rich products made from artificial feathers AirFlake®, which do not damage the global environment and do not use too many resources, contribute to sustainable living by delivering good quality and comfortable sleep. In order to promote ethical consumption, we will promote the creation of value-added products from recycling to upcycling and the creation of products with structures that are easy to dismantle (recycle).

Company profileIshiken Co., Ltd.
244 Kamiyamamori, Ekiya-cho, Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima 7201142, Japan
Industry/Business field:Bedding manufacturing
Number of employees:9
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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One of a kind bowls without the same grain.


Odawara-shi, Kanagawa

Name of product / serviceMeiboku-Wan

Features of products and servicesThe tableware makes the table fun and delicious food even better. We manufacture tableware that utilizes the material of wood. Enjoy the unique texture of wood, which is handmade with precise techniques using high-quality wood from six types of Japanese hardwood (cherry, zelkova, beech, chestnut, walnut, and oak), resulting in no two pieces being the same.

Recommendating organizationTRIbank Sagami, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe can use it every day without any hesitation. These are the ethics we want to propose to our customers. The hardwood and hardwood forests we use don't need to be planted by humans, but are raised by squirrels.We feel comfortable every day using the ethical material of wood, and we are not nervous about the word “ethical”. And we hope you will feel it by using it every day instead of decorating.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Carbon neutrality
  • Upcycling
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesDepartment stores throughout Japan such as Sogo and Takashimaya

Overseas business recordKonmari

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesFor more than 20 years, we have been working hard to make our products under the slogan, "Without strain or waste, until it returns to the earth." The wood-shaping blade is made by the craftsman who uses it and his own hands (blade forging). Scrap wood is produced in the manufacturing process. The scrap wood is burned into charcoal and used for blade forging to shave wood. The ashes are then scattered in the fields and returned to the soil.

Company profileSONOBE SANGYO CO., LTD.
867-8 Kuwahara, Odawara-shi, Kanagawa 2500861, Japan
Industry/Business field:Wooden products manufacturing
Number of employees:10
Capital(JPY): 42,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

Vegan Brush with Kumano brush


Aki-gun, Hiroshima

Name of product / serviceLa Fuga del Gatto Make up Brush

Features of products and services"La Fuga del Gatto" is a Vegan brush made with 100% artificial bristles, based on Kumano brush technique. It feels as good as natural hair and is perfect for natural makeup. The synthetic fibers used on the ends of the brushes are extremely fine at 0.07mm, so they feel great on the skin. It also contains a mix of synthetic fibers derived from plants, giving it a texture that feels as if you are not even touching it.

Recommendating organizationKure Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionVegan Brush is a makeup brush made without animal hair. Nowadays, it has become more difficult to obtain animal hair as a material for Kumano brushes. In order to preserve the culture of Kumano brushes in perpetuity, Koyudo has made synthetic fibers similar to animal hair, resulting in a product that feels just as good to use. The packaging is made from bagasse pulp, which is made from sugarcane residue, and is a product that addresses the SDGs.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Upcycling
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe work to protect and promote production areas and use recycled materials. Aiming for an environmentally friendly, circular economy, we use plant-based artificial hair and upcycled materials for our brushes. We raise awareness of the environmental impact by using wood from thinning forests within the prefecture for the handles, and also conduct educational activities to spread the culture of Kumano brushes around the world by giving lectures to schools and companies.

Company profileKOYUDO CO.,LTD
6-6-28 Dekiniwa, Kumano-cho, Aki-gun, Hiroshima 7314221, Japan
Industry/Business field:Hair brush and makeup brush manufacturing
Number of employees:92
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

All materials used in the business notebooks are eco-friendly.

Toshin Printing Co., Ltd.

Osaka-shi, Osaka

Name of product / serviceSUMISU-

Features of products and servicesThis is a B5 size, 60 page notebook. The cover incorporates charred food waste, and the bag can be made into a clean space with ink functions such as deodorization and moisture control. It also has a unique texture and uneven pattern to create a luxurious feel. This paper is made with high-quality paper that produces virtually zero CO2 during production, and recycled ink to print this paper, so all materials used in this notebook are eco-friendly.

Recommendating organizationOsaka shinkin bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe use high-quality paper with virtually zero CO2 emissions thanks to carbon offsetting. In addition, it is possible to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 2.17 tons per ton by reusing the ink from the printer's dead stock. In addition, we upcycle plum seeds from industrial waste, adding deodorizing and moisture control effects and a luxurious feel. It is an ethical product that is environmentally and human friendly.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companiesCrowdfunding (Makuake) to sell.Adopted as an original university product.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe use paper made from discarded rice for our own business cards and use notebooks created in collaboration with four companies, including ours, to raise environmental awareness.In addition, we purchase environmentally friendly paper, ink, and other materials from various suppliers, and are working to achieve SDGs management. We also recommend that companies that are considering doing so use printed materials that use these raw materials.

Company profileToshin Printing Co., Ltd.
1-8-26, Oyodonaka, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 5310076, Japan
Industry/Business field:Printing industry
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Number of employees:3
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

The finest makeup brush that achieves a skin-like transparency

Hata Bunshindou

Kure-shi, Hiroshima

Name of product / serviceGinga [Galaxy] Red garnet color, Flat type

Features of products and servicesThese makeup brushes are carefully crafted by craftsmen, one by one, using techniques from Bunshindou. Made with the finest hair aged for more than 50 years, makeup brushes are coarse, contain more powder and have a better paste. The shafts are lacquered by Hiroshima lacquer artist Naoya Takayama, who has worked on gifts to G7 leaders, and designed by Hiroshima Good Design Award Grand Prix winner Heredia Komiyama. It is a regional collaboration product created all in Hiroshima.

Recommendating organizationKure Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionProduced by companies and people based in Hiroshima. The raw materials used are all natural materials, including Japanese cherry trees, hair and lacquer. We use hair that is a byproduct of meat and is more than half a century old, so it has not claimed new lives. These products are not mechanized or mass-produced, but are made entirely by hand by craftsmen, and have a long service life that has been tested for over 10 years.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Long lifespan
  • Upcycling
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesThe hair used for Bunshindou brushes is made from hair that has been aged for more than 50 years from animal hair, a byproduct of meat. Instead of mechanization, each of the more than 70 processes is carried out by hand by a single craftsman, making full use of the mixing characteristic of Kawajiri brushes, a traditional craft. The brushes made in this way are ones that can be used for decades and handed down to the next generation.

Company profileHata Bunshindou
1-5-35 Harayama, Kawajiri-cho, Kure-shi, Hiroshima 7372601, Japan
Industry/Business field:Brush manufacturing
Number of employees:3
Capital(JPY): -
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Eco-friendly cutlery made from eggshells


Yoshida-gun, Fukui

Name of product / servicecarakala cutlery

Features of products and servicesThis cutlery has excellent heat resistance and can be used in dishwashers and microwave ovens. Adopting a multi-spoon design with excellent functionality, the product can be used safely by men and women of all ages. We have designed a cute dinosaur egg on the handle. Biomass-based plastics have an image of smelling bad, but we treat eggshells uniquely to reduce smell.

Recommendating organizationFukui Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe use biomass plastic raw materials with added eggshells. Eggshells are raw materials that make effective use of waste resources that can be sustainably supplied in Japan, so they can be produced at a low cost and can be reused. Furthermore, since CO2 is generated by incineration or landfill when disposed of, it can be used as a raw material for products to help prevent global warming and create a recycling-oriented society.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Environmentally-certified products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesIn order to reduce CO2 emissions, we are promoting development to transition from petroleum-based raw materials used in plastic production to biomass plastics and renewable materials. We study resin processing using environmentally friendly raw materials, with the goal of reducing time and material loss and increasing production efficiency, thereby contributing to climate change countermeasures by reducing petroleum-derived resources.

Company profileTSUBOYO Co., Ltd
21-4, Suwama, Eiheiji-cho, Yoshida-gun, Fukui 9101222, Japan
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:11
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

Hair and skin care products born from "gentleness"

Hirose Holdings Co., Ltd.

Echi-gun, Shiga

Name of product / servicemizumina

Features of products and servicesThe amino acid and betaine systems derived from plants, as well as Mizumina, which is carefully selected for its combination of ingredients, condition the hair and lead to healthy skin. It can also be used by people with sensitive skin and babies, and the unisex-type products are suitable for families with members of all ages. The shampoo contains hair repair ingredients to repair damage, and moisturizing and gloss ingredients to condition hair for a smooth texture after washing. The treatment contains two moisturizing and emollient ingredients to leave your hair moisturized and soft.

Recommendating organizationShiga Chuo Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionBy combining plant-derived ingredients from our local Shiga prefecture, we are using local products and addressing waste loss. Contains sake lees extract extracted from sake lees produced during the sake brewing process using Omi rice. It also contains komenuka (rice bran) extract extracted from komenuka, a byproduct of rice polishing. It also contains chaba (tea leaf) extract extracted from Asamiya tea leaves from our local Shiga prefecture.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companies L’Hotel du Lac (Hotel), BEONE (Shinjuku Marui Main Store),Cocoshiga Nihombashi store, h&b Co., Ltd.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe reuse plant-derived ingredients, including those locally produced in Shiga Prefecture, as hair and skin care products (Asamiya tea/tea leaf extract, Omi rice/rice bran extract, sake lees extract, "chaba extract" from Asamiya tea, produced in Asamiya, one of the oldest tea producing regions in Japan, and "sake lees extract" and "rice bran extract" made from "Omi rice" produced in Shiga Prefecture, which is made up of the mountain ranges surrounding Lake Biwa and land rich in nature). In addition, the product packaging uses aluminum refills and biomass bottles, which are environmentally friendly.

Company profileHirose Holdings Co., Ltd.
1705-1, Ichi, Aisho-cho, Echi-gun, Shiga 5291313, Japan
Industry/Business field:Beauty industry
Number of employees:14
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

A one-of-a-kind incense that changes scent over time for a healing moment

Shinkou Co., Ltd.

Awaji-shi, Hyogo

Name of product / serviceSOZO FOUR SEASONS

Features of products and servicesThe fragrance of SOZO incense changes over time. This is a fragrance timer that allows you to see the passage of time through changes in fragrance, something that has never been done before. We provide time and space to heal the heart for those who feel tired or stressed in their daily work and life. We have attractive aromas such as coffee and vanilla incense to make you feel like you’re in a café, and incense to enjoy the seasonal changes of Awaji Island.

Recommendating organizationAwaji Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThis product is a unique incense that combines traditional techniques with new ideas. By preserving traditional techniques and creating value-added products by integrating with new technologies, we create local jobs and stimulate the local economy. We support ethical consumption by promoting sustainable consumption and production during the manufacturing process by reducing waste by 95% through the reuse of non-standard goods.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesBalnibarni Co., Ltd.; Marui Co., Ltd.; Sogo & Seibu Co., Ltd.; Pasona Furusato Inc.

Overseas business recordIPPINKA

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe are committed to SDGs Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy, 8: Decent work and economic growth, and 12: Responsible consumption and production. We use 100% clean energy to power our factories and strive to pass on incense manufacturing technology to local industries. We also aim for sustainable development by achieving a 95% waste reduction through the reuse of non-standard products.

Company profileShinkou Co., Ltd.
191-1, Murotsu, Awaji-shi, Hyogo 6561606, Japan
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:9
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

Paper cup shaped ceramic cups that can be washed and reused


Seto-shi, Aichi

Name of product / serviceLid-cup

Features of products and servicesA paper cup shaped ceramic cup that can be washed and used again and again. Silicon lid and sleeve. Unlike stainless steel tumblers, if the drink inside is cold, it can be kept in a cup and warmed in the microwave. It is Seto-yaki porcelain so it has a smooth texture, and you can choose a design such as mountain, rain, wind, or blue. Original designs are also available.

Recommendating organizationSeto Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe ceramic cups can be washed and reused, so compared to disposable paper or plastic cups, they are a product that handles environmental issues, such as reducing plastic waste, and is also healthy. It also comes with a lid, so it's safe even if you end up not drinking some of it. If it cools down, you can reheat it in the microwave to drink it deliciously again.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesKo-ba Jukkaten

Overseas business record1-81 Agency (North America)

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesPorcelain soil is dug from layers millions of years old. In order to carefully use the naturally created clay, the leftover soil created during production is regenerated and used by kneading again. In addition, products that were not deemed suitable for sale when inspected after production were previously disposed of as industrial waste. Now they are recycled for various purposes, such as by crushing them and incorporating them into cardboard base paper.

Company profileSOUZYUEN.INC
24, Sugitsuka, Seto-shi, Aichi 4890822, Japan
Industry/Business field:Porcelain
Number of employees:7
Capital(JPY): 3,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Outdoor/Interior Products

A transparent case + paulownia box art case that you can enjoy while storing things.

THE FUJI industrial Art, Inc.

Nerima-ku, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceTAMATEBAKO Collection Case A Displayable Storage Solution

Features of products and servicesTAMATEBAKO is a collection case combining an acrylic case and a paulownia box that allows you to beautifully store and display your favorite objects, antique tableware, and other items you always want to look at while storing them. The included chic color Sanada cord complements the collection. We also use recycled acrylic plates to contribute to the SDGs.

Recommendating organizationThe Tokyo Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe production of acrylic sheets uses petroleum, raising concerns about its environmental impact. We can save oil resources by introducing eco-friendly post-consumer recycled acrylic materials, made by collecting unwanted acrylic materials and containing crushed, dissolved and refined pellets. It eliminates the need for new mining and processing, saves energy and resources, and reduces carbon dioxide emissions during manufacturing, reducing environmental impact.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Environmentally-certified products

Business record with domestic companiesOur own online shop, Amazon

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesAiming to realize a plastic recycling society, we are working to develop products using acrylic plates containing recycled materials. Recycled acrylic plates are eco-marked domestic products and have almost the same physical properties as new acrylic materials and are handled the same as conventional acrylic materials. Compared to ordinary acrylic plates, carbon dioxide generation during creation and final treatment can be suppressed. Used acrylic plates can be reused to conserve petroleum resources.

Company profileTHE FUJI industrial Art, Inc.
2-7-21, Hikawadai, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 1790084, Japan
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:7
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Outdoor/Interior Products

A tile coaster with incredible water absorption

Tatsumi corporation

Minamiawaji-shi, Hyogo

Name of product / serviceKawara coaster

Features of products and servicesNormal smoked roofing tiles are roofing materials, so the surface is covered with a film of carbon to repel water to some extent.Tile coasters are baked without a carbon film on purpose to improve water absorption, so they are excellent for absorbing water. In addition to standard products, we can also manufacture original designs on order.

Recommendating organizationAwaji Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionHandmade one by one by Onigawara craftsmen called onishi who inherit traditional techniques. Unfired B grade items and waste produced during roof tiles production are returned to clay and reused to create beautiful interior and exterior products with reduced waste. Tile coasters can be dried and reused as many times as needed so long as they do not break, thus supporting ethical consumption.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Long lifespan
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesBroad sales record such as OEM production, companies and commemorative project gift for government anniversary

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe use high-quality clay made from locally produced natural materials that are free from asbestos. We contribute to the living environment of Japan by continuing and developing while inheriting the manufacturing technology of clay tiles that change to 100% soil. In addition, the Ibushi Gallery Garo has opened for end users and tourists to introduce Awaji Onigawara, a traditional Awaji Island craft.

Company profileTatsumi corporation
976, Tsui, Minamiawaji-shi, Hyogo 6560341, Japan
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:6
Capital(JPY): 59,100,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

The go-to toothbrush for your teeth, "Moreclean."

Willdent Co,LTD

Osaka-shi, Osaka

Name of product / serviceMoreclean toothbrush

Features of products and servicesThe Moreclean Toothbrush is a uniquely developed two-tiered toothbrush with long bristles that penetrate into the periodontal pockets between the gums and teeth and into the small gaps between the teeth. It cleans and feels great, and has a massaging effect, so if you use it when your gums are not feeling well, your gums will be healthy again the next day. It removes plaque from between your teeth and has a massaging effect, so you can maintain healthy teeth and gums.

Recommendating organizationAmagasaki Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe PBT bristles (polybutylene terephthalate) used in Moreclean toothbrushes are elastic, slow to open, and dry quickly , so they can be used for a long clean life. Moreclean toothbrush is clean and long-lasting, reaching effortlessly from between teeth to periodontal pockets, and is gentle on gums and ideal for plaque removal, making it an ethical product.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Long lifespan
  • Regional heritage products
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companies J. Morita Corp., Japan Dental Supply Corp.

Overseas business recordImports from South Korea, China, Germany, USA

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesDental health leads to full body health. We make and deliver toothbrushes, cavity testing drugs and more to deliver a healthy long life for everyone. By providing more effective and easy-to-use oral hygiene products, we are committed to extending healthy lifespans so that people live healthier lives.

Company profileWilldent Co,LTD
3-7-22, Nishitenma, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 5300047, Japan
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing and sales
Number of employees:3
Capital(JPY): 3,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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An edible spoon for food education, disaster preparedness and eliminating use of plastics.


Kariya-shi Aichi

Name of product / servicePACOON

Features of products and servicesPACOON has five colorful flavors (pumpkin, matcha, okara, beet, and igusa powder) available. The only ingredients are flour, sugar, eggs, vegetable powder, and vegetable oil (matcha uses green tea). It is made from domestic vegetables, domestic wheat and additive-free natural ingredients for use in food education. We also strive without compromise to make sure it can be used properly as a spoon and tastes delicious so that you can finish your meal with a happy feeling.

Recommendating organizationThe Hekikai Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionPACOON is a product born out of thought for food education and environmental issues. These colorful and cute spoon-shaped cookies nurture children’s interest in vegetables. After a snack, even the spoon goes down the hatch. “Oh, there’s less trash!” It helps reduce single-use plastics and raises awareness of the environment. This spoon is firm enough to chew properly, and it is a delicious, fun and healthy way to learn.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Upcycling
  • Environmentally-certified products
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesKokubu Group Corp. Head Office, Itochu-Shokuhin Co., Ltd.

Overseas business recordCity Super Japan Ltd. (Hong Kong), Tokyo Mutual Trading Co., Ltd. (USA)

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe at Kinroshoku agree with the philosophy and goals of the SDGs to achieve a sustainable and better world, and we will contribute to their realization. We will continue to search for and practice things we can do through food, not only through cafeteria management and food education that contributes to people’s health and happiness, but also through collaboration with companies, young people, and students that have a future, as well as planning, developing, and selling edible spoons branded as “PACOON”.

Company profileKINROSYOKU Co.,Ltd
5th Floor, Fuji Building, 3 - 3 Aioi-cho, Kariya-shi Aichi 4480027, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Contract meal service
Number of employees:230
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Table production with a different look using shop name printed chopsticks


Kobe-shj Hyogo

Name of product / serviceChopsticks for Restaurants with Printing

Features of products and servicesPrint the store name and campaign content on commercial use chopsticks. Our special printers can print on uneven surfaces and thick objects. You can also choose the type of chopsticks and the color of printing, which will differentiate you from other stores. When uploading to social media, the restaurant's name will appear in the photos of the food, and the restaurant's food pictures will look good.

Recommendating organizationAwaji Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionJapan's forests are becoming overgrown due to lack of use.
By using domestic thinning, we create forests that absorb CO2 through the cycle of "planting," "cutting" and "using." By developing forested mountains, we contribute to the richness of the mountains (surrounding water system) and thereby the richness of the sea (marine ecosystem). By using dishes and chopsticks that are not single-use, we can also reduce waste.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Environmentally-certified products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesKibun Foods Inc.; Takara Shuzo Co., Ltd.; TOPPAN Inc.

Overseas business recordNOBU Restaurants (USA, Europe, Middle East)

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesBy stably using domestic timber, we promote the use of thinned timber scraps, and plan, manufacture, and sell products that take into account the richness of the mountains, which is equal to the marine ecosystem. We are a certified company for Kizukai Nippon, a mark of environmental contribution awarded by the Forestry Agency to products made using domestic timber and to companies that sell such products.By regularly requesting the SELP social work centers to perform light work, inspect chopsticks, and perform manual processing, we are working to create an environment where people who find it difficult to do regular work can work.

Company profileKOBE HASHIMAN Co,.Ltd.
12-25 Takamatsu-cho, Hyogo-ku, Kobe-shj Hyogo 6520874, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Planning, manufacturing and sales of chopsticks and other tableware
Number of employees:25
Capital(JPY): 30,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Outdoor/Interior Products

Sacoche made from upcycling waste of retired train materials


Osaka-shi Osaka

Name of product / serviceRAU-RAU-G HAITETSU sacoche

Features of products and servicesWith the demand for a sustainable society, we raise awareness that we can contribute to society by having upcycled products made from scrap materials from retired trains. In addition, since it is a railway product that has never been seen before, it becomes a topic of conversation, expands communication with friends and family, and attracts the attention of not only railway enthusiasts but also a wide range of people in design.

Recommendating organizationThe Osaka City Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThis product is made by upcycling waste materials such as hand straps, diaphragms, seats and sunscreen curtains from retired trains into bags and sundries as new items. We make ethical products that reduce industrial waste and are environmentally friendly without wasting resources, and the special feeling of being able to carry items made using train parts is very valuable for railway enthusiasts.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling

Business record with domestic companiesMizuno Corporation.; You I K.K.; DoggyMan H.A. Co., Ltd.; Osaka Metro Co., Ltd., Kobe Municipal Transportation Bureau; etc.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives「With a strong desire to help everyone in society, we endorse the Declaration of Decarbonized Management promoted by Osaka Prefecture and manufacture bags that are environmentally friendly. As part of our efforts to achieve the SDGs, we are upcycling fire hoses, which are industrial waste, and train waste from retired trains, and are developing products jointly planned with facilities for people who have disabilities. We also support the activities of CIESF, a public interest incorporated foundation that supports education for the future of Cambodia and other developing countries.

Company profileSUNWARD Co., Ltd
2-3 Ikutama-cho, Tennoji-ku, Osaka-shi Osaka 5430071, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:29
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

A new lifestyle brand that innovates traditional Japanese textiles


Niigata-shi Niigata

Name of product / serviceChess sashiko weave series

Features of products and servicesChess is a lifestyle brand created by innovating traditional Japanese textile sashiko weave. Jackets and aprons made with the concept of a mature holiday are gaining popularity, especially among people in their 50s. We consider the environment by using every bit of fabric in the manufacture of flat caps, bottle bags for alcohol, and coasters that are sewn at facilities for people with disabilities, for the purpose of making effective use of scrap materials that come out of manufacturing.

Recommendating organizationSanjo Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe products utilize a traditional Japanese textile, sashiko weave fabric. Sashiko weave is a durable cotton textile made of thick fabric decoratively stitched with threads to reinforce and moisturize the fabric. It is very strong and durable.Everything from yarn to manufacturing is done locally by Niigata companies.We make effective use of materials and contribute to society by outsourcing to facilities for people with disabilities.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companiesFujioka Dye Factory, Leruhi Co., Ltd.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe process scraps from the manufacture of jackets and aprons, our main products, which are made from traditional Japanese sashiko weave fabric, into flat caps, bottle bags and coasters, and sell them under the lifestyle brand chess. Manufacturing is outsourced to facilities for people with disabilities and the like.

Company profileKAMEKONYA Co.,Ltd.
10-20 Sekinancho, Chuo-ku, Niigata-shi Niigata 9518144, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Product planning and sales
Number of employees:1
Capital(JPY): 1,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Outdoor/Interior Products

A one-of-a-kind helmet made with traditional Japanese techniques using Japanese hinoki cypress.

Ikawa Sculpture

Tokushima-shi Tokushima

Name of product / serviceSamurai armor

Features of products and servicesIt uses well-dried materials so there is no cracking or warping. Over the years, it gradually shines deeper and becomes even more beautiful. It is made using local Hinoki cypress to make the most of the warmth of wood, and can be purchased not only as custom order, but also ready-made.

Recommendating organizationTokushima Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionSamurai helmets are aimed at foreigners who love Japanese culture and can be used as interior decoration that inherits Japanese culture. The craftsmen make use of the techniques of temple and shrine carving, which is made by combining small parts without using large materials, and use the leftover wood from the production of the helmets for the production and repair of other products, thus preventing the overuse of natural resources.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Long lifespan
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesAoyama Mikoshi, Akeda Sairei, Royal Stage, Tokushima City Furusato Tax Payment, motto2022

Overseas business recordSUPER DELIVERY (worldwide), ZenPlus

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesThe wood we handle is sourced mainly from Tokushima Prefecture and other parts of Japan. Despite the recent decline in shipments and production due to cheap imports, the use of local timber plays a role in sustainable forest management and revitalizing the local economy. We produce catalogs and e-commerce sites to expand sales channels and increase awareness. We make one-of-a-kind helmets for custom orders and they have been loved by customers for many years.

Company profileIkawa Sculpture
3-1-56 Suehiro, Tokushima-shi Tokushima 7700866, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Wooden products manufacturing
Number of employees:1
Capital(JPY): 3,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Outdoor/Interior Products

Contains eggshell membrane amino acids using patented technology.
Environmentally friendly liquid fertilizer including the bottle

ENEGGO Co., Ltd.

Saga-shi, Saga

Name of product / serviceEgg Fertilizer ORGANABLE

Features of products and servicesThe 18 amino acids derived from eggshell membranes are effective for plant growth as well as rooting and improving disease and stress resistance. It brings out the plant's natural immunity so they can grow robustly and lively even in harsh environments that are hot, cold, or lack sunshine. This eco-friendly product reduces chemical fertilizer usage.

Recommendating organizationThe Kyusyuhizen Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionEgg Liquid Fertilizer Organable is made by reusing eggshell membranes recovered from egg-breaking factories. Product bottles contain eggshells that remain after eggshell membranes are collected, reducing the amount of plastic used. By procuring the precious eggshell membrane - of which only about 0.1g can be obtained from each egg - using a unique business model, we are able to offer it at a price similar to that of general chemical fertilizers.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Upcycling

Business record with domestic companiesMitsubishi Shoji Agri-Service Corporation, Mitsui & Co. Plastics Ltd.

Overseas business recordVietnam

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe purchase eggshells, which were conventionally disposed of as industrial waste, from egg-breaking factories across the country, and manufacture liquid fertilizer from amino acids extracted from eggshell membranes. By using the effects of amino acids, we make it possible to reduce the amount of chemical fertilizers used while securing similar or higher crop yields, contributing to the realization of sustainable agriculture. Eggshells that remain after eggshell membranes are collected are also reused as raw materials for plastic and wallpaper.

Company profileENEGGO Co., Ltd.
1539-1 Kakihisa, Nabeshima machi, Saga-shi, Saga 8490031, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:5
Capital(JPY): 159,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

A soap that can be used by people with skin diseases as it does not contain added chemical ingredients.

Hokkaido Environmental Biotechnology Sector Co., Ltd.

Sapporo-city Hokkaido

Name of product / serviceFacial cleansing soap ”SAVON”

Features of products and servicesThis is a bar soap made with marine saponin added. As a result, in addition to its original use as a face wash and soap shampoo, it is also used by people whose skin diseases are not improving as expected.
★It has more moisturizing power and shine than regular bar soap.
★There have also been reports of experiences where "marine saponin'' helped relieve itching and fungal infections.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionBy extracting and utilizing "marine saponins" from starfish that were discarded after causing damage to fisheries, we are upcycling them into products that are useful to people and create value. Marine saponin is very compatible with soap dough, and with the added efficacy of the glycerin ingredient contained in it, it was born as a creamy soap that lathers well. It has a direct effect on rough skin.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Upcycling
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesStarfish are a nuisance in the ocean that cause damage to fisheries. We extracted marine saponin from the starfish and discovered that it acts as a repellent for crows and seagulls. We print it on tape and stickers and sell it as a product that helps prevent damage from birds and animals. It also has an antibacterial effect against fungi, and when mixed into soap, it is upcycled into a soap that prevents scabies and athlete's foot.

Company profileHokkaido Environmental Biotechnology Sector Co., Ltd.
Esther Royale Building 1F 19-291 Minami1jonisi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo-city Hokkaido 0600061, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Wholesaler
Number of employees:7
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

Things that are safe for your baby and will help him sleep well.

RYUGU Co., Ltd.

Ukiha-city Fukuoka

Name of product / servicepasima baby sleeper

Features of products and servicesBaby bedding made of absorbent cotton and gauze. It has been certified to the strictest class I of Oeko-Tex, the world safety standard, and is safe enough to be used for medical purposes. It also has excellent water absorption, moisture absorption, and moisture release properties, so even sweaty babies won't get stuffy on their skin. It also has moderate breathability and heat retention, so it feels cool in the summer and warm in the winter. The cotton inside is made of high-quality material with long fibers, so it doesn't generate dust easily, becomes fluffy when washed, and lasts a long time.

Recommendating organizationKyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry; SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionPasima Baby Sleeper is a product suitable for the delicate skin of babies. The safe material, which does not contain any harmful substances and does not easily generate dust, is made of absorbent cotton and gauze, and supports a comfortable sleep for babies who are not good at regulating their body temperature. It absorbs sweat well and releases moisture, protecting delicate skin of babies. The soft texture keeps your baby comfortable and helps them fall into a deep sleep quickly.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Attention to harmful substances

Business record with domestic companiesIt is available at bedding stores, department stores, mail order stores, online shops, hometown tax donations, etc. nationwide.

Overseas business recordWe are currently developing sales channels in France.

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives■We procure raw materials such as thread and cotton, and produce all processes in-house at our own factory in the same town, including weaving, cotton milling, dyeing, scouring, and sewing. This allows us to reduce transportation costs due to outsourced processing and the amount of fuel required for transportation.
■The company manufactures bedding made from absorbent cotton that does not contain any harmful substances, and is certified to Oeko-Tex Class I, a global safety standard. We contribute to the health of our customers with products that allow everyone from babies to those with allergies to sleep with peace of mind.
■Wastewater is discharged in a septic tank so as not to adversely affect the environment.
■Sixty percent of our employees are women, contributing to the creation of local jobs in a working environment where both men and women can play active roles.

Company profileRYUGU Co., Ltd.
278 Niiharu, Yoshii-machi, Ukiha-city Fukuoka 839-1306, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Bedding manufacturing
Number of employees:47
Capital(JPY): 28,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

Clear your baby's skin troubles!

Wanwan Co,. Ltd.

Fuji-city, Shizuoka

Name of product / serviceDetox Patch

Features of products and servicesThere are parents who purchase numerous products and take countermeasures for their baby's skin problems, and are exhausted both financially and mentally. In order to solve this problem, we have developed a product that can be applied to the soles of the feet to make your baby's body as refreshed as after a sauna and prevent skin problems. This product does not contain any pharmaceuticals and can be safely used by everyone from infants to pregnant women.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionMany parents use a variety of products to deal with their baby's skin problems. It can't be helped to consume products you need, but consuming products you don't know if you really need is wasteful from an eco-friendly perspective. By using the suggested products to keep your baby's skin and body refreshed, you can choose the products you really need.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Energy-saving

Business record with domestic companiesOwn sales, treatment clinics

Overseas business recordHong Kong

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesMost commercially available sap sheets are individually wrapped. We have long considered this individual packaging to be wasteful and have abolished it for our products. Without individual packaging, products would absorb moisture, but we have eliminated the effects of moisture by using aluminum zipper bags that do not allow moisture to pass through.

Company profileWanwan Co,. Ltd.
2-6-37-2 , Imaizumi, Fuji-city, Shizuoka 417-0001, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:1
Capital(JPY): 3,500,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

Samurai bags utilize the traditional technique of making Kyoto dolls (armor).


Uji-city Kyoto

Name of product / serviceSamurai Bag 「MITSUNARI」Black

Features of products and servicesA tote bag made of canvas. The top opening uses a clasp called "Kohaze", which is used for armor.Much of the work is done by hand in our hometown of Kyoto, from drilling holes in the leather to attach metal plates to braiding braids and sewing bags. This is a masterpiece made in KYOTO. (Design registered)

Recommendating organizationTHE KYOTO SHINKIN BANK, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionSamurai bags are manufactured using Kyoto doll armor manufacturing techniques, which are known as a traditional craft of Kyoto, and are products that allow you to feel the noble spirit of Bushido in your daily life. In addition, we use braided cord from Kyoto, and everything from material procurement to processing is done locally. Therefore, it is an ethical product that contributes to the inheritance of traditional crafts and the development of local industry.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesMitsukoshi Isetan, Takashimaya, Uji City,, Kyoto Prefectural Products Association, etc.

Overseas business recordTaiwan, China, France, Singapore, Qatar, etc. Taipei Sogo

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe create products using traditional craft techniques handed down in Kyoto. Specifically, the samurai bag "MITSUNARI" that will be exhibited this time is a new series that has been developed to be easy to use even in modern times by applying the Kyoto doll armor making technique, which is known as a traditional craft of Kyoto, Japan. Feel the spirit of the samurai, which is embedded in the Japanese genes, in your daily life. In addition, everything from material procurement to processing is handled locally. In this way, through manufacturing, we are contributing to the continuation, development, and inheritance of traditional industries.

Company profileMIYAKE Co;Ltd
103-53 Minamihoriike, Ogura-Cho, Uji-city Kyoto 611-0042, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacture and sale of Kyoto dolls and Japanese miscellaneous goods
Number of employees:6
Capital(JPY): 5,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Outdoor/Interior Products

Would you like to experience Japanese culture?

Sonata Co., Ltd.

Kitami-city Hokkaido

Name of product / serviceTatami miscellaneous goods series

Features of products and servicesThe "tea room set" can be carried overseas and can be set up in your room to create a tea room. "MINI Tatami", which is based on the concept of enjoying tatami, can recreate a small Japanese-style room. Narihira Tatami, which is used to serve seasonal Japanese sweets and tea at tea parties, is washable and can be used as a mini bonsai storage area or as a tray.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumption1.By popularizing Japanese tatami culture, we will contribute to maintaining and conserving traditional culture.
2.The product's material is rush, which is an organic natural material, and contributes to creating opportunities for people to come into contact with things derived from nature.
3.By creating an opportunity to reconsider the way we live with tatami and contributing to environmental education, we will contribute to the realization of an ethical society.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe manufacture and sell tatami, a traditional Japanese craft, as interior accessories, recreating the value of traditional beauty. We also sell kits for making tatami mats yourself and provides technical guidance. In addition to simply selling products, we are also working on passing down traditional techniques, dissemination, and educational activities. We have devised ways to make Japanese tatami culture easily accessible to people in Europe and the United States, and are contributing to the creation of an opportunity for an organic lifestyle.

Company profileSonata Co., Ltd.
657-8 Nishi-Miwa, Kitami-city Hokkaido 090-0838, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Furniture and fittings manufacturing industry
Number of employees:2
Capital(JPY): 3,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Outdoor/Interior Products

Optimize your sleeping environment by controlling humidity with wool, providing quality sleep and contributing to a healthy life.


Uji-city Kyoto

Name of product / servicePREMIUM WOOL FUTON

Features of products and servicesThe first thing you need for a futon is that it has good moisture absorption. Wool futons have the ability to absorb moisture emitted from the body and release it to the outside, so you can always enjoy a refreshing and comfortable sleep inside the futon and wake up to a refreshing morning. Wool futons are especially suitable for infants who cannot regulate their own temperature, rheumatism patients who are sensitive to humidity, people with hyperhidrosis or high blood pressure, and bedridden elderly and sick people.

Recommendating organizationKyoto Chuo Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionUnlike chemical fibers derived from petroleum, wool is a renewable resource that ultimately returns to the soil, and unlike microplastics, it does not pollute the ocean or have a negative impact on the food chain. It is an environmentally friendly resource. Wool offers many comforts thanks to its excellent properties. At the end of its useful life as a product, the wool is not disposed of as garbage, but given a new life in search of a new role.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Attention to harmful substances

Business record with domestic companiesRomance Kosugi Co., Ltd., Showa Nishikawa Co., Ltd., France Bed Co., Ltd., Yamajin Bussan Co., Ltd., Catalog House Co., Ltd., Ige Kobo Co., Ltd., Senshukai Co., Ltd.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesAt our company, we are implementing initiatives to thoroughly reduce waste generated from our manufacturing processes, and we do not discard anything that can be reused as garbage. With the cooperation of suppliers and collection companies, we will thoroughly recycle other waste materials without turning them into garbage (waste) as much as possible. In addition, we are building a recycling project with the aim of collecting all products manufactured by our company and recycling them into recycled carpets, fertilizers, etc. in the future.

Company profileDAIE WOOL CO,LTD
27 Ichinotsubo, Makisimacho, Uji-city Kyoto 611-0041, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Bedding manufacturing industry
Number of employees:15
Capital(JPY): 24,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

A production kit that allows you to easily enjoy the charm of lanterns.

Mikuni Chouchin Itoya

Sakai-city Fukui

Name of product / serviceMinatobi chouchin Lantern DIY kit

Features of products and servicesA production kit that allows you to easily enjoy the charm of lanterns. You can experience making a full-fledged lantern using molds and sticks. Mikuni Minato was designed on the soft texture of Echizen washi paper. Echizen washi paper is available in three colors. It was also developed jointly with local creators and depicts local landscapes. Once completed, please enjoy it as a memory of your trip or as interior lighting.

Recommendating organizationFukui Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionA lantern kit unique to Fukui that uses Echizen washi paper, a traditional craft with a history of 1,500 years. At Itoya, we have been holding a "lantern making experience" for some time so that people can experience Fukui Prefecture's local traditional crafts up close. This kit was created when it became difficult for customers to come to our stores during the coronavirus pandemic, and we thought there was another way to increase interest in Mikuni lanterns.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesdomestic commercial facilities

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesFounded in 1791 (Kansei 3) in Mikuni-cho, Sakai City. We are one of the few lantern workshops in the country that fully manufacture lanterns. We deliver a variety of beautiful and long-lasting lanterns to all over the country, with a focus on careful handwork by craftsmen. Mikuni chouchin, which continues to preserve traditional techniques, has been designated as a local traditional craft of Fukui Prefecture. While conveying the charm of chouchin, which is essential to Japan's original scenery and festival culture, we are also challenging the fields of art and interior design, expanding the possibilities of chouchin.

Company profileMikuni Chouchin Itoya
2-3-29 Minami-Honcho, Mikuni-cho, Sakai-city Fukui 913-0045, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacture, repair and sale of lanterns, etc.
Number of employees:6
Capital(JPY): -
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Human-grade additive-free pet food from Hokkaido.

LLC Turezure

Asahikawa-city Hokkaido

Name of product / serviceOnly Hokkaido product ingredients additive-free pet food”Kouji and Blanc”

Features of products and servicesAdditive-free dog food made from Hokkaido ingredients. No matter what the occasion, your dog will be happy just by adding toppings. By using "Koji/Amazake" and "Mochi Mugi Bran", you can support your dog's healthy daily life. The retort type, which can be stored at room temperature for long periods of time, is ideal for portable food for your dog when traveling. The product packaging containers can be used as tableware and are stockpiled by local governments.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionIt is an ethical product with the following features: ①The dog food must be additive-free, safe, and produced in Hokkaido. ②By upcycling the glutinous barley skin (bran), which is normally discarded, it contributes to reducing waste and reducing environmental impact. ③Containers that take disaster prevention into consideration for pets are used, are easy to store and stockpile, and can be used as tableware for pets.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Upcycling
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companiesVeterinary hospitals, medical equipment sales companies, campgrounds that also serve as disaster prevention bases, etc.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe upcycle dog food using bran, the skin of glutinous barley that is normally discarded, and substandard vegetables as raw materials. We are contributing to achieving the SDGs by reducing waste.

Company profileLLC Turezure
6-2428-13-404, 7jodori, Asahikawa-city Hokkaido 070-0027, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Food, feed and beverage manufacturing industry
Number of employees:1
Capital(JPY): 100,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Carry lacquer with you.


Sabae-city, Fukui

Name of product / serviceURUSHI Mobile Tumbler

Features of products and servicesA portable screw-type tumbler with a lacquer finish that is a traditional Japanese craft. The spout cap has been changed to a highly waterproof screw type, and the tumbler has been made into a mug, making it easier to carry. It has an excellent cold and heat retention function due to its vacuum double structure, so even if you put ice in it, it won't melt and stays cold, and hot drinks won't get cold and you can use it comfortably.

Recommendating organizationFukui Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThis tumbler is made of Echizen lacquerware, a traditional craft from Fukui Prefecture, and is an ethical product. In addition, by promoting the use of tumblers, we will contribute to reducing the amount of disposable containers used and discarded. During a relaxing afternoon at home or at a cafe, please experience the extraordinary goodness of a tumbler with the gentle touch that is unique to lacquer.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesDepartment stores and specialty stores

Overseas business recordChina, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Germany

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesEchizen lacquerware, centered in Kawada, Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture, has a division of labor throughout the region, and various processes such as base preparation, painting, and decoration are highly specialized to produce beautiful and durable pieces. At our company, we each have specialized craftsmen, including one first-class engineer and one traditional craftsman who pass on traditional techniques. Another feature is that there are many young staff members. While respecting the skills and tradition of highly trained craftsmen, we approach new things with free ideas and create products that meet modern needs.

214 Nishibukurocho, Sabae-city Fukui 916-1221, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Lacquerware
Number of employees:15
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Just the right amount and lightness for one cup.

Nakano Corporation

Sabae-city, Fukui

Name of product / serviceURUSHIPOKETLE

Features of products and servicesThese water bottles are carefully handmade one by one using genuine lacquer by craftsmen of Fukui Prefecture's traditional craft "Echizen lacquerware". You can enjoy a different kind of hydration while feeling the warm and moist texture of lacquer and the traditional patterns on the surface. It can also be used as a substitute for a plastic bottle, and since it is compact, you can carry it around to refresh yourself.

Recommendating organizationFukui Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumption"URUSHI POKETLE" is made using lacquer, a natural material, so you can enjoy the unique patina that changes over time the more you use it. In addition, scratches, fading, and cracks can be repaired with re-lacquer. Lacquerware has a long history as part of a sustainable lifestyle that values things. We hope this product will help you achieve that goal.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesTemple memorabilia, commercial facilities

Overseas business record(Taiwan) Delivered as part of a gift set to local hotel personnel.

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesOur company has been manufacturing Echizen lacquerware mainly for tea ceremony utensils for 90 years. In recent years, in addition to tea utensils, we have also been working on creating products that suit modern lifestyles. An example of this is the "URUSHIPOKETLE" featured here. This is a water bottle that was carefully handcrafted one by one using genuine lacquer by the artisans of Fukui Prefecture's traditional craft, Echizen Lacquerware. Enjoy the beauty of Japanese craftsmanship with you in a natural lacquer water bottle.

Company profileNakano Corporation
10-1-1 Azodacho, Sabae-city Fukui 916-1224, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Lacquerware, tea utensils, manufacturing and sales
Number of employees:13
Capital(JPY): 20,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

Clean the world with the power of water! Nano bubble generator that can be easily used anywhere in the world


Sapporo-city, Hokkaido

Name of product / serviceNanobubble Generator 【SUPER NANOBUBBLE Tonrada】series

Features of products and servicesThis adapter adds nano bubble generation function by simply attaching [Super Nano Bubble Tornada] to your shower head or washing machine. By generating extremely small nanobubbles, the shower penetrates deep into the pores and absorbs and removes dirt and sebum, and the washing machine not only increases its cleaning power but also removes dirt from the washing tub. Utilizing Japanese patented technology, it is an eco-friendly and wallet-friendly product that can be used semi-permanently.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionSuper Nano Bubble Tornada increases the cleaning ability of the attached product by generating extremely small nano bubbles. Therefore, just by using it on a daily basis, you can reduce the amount of detergent used and the amount of water required for cleaning, and the amount of electricity that is generated accordingly. This is an ethical product that contributes to reducing environmental impact.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Carbon neutrality
  • Recycling
  • Long lifespan

Business record with domestic companiesMajor domestic wholesalers and electronics retailers

Overseas business recordWholesale sales to local distributors/local direct sales. Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia: Cross-border e-commerce sales] [Vietnam: Sales through distributors.

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe have renovated our own showroom and are running a non-profit facility that has two functions: a "free tourist information center" and a "free exhibition gallery." The gallery mainly focuses on "Hokkaido Art Brut Works" and provides its space free of charge to the Hokkaido Art Brut Council. Based on the concept of "Supporting those who take on challenges", we aim to be a new place for exchange and transmission, where people from different cultures and languages can easily gather, regardless of genre, such as business or community, and connect Hokkaido with the world. "Socially meaningful items" and "exciting and fun items" are also exhibited irregularly.

Company profileNAKAHARA DENKI Co.,Ltd.
Sapporo Wing Bld. 1F,2-29-1 Kita2jou Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo-city, Hokkaido 060-0002, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:総合商社
Number of employees:5
Capital(JPY): 26,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Wrap your precious memories with care.

Hirose CO., LTD.

Sabae-city, Fukui

Name of product / serviceCurumi

Features of products and servicesThe small Echizen lacquerware box "Curumi" will wrap your precious memories with care. For example, as a jewelry case for rings, necklaces, earrings, etc. For decorating your room. The size fits in the palm of your hand, so you can place it anywhere. Place it close to you and feel the warmth of the wood.

Recommendating organizationFukui Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThis is a local product made in the Echizen lacquerware production area, which has a history of about 1500 years. Each of our products, which are simple and beautiful spherical lacquered vessels, are handmade by craftsmen and are finished by carefully sawing the wood using the traditional potter's wheel technique. Because we use domestically produced keyaki wood, each piece has a different grain, making it a product that takes advantage of the unique texture of natural materials.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesOnline shop, shop selling funeral supplies

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesThe Kawada district of Sabae City, Fukui Prefecture, where Hirose is located, is a peaceful town surrounded by mountains and is a production center for Echizen lacquerware with a history of approximately 1,500 years. The characteristic of Echizen lacquerware is that it is not considered a traditional craft, but rather is lacquerware that is used on a daily basis in people's daily lives. In Kawada, our company manufactures and sells lacquerware for both commercial and household use, with the vision of contributing to the inheritance and transformation of Japanese culture through lacquerware.

Company profileHirose CO., LTD.
6-1 Katayama-cho, Sabae-city Fukui 916-1223, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing, wholesaling, planning, development, sales, and lacquerware repair services for commercial and household lacquerware
Number of employees:3
Capital(JPY): 20,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

Luxuriously blended with raw silk

Bioearth CO.,Ltd

Satsumasendai-city Kagoshima

Name of product / serviceBIOND SKINCARE・HAIRCARE

Features of products and servicesSkin care cosmetics with high moisturizing power that maintain firmness and luster are formulated with active ingredients of natural origin in rich raw silk extract, which supports skin growth and protects skin from UV rays and dryness. Hair care products provide high-quality moisture to the scalp with high moisturizing and penetrating power, repair the cuticle, and maintain beautiful hair. All products use only naturally derived ingredients, so even babies can use them.

Recommendating organizationKagoshima Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThis is a local product made from silk produced by silkworms carefully raised in the lush greenery of Satsumasendai, Kagoshima Prefecture. The mulberry leaves that feed the silkworms are also environmentally friendly, using natural fertilizers such as pesticide-free wood chips. Utilizing naturally derived active ingredients contained in silk, this product is not only environmentally friendly, but also human-friendly and can be used by people of all ages.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Attention to harmful substances

Business record with domestic companiesHotel (amenity)/major EC site

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives“Passing the baton of a beautiful earth to the next generation” "Adults' responsibility to create and use"
Using silk, a naturally derived raw material, we create products that are gentle on nature and can be used by everyone from babies to the elderly. The silk we use is made from silkworms carefully raised in the lush greenery of Satsumasendai, Kagoshima Prefecture. We aim to create products with less environmental impact, such as by using biomass plastic for some of our product containers.

Company profileBioearth CO.,Ltd
3965-2 Miyakomachi, Satsumasendai-city Kagoshima 895-0043, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing and sales
Number of employees:7
Capital(JPY): 3,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

The foundation of Japanese Industry

Japan nanaho Co.,Ltd.

Kosai-city, Shizuoka

Name of product / serviceNow and here Sakichi handkerchief

Features of products and servicesThis handkerchief is a cotton fabric that is still manufactured on the Toyota automatic loom invented by Sakichi Toyoda, the founder of the Toyota Group, about 100 years ago. It's soft to the touch, absorbent, durable, and made of 100% cotton, which is kind to both people and the environment. You can feel Sakichi's spirit of "giving back and creating" in this piece, which is a fusion of culture and the industry that became the foundation of Japanese industry. In addition, we want you to cherish your individuality on your handkerchief, so we can have your name embroidered on it, and we will deliver it to you along with the meaning of the *kotodama.

Recommendating organizationHAMAMATSU IWATA SHINKIN BANK, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionIn Japanese culture, there is basically no concept of "throwing away". The fundamental idea is to "cherish things," and that mindset is created by "knowing the background of the thing."
By learning about the process and background of how things are created through this handkerchief, you can learn that things are imbued with the thoughts of the people who make them. By doing so, you can have the mindset to value other things as well.This handkerchief is such an ethical product.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Long lifespan
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesAs a souvenir for Individuals or companies. 2500JPY item - 26 pieces were sold. 5000JPY item - 10 pieces were sold. 10,000JPY item - 7 pieces were sold.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesOur SDGs initiatives are as follow.
③"Good Health and Well-Being": Kimono improves your posture. Good posture will help you breathe better. Breathing can help you relax. There are many people who tend to be overwhelmed by what's in front of them on a daily basis, and their health suffers from stress, but we offer this service as a mental check and mindfulness time for such people.
④"Quality Education" , ⑪"Sustainable Cities and Communities" : There are seasonal events that are familiar to us in Japan, such as New Year's, Shichi(7)-Go(5)-San(3), and cherry blossom viewing, but when we look back and wonder what they really are, there are many things we don't know about. We hold events and work with companies to convey the true meaning and role of events, not just the superficial aspects.
⑩"Reduced Inequalities", ⑰"Partnerships for the Goals": We plan collaborations and events with local people and work together to achieve goals that cannot be achieved alone. I have been participating in local international exchange events for about 8 years, and I am also involoved in activities that bring Wa(=Japanese culture) to people overseas and allow them to experience it.
⑫"Responsible Consumption and Production": Kimono and Japanese items are basically one item that is used for a long time. In the case of kimono, if it is remade, it can be worn by 3 generations, or about 100 years. There is basically no concept of "throw away". We provide wisdom and technology to help you understand the role of the product and enjoy it for a long time.

Company profileJapan nanaho Co.,Ltd.
5001 Washizu, Kosai-city, Shizuoka 431-0431, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Kimono dressing class,Clothing sales
Number of employees:1
Capital(JPY): 50,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

Gently supports working bodies in tasks that require humans

Smart Support Inc.

Sapporo-city Hokkaido

Name of product / serviceSmart Suits®

Features of products and servicesSmart Suits®reduces the burden and fatigue placed on workers' bodies, reduces the risk of diseases such as back pain, and helps maintain and improve physical strength through moderate training effects. Auxiliary power that does not weaken your own muscles (reduces the strain on your back muscles by approximately 25%). It is safe and comfortable to wear without interfering with your work.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionSmart Suits® is an ethical product that is considerate of "workers" as it ① reduces the burden and fatigue on workers' bodies, reduces the risk of illness, and contributes to maintaining and improving physical strength. It is used by nursing care providers, agricultural workers, and manufacturing sites. ②Since it does not use mechanical power, it does not generate CO2 and contributes to environmental measures.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companiesTAISEI CORPORATION

Overseas business recordSingapore

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesIn an aging society, we will create a labor-lightening market and promote the implementation of products and services developed using labor-lightening technology in society, so that the elderly can work safely and with peace of mind. We also conduct business to improve the quality of work that can only be done by humans, and to contribute to the happiness of the people who work there.

Company profileSmart Support Inc.
Aiseikan Building 4F, 5-7 Minami1Jonishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo-city Hokkaido 060-0061, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Textile, garment and personal goods retail
Number of employees:2
Capital(JPY): 20,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

Particularly made in Japan for everyday wear.


Awara-city Fukui

Name of product / serviceMedical compression socks Asirira

Features of products and servicesMedical elastic stockings designed to promote venous return by reducing or preventing venous blood stasis in the lower extremities. The gentle and moderate gradual compression design keeps you relaxed and refreshes both your mind and body. Promotes blood circulation from the calf to the ankle, relieves fatigue and swelling of the legs, and keeps them refreshed and toned.

Recommendating organizationFukui Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe mount of Asirira medical compression socks uses recycled paper.This is recycled paper made 100% from in-house discarded documents. This reduces waste, protects forests by purchasing less new paper, and reduces water consumption used to make paper. It is an ethical product that contributes to reducing the burden on the global environment.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Energy-saving

Business record with domestic companiesEdion (For inbound), Domestic private hospitals

Overseas business recordChina

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe handle natural products such as yarn made from recycled plastic bottles and fibers from palm trees. In addition, we are working to go paperless internally, centering on databases, and provide environmentally friendly products and services.In terms of contributing to the local community, we participated in environmental conservation activities through cleaning activities of the local Takeda River. In addition, our entire supply chain is located in Fukui, allowing us to realize local production for local consumption by making maximum use of local resources.

Company profileSPLENDEUR Co.,Ltd.
1-16-6 Omizo, Awara-city Fukui 919-0628, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Wholesale, Retail, Online Shop, IT
Number of employees:9
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Manufacturing that uses materials without wasting them

sasaki kogei co., ltd.

Asahikawa-city, Hokkaido

Name of product / servicesupernova

Features of products and servicesSupernova is a product brand using "Corian®" (artificial marble) established by Sasaki Kogei.
In 1976, a woodworking manufacturer started as a very small factory in Asahikawa, Hokkaido, and began making small craft products while valuing the material "wood''.The techniques learned from making use of irregular scraps were honed through a transition between handwork and machine processing, resulting in a unique evolution. Products include salt and pepper mills, tea cups and saucers, trays, vases, and objects.

Recommendating organizationASAHIKAWA SHINKIN BANK, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWhile environmental considerations are attracting attention, our attitude of using the materials produced without wasting them and processing them carefully one by one has not changed since our founding. This group of craftsmen encountered the new material "Corian®" and through co-creation, an unprecedented product series was born. The experience cultivated through the processing of wood brings out the charm of Corian® and offers rich experiences and new value.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesMATSUYA GINZA (Popup exhibition), CIBONE (Popup exhibition), ACTUS(Permanent sale)

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesOur company originally started making small items using scraps of wooden furniture. We also make effective use of thin wood that cannot be used for furniture making. In addition, we are conscious of using up all the wood by reusing the wood waste that is produced during processing for heating in the winter. In recent years, we have been taking on the challenge of applying our woodworking techniques to create new accessories by processing offcuts of artificial marble. We approach manufacturing from a broad perspective, not just in the field of woodworking.

Company profilesasaki kogei co., ltd.
3-4-10 Nagayama14jo, Asahikawa-city, Hokkaido 079-8424, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Wood products manufacturing industry
Number of employees:23
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Rather than choosing clothing that suits a person's body type, the idea is that clothing should suit the person.


Shikigun Nara

Name of product / servicePanfree®

Features of products and servicesProducts using Panfree® material have been developed with unique fiber and sewing technology to stretch 200% in all directions (vertical, horizontal, and diagonal), so they stretch gently without constricting, providing stress-free comfort. While basic clothing comes in multiple sizes, products made with Panfree® material are essentially one size, providing the same comfort regardless of the wearer's body type.

Recommendating organizationNARA CHUO SHINKIN BANK, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionProducts made with Panfree® material have high elasticity, making them gentle clothing for pregnant women, infants, people with disabilities, and other people who require time to change their clothes. It has a comfortable feel that does not interfere with the free movement of the body. The stretched fabric will return to its original shape when washed, and will not shrink even when used in the dryer, ensuring a long life.

  • Long lifespan
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional heritage products
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companiesNational Co-op, Catalog House

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesAs part of our manufacturing efforts, which are conscious of "ensuring sustainable production patterns," we dye fabrics in an environmentally friendly manner using mud dyeing, a traditional dyeing technique with a history of 1,300 years. "Mud dyeing" does not emit harmful substances, so it is not only environmentally friendly, but also gentle on people's skin. In addition, by using materials that provide 360° vertical, horizontal, and diagonal "comfortable wear regardless of size", we provide products that users can use repeatedly for a long time.

Company profileLUC INDUSTRY INC.
507-3 Yao, Tawaramotocho, Shikigun Nara 636-0311, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Textile garment industry
Number of employees:35
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Washi paper box harukami

Yanase Washi Co., Ltd.

Echizen-city Fukui

Name of product / serviceharukami [moln]

Features of products and servicesWashi paper box harukami [moln]. Moln means "cloud" in Swedish. It is a washi paper box that has a natural form like fluffy clouds floating in the sky, and is very light like a cloud. It can be used for a variety of purposes, such as a "Washi paper box" for gifts, or as a "Washi paper box" for organizing small items.

Recommendating organizationFukui Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe washi paper box, harukami, is a local product made from Echizen washi paper, which boasts a history of 1,500 years. Each piece of Echizen washi paper is carefully made and pasted onto the mold so that it is wrapped around it by hand. This washi paper box has a soft texture that can only be achieved by handmade paper, and a warm washi paper box that is created because every step of the process is done by hand.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesSouvenir shops, retail stores, etc.

Overseas business recordUnited States, South Korea, Taiwan, United Kingdom, France, Hong Kong

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesImadate, Echizen City, Fukui Prefecture, the town of Goka, the village of Japanese paper. Yanase Washi is located in the production area of Echizen Washi, which boasts a history of 1500 years.There are two types of handmade washi paper making techniques, one of which is "tamesuki", which is practiced in Europe and the United States. This is a technique for making paper by scooping out the raw material for paper. The other is Nagashi-suki, an ancient Japanese paper-making technique. This technique is literally a technique of making washi paper by flowing "paper stock". Scoop up the paper stock and drain it. Scooping and draining... This is a technique in which this process is repeated to stack up paper layers to make the paper thicker, and by moving the girder and pouring it down, the raw material fibers that become the "paper stock" intertwine, creating durable paper "Washi".Our company uses both techniques to create handmade washi paper, and has continued to cherish and pass down local traditions.

Company profileYanase Washi Co., Ltd.
24-21 Otakicho, Echizen-city Fukui 915-0234, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Handmade Washi Paper Manufacturing Bran Paper, Small Washi Paper Products, etc.
Number of employees:3
Capital(JPY): 5,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Sturdy wooden lacquerware with a focus on color

Yamada Sadauemon Shikkiten

Sabae-city, Fukui

Name of product / serviceKeyaki Cup titanium silver

Features of products and servicesThese tableware are made with a focus on conveying the beauty of wood. Although it is made of wood, the painted surface has a metallic finish to create a chic color that combines warmth and coolness. It is processed with a urethane coating that allows for a high degree of freedom in color expression, and some parts (inside or outside) clearly express the wood grain to emphasize that it is a wooden product. In addition to its appearance, we also place emphasis on durability, and it is sturdy enough to be washed in the dishwasher.

Recommendating organizationFukui Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionFounded in 1856, Yamada Sadauemon Shikkiten is a long-established lacquerware store that has been in business for over 150 years. In order to produce products that satisfy our customers' needs, we believe in never cutting corners and provide highly accurate products. About three years ago, we developed wooden lacquerware that is dishwasher safe. In addition to passing on tradition, we protect tradition by changing in response to the times.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesInns in Fukui Prefecture, inns in the Sanin region and the Sea of Japan side, Otsuya (Fukui)

Overseas business recordTaiwan, Hong Kong, France

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesFounded in 1856, Yamada Sadauemon Shikkiten is a long-established lacquerware store that has been in business for over 150 years. The current owner is the 6th generation. In the past, we manufactured square lacquerware (such as jubako boxes and trays, which are made from a combination of wood), but now we sell local lacquerware to restaurants and inns, as well as develop our own products. About three years ago, we developed wooden lacquerware that is dishwasher safe. It was praised for its durability and began to receive many orders from inns and restaurants. In addition to passing on tradition, we protect tradition by changing in response to the times.

Company profileYamada Sadauemon Shikkiten
16-2 Kawadacho, Sabae-city Fukui 916-1222, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Lacquerware
Number of employees:2
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Traditional lacquerware, well-versed in Zen culture.

Yoshidayashikki Co.,LTD

Sabae-city, Fukui

Name of product / serviceOuryouki

Features of products and servicesOuryouki was born as a dining vessel for Zen monks and Zen disciples. In Zen, the act of eating itself is an important part of the practice, so the ouryouki symbolizes the Zen way of life. Today, as interest in lifestyles that bring people closer to nature is on the rise, this vessel may be accepted by the general public as a means of drawing out the essential life force of humans and maintaining health.

Recommendating organizationFukui Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThis is the ouryouki of an Echizen lacquer ware that is actually used by monks in training at Eiheiji Temple, the head temple of the Soto sect. Not only does Echizen lacquerware have a long history, but its uses are also closely related to Japanese traditional culture. In addition, authentic lacquerware made of wood is durable and can be used for a long time, and since lacquer has natural antibacterial and sterilizing properties, it can be easily cleaned with water.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesDirect orders on e-commerce sites and sales at retail stores.

Overseas business recordUSA, Canada, Germany, Receive orders directly from the EC site

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesThe history of Echizen lacquerware handled by Yoshidayashikki dates back 1500 years. The traditional techniques of making lacquerware have been passed down from generation to generation, and even today, it still has a unique charm that attracts people. At Yoshidayashikki, we are particular about continuing to produce authentic lacquerware so that venerable lacquerware does not disappear. In addition, Yoshidayashikki's lacquerware is purveyed to Daihonzan Eiheiji Temple and Daihonzan Sojiji Temple. We would like to continue making authentic Echizen lacquerware in order to preserve the Echizen lacquerware, which is deeply involved in Japanese traditional culture.

Company profileYoshidayashikki Co.,LTD
19-24-1 Nakanocho, Sabae-city Fukui 916-0033, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacture, wholesale, sale and repair of lacquerware
Number of employees:3
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

Enjoying the scent contributes to the local community! Natural aroma oil made from waste resources

Le Sillage Co.,Ltd

Hamamatsu-city Shizuoka

Name of product / serviceMikkabi citrus unahu aroma

Features of products and servicesA 100% natural pure essential oil extracted from the fragrant components of mandarin orange peels that have been discarded until now. Enjoying scents is a contribution to the local community, and through scents, we communicate the charm of the region, create memories for people, and create motivation for farmers. Please enjoy the fresh, warm and refreshing scent as a room fragrance.

Recommendating organizationHAMAMATSU IWATA SHINKIN BANK, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumption"Mikkabi Mikan Aroma Oil", which makes use of thinned green mandarin oranges and peels, which have been unused resources until now, creates a new source of income for farmers by making use of waste resources, and creates employment for women and people with disabilities. The residue after aroma extraction is effectively used without leaving it as chicken feed. It is an ethical product that communicates the charm of the region and makes farmers' work more rewarding through scent.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesHamamatsu Iwata Shinkin Bank, Okura Act City Hotel Hamamatsu, HamamatsuBMW, JA Mikkabi

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives"Mikkabi Mikan Aroma Oil", which makes use of waste resources, creates a new source of income for farmers and creates employment for women and people with disabilities. By effectively utilizing the residue after aroma extraction as chicken feed, which serves as a local ingredient, we are working to reduce waste and promote local production for local consumption. Through scent, we communicate the appeal of the region and create motivation for farmers to work.

Company profileLe Sillage Co.,Ltd
357-41 Ryuzenji-cho, Chuo-ku, Hamamatsu-city Shizuoka 430-0924, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Service industry
Number of employees:1
Capital(JPY): 3,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Outdoor/Interior Products

One and only. A special bonfire stand where you can watch and play with the flames.

Tripath Co., Ltd.

Ishikari-city Hokkaido

Name of product / serviceGURU GURU FIRE

Features of products and servicesA bonfire stand into which firewood is placed vertically. The parts reminiscent of deer horns are durable and load-bearing, allowing you to hang cooking utensils. The flat parts can be stored compactly, and the top lid of the storage box can be used as a firewood holder, and the storage box itself can be used as an ash catcher for a fire pit. Easy to assemble and no tools required, it's like assembling a simple 3D puzzle.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionDuring processing, we aim to reduce industrial waste by cutting out efficient combinations and extracting parts from scraps. All parts are laser-cut from flat iron plates, and processed to ensure safety and security as they are intended to be touched by hands. Also, since it uses a thick iron plate, it can be used for a long time.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Upcycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Energy-saving
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesOwn EC site, retail stores nationwide, hometown tax return gifts, OEM contracts, etc.

Overseas business recordTaiwan, Hong Kong

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe have established greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets by 2030, and we believe that these targets are based on science and technology that aims to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, in line with the Paris Agreement. We have obtained SBT certification from the international initiative "SBTi (Science Based Targets Initiative)" as it is based on scientific evidence. We are promoting energy saving activities for electricity used in factories, improving production efficiency, promoting the elimination of coal through fuel conversion, introducing and procuring renewable energy, and making full use of cutting-edge technologies such as AI (artificial intelligence) and IoT. We will continue to promote energy saving in our own facilities and equipment.

Company profileTripath Co., Ltd.
3-750-7 Shinkounishi, Ishikari-city Hokkaido 061-3241, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Sheet Metal Business, Outdoor Business
Number of employees:111
Capital(JPY): 18,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

Revitalize your scalp and hair with the power of Hokkaido haskap extract and anthocyanin!

Amazing Ankh Co., Ltd.

Sapporo-city Hokkaido

Name of product / serviceHaskap Beauty Shampoo and Treatment

Features of products and servicesA shampoo and highly moisturizing treatment that gently cleanses while protecting the scalp with the power of haskap extract and aroma, and provides hydration with a foam pack. It has the antioxidant and anti-glycation power of anthocyanin, which revitalizes the scalp and hair. It is also packed with the blessings of the north, including Hokkaido aronia extract, seaberry extract, marine placenta extract, and wasabi leaf extract.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionFor 20 years, we have been operating a health and beauty salon in the Maruyama area of Sapporo that is gentle on your body and hair and supports your mental and physical health. Based on the voices of customers who have high expectations for the use of Hokkaido-produced plant materials, we planned and developed the product in 2017 as a collaboration between agriculture and commerce with George Farm in Naganuma. The company places importance on contributing to the local community, including outsourcing manufacturing to a company in Sapporo.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companiesMicromaster K.K. Inc.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesIn particular, we are focusing on SDGs 3, 4, and 5, the services we provide, training to promote the advancement of women, and hiring foreign part-time workers. We strive every day to create a better cohesive society.

Company profileAmazing Ankh Co., Ltd.
Alpha Maruyama 3rd floor, 24-1-10 Odori Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo-city Hokkaido 060-0042, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Beauty Industry
Number of employees:2
Capital(JPY): 6,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

Toothbrush made from rice

LAPIS Co.,Ltd.

Yao-city Osaka

Name of product / serviceEco Dent

Features of products and servicesA toothbrush made from domestically produced biomass plastic derived from rice. The bristles of the toothbrush are twin bristles recommended by dentists and spiral bristles with a hexagonal cross section. The twin bristles provide a gentle brushing experience that thoroughly brushes from the surface of the teeth to the periodontal pockets, and the edges of the spiral bristles make it possible to cleanly scrape off plaque. There are 3 sizes available, so you can choose the size you like.

Recommendating organizationTHE KYOTO SHINKIN BANK, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThis is a product that contributes to upcycling and reducing food loss by using "Rice resin (inedible rice)", which would otherwise be discarded, such as old rice that is not edible, in the handle of the toothbrush. In addition, by mixing 20% "Rice resin", it is possible to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 20%. In addition, the hooks on the mount are made of 51% rice resin.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Upcycling

Business record with domestic companiesAEON Co., Ltd., Matsumotokiyoshi Co., Ltd., Consumers' Co-op,, Inc.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesOur company is a toothbrush manufacturer located in Yao City, Osaka Prefecture. As a toothbrush master, we aim for zero cavities and 200% customer satisfaction, and by continuing to make strides to achieve even better quality, we would like to develop the company and contribute to society. To achieve the SDGs, we will contribute to the reduction of petroleum-based plastics and CO2 emissions during incineration by introducing "Rice resin", a biomass plastic derived from rice. We also hope to contribute to the region by continuing to preserve the brush industry, which is a local industry in the region, which will lead to the development and PR of the town.

Company profileLAPIS Co.,Ltd.
2-33-13 Kohatacho, Yao-city Osaka 581-0835, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:18
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Outdoor/Interior Products

A bonfire stand with functional beauty that brings out the beauty of the flames, inspired by a bonfire.

Kayano Iron Works Inc.

Sapporo-city Hokkaido

Name of product / service1/f SPACE Fier pit set (KAGARI,MYABI set)

Features of products and services1/f SPACE is a camping gear brand born from "1/f", the healing word brought by nature, and "SPACE", which has the meaning of space and leisure. Camp gear that creates the best camping experience born in nature is the 1/f SPACE Concept.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionAs demand for outdoor activities such as camping has increased in recent years, there are many people who do not use bonfire stands. Bonfire stands help reduce the risk of fire and prevent damage to soil and plants. In addition, this product has a unique design and is highly durable, allowing consumers to use it for a long time, contributing to ethical consumption.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Long lifespan
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companiesJERRY'S OUTFITTERS (8-569-2 Nijo-dori, Asahikawa City, Hokkaido), Shugakuso (3-2-15 Kita 12-jo Nishi, Kita-ku, Sapporo City, Hokkaido), Natural Life Style sabi (2-1-23 Tokiwa 1-jo, Minami-ku, Sapporo City, Hokkaido), CAMP LABO (2-56 Asahiyama, Shimizu-cho, Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido), PASTIME FACTORY (143-23 Itoi, Tomakomai City, Hokkaido), WOOD STOCK (11 Urushi-cho, Isawanatsuta, Oshu City, Iwate Prefecture) , Oshima Seikichi Shoten (1-83 Raiden-cho, Koga City, Ibaraki Prefecture), FREEDOM GARAGE (Domir Hiradai 1F A, 1-28 Hiradai, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture), YURAGI OUTDOOR (10-48-101 Hohoku-cho, Nishi-ku, Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture), Soil Hack Society (1-8-20-101 Ushida Waseda, Higashi-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture), BALLPARK TAKIBI TERRACE ALLPAR (8 F Village, Kitahiroshima City, Hokkaido)

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesThe bonfire stand we will be introducing this time has a higher fire bed than regular products, and was developed with the idea that it would not damage the grass on the ground. This way of thinking complies to the purpose of the SDGs of preserving the global environment, "Let's protect the richness of the land."

Company profileKayano Iron Works Inc.
12-1-55 Hassamu12jo, Nishi-ku, Sapporo-city Hokkaido 063-0832, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:General Machinery Industry
Number of employees:20
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

A hair comb that connects happiness, connects feelings, a moment, hitotoki

Optic Prima Co., Ltd.

Fukui-city Fukui

Name of product / servicehitotoki

Features of products and servicesCombs have supported the glossy black hair of Japanese women since ancient times. May you receive a little happiness every day, every time you comb your hair. ``hitotoki'' was born with such thoughts in mind. Inspired by the beautiful form of a Japanese comb, we made repeated prototypes to pursue the design and ease of use, and we were also particular about the size, which would fit gently into children's small hands and women's hands.

Recommendating organizationFukui Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe material used is a cotton-based material used for glasses and other items. Thanks to this cotton material, "cellulose acetate,'' the comb is gentle on your hair and skin, and is also environmentally friendly. In addition, the shiny surface that reflects like a mirror is the result of a craftsman's hand polishing technique called "mirror polishing," making it a product packed with craftsmanship.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesWe have track records of domestic

Overseas business recordChina, Singapore

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesIn addition to manufacturing eyeglass frames, we also manufacture and sell combs that utilize eyeglass manufacturing technology and materials. From Fukui, the birthplace of eyeglasses, we are working to manufacture combs that are unconventional in the hairdressing industry using new technologies and materials from other industries, and to develop sales channels both domestically and internationally. The comb is made from a cotton-based material that is used for glasses and other items. This cotton material makes the product gentle on hair and skin, as well as environmentally friendly.

Company profileOptic Prima Co., Ltd.
7-8-7 Bunkyo, Fukui-city Fukui 910-0017, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:eyeglasses wholesale business
Number of employees:20
Capital(JPY): 30,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

Earrings that let you feel the moment that moisturizes your heart with its scent

Aromatherapy mai vert

Yokkaichi-city Mie

Name of product / serviceSented earrings matou

Features of products and servicesOne is a ceramic plate made of true-fired purple clay that takes advantage of the characteristics of "Banko ware" with a Japanese pattern, and the other is a two-layer structure that is soaked with essential oil. The ceramic plate that is soaked with oil is coated with gold or platinum, making it difficult to see oil stains. The earrings are designed to prevent essential oil from coming into direct contact with the skin. It is Lightweight, weighing approximately 3g per ear. Earrings that can be enjoyed both visually and olfactory.

Recommendating organizationKitaiseUeno Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionBanko-yaki (Banko ware) industry is mainly based on teapots and clay pots, and it is not well known among the younger generation and those who do not cook. The number of ceramic companies is decreasing year by year. We are working on this project with the hope that the increase in new customers and increased recognition will have a variety of positive effects on the ceramic company. In addition, the scent of essential oils will soothe you and give you a feeling of relaxation, which will also lead to health care for your heart.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesHoshigaoka Mitsukoshi Department store, Kintetsu Department Store Co.,Ltd Yokkaichi store,Massafy Okachimachi, KEUNA Niigatanishi store, Furusato Nouzei site "Furusato choice"

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesA team of women living in the city produces, disseminates, and sells ``Banko-yaki,'' a traditional craft from Yokkaichi City, Mie Prefecture. We are working to introduce "Banko-yaki" in a new form to as many people as possible, including the younger generation and those who don't know about Banko-yaki. Impregnated with essential oils and fragrant, the product embodies the hope that you can enjoy a rich time, let the air flow, and feel like you can be yourself at any time.The 100% natural scent is gentle on the person wearing it and those around them. Essential oils are said to have refreshing effects, and it also includes such expectations. The manufacturers always make products that are attractive in terms of comfort and design, and also put effort into providing explanations and after-sales follow-up so that users can make the most of their appeal.

Company profileAromatherapy mai vert
1-1-138 Yachiyodai,Yokkaichi-city Mie 512-8047, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:retail industry
Number of employees:1
Capital(JPY): -
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

A cleansing agent rich in minerals that is kind to human skin and the global environment.


Hakodate-city Hokkaido

Name of product / serviceTHE ALAIKO

Features of products and servicesContains pesticide-free calendula and hamanasu grown using environmentally regenerative agriculture. Cleansing ingredients such as enzymes and saponins and abundant minerals remove dirt and absorb lotion, which gently works on the skin. A facial and body cleanser with a new feeling of slippery and slimy feeling made with only natural ingredients.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumption1. The ingredients, calendula and hamanasu, are cultivated in an environmentally regenerative manner, contributing to CO2 reduction.
2. Rice bran and wheat bran, which contain natural cleaning ingredients, utilize parts that would otherwise be discarded, contributing to upcycling.
3. Calendula and Hamanasu can be procured within Hokkaido contributing to reducing CO2 emissions from materal transportation.
4. Production process wastewater has little impact on the global environment, contributing to the prevention of water and soil pollution.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Upcycling
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companiesAvailable at hair-salon and beauty salons, and nail salons in Hakodate City, Sales on our salon homepage and STORES

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe research and develop facial cleansing and body washing powder (cleaning agents) and sell them as original products. The ingredients, calendula and hamanasu, are grown through regenerative organic farming in Hokkaido, and are not only of high quality, but also contribute to CO2 reduction. Rice bran and wheat bran are normally discarded, but they are used effectively because they contain natural cleaning ingredients. Because they are all made from natural materials, wastewater has little impact on the global environment, and using them can lead to environmentally conscious behavior.

Company profileALLURE
WE’LL808 3F 17-1Honcyo, Hakodate-city Hokkaido 040-0011, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Laundry, Beauty and Bath Services
Number of employees:1
Capital(JPY): 3,500,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Outdoor/Interior Products

Re-creating the value of traditional craft obi that has been passed down from generation to generation and commercializing “Obi Art”

Salon de Fleur Shihori

Sapporo-city Hokkaido

Name of product / serviceKimonoObi Art

Features of products and servicesCreate a work that combines a traditional Japanese obi and artificial flowers. We create new value by reborn as works of art without throwing away obi that have been passed down from generation to generation, or precious obi that are no longer used but still have memories. In addition to obi, we also reuse obiage(=decorative long cloth covering the obi pad supporting the pad on the back) and obijime(=decorative string used to hold a kimono sash in place) to create obi art. Connecting the present to the future.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumption1. Upcycle obi that are no longer used without throwing them away. Contributing to the re-creation and reuse of value, and thereby contributing to the continuation of traditional Japanese crafts.
2. Re-recognizing traditional Japanese beauty through obi art and contributing to historical and cultural education.
3. "Obi art" allows people overseas to become familiar with Japanese traditional beauty and contributes to promoting understanding.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Upcycling
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesIt is scheduled to go on sale in Japan starting this year.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesOur company uses discarded kimono obi to create and sell collaborative works of Japanese traditional obi and artificial flowers. We have a track record of exhibiting our works at art exhibitions all over the world, including Paris, and receiving favorable reviews. In December 2023, we received the Sapporo SDGs2030 Hope Award.

Company profileSalon de Fleur Shihori
3F Furate Sapporo 1-1-12 Minaminijouhigashi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo-city Hokkaido 060-0052, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:retail industry
Number of employees:1
Capital(JPY): 1,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Sustainable materials made from local resources that reduce environmental impact

Circulife Inc.

Amakusa-city Kumamoto

Name of product / serviceMokuito fabric(Hinoki cypress)

Features of products and servicesAt the manufacturing stage, the wood thread is first made into washi paper using 50% fibers from thinned wood and 50% hemp fibers.In addition to the lightness and breathability characteristic of traditional paper yarn, wood yarn is a natural fiber that can be made from Japanese resources. In the manufacturing of clothing, which relies on imports for more than 97% of everything from materials to products, wood thread can contribute to reducing environmental issues including global warming through consumer behavior, such as by reducing CO2 emissions during imports.

Recommendating organizationThe Amakusa Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe raw material for wood thread is thinned wood.Thinning is a necessary work for forest maintenance, and since 70% of Japan's land is forest, it is possible to manufacture wood thread in each region. We will move away from the traditional linear economy where leftover products are discarded after mass production, and contribute to a circular economy where products needed by each region are produced in appropriate quantities using local resources as raw materials.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Upcycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companiesKAMEI PROACT CORPORATION, Hakuhodo Inc., UNITED TOYOTA KUMAMOTO, Aso Shrine

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWith the purpose of "utilizing local resources and reducing environmental impact,'' we manufacture wood yarn made from thinned wood that is cut down during forest maintenance and has low utility value. Fabrics made of wood yarn and natural fibers, which do not contain petroleum-derived chemical fibers, do not generate microplastics during washing, and are used in corporate novelty and apparel brands as sustainable materials.

Company profileCirculife Inc.
6290-1 Itsuwa-machi Goryo, Amakusa-city Kumamoto 863-2201, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:4
Capital(JPY): 24,185,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Earth-friendly eco bag


Nagoya-city, Aichi

Name of product / serviceECO.BAG

Features of products and servicesBy using non-phthalate vinyl chloride (ATBC-PVC) as the coating agent used on the inside of the bag, it is possible to suppress the generation of dioxins during combustion compared to the commonly used polyvinyl chloride (PVC). ATBC-PVC is a safe raw material that is friendly to the human body and the environment, and is often used in products for young children.

Recommendating organizationThe Gamagori Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionBy carrying an eco bag, you can reduce the amount of CO2 emitted during the manufacturing and disposal of plastic bags, which will also lead to a reduction in the amount of crude oil used as a raw material. Furthermore, by coating with ATBC-PVC, it is possible to suppress deformation and discoloration due to heat and aging, and the product also has less of the odor peculiar to PVC. Even when this product is disposed of, the outflow of dioxins and other substances is reduced, contributing to the prevention of global warming.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Attention to harmful substances

Business record with domestic companiesOver the past 20 years, we have produced over 3,500 items on an OEM basis for over 200 manufacturers in retail stores such as general stores and other industries.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesOur company has a production track record of approximately 3,500 items, including sewing goods, small items, molded products, stationery, and daily necessities, and we are working to create products that are free of plastic. Specifically, we manufacture products that are considerate to the environment and people, such as recycled plastic products such as recycled PET bottles, organic cotton, and coated paper fiber materials. In addition, by handling many products that use bamboo, we are conscious of sustainable efforts to reduce abandoned bamboo forests.

Company profileSUNLIT CO.,LTD.
No1.Nakagawa BLD.4F., 1-1-25 Chiyoda, Naka-ku, Nagoya-city, Aichi 460-0012, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Wholesaler
Number of employees:8
Capital(JPY): 3,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

All handmade wooden pen


Koto-ku, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceoriginal wood pen

Features of products and servicesOur company has been in the lumber business for three generations, and by leveraging our lumber-related skills, we have started producing and selling original wood pens that are completely handmade. We do everything in-house, from material procurement, lumber processing, lathe processing, assembly, and packaging to shipping, and we offer our products at a relatively reasonable price range compared to wood-shafted pens on the market.

Recommendating organizationTokyo City Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe original wood pen, which is completely handmade using natural wood, uses sustainable resources and is an ethical product that contributes to forest conservation by using renewable materials. By using wood, we can reduce the amount of plastic and metal used and reduce the burden on the environment. This contributes to environmental consideration and conservation of forest resources.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesDIAMOND CO.,LTD.

Overseas business recordEngland

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesOur company mainly manufactures and sells wood chips and sawdust, but at the same time we also make and sell wooden pens.
[Upcycle business]
・We create a framework plan for effectively utilizing felled trees in parks and company premises, and provide services to produce commemorative items.
[Recycling business]
・We also carry out an intermediate wood processing business [Tokyo governer permission No.13-20-077710] that processes scraps and other materials discharged during sawing into chips and recycles them as pulp raw materials and biomass fuel.

Company profileshimadakowariseizaisyo
2-10-11 Shinkiba, Koto-ku, Tokyo 136-0082, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:6
Capital(JPY): 3,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Cleaning other than general-purpose oil and fats such as salad oil, dressing, and tempura oil, and removing germs from hands and fingers

Toyo limited company

Misato-city Saitama

Name of product / serviceCleaner private tap

Features of products and servicesFor stains other than general-purpose oils and fats such as salad oil, dressing, and tempura oil on tableware, stains can be cleaned using only the power bubble water generated in the Cleaner private tap without using general synthetic detergents. The kitchen sink drain, which is constantly exposed to Power Bubble, does not produce slime that contains Legionella bacteria. (Please see image.)
Furthermore, it has been proven that 99% of germs on hands and fingers can be removed using just general tap water.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionContaminated water discharged from cleaning equipment contains petroleum-derived chemicals, which significantly worsens the water quality of rivers and marshes. Additionally, it has been proven that these chemical detergent ingredients, if taken into the body, can cause significant health damage. By using our Cleaner private tap, you can clean things other than general-purpose oils and fats without using synthetic detergents, and you can also remove 99% of germs from your hands and fingers.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Carbon neutrality
  • Recycling
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companiesA shower head that applied a similar principle (however, the size and quantity of bubble particles were not controlled) was sold at TOKYU HANDS stores, Ito-Yokado stores, etc, 15 years ago.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWith the theme of decarbonization, we are working on research and development of technology to turn waste plastic into oil with the aim of reducing CO2 gas generated from the combustion of waste plastic. In particular, we are promoting the conversion of 3P (PE,PP,PS) to oil.
The annual amount of 3P incinerated exceeds approximately 3.9 million tons, the amount of CO2 scattered in the natural fields is calculated to far exceed 31 million tons.

Company profileToyo limited company
1289-2 Hanta, Misato-city Saitama 341-0012, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:10
Capital(JPY): 3,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Traditional crafts from Tochigi Prefecture that we want to preserve for the next 100 or 200 years

Handmade broom tokizou araki store

Tochigi-city Tochigi

Name of product / servicebroom of Tuga

Features of products and servicesEach broom is handmade by craftsmen, and each broom takes about a week to make a light and durable broom. A small broom can be used to remove dust from a table, and a large broom can be used to easily clean tatami mats, carpets, etc. without making any noise. In addition, the hem made from Japanese broom grass maintains just the right amount of hardness, so please feel free to experience its comfort.

Recommendating organizationTochigi Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThis product is designated as a traditional craft of Tochigi Prefecture, and is a regional collaboration product. Each one takes about a week to carefully produce, and they last for a long time, with some customers using them for more than half a century. In addition, by spreading this product even a little, it will be possible to clean without using electrical appliances such as vacuum cleaners, contributing to ethics.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesI make about 600 to 700 brooms (including small blooms) a year and sell them at dapartment stores, wholesalers, roadside stations, etc...Occasionally, I demonstrate and sell it at department stores.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesThe manufactured product, ``Tsuga no Zashikihoki( Broom of Tsuga)'', is a product of outstanding craftsmanship and has been designated as a traditional craft of Tochigi Prefecture. Each broom is handmade using broom sorghum (broom grass), a natural material produced locally, and the manufacturing process uses no electricity, saving energy and making the manufacturing process environmentally friendly. We also offer gender-equal broom-making experience classes for elementary and junior high school students and people of all ages.

Company profileHandmade broom tokizou araki store
284-3 Tsugamachiki, Tochigi-city Tochigi 328-0104, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:1
Capital(JPY): -
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Conveying the warmth of handmade products to the present-day


Nagoya-city Aichi

Name of product / serviceArimatu-shibori traditional handtowel

Features of products and servicesThis product is a tenugui made of cotton fabric that is soft to the touch and dyed using shibori techniques such as wrapping, sewing, and folding, and can be used as interior decoration. The charm of shibori, the unique patterns and textures created by craftsmen's skills that have been passed down through generations, lies in the taste that comes from the craftsmen's handiwork.

Recommendating organizationThe Hekikai Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionArimatsu Shibori is said to have its origins shortly after the Arimatsu area opened as a village, when hand towels were sold as souvenirs to people traveling on the Tokaido road. It became the most famous product on the road, and its prosperity was depicted in ukiyo-e prints by artists such as Katsushika Hokusai. This product uses the Arimatsu shibori technique, which has been handed down since the Edo period, on cotton fabric, and is an ethical product that protects and connects the tradition and culture of shibori for over 400 years.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesMeitetsu Department Store, CORAZON Corporation, NOMURA DEVELOPMENT Co.,Ltd.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesIn Arimatsu, a Japanese heritage site, we have inherited the Arimatsu shibori technique that has been passed down since the Edo period to the present day, and by training the next generation of craftsmen, we are conveying the warmth of handmade products to the local people.
In addition, Arimatsu, which still retains traces of the old Tokaido, is lined with old houses that give you a sense of history and tradition. One of these buildings, our company, is an architecturally valuable building that has been designated as a tangible cultural property by the city of Nagoya, and we are working together with the local community to protect this historic building.

Company profileK.TAKEDA&CO.,LTD
1803 Arimatsu, Midori-ku, Nagoya-city Aichi 458-0902, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Arimatsu-shibori wholesale
Number of employees:18
Capital(JPY): 3,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

An extremely stretchy bag that takes advantage of the shape processing of the traditional craft Arimatsu Shibori

Yamagami shouten Co.,Ltd

Nagoya-city Aichi

Name of product / servicekumo stretch bag

Features of products and servicesIt is very compact when empty, so you can fold it into your everyday bag and carry it around. The material is very light and strong, so there is no problem even if you put a lot of things in. The fabric spreads out, making it a very easy-to-use item.

Recommendating organizationThe Hekikai Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionMade of lightweight and easy-to-wash polyester material, it is easy to keep clean and is very suitable for use as an eco-bag for everyday shopping. Additionally, as our company originally produces apparel products, we are able to make bags from scraps and leftover fabric, which is an initiative that reduces the amount of fabric that is discarded, contributing to the reduction of CO2 emissions.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesREAL JAPAN PROJECT CO.,LTD., Yoshioka Zin CO.,LTD., Matsuya department store in Ginza, JR Nagoya Takashimaya

Overseas business recordUSA one eighty one agency

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe are developing items that make use of the fabric and thread left after cutting, which is left over from the process of turning shibori materials into products. With an emphasis on design, ease of use, and ease of handling, we recycle drawn materials that were previously discarded.

Company profileYamagami shouten Co.,Ltd
3573 Arimatsu, Midori-ku, Nagoya-city Aichi 458-0924, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacture, wholesale, and sales of Arimatsu shibori products
Number of employees:8
Capital(JPY): 5,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Outdoor/Interior Products

Handmade Japanese-style seat cushion made from recycled down-renovation waste fabric

Meet Co.,Ltd.

Chohu-city Tokyo

Name of product / service"Zafu" Handmade Yoga cushion

Features of products and servicesThis is a product that reduces the impact on the environment by reducing energy use when producing new raw materials and when disposing of them. It is a product that allows you to maintain correct posture without straining with its firm hardness and stable weightiness feeling. Consumers may be able to achieve a more stress-free state by practicing yoga or meditation with the eco-friendly products of their choice.

Recommendating organizationThe Johnan Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionReformed down comforters are gradually gaining popularity in Japan as part of an effort to use high-quality down comforters for longer periods of time without discarding them. We have created a new product without wasting the leftover fabric that is inevitably generated in the reforming process. These are upcycled products that further reduce the waste generated by the waste-reducing reformation process.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Upcycling

Business record with domestic companiesDirect online sales only. I introduced it on Instagram from around June, and immediately after I started selling it, I received orders for about 20 pieces. Currently, the product is made to order as a handmade product, but we are thinking of switching to mass production as we expand sales./p>

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesFeathers are originally a by-product of meat and are considered an eco-friendly raw material.They are known as highly functional natural materials and demand is increasing, but production is decreasing. Our main business is the renovation of the down comforters, so the business itself is a SDGs initiative. We believe that promoting our product as an initiative to upcycle the waste (used fabric) generated during this process without discarding it will also lead to SDGs. A common case is replacing all of a company's fluorescent lights with LEDs.

Company profileMeet Co.,Ltd.
5-8-2,Tamagawa,Chohu-city Tokyo 182-0025, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:6
Capital(JPY): 1,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Environmentally friendly tableware and kitchenware that uses plant materials and has high antibacterial properties.


Kawasaki-city Kanagawa

Name of product / serviceUNI-PELE®

Features of products and servicesTableware and kitchenware made from environmentally friendly resin (bioplastic). The raw materials are pellets made from natural materials such as bamboo, barley, and coffee bean waste. UNI-PELE® has antibacterial properties, making it a safe and secure product.
In addition, since our company handles everything from manufacturing to sales, we can respond flexibly to your needs, from existing products to original products. We handle everything from material crushing to pellet manufacturing, mold manufacturing, injection molding, and product development.

Recommendating organizationKAWASAKI SHINKIN BANK, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThis is an innovative material made from plant-based plastic that does not rely on fossil fuels. When incinerated, it burns only a few calories, suppresses the production of dioxin, a harmful substance, and reduces CO2 emissions by more than 40%, contributing to the prevention of global warming. By reusing parts of plants that become waste and mixing them into plastic materials, we also contribute to reducing waste emissions.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Environmentally-certified products
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companiesIzumo Taisha Shrine, Hotels, Trading companies such as home centers

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe are a company that consistently produces and sells environmentally friendly resins. Regarding SDGs initiatives, we are confident that we are a company that aims to solve social problems as each and every one of us is a professional responsible for the environment.

Company profileUNION.SANGYO.CO.,LTD
2-3 Idasugiyama-cho, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki-city Kanagawa 211-0046, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry, Sales industry
Number of employees:30
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

2-way design that allows you to easily put on and take off with just one hand, socks designed for ease of wear.

Marimo Co., Ltd

Ama-city Aichi

Name of product / serviceHonon

Features of products and servicesYou can easily put it on and take it off with one hand by pulling it on/2way between plain socks and line socks/You can write your name and message on the line part! / Does not tighten / Does not slip easily / Does not tear easily / Long-lasting / Made of 100% cotton
Utilizing our knowledge of socks, colors, and welfare equipment, we created this product to solve the problems of people who find it inconvenient to wear socks.
You'll find the stylish shape and coloring that you like, and it will give you the joy of wearing them yourself. (2023 Good Design Award)

Recommendating organizationSeto Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionAdopting an inclusive design method, we work together with welfare facilities, corporations, concerned parties, qualified personnel, and craftsmen from domestic factories to develop products. In addition, the socks are made from natural materials and are packaged in FSC® certification, a mark that protects forests. Through these corporate activities, we are contributing to the goals of the SDGs, "Eliminate inequality among people and countries" and "Protect the richness of the land".

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Environmentally-certified products
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companiesSpecialty store

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe have established a partnership system with employment continuity support offices for accepting off-site work and outsourcing work. In addition, as the industry's youngest female manager, I will continue to take the lead for a long time, improving the status of women in the industry as a whole, promoting their further success, and supporting their balance between family and work. We strive to create products that are kind to people, bodies, and the environment.

Company profileMarimo Co., Ltd
60, Deyashiki, Kawabe, shippo-cho, Ama-city Aichi 497-0013, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Wholesaler
Number of employees:17
Capital(JPY): 20,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

A skin care brand supervised by a nurse. A preventative approach to skin care products that focuses on making skin care a habit.

MULE inc.

Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceCARE・TE・A for skin cream.

Features of products and servicesA highly moisturizing and highly functional skin cream based on Vaseline that can be used all over the body, from hand care to body care, from babies to the elderly and sensitive skin.
・Since it is based on Vaseline, which has been used for a long time, it is gentle on sensitive skin.
・It has a smooth texture that spreads well and blends well into the skin, making it extremely comfortable to use.
・Contains "allantoin" to improve skin texture and maintain skin flexibility
・Keep your skin healthy and prevent skin problems by making skin care a habit

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionA product that does not use synthetic surfactants or preservatives*1, based on the concept of being "friendly to the skin and the earth". We selected containers that reduce CO2 emissions, recycled cushioning materials, and developed sunscreens with ingredients that can be used at sea, as well as products that are gentle on the skin and the global environment. We also take on sustainable initiatives, such as donating a portion of our sales to NPOs and NGOs, even though we are a small company. *1 Paraben and phenoxyethanol

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Long lifespan

Business record with domestic companiesBeauty clinic/beauty salon/dental clinic/beauty salon/beauty acupuncture salon/manipulative clinic/campground with sauna

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesThe "CARE・TE・A" brand aims to "produce cosmetics that contribute to the global environment and help maintain healthy skin through daily skin care".
1There are various reasons for skin problems, such as those who suffer from skin problems due to excessive skin care, those who are addicted to skin care products, and those who have skin diseases. Our hope is to alleviate the worries of people living in the world, even if just a little.

Company profileMULE inc.
2-2-16 Kamiosaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0021, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Telecommunications
Number of employees:5
Capital(JPY): 1,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

Mineral supplements for beauty and health anytime, anywhere


Osaka-city, Osaka

Name of product / serviceStone Drops

Features of products and servicesThis is a liquid supplement made from minerals extracted from natural rocks, so you can use it with confidence as it is a naturally derived ingredient. The rich mineral content compensates for the mineral deficiencies of modern people. Since it is water-soluble, it is quickly absorbed into the body. It can also be used for a variety of purposes just by adding it to your daily meals.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionIn modern times, due to the spread of conventional agriculture, excessive amounts of pesticides are being administered, resulting in a significant decrease in the nutritional content of products, and important mineral components of refined foods are removed during the processing process. As a result, modern-day malnutrition is occurring due to mineral deficiencies. It has been discovered that this malnutrition leads to mental illness and lifestyle-related diseases. We believe that we can make a contribution to helping people around the world enjoy a safe diet.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Long lifespan
  • Attention to harmful substances

Business record with domestic companiesWe have started doing business with a trading company specializing in exports to Vietnam and South Korea in 2023. For B to C, sales are based on feedback through SNS and live commerce.

Overseas business recordLaos, Cambodia, South Korea, Taiwan / In Cambodia, sales are made to general hospitals run by Japanese affiliates.

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe are working to significantly reduce deaths and illnesses caused by harmful chemicals and air, water, and soil pollution, and to enable people to live healthy and secure lives. Based on the idea that organisms must contain minerals of the same quality as the sea water and the idea of geophysics, we extracted minerals from representative rocks on the surface of the earth and commercialized them. We disseminate information on environmental conservation through the effects of our mineral solutions to our business partners, especially in the ASEAN region, including Japan, through seminars and SNS.

Company profileSOKENSHA International JAPAN LLC.
NLC Shin-OSAKA Build 4F, 5-9-5 Nishi-Nakajima, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka-city Osaka 532-0011, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Wholesaler
Number of employees:3
Capital(JPY): 5,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Earth-friendly Japanese sneakers made with 93% plant-based ingredients


Okayama-city, Okayama

Name of product / serviceRALLY ROUND

Features of products and servicesBamboo, natural rubber, upcycled coffee filter materials, and thick natural cork create a soft, lightweight sole, durable, and refreshing fabric that remembers the shape of your foot for stress-free comfort. Rally Round is a brand established to utilize and provide newly developed technology in conjunction with sustainable material manufacturers and other brands that resonate with our concept from around the world.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionMany of the current mainstream sneakers are mainly made of naphtha-derived (petroleum-derived) materials such as polyester and polyurethane for the fabric, and ethylene vinyl acetate and synthetic rubber for the soles, and even after they are worn out, most local governments dispose of them as combustible garbage to be incinerated. We contribute to carbon neutrality by developing the materials themselves and changing them to naturally derived materials.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Upcycling
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesFrom the end of October 2023, it will be selling on our own e-commerce site and "Ethical Living LAB (Tokyo Yurakucho, Makuhari Shintoshin)".

Overseas business recordWe have a track record of cross-border sales from our own e-commerce site to America and Southeast Asia.

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesFounded in 1932, our business creed is "Mutual trust. Technology development. Social service."
"Never neglect the environment'' has long been a part of our manufacturing philosophy, and since the Sanyo Shinkansen opened in 1972, sound- and vibration-proof mats made of recycled rubber have been spread under the rails. Since then, rubber recycling technology has been our core technology. Applying waste tire recycling technology, we are now manufacturing tiles and road poles using this technology.
Since the 1990s, falls have been the number one cause of occupational accidents, and in 2004 we developed "HyperV®" shoes, contributing to the safety and health of people working in factories, construction sites, and restaurants.
Furthermore, the sports footgear brand "JIRIKI®" launched in 2021 creates products that provide health through sports, while also donating a portion of product sales to international emergency medical organizations with the theme of equality in medical care and health.

Company profileNISSHIN RUBBER CO.,LTD.
8-16-17 Ima, Kita-ku, Okayama-city, Okayama 700-0975, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Shoes and rubber products manufacturing industry
Number of employees:70
Capital(JPY): 80,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Designed in France, made in Japan. Cute and fashionable bags and goods with animal designs.


Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceLUCIE DANCETTE

Features of products and servicesLucie Dancette, a fabric designer in France, makes unique designs combining animal faces and her own textile patterns. Her unique world is made with various techniques, photographing, hand drawing, computer graphics. So cute, so colorful, so chic!

Recommendating organizationThe Shiba Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe use polyester fabric made of recycled PET bottles for bags and pouches, certificated Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) paper for notebooks. The notebook is also made in Japan, and the cover, pages, and rings are all made of FSC forest-certified paper. By using FSC forest-certified paper, you can prove that you are using wood from properly managed forests and contribute to ethical.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling

Business record with domestic companiesBEAMS (major clothing chain stores), major department stores

Overseas business recordSingapore Shop in Isetan

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe put our goal on making SDGs products which people select even if they are NOT SDGs ones, by their fashionability, high quality, and affordability.
We use polyester fabric made of recycled PET bottles for bags and pouches, certificated Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) paper for notebooks.

Company profileM.I.C.
6-9-13 room #108 Hatanodai, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 142-0064, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Import and wholesale of accessories, bags and miscellaneous goods
Number of employees:2
Capital(JPY): 15,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Tear-resistant and highly absorbent non-woven fabric for kitchen use and wipes. All materials are made from wood.

BeautySelect Co., Ltd

Shikokuchuo City, Ehime

Name of product / servicekikarafu

Features of products and servicesIt is useful in various situations such as preserving freshness.It's durable, so it won't tear easily even when wet and squeezed. Economical as it can be washed and used over and over again.Excellent water absorption as no adhesive is used.KIKARAF can be used as a substitute for towels and papers that tend to be bulky.
*Place under foods, wrap wet to preserve vegetables, drain oil from fried foods, strain soup stock, drop lid, wipe dirt, etc.

Recommendating organizationEHIME-SHINKINBANK, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionAll materials are made from wood without chemicals such as adhesives or polyester. With an emphasis on the environment, it is produced only from forest-certified materials for the purpose of reducing waste plastics and CO2 emissions, and is composed only of plant cellulose with the aim of reducing waste plastic. It is food hygienic compliant, so you can use it safely on your skin and hair, and you can separate it and use it as needed. It is useful as a disaster prevention item because it can be used for various purposes and contains enough.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companiesOur EC site・Tsukiji Toyosu Market Vendors・Nationwide・It is also used as a return gift for various hometown tax donations.Posted by intermediaries: Various importers, Rakuten, Amazon, Yodobashi Camera, Edion, ANAmall, Qoo10, G-FROSHOP etc....In the past, Yahoo! Shopping

Overseas business recordSingapore, California, USA, Taiwan, Through an intermediary.

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesMany of the nonwoven fabrics in the world contain chemicals such as adhesives and polyester.
Beauty Select's "KIKARAFU'' comes from the Japanese word " Kikarafu (cloth from wood) '', which is the origin of the name.
We value the environment and it is composed only of waste plastics and vegetable cellulose for the purpose of reducing CO2 emissions.
KIKARAFF is a 100% cellulose non-woven fabric that does not use binders (adhesives) to prevent marine plastic pollution from destroying the ecosystem. ... Beauty Select supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In this way, KIKARAFF is a 100% natural material and is the most environmentally friendly product. Through proper management, forests are protected, preserving the global environment and preventing forest destruction and deterioration. ...Food hygiene compliant product

Company profileBeautySelect Co., Ltd
3508-1 Tsune, Doicho, Shikokuchuo City, Ehime, 799-0704, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:6
Capital(JPY): 1,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

A simple and easy-using coating agent to keep various items clean for a long time

koyano Co.Ltd

Osaka-city Osaka

Name of product / serviceYogoren

Features of products and servicesThis is an innovative fluororesin (PTEF) surfact protection agent that coats while removing dirt. Items coated with this product are less likely to deteriorate and get dirty. By using this product, you can reduce the fading of painted surfaces, prevent stains on furniture, cars, bathtubs, etc., and make cleaning and cleaning tasks easier.

Recommendating organizationAmagasaki Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionCoating can be applied to various things such as signboards, furniture, bathtubs, cars, and small items. This is effective in preventing things from deteriorating and staining, and contributes to reducing the frequency of replacing items and reducing cleaning work using strong detergents. This will reduce the amount of garbage and reduce the burden on the environment through incineration, reduce CO2 emissions, and prevent water pollution through cleaning operations.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Long lifespan

Business record with domestic companiesEC site

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesBy using our products, you can prevent things/items from getting dirty or deteriorating. This contributes to reducing waste by extending the lifespan of items and reducing the need to replace them.By using our products, you can prevent dirt from sticking to objects. This reduces the amount of cleaning work required to remove dirt and contributes to reducing water pollution caused by this work.

Company profilekoyano Co.Ltd
1-19-7 Higashinoda-cho, Miyakojima-ku, Osaka-city Osaka 534-0024, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:18
Capital(JPY): 30,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

Clean in a natural and stylish way that is kind to your body and the environment.

Nakaichi Medical Co.,Ltd.

Osaka-city, Osaka

Name of product / serviceYa.Sa.Sea Botanical HH cleaner Aroma

Features of products and servicesWe searched for raw materials that are friendly to people and the environment, and are particular about using 100% plant-based cleaning ingredients. It is a house care product (item) that is gentle on the skin because it does not contain additives such as caustic soda, petroleum-based synthetic surfactants, bleach, optical brighteners, pigments, and phosphorus. Please use it with confidence around children and precious pets. Also, because we are a cosmetics manufacturer, we think about your skin and create products that take into account the effects on your skin.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionDetergents remove dirt using the power of surfactants, but our products use vegetable surfactants and do not use petroleum-based synthetic surfactants. The vegetable surfactant used has a biodegradability of over 99%, and unlike petroleum-based synthetic surfactants, detergent does not remain in rivers and oceans forever, and decomposes quickly, making it an extremely environmentally friendly product.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companiesOwn EC site, distributor

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesBased on the philosophy of "serving through the pharmaceutical industry" and "serving to bring smiles to families and contributing to an aging society", we develop products that are friendly to people and the environment, and manufacture and sell pharmaceuticals, quasi-drugs, health foods, cosmetics, and daily necessities. We are also working on systems and services that can help address a variety of household concerns, including nursing care, welfare, and home medical care, and work to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all people of all ages.

Company profileNakaichi Medical Co.,Ltd.
1-8-8 Hiranomachi Chuo-ku, Osaka-city Osaka 541-0046, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Wholesale/Retail
Number of employees:4
Capital(JPY): 40,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

Cane that can be erected "CrossPOD"


Oita-city, Oita

Name of product / serviceCrossPOD

Features of products and servicesCrossPOD is a product that allows a "single point cane" to be stably erected anywhere.
Since the cane tip has one rubber point, it can be used as a one-point cane without any discomfort when walking, and when you want to leave it in a place where you don't want to let it go, such as in the bathroom, cash register, restaurant, waiting room, bedside, etc., you can stand it up anywhere by opening the retractable legs wide.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionIt is a cane that can be stably erected anywhere by opening the legs that can be opened and closed, eliminating the inconvenience of changing from a single-point cane. This can enrich the lives of people who have difficulty walking and use canes, and we will contribute to achieving "health and well-being for all", one of the goals of the SDGs. The leg opening/closing unit at the tip of the cane is small, lightweight, and easy to open/close.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Long lifespan
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companiesOwn EC site, Amazon, other companies' EC site, local department store (Tokiha)

Overseas business record Thailand (wholesaler), Germany (individual)

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesSupporting healthy living through walking.
Convenient products that can be used for a long time.
Fun products to use.

Company profileK_Design
3-3-13 Nakashimanishi, Oita-city, Oita 870-0047, Japan
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:-
Capital(JPY): -
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Outdoor/Interior Products

Food upcycled materials/product brand [UP FOOD STONE]

Koru Inc.

Chigasak-city, Kanagawa

Name of product / serviceInterior products using Food upcycled materials/product brand "UP FOOD STONE"

Features of products and servicesCandle holders, incense holders, and incense plates made from upcycled materials such as food peels and pomace. A material and product brand that takes advantage of the natural colors and moist texture of food and aims to create products that people will love and use for a long time. Currently, it is available in 4 colors (COFFEE, ORANGE, CARROT, CABBEGE).

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionReducing waste from the food industry through upcycling can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We do not use petroleum-derived chemicals and use natural materials with abundant reserves. Since there is no need to apply heat during molding, it is possible to reduce environmental impact. We contribute to achieving "concrete measures for climate change," which is one of the goals of the SDGs.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Upcycling
  • Attention to harmful substances

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe operate a co-creation platform [UP FOOD PROJECT] that aims to solve social issues related to food through upcycling, and we are currently collaborating with 39 participating partner companies.
At the crQlr Awards 2022, we won both the "Best Bridge Builder Prize" and the "MMHG Upcycle Prize."

Company profileKoru Inc.
#110 14-2 Hamamidaira,Chigasak-city, Kanagawa 253-0062, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing/Professional Services
Number of employees:2
Capital(JPY): 8,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

From petrochemistry to geochemistry to make people beautiful and create a prosperous society!



Name of product / serviceCOSMETIC SUSTAINABLE SPONGE

Features of products and servicesThe product Yukiron RPN reduces the amount of petroleum-derived raw materials by blending 10-90% naturally derived ingredients into a makeup sponge made of petroleum-derived synthetic rubber. The product NR-FT is made from 100% natural rubber. Both are fair trade natural rubber that has been verified in its country of origin. Using our unique technology, we have succeeded in removing the protein that causes latex allergy. You can use it with confidence. The product TECORA uses approximately 40% plant-based raw materials, mainly castor oil.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionAs a sustainable sponge, we have developed a new product that blends 10-90% naturally derived ingredients with the conventional cosmetic sponge made of petroleum-derived synthetic rubber. Our own staff on-site confirmed that there is no child labor or forced labor at the natural rubber plantations we use. We have also developed a product that uses castor oil as the main ingredient, and have successfully reduced CO2 emissions from manufacturing to disposal by 27% (compared to our conventional products).

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling

Business record with domestic companies

Overseas business record

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesAs a B to B company that plays a part in the supply chain of our business partners, we are working on SDGs activities in all of our value chains.
・Procurement (① From petroleum-derived raw materials to renewable raw materials ② All natural rubber in Japan is Fair Trade natural rubber)
・Manufacturing (① 100% renewable energy through solar power generation at our own factory, etc. ② Energy-saving boiler that cleanly incinerates waste sponge and significantly reduces heavy oil consumption)
・Sales (① Actively support SDGS activities of business partners ② Sales tools also support SDGS)
・Delivery (① Promote green packaging with the aim of reducing waste and eliminating plastic ② Reduce environmental impact by using consolidated shipping, using eco-friendly cars, etc.)

Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:74
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Plastic free stainless steel food container


Tsubame-City, Niigata

Name of product / serviceSanitary specification food container Integral molding of handle

Features of products and servicesThis is a product from Tsubame, Niigata, which is world-famous for its hardware processing. We have improved our conventional food tray vat to specifications that can contribute to the food industry and the introduction of HACCP. Since it has an open flange that does not require winding, it is hygienic and environmentally friendly as it prevents dirt and water from accumulating. Instead of the traditional method of attaching the handle to the main body by welding, the main body and handle are now integrally molded from a single plate of stainless steel. Made of 18-8 stainless steel that is durable, doesn't have to worry about breaking, and is resistant to rust.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionPlastic food containers are light, inexpensive, and convenient, but there is a risk of them breaking as they deteriorate.
As a result, the broken pieces may mix in the food you cook. Stainless steel food containers have a "long life'' without worrying about breaking, and are compatible with the "free from plastic'' movement that has been accelerating worldwide in recent years.
In recent years, it has been widely used in major food factories in Japan.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesMajor food factories

Overseas business record

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesPlastic food containers are light, inexpensive, and convenient, but there is a risk of them breaking as they deteriorate.
As a result, the broken pieces may mix in the food you cook. Stainless steel food containers have a "long life" without worrying about breaking, and are compatible with the "free from plastic" movement that has been accelerating worldwide in recent years.
In recent years, it has been widely used in major food factories in Japan.

2-7-23 Tonoshima, Tsubame-City, Niigata 959-1233. JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:45
Capital(JPY): 15,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

A stainless steel bottle that changes its face-color depending on the light and angle.


Higashiosaka-city Osaka

Name of product / serviceStainless Natural Coloring Bottles

Features of products and servicesInterference colors are produced by controlling the thickness of the passive film of stainless steel. Unlike painting or plating, there is no foreign substance added to the surface layer, so there is no concept of "peeling off". The difference from other companies is that we can form a uniform film even on difficult shapes (regardless of shape). We have coloring methods tailored to each cusomer. We are able to provide a new style of service that connects your home to beverage manufacturers through our exclusive bottles.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionOur stainless steel bottles, which have mysterious rainbow-like hues created using coloring technology, not only look beautiful, but also prevent the taste and aroma of drinks from deteriorating because stainless steel has the characteristics of preventing UV rays from passing through. Since it is a stainless steel container, it is highly durable, and by changing from organic solvent painting to natural coloring, it is becoming environmentally friendly and less prone to rust than regular stainless steel.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companiesYAMATO DISTILLERY, etc.

Overseas business record

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesManufacturing that connects with SDGs!
Starting to be conscious of even the smallest things is the first step towards SDGs initiatives. Our company will work with you to create things little by little, starting from what we can. Currently, we have many environmentally friendly products, and using our products will lead to the SDGs, so we would like to spread them more and more.

3-4-7 Nakakounoikecho, Higashiosaka-city Osaka 578-0975, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Trading company
Number of employees:10
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

Heart, Nature, as it is.

Belmo Co., Ltd.

Sagamihara, Kanagawa

Name of product / serviceMY METHOD SOLID PERFUME

Features of products and servicesA kneaded perfume that allows you to enjoy your favorite scent at any time by layering multiple scents.
A lineup of unisex and easy-to-use scents so that everyone can enjoy scents.
The 12g aluminum can is compact and easy to carry.
Unlike alcohol-based perfumes, it is made with an oil base, so it is not only used for wearing scents.
It can also be used as a moisturizer for the tips of your hair and hands, and can be used on the entire body other than your face.

Recommendating organizationThe Tama Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumption・Since it does not contain alcohol, it does not become industrial waste.
・Reduction of chemical components (natural origin rate is over 70%)
・Use of environmentally friendly raw materials and raw materials that are considerate of the environment of the production area.
・Contains no ingredients that have been tested on animals.
・The container is made of aluminum, so it can be recycled.
・A portion of the sales proceeds will be donated to the Global Vaccine Fund.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Environmentally-certified products
  • Attention to harmful substances

Business record with domestic companiesBtoC-EC focused
・In-house EC site, Major EC malls (Amazon, Rakuten Market, Yahoo! Shopping, etc.)
(Partly sold at our own store “Outdoor Style Belmo”)

Overseas business record

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives・We are promoting the creation of an environment where diverse human resources can utilize their individuality, regardless of nationality, educational background, gender, or age.
・We are conducting environmentally friendly economic activities by switching to LED lighting in the company and promoting paperless in-house operations.
・Create an environment where it is easy to take childcare leave.
・More than 10 years have passed since we established regulations to prevent sexual harassment/power harassment, and we are creating an even more comfortable working environment.
・We make donations to environmental protection organizations, etc.

Company profileBelmo Co., Ltd.
South Front Sagamiono BLDG.4F, 8-4-10 Sagamiono, Minami-Ku, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-0303, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Retail
Number of employees:15
Capital(JPY): 20,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

The blessings from the land of Nasu and moon power will make your skin beautiful.

Saxness Corporation

Nasu gun, Tochigi

Name of product / serviceTsukico Skin Care Series

Features of products and servicesThe Tsukiko skin care series is created using rare loofah water collected from loofah grown in the sacred soil of Nasu once a year on the full moon in autumn, when the power of the earth is at its peak, as well as loofah fruit and leaf extract. The series includes a lotion containing loofah water that can be used for the whole body, multifunctional gel that can act as an emulsion, serum, massage cream, and moisturizing cream, and face-mask made from 100% domestically produced JAPAN COTTON.

Recommendating organizationOHTAWARA SHINKIN BANK, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe respect the pure power of nature and are grateful for its blessings, never waste even a single drop or a piece, and pursue the creation of products that make full use of that power. We respect producers and creators with same aspirations, and by leveraging collaboration as an added power, we create products that help those who receive them live a peaceful and enriching life. It is a pesticide-free cultivation based on natural farming methods.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesHotels, inns, museums, resort facilities, roadside stations, organic restaurants, organic shops, etc.

Overseas business recordSingapore METRO, Department stores

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe have been engaged in social business since our company was established in 2007. From manufacturing raw materials to product development, we have strived to create products that bring a sense of feeling fulfilled and enrich to both creators and users. The raw material, the loofah, is carefully made without using pesticides or fertilizers, with the cooperation of Tsukiko's regular users and users of local employment support office and social welfare councils. We are currently working on developing food-related products as well.

Company profileSaxness Corporation
1023-9 Toyohara-kou, Nasu machi, Nasu gun, Tochigi 329-3211, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Retail industry, Wholesale industry
Number of employees:-Capital(JPY): 1,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

Tackling the issue of food loss, domestic dog food that does not contain meat

HenLi Corporation


Name of product / serviceHoippo DOG FOOD Natural White fish(Tuna&Organic Goji Berries/Organic Moringa&Green lipped mussel)

Features of products and servicesHippo's dog food has no oil coating, is made with fresh ingredients such as natural cod, organic vegetables with reduced pesticides, and does not contain meat. Pet specialist nutritionists have created a well-balanced diet using only natural ingredients. We also add super foods that help boost immunity, such as joint care, antioxidant effect, improve the intestinal environment, and other.

Recommendating organizationThe Johnan Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionDue to the problem of shape-forming during manufacturing, approximately 5% of dog food-loss always occurs. However, when manufacturing this product, we donate this food waste that would normally be discarded to nearby animal welfare organizations. In addition, we are conscious of local production and local consumption for the domestic raw materials of our product, we use substandard vegetables with reduced pesticides grown near our factory in Kyushu. This product contributes to ethical consumption through these activities.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companiesAsoboLabo Co.,Ltd., JAPELL Co.,Ltd., TRUSTRIDGE, Inc.,

Overseas business recordWe have 3 distributors in Taiwan (from Setpember 2023)

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe launched the pet brand "Hoippo" in April 2023 with the concept of pet health and environmental sonsideration. Based on the premise of safety and high fanctionality, we are working on product development with uniqueness and environmental consideration in mind. For example, we adopt PET sheets made of 88.66% plant-derived raw materials, which leads to CO2 reduction, certified organic okara, cat litter made entirely from plant-based ingredients including packaging, or organically certified dried fruit assortment, etc.. In the future, we are planning to increase our efforts from the perspective of animal welfare.

Company profileHenLi Corporation
U building 6F,1-3-6 Yushima,Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo 113-0034, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Trading company/Manufacturer
Number of employees:11
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

Oil blotting paper with packaging using recycled paper from 1,000 cranes

NishikiPrint Co., Ltd

Hiroshima-city Hiroshima

Name of product / serviceHiroshima Oil blotting paper

Features of products and servicesThis product uses recycled paper from Senbaduru (1000 cranes) for its packaging. Recycled 1000 Cranes Paper is made by collecting and recycling origami cranes donated to Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park from all over the world, and is a paper unique to Hiroshima that can convey your wishes for peace. It is possible to produce products in small lots, and we can also change the design to suit your needs, such as where you will sell it or how you will use it.

Recommendating organizationKure Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionBy outsourcing manufacturing to a welfare facility, we are contributing to the creation of employment opportunities for people with disabilities and their participation in society, and this is an ethical product that is considerate of people and society. This product also contribute to consideration for the environment, as the recycled 1,000 paper cranes used in the packaging are made from recycled origami cranes delivered to Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park as a symbol of peace.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesJR SERVICENET, Fujii Sangyo Corporation, etc.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesSince our founding, we have continued to proactively promote the employment of people with disabilities. By establishing and collaborating with welfare business, we are working to contribute to the creation of employment opportunities and social participation for more people with disabilities. Based on the theme of "Working, Connecting, and Supporting Each Other", we aim to create a society where everyone living in the community can live happily, and to realize a social contribution business model in which everyone involved connects and supports each other.

Company profileNishikiPrint Co., Ltd
7-5-33 Shoko Center, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima-city Hiroshima 733-0833, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:30
Capital(JPY): 50,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

Nourish your soul


Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceLUCAS

Features of products and servicesThis is a brand that specializes in SBNR(Spiritual But Not Religious), which is growing mainly in developed countries. We mainly design aroma products, incense, soaps, interior goods, etc. used during meditation and yoga. We also hold workshops and events.

Recommendating organizationThe Johnan Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe do not use mineral-based (petroleum-based)synthetic surfactants, colorants, or synthetic fragrances, but instead, use natural ingredients, contributing to ethics by reducing the consumption of petroleum-based raw materials. In addition to aiming to eliminate the need for single-use containers, we are also promoting to reduce CO2 emissions by making the container size closer to the size of the shipping cardboard box, saving space within the cardboard box, and increasing efficiency during delivery-transportation.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Long lifespan
  • Attention to harmful substances

Business record with domestic companiesCurrently on sale at Shibuya Tokyu Plaza 4th floor. Also sold at other Tokyu Hands stores, International Yoga Center, etc.

Overseas business recordSingapore, China, Vietnam *Currently, the transaction is in progress.

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWith our motto of "for us for earth", we have aimed to manage our health and the global environment at the same time. Our main product, aroma miscellaneous goods LUCAS, is manufactured using only natural ingredients, withou using mineral-based synthetic surfactants. We also recommend refilling package as much as possible so that the container can be used again. We are currently applying for B-Corp.

Company profileEARTHIST Co.,Ltd.
#201 Axisgotanda 8-7-11 Nishigotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0031, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Miscellaneous goods manufacturing/EC
Number of employees:7
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

Ethical bags made from natural leather



Name of product / servicehandbag

Features of products and servicesHandmade handbags made in Japan using natural Japanese leather. Natural leather is a byproduct made by adding processes such as "tanning" to the skin that would normally be discarded when meat is harvested in livestock farming. We do not sacrifice the lives of animals to make leather materials.

Recommendating organizationSeto Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionNatural leather is a material that has been with people since time immemorial, and because it is so familiar, its value is sometimes overlooked or misunderstood. However, in today's world where eco-sustainability is important, it is once again being reconsidered as an upcycled material. Handbags made from natural leather contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Upcycling

Business record with domestic companiesHandbag specialty store

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesBy purchasing and using natural leather products, we reduce not only the energy used to dispose of rawhide, but also the energy used to produce alternative materials.

Company profileWITH.,LTD
1-4-7 Minami-horikoshi, Nishi-ku, Nagoya-city,Aichi 451-0054, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Wholesaler
Number of employees:12
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Ease of eating becomes delicious.

Mitsuboshi Cutlery Co.,Ltd.

Seki-City, Gifu

Name of product / serviceOTOMO

Features of products and servicesEating out becomes more fun. Portable scissors and tongs set. For both small children and older adults. A beautiful scissors and tongs set that allows you to cut difficult-to-eat foods at the table. It took two years to create, bringing together the wisdom and technology of designers active in Milan and small and medium-sized businesses across Japan. Please take us as your companion when dining out.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionScissors come with a free resharpening coupon. This is a product that can be passed down to three generations, used by your grandchildren and then used by you. The original case is an original case exclusively for OTOMO made from plastic-free, naturally derived cellulose material. It is soft to the touch, has a soft color, and is lightweight and durable. It is compact and can be carried around. There are two types of patterns: "tortoiseshell" and "red coral".

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companiesOwn EC, Amazon, Rakuten, hometown tax

Overseas business recordHong Kong

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives3)Health and well-being for all+17)Achieve our goals with partnership : Our product OTOMO was developed in response to the aging society and declining birthrate of the future. This is a portable scissors and tongs set that can be used with confidence by seniors who have lost their chewing ability due to age, as a countermeasure for swallowing problems, and by parents raising children. In order to make dining out more fun and to enjoy meals with family and friends, small and medium-sized businesses from all over Japan collaborated and combined their wisdom to create this product. 12)Responsibility for production and consumption : Scissors come with a free resharpening coupon. This is a product that can be passed down to three generations, used by your grandchildren and then used by you.

Company profileMitsuboshi Cutlery Co.,Ltd.
5178 Shimouchi Seki-City, Gifu 501-3217, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Cutlery manufacturing industry
Number of employees:35
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

Just spray it once and it will continue to provide antibacterial, antiviral, and deodorizing properties for a long time.


Higashiosaka-city, Osaka

Name of product / servicePhotocatalytic coating solutions (antibacterial, antiviral, deodorant, mould resistant, decomposition of harmful gases, etc.)

Features of products and servicesOnce sprayed, this high-performance photocatalyst coating uses light energy (sunlight/indoor light) to continue disinfecting, inactivating viruses, and purifying the air for a long time. There is also a lot of evidence. High performance and quality at low cost. We are proud to be among the top in Japan. These are new technologies and products that will continue to spread worldwide.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionOnce sprayed, it continues to sterilize and inactivate viruses using only light energy, making it possible to continuously provide a comfortable and sanitary environment without the frequent use of large amounts of alcohol or other disinfectants. Since the construction surface continues to purify the air like an air purifier, it is possible to provide an air purifying effect without using electricity, contributing to the environment.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Long lifespan
  • Energy-saving
  • Attention to harmful substances

Business record with domestic companies[Photocatalyst coating construction] Construction agents: 118 companies (domestic), OEM supply of photocatalyst coating agents to other companies' photocatalyst brands: 26 companies ... has been installed at medical institutions, nursing care-related facilities, education-related facilities, public transportation, accommodation-related facilities, restaurants, supermarkets, etc. nationwide. In addition, we have many achievements in sales of related products.

Overseas business recordSouth Korea(When sick house syndrome was enacted, it was adopted by public institutions, and until the new standards for building materials became available, we applied our photocatalyst coating to reduce formaldehyde and other substances to below standard values ​​before moving in.)

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives・Research and development of photocatalyst application technology and product development that uses the energy of light to continuously exert effects such as antibacterial, antiviral, deodorizing, antifungal, and decomposition of harmful gases over a long period of time with a single application. Sales, service provision, etc.
・We aim to transfer as much technology as possible to Southeast Asian countries and other countries to develop local industries.
・We research, develop, and sell cleaners with ingredients that are friendly to people and the environment, and which can easily dry objects while significantly reducing the use of detergents that have an impact on the environment, such as oil-based detergents.
・Developed a slim CD case that is now a global standard (patented in countries around the world), significantly reducing the use of plastic in packaging for major computer and media manufacturers, as well as the use of gasoline and exhaust gas in transportation.
・Use recycled materials as much as possible for products and packaging, and implement simple packaging.
・We are constantly working to reduce power consumption by changing in-house equipment to energy-saving ones and frequently turning off lights in each area.

5-12-19 Kizuri, Higashiosaka-city, Osaka 577-0827, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing and sales of various chemical products
Number of employees:21
Capital(JPY): 20,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

Stimulate your sense of color! A colorful building block set that the whole family can enjoy!


Gujo-shi, Gifu

Name of product / service12color Gradation 60 Wooden Blocks

Features of products and servicesBy using domestic timber, we contribute to the sound management and protection of forests. With 12 colors and unpainted building blocks, a variety of color options will stimulate your child's color sense. The basic size is 35mm, and it is designed to be easy to hold and play with. Considering the safety of children, we use non-toxic and safe paint and comply with Japanese toy safety standards. By using the hands, it promotes the development of the brain and fingertips, making it ideal as an educational toy.

Recommendating organizationHachiman Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumption“Gradient building blocks” are an ethical option. We use wood from Japan and contribute to the sound management and protection of forest resources. We also use safe paints and materials to provide educational toys that allow children to play and learn with peace of mind. These building blocks are both environmentally friendly and educational for children, it has value as an ethical choice.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Environmentally-certified products
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesWholesale sales to retailers (souvenir shops) such as Gujo Hachiman Promotion Public Foundation and Co.SHIROTORI. We have a track record of wholesale through e-commerce sales sites such as Gifu Prefecture Specialty Sales Co., Ltd., Yamacoh Co., Ltd., and Lstyle Co., Ltd.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe are working to create a workplace where diverse human resources can play an active role. We are working to create a comfortable work environment that takes into account the work styles of various employees, expand various training programs and support for acquiring qualifications, and proactively promote health management.
We work on manufacturing wooden toys that both boys and girls can enjoy playing with.By handling "forest certified wood" that certifies wood that has been harvested from properly managed forests, we are contributing to supporting the growth of healthy forests and eradicating illegal logging. In addition, we manufacture only the required quantity and work on made-to-order production.
The scraps generated during the manufacturing process are used as materials for wood education classes. Sawdust is provided as bedding for cattle sheds at farms within the prefecture. We are contributing to the circulation of forest resources and the spread of renewable energy.
We are contributing to the revitalization of local activities through our business activities. We are actively recruiting local human resources. Participating in local events and others. We are strengthening cooperation with local businesses.
We go to local elementary schools to teach wood education classes, and teach children about Gifu Prefecture, which is surrounded by mountains, the importance of trees, and how they can be used. We are working on activities that connect people and forests to the next generation.

Company profileNOKUBI Ltd.
945-4 Hachimancho Ichishima,Gujo-shi, Gifu 501-4202, Japan
Industry/Business field:Wooden toy
Number of employees:4
Capital(JPY): 13,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

For the bright future of our children, please do not throw in the trash.

GOTO (MASA) Socks Factory

Kitakatsuragigun, Nara

Name of product / serviceZERO SOCKS

Features of products and services・We use carefully selected organic cotton that is gentle on the skin so that children and people with sensitive skin can wear it with a peace of mind. These are sustainable socks made using yarn that can be returned to the soil and dyed using food that would be food-waste.
・These socks are made by sock craftsmen in Nara Prefecture that has the highest production of socks in Japan, and are made with special care in terms of comfort and size. It has excellent moisture absorption and desorption properties, prevent stuffiness, and keep your feet warm.

Recommendating organizationNARA CHUO SHINKIN BANK, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe use only organic cotton, recycled fibers, and other natural fibers that are grown and produced in the right way. In addtion, they are dyed with dyes extracted from foods to be disposed. These socks are completely environmentally friendly and are gentle to both the earth and people. This is an ethical product that reduces CO2 emissions and contributes to the food loss problem because foods that are planned for disposal are not incinerated as garbage.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesTabio Corporation

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesThe apparel industry requires multiple processes such as producing materials and raw materials, spinning, dyeing, and cutting, and has a large impact on the environment, including disposal, and is said to be the second most polluting industry in the world. As a member of the apparel industry, our company considers environmental sustainability and has developed *ZERO SOCKS, which are gentle to the earth and people, in order to create a sustainable society. We are also developing a collaborative product called "SDGs SOCKS" working with high schools in the prefecture to revitalize the region.
*Socks made from biodegradable yarn and organic cotton. Normally, it would take several decades to decompose, but it decomposes in three years.

Company profileGOTO (MASA) Socks Factory
196-3 Abe, Koryo-cho, Kitakatsuragi-gun, Nara 635-0825, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Textile Manufacturing Industry
Number of employees:20
Capital(JPY): -
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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A tea canister with pop color reminiscent of the 1950s.


Setagaya-Ku, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceTRIBECA PLAWARE 50'S _ Tea Canister

Features of products and services"TRIBECA PLAWARE" is proposing "Tea Canister" this time.That's right, there is always at least one in every home. It's made from a can and used to store tea leaves. I think most of them have calm designs with traditional Japanese patterns as motifs, but I tried to make a Tea Canister POP. Feel free to use it as you like: tea leaves, coffee beans, black tea, or treasure chests. The material used is sustainable ABS resin (recycled product).

Recommendating organizationThe Johnan Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWith a policy of Made in Japan craftsmanship, we manufacture easy-to-use products with original designs in collaboration with domestic partner factories. The materials is sustainable ABS resin (recycled product). We aim to spread the use of sustainable materials by delivering products to many people with designs of pop colors reminiscent of the attractive 50's.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesTHE LOFT CO.,LTD., Adastria Co.,Ltd., Welcome Co.,Ltd., StylingLife Holdings Inc.,

Overseas business recordSouth Korea, Taiwan, the UK, America

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesIn recognition of the growing interest both domestically and internationally in decarbonization and environmental considerations, we are particular about the raw materials used in the products we handle. For example. The product "TRIBECA PLAWARE 50'S _ Tea Canister" featured here is made from environmentally friendly ABS resin (recycled product). By aiming to spread the use of sustainable materials through our products, we will contribute to decarbonization and a sustainable society.

Fuji Bild 3F,1-11-6 Kyodo, Setagaya-Ku, Tokyo 156-0052, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Household goods, fashion goods, interior goods, planned wholesale
Number of employees:2
Capital(JPY): -
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

Light that protects the world, "CCFL antibacterial light"


Yamanashi-City Yamanashi

Name of product / serviceCCFL antibacterial light

Antimicrobial light(Bulb type/Fluorescent lamp type)

Features of products and servicesJust by replacing the lights that are currently on with this light, you can disinfect and deodorize the room. This mechanism is realized by the "silver ions" emitted from the product's cover and the "photocatalytic effect" generated around the product. In addition, compared to conventional light bulbs and fluorescent lights, light bulbs use 1/5th the electricity, and fluorescent lights use about half the electricity. This product is environmentally friendly and saves electricity bills.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Antimicrobial light(Downlight type)

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionAntibacterial light is an "Ethical product" made with people, society, and the environment in mind. This lighting function uses a long-life arc tube "CCFL cold cathode tube" to reduce power consumption when lighting. In addition, since it is the same type as fluorescent tubes, there is a small amount of inorganic mercury inside the luminous tube, but the amount is much lower than the Minamata Convention regulation value, which is environmentally friendly.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Energy-saving
  • Attention to harmful substances

Business record with domestic companiesIt is sold mainly through domestic contracted agents and special agents. Also available on EC site (Yahoo.,Rakuten). We also have a store at Nippon Select, which is run by the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry. (For the public agencies, we also deliver to the Self-Defense Forces.)

Overseas business record (Country: Hong Kong) Sold to local nursing care facilities via a Japanese trading company

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe have developed and sold this product with the aim of improving everyone's health and reducing energy consumption. We also hope that it will be used as a means of preventing recent infectious diseases. (The effectiveness against various harmful bacteria and viruses such as coronavirus/influenza has also been evaluated by a third-party organization. )

Company profileHORIUCHI Co., Ltd
271-2 Ochiai, Yamanashi-City, Yamanashi 4050033, Japan
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing, Retail
Number of employees:25
Capital(JPY): 8,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

Contains next-generation ingredient chitin nanofiber, a rich moisturizing gel serum that blends well into the skin and pursues barrier and maintenance.


Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi

Name of product / serviceNight gel mask serum containing chitin nanofiber

Features of products and services- Uses next-generation ingredient chitin nanofiber made from upcycled discarded crab shells.
- Complete skin care in one step by applying a non-sticky gel-like beauty serum to your skin after washing your face (at night). Easy special skin care that doesn't need to be washed off.
- Approaching the reduction of barrier power and dryness damage.
- Because the freshness of beauty ingredients is important, it is single-use and does not contain preservatives.
- Jointly developed with Marine Nanofiber, a venture company from Tottori University.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe product was developed in collaboration with Marine Nanofiber, a venture company from Tottori University, focusing on the effects and environmental friendliness of chitin nanofibers. This ingredient is a next-generation beauty ingredient that Mr. Ifuku, who is a professor at Tottori University and the company's technical advisor, successfully extracted useful ingredients through trial and error of upcycling methods in response to the large amount of crab shells being discarded in Tottori Prefecture. Crab shells, the raw material for chitin nanofibers, were originally incinerated as waste. By using it as a raw material for our products, we hope to make a small contribution to carbon neutrality, which is environmentally friendly.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Carbon neutrality
  • Upcycling
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesMeetz STORE of TAKASHIMAYA SHINJUKU STORE, YAHATA COCO

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe develop and sell natural cosmetics upcycled from the natural resources of the ocean that would otherwise be discarded. Enjoy life more with glowing skin forever, It is desirable that what nurtures beauty should be clean and sustainable, with that in mind, we are developing aging skin care. By infusing new value into discarded materials such as crab shells and squid shells, we would like to protect the ocean by reducing waste and recycling it. Also, skincare isn't just for women. It is a genderless cosmetic that is actually ideal for skin care also for men who have a higher rate of water evaporation than women, and are stressful and prone to age, such as daily shaving and unprotected ultraviolet rays throughout the year.

Company profileKANAHA
4-4-17-1704 Tanimachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 5400012, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Retail
Number of employees:2
Capital(JPY): -
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

Manufacturing high-quality, environmentally friendly products using the tradition and techniques of Echizen-ori.

Matsukawa-Rapyarn Inc.

Sakai, Fukui

Name of product / serviceClothing label made with sustainable materials and technology (brand tag)

Features of products and servicesYou can choose woven labels made from recycled polyester yarn made from used plastic bottles or the natural fiber cotton linen. In addition, by manufacturing using traditional shuttle weaving, which is one of our company's unique features, we are able to produce highly durable woven labels with uneven surfaces. It is ideal as a brand tag for long-lasting clothing and fashion items that are not fast-fashion.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionAs part of resouce reuse, using recycled yarn made from plastic bottles helps reduce waste. In addition, shuttle weaving is inefficient due to manual labor, but the selvedges make it durable and long-lasting, thus contributing to ethical consumption.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Energy-saving
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesOur company is a narrow textile factory that specializes in woven labels using shuttle looms, which are old-fashioned looms that are becoming increasingly rare overseas. We use these shuttle looms to produce woven labels using recycled polyester yarn recycled from used PET bottles. In addition, we contract with specialized companies to recycle waste materials (yarn, fabrics, etc.) generated during production as solid fuel made through various treatments and processes.
*Shuttle looms operate at low speeds and do not use compressors or heat sources, resulting in extremely low energy consumption. They can produce woven labels with a minimum amount of yarn or thread. This is a loom that can produce sustainable woven labels.
・We carry out compact manufacturing within the prefecture through collaboration and cooperation with companies in Fukui Prefecture. We are a founding member company (and serve as deputy leader) of "MADE BY", a voluntary textile organization that proposes drastic reductions in carbon footprint in the process of apparel manufacturing.
・Active installation and expansion of solar power generation
・Sponsoring activities for Precious Plastic Fukui, a global movement promoting the use of waste plastic
・Women are active. (60% of company leaders are women.)
・Establishment of an in-house cafeteria operated by retired employees
・Sponsorship of local soccer teams
・Charity event to collect and recycle used clothing from employees
・Sponsorship of a local children's hospice
・Supporting poor children through World Vision Child Sponsor using funds from employees
We are also actively involved in the above activities.

Company profileMatsukawa-Rapyarn Inc.
20-5-1, Maruokacho Masuda, Sakai, Fukui 9100314, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:95
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

To Make Life Move Sustainable

dual-mode Co., LTD

Matsuyama, Ehime

Name of product / serviceSPECIAL ENVELOPE collection

Features of products and servicesThe SPECIAL ENVELOPE collections are individually hand-made by designers using traditional Japanese kimonos and obis.
Breathing life into Japanese traditions with new ideas, designs, etc., it has been reborn as a valuable new product.

Recommendating organizationEHIME-SHINKINBANK, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionUpcycling of kimonos and obis reduces waste, thereby reducing the environmental impact of transport and incineration.
By creating sustainable products from a single kimono or a single obi, we contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Upcycling
  • Environmentally-certified products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business recordUSA (Los Angeles, New York)

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe offer upcycled brands that can be transformed from a single kimono or a single obi into a variety of products, including congratulatory bags, bags, ties and dresses.
We contribute to the achievement of the SDGs through a recycling-oriented business that uses every last bit of material to make products, and promotes initiatives that lead to the realization of a sustainable society.

Company profiledual-mode Co., LTD
6-1039-1 Iwaidani, Matsuyama, Ehime 7900833, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Upcycling circular businesses
Number of employees:1
Capital(JPY): 1,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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General/Household Goods

Apple blended domestic vegan leather from Aomori, utilizing apple food loss from Aomori Prefecture.

appcycle inc.

Aomori City, Aomori

Name of product / serviceRINGO-TEX

Features of products and servicesDomestic vegan leather containing apple powder, upcycled from Aomori apple waste.
It is suitable for diversity, including vegans, and has lower CO2 emissions during processing and disposal than genuine leather or conventional synthetic leather, and also uses less petroleum-based polyurethane. It is made using technology that emits as little CO2 as possible in the drying process of apple residues. Our company sells hats and bags made of RINGO-TEX, and it is also used in seat headrest covers for All Nippon Airways.

Recommendating organization Aoi Mori Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionFocusing on food loss issues and regional development, RINGO-TEX is the first vegan leather using apples in Japan. It was developed by using some of the peels and pomace from processed products such as juice, apples, etc., which are discarded because they are out of standard, as a part of raw materials.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companiesALL NIPPON AIRWAYS CO., LTD., TEIJIN FRONTIER CO., LTD., TOYOSHIMA & Co.,Ltd., MORIDEN CO.,LTD.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe are a venture company that develops, manufactures and sells vegan leather made from apple waste.
By providing a one-stop service from raw material processing to finished products, the company contributes to the carbon footprint, resolves local issues and contributes to the global environment.

Company profileappcycle inc.
4-2-4 Sengari, Aomori City, Aomori 0380015, Japan
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing industry
Number of employees:3
Capital(JPY): 2,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Delicate coasters made from highly water-absorbent natural materials, diatomaceous earth and coffee beans.

en-no-ki Co., Ltd

Taitou-ku, Tokyo

Name of product / servicesoil Coasters Circle with KURAMAE model

Features of products and servicesThese coasters are made from diatomaceous earth, a highly absorbent natural material.
It absorbs water droplets from the glass and keeps the table dry. It is made from natural materials, diatomaceous earth and coffee beans, so it is safe to use.
The embedded coffee beans are defective beans that are removed by a private roasting shop in Kuramae for high-quality roasting. The welfare offices collected them and entrusted them to the manufacturer, resulting in the SOIL x KURAMAE model collaboration.
KURAMAE models are upcycled products.

Recommendating organizationThe Tokyo Higashi Shinkin Bank, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionKURAMAE model products are co-created by local shops, welfare offices and manufacturers. The soil x KURAMAE model diatomaceous earth coaster makes full use of diatomaceous earth, a traditional Japanese natural material, and coffee beans, a symbol of the good old coffee shop culture.
Defective and test-roasted beans from three shops in Kuramae are collected by the welfare office and entrusted to the manufacturer, and the coasters made are again sold from the Kuramae area. One coaster tells many stories, including the use of natural materials, local production for local consumption and the creation of jobs for handicapped people.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Upcycling
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companiesThere is no record of wholesale to retailers for the current product. Some of the KURAMAE model product lines have been purchased by companies and shops in the Kuramae area.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regions
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesOur main focus is on planning and selling products in collaboration with welfare offices and companies employing people with disabilities, as well as coffee (fair trade, organic and pesticide-free) that supports the country of origin. It also operates and promotes the KURAMAE model, in which welfare workshops process previously discarded resources as upcycled raw materials throughout Kuramae, and we are working on upcycling the resources lying in the region.

Company profileen-no-ki Co., Ltd
2-15-20 Misuji, Taitou-ku, Tokyo 1110055, JAPAN
Industry/Business field:Food, feed and beverage manufacturing industry
Number of employees:4
Capital(JPY): 5,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Traditional Crafts

A work that shines in our lives

Okamoto Orimono Co., Ltd

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceNishijin Kinran Brocade Fabric

Features of products and servicesAs a group of professionals in charge of weaving techniques for the crested textile "Nishijin-ori Kinran", we have been providing high-quality textiles to solemnize shrines and temples since our founding. Kinran is a gorgeous fabric made of gold threads made using metal leaf and a unique manufacturing method. We develop products that make the most of the charm of Nishijin-ori Kinran with a soft idea, such as silk textiles designed with new ideas, collaborations with various traditional crafts and technologies of other genres.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe are weavers who protect the jobs of many artisans scattered throughout the Nishijin region through the textile called Nishijin-ori, which consists of a division of labor. Since silk is the main material, in order not to waste the life of silkworms, we try not to produce scrap materials but try to reduce the waste by turning the unusable silk thread into handicraft. As our factory is small, we strive to conserve energy and make full use of the old-fashioned "spirit of not being wasteful".

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Energy-saving
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesMinistry of Foreign Affairs, Prime Minister's Office, Takashimaya, Isetan Mitsukoshi

Overseas business recordCartier (France), ZANELLATO (Italy), Tie Your Tie (Italy), HiromiAsai (USA), Teemu Muurimäki (Finland)

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
China, France, Italy, U.S., Saudi Arabia, UAE (Dubai)

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
2017 Selected for the International Hokuriku Kogei Summit "World 100 Crafts", 2018 Omotenashi Selection Award, 2023 MEXT Award for 2023 Nishijin Textile Competition, and many others
【Media coverage】
NHK, Nippon Television Network Corporation, Mainichi Broadcasting, TV Tokyo, Asahi Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun, Kyoto Shimbun, Senken Shimbun, Textile News, and other magazines and other media and online media

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe are a kinship-owned manufacturer. We are all working with a spirit of reducing waste.

Company profileOkamoto Orimono Co., Ltd
602-0943 576, Kodo-cho, Kamigyo-ku Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 602-0943, Japan
Industry/Business field:Textile Industry
Number of employees:8
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): 55,000,000

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Traditional Crafts

Kagura traditional and innovative sake in Kyoto’s Rakuchu area, and Rinne gin and rum representing Kyoto

Matsui Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceJapanese Sake " KAGURA " & Kyoto Gin , Rum " RINNE "

Features of products and servicesWhile incorporating new techniques into traditional manufacturing methods, our brewery produces a clear sake called “Kagura” that has a vivid taste and aroma without any filtration or addition of water. We are the only sake brewery that brews sake with underground water that flows from the “Three Famous Waters” of the Kyoto Imperial Palace, and the only sake brewery that receives orders from famous temples and shrines such as Kinkakuji Temple, Ginkakuji Temple, and Kibune Shrine. In the field of spirits, which is a new challenge for us, it took two years of trial manufacturing to complete new gin and rum that are fragrant and soft without harshness, for which we use a unique manufacturing method.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionSome of our sake lees are provided as food for farmed mackerel to nurture “Yopparai Saba” (drunken mackerel) and as feed for chickens, whose eggs are served in our tasting space. The fruits and other ingredients used for craft gin and liqueurs, which are made by distilling the remaining alcohol content of about 8% in the sake lees, are selected mainly from Kyoto-grown produce, making the most of non-uniform agricultural products in the region that would otherwise be discarded. We also use recycled paper in our gift boxes and brochures, which return to the soil

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Energy-saving
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesYes

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, USA, Dubai, South Africa

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
Kosher certification planned
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.Kyoto City Shining Regional Company Award, Certificate to an Enterprise Weaving a Thousand Years into the Future

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesApproximately 60% of the electricity used for brewing is generated by solar power, and we make use of all by-products that arise during the brewing process. We carry out sustainable Monozukuri craftsmanship based on a recycling-oriented approach. Using sake lees produced as a by-product of the brewing process, we manufacture craft gin by distilling the remaining alcohol content of about 8% in the sake lees. The fruits and other ingredients used for gin and liqueurs are selected mainly from Kyoto-grown produce, making the most of non-uniform agricultural products in the region that would otherwise be discarded.

Company profileMatsui Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.
1-6, Yoshidakawaramachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 606-8305, Japan
Industry/Business field:Manufacturing of beverages, tobacco, and feed
Number of employees:13
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Traditional Crafts

Traditional Japanese decorative metal fittings that have been used to decorate shrines and temples with both delicate craftsmanship and durability

Takeuchi Co., Ltd.

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceJapanese Traditional Decorative Metal Works

Features of products and servicesTo date, we have manufactured more than 3,000 types of metal fittings, including altar metal fittings, Buddhist altar metal fittings, charnel altar metal fittings, and metal fittings for shrines and temples. Our company has established a more sustainable method using a hybrid of traditional hand-carving and machinery, which also supports mass production. The hand-carving of original forms is one of our company’s characteristic features. This creates a warmth and natural texture that cannot be produced by machines alone. In addition to religious metal fittings, we can meet a wide range of needs, including commercial facilities, hotels, and buildings.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionDecorative metal fittings are used in units of time ranging from decades to centuries, and even if they lose their luster or break, they can be repaired to extend their life even further. This durability and repairable design contribute to the SDGs and ethical consumption, in addition to suppressing disposable culture and reducing resource waste. A sustainable approach to decorative metal fittings promotes environmental protection and ethical consumption to help realize a sustainable future.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Long lifespan
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesNone

Overseas business recordWu Wai Co., Ltd. (YSTUDIO), Treasure House Co., Ltd., Qianxia Mountain Haiming Temple

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), KBS Kyoto, Kyoto Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun, several magazines

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileTakeuchi Co., Ltd.
93, Takeda Mukashiro-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 612-8418, Japan
Industry/Business field:Metal product manufacturing
Number of employees:8
Capital(JPY): 13,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Traditional Crafts

Stonework handicrafts that envision, create, and use materials of the Earth

Ishikawa stone dealer

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceTraditional Crafts, Kyoto Stone Carving

Features of products and servicesIn addition to producing and selling stone lanterns and water bowls, which are part of Japanese culture, and stone carvings for graves, pet graves, Buddhist statues, and other products, we also offer stone works and architectural products that match contemporary culture, creative art, stone “go-shiun books” (Cocoronagu) used to collect seal stamps at Japanese temples and shrines, and collaborative products with other artisans and artists. We specialize in works that fuse the soft warmth of hand processing and the sharp handiwork of machining. We work hard under the management philosophy from the first generation: “Take care even about invisible parts” and “Always keep gratitude in your heart.”

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionIn recent years, the feeling of holding memorials for ancestors, which is unique to humans, has faded. We believe that building graves cultivates feelings of gratitude and inner peace through memorials for ancestors. Our registered trademark, Cocoronagu®, contains the spirit of our wish that my creations will soothe your heart. These are ethical products that can be used for many years, in gardens that are relaxing to look at, Jizo statues that bring peace through worship, and from giant stones revered as deities to usable stones (weights for pickles, hand mills for making rice cakes, and tea-grinding mortars).

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Environmentally-certified products
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesYes

Overseas business recordNone

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Trademark Registration No. 6052055 Cocoronagu
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Director-General of the Kinki Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Award (Kyoto Stonework Handicrafts Traditional Craft Artisans), Long-Established Company in Kyoto Award (Kyoto Prefecture), Kyoto City Shining Regional Company Award
【Media coverage】
Nihon Sekizai Kougyo Shinbun, Monthly Sekizai (trade magazine)

Selection for programs, etc.Certificate to an Enterprise Weaving a Thousand Years into the Future

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesIn addition to proper management of waste and other materials under a manifest system, our company considers waste materials from the production of Kyoto stonework handicrafts as by-products and reuses them by transforming them into stone sundries and garden stone parts, and we strive to make effective use of limited resources.

Company profileIshikawa stone dealer
362, Myorenjimae-cho, Omiya-Higashiiru, Teranouchidori, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 602-8418, Japan
Industry/Business field:Ceramic, stone, and clay product manufacturing
Number of employees:2
Capital(JPY): -
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Creating new possibilities for lacquer by combining it with other things


Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceNepros Urushi Ratchet Handle

Features of product / serviceThis ornamental art tool features a ratchet handle with a smaller, lighter head for easier use and a grip that is covered in lacquer known worldwide for being made in Japan. Lacquer becomes more transparent as it ages. You can also enjoy the change. The seven patterns on the handle are drawn one by one using a very orthodox traditional technique. Using the natural properties of lacquer, it adds an extra gloss to the ebony feel and gives Nepros’s unique narrow part and edges a glamorous look.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionUsing lacquer in fields never imagined before, we create something that has never been done before. This is what Sato Kiyomatsu Shoten aims to do with lacquer suitable for the modern age. As for high value added products, we made the handle decoration of ratchet tools of Kyoto Tool Co., Ltd. with third generation lacquer developed by Sato Kiyomatsu Shoten. This product contributes to ethical consumption by making full use of traditional techniques for local production and consumption.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Environmentally-certified products
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesYes

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa, Other
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.Companies Driving Regional Growth Selectee

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

105, Hirano Miyanishi-cho, Kita-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 603-8357, Japan
Industry:Other wholesale businesses
Number of employees:3
Annual Sales(JPY):-

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Providing the appeal of bamboo, a traditional Japanese industry, in line with the needs of modern society

Nagaokameichiku Co., Ltd.

Otokuni-gun, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceBamboo fences, bamboo objet d'art, bamboo crafts

Features of product / serviceBamboo has long supported Japanese culture. Bamboo was involved in most aspects of Japanese life. Among them, "bamboo fences" have been handed down to the present as partitions and walls for gardens and houses. Plastic bamboo fences have been appearing in recent years, but we want to deliver the best of natural materials to everyone. We have identified materials based on our many years of experience, and we help our customers realize their dreams with craftsmanship.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionSince bamboo grows fast, using bamboo rather than wood does not lead to deforestation. In other words, placing orders with us will promote ethical consumption. In recent years, the issue of marine plastic waste has been a point of focus, but before the rise of plastic products, bamboo products were commonplace in our daily lives. Unlike plastic, bamboo decays and returns to nature after it has worn out its use, so the material itself is environmentally friendly.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Long lifespan
  • Energy-saving
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesAdventure World

Overseas business recordArt museums, hotels, Japanese gardens

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Honored as "Kyoto Prefecture Traditional Industry Excellent Engineer - Master Craftsman of Kyoto"
【Media coverage】
Kyoto Shimbun, MBS TV, TBS TV, KBS TV, many magazines, many YouTube programs

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesBamboo is a material that comes from the earth and returns to the earth. It is also a very mysterious plant that grows quickly in just three months after germination. From this perspective, it has also attracted attention in recent years from the perspective of the SDGs. In order to create a sustainable society, we are not satisfied with the status quo, but are thinking of environmentally friendly initiatives and proactively working on them "starting with what we can do now."

Company profileNagaokameichiku Co., Ltd.
19, Enmyoji Kaido, Oyamazaki-cho, Otokuni-gun, Kyoto 618-0091, Japan
Industry:Wood and wooden products manufacturing (excluding furniture)
Number of employees:3
Annual Sales(JPY):60,000,000

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A perfect junmaishu (sake in which the only ingredients are rice, koji and water) with a gentle aroma, soft mouthfeel and refined flavor that is typical of Kyoto.

Shoutoku Shuzo Co., Ltd.

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceSake

Features of product / serviceOur company began in 1645 when we founded a sake brewery in Kyoto. We have long believed that junmaishu is the true form of sake, and have been producing and selling junmaishu since the 1960s, and we continue to work to popularize junmaishu and make sake with a focus on junmaishu. Shoutoku junmaishu, which has a gentle aroma and soft taste, harmonizes the umami and natural acidity of rice, is nurtured by Kyoto's food culture and tradition and is beloved as a delicious sake that can be served warm or cold.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe are engaging in deeper cooperation with growers in search of high quality raw rice. The agricultural corporation Tamba Nishiyama in Ayabe City, Kyoto Prefecture, cultivates and supplies Gohyakumangoku rice and other varieties, and mainly Kyoto Prefecture's unique varieties such as Iwai Asahi 4-gou and Kyo-no-Kagayaki.
We are also a reassuring partner for research into organic farming and the introduction of new cultivars. In addition, in the Saga-Koshihata area of Ukyo Ward, Kyoto City, we continue to hold rice-making and sake-making workshops for general customers in collaboration with farmer volunteers.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesYes

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
Singapore, Spain, Italy

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileShoutoku Shuzo Co., Ltd.
16, Butai-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 612-8338, Japan
Industry:Manufacturing of beverages, tobacco, and feed
Number of employees:11
Annual Sales(JPY):-

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Tsuchibasami is used to cut the soil with a superb technique.

Koson Kiln

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceTsuchibasami

Features of product / serviceKoson Kiln, which has a history of over 100 years in Kyoto, produces Seishi white porcelain and celadon tableware. A new decorative technique called "tsuchibasami" was born while continuing the tradition. The piece is shaped on a potter's wheel, and dried once. For vases and other items, the base is carved away, the piece is softened again by wrapping it in wet cloth, and then the surface is cut with scissors. Captivated by the beauty of decorative porcelain cutting with scissors, we create a wide range of works using his unique and virtuoso techniques.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionKiyomizuyaki pottery has a long history as a one of the most well-known types of Kyoyaki (Kyoto pottery). In this tradition, Koson Kiln has connected technique and beauty for four generations. Our "tsuchibasami" technique was created by combining our mission to preserve tradition, a strong desire to create "pottery that expresses oneself", and the Koson Kiln technique of "attached peony," in which the clay itself is moistened and softened and then a separately created design is attached. We will continue to develop new techniques while carrying on local traditions and preserving the history of the region.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesNone

Overseas business recordNone

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
China, Taiwan, Thailand, France, Italy, Spain, USA, Turkey

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
2017: 39th Kyoyaki / Kiyomizuyaki Exhibition, Kyoyaki / Kiyomizuyaki Traditional Craftsmen Association Chairman's Award, 2019: Kyomono Youth Competition 2019 Grand Prix & LEXUS CRAFTED Award, 2021: Certified as a "Master of the Future" in Kyoto City's Traditional Industries
【Media coverage】
TV NHK, NHK WORLD, YTV, ABC, MBS, KTV, KBS, newspapers, magazines, YouTube

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileKoson Kiln
6-541, Gojobashi Higashi, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 605-0846, Japan
Industry:Ceramic, stone, and clay product manufacturing
Number of employees:3
Annual Sales(JPY):-

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"Wind", where Japanese ancient tradition and the creator's spirit reside

Oomura Co., Ltd

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceJapanese Fans by Kyofuan Oomura

Features of product / serviceKyofuan Oomura's Japanese fans are made entirely by hand, continuing the traditions of generations gone by. We are particular about the essential components and use our own earth-friendly iron. The materials, bamboo and washi (Japanese paper), are made with care in Japan, and all our designs are hand-drawn. We believe that the "beauty of utility" can only be expressed using domestically produced materials, and we strive every day to create fans that will be loved for many years to come, keeping in mind the feel of the fan in your hand and the beauty of its use.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionKyoto fans, beloved since the Heian period, are tools for ceremonies and etiquette, and express the coolness-bringing wisdom of our ancestors. Even if you raise the temperature of the air conditioner by 2 degrees, you can use fans to keep cool, and because they are made from natural materials, they also support the cultivation of trees, which are the source of paper. They are also connected to the cultivation of bamboo, the material used to make the fan ribs. As a Kyoto brand that deals in traditional crafts made with 100% earth-renewable materials, we contribute to ethical consumption.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesNihombashi Mitsukoshi Main Store, Ginza Mitsukoshi, etc.

Overseas business recordNone

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】
Kyo-sensu Folding Fan

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
S-Certified Corporate Recognition, Kyoto City Shining Regional Corporate Recognition, Kyoto Future Master, Traditional Craftsman
【Media coverage】
NHK, Kyodo News, Kyoto Shimbun

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileOomura Co., Ltd
35-20, Kitakazan nakamichi-cho, Yamashina-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 607-8481, Japan
Industry:Other manufacturing
Number of employees:5
Annual Sales(JPY):-

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Kyoto spinning tops, a smiley communication tool that transcends generations and languages


Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceKyoto spinning tops

Features of product / serviceTops are an old-fashioned plaything that people all over the world know. But now it seems only a few people use them or make them. Kyoto spinning tops are traditionally made by hand, with layers of cloth. In Japan, they are considered lucky charms that bring prosperity and harmony like ripples. Spinning tops are not just things, they also contain culture that adults can talk about. Small special custom orders welcome. If you see a Kyoto spinning top in front of you, you will surely want to spin it.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionKyoto spinning tops are sometimes used by JICA and Unicef. We have received reports that they help to promote communication. Also, if you talk about the culture of Kyoto spinning tops and Japanese culture, it will be a communication tool for the other side to talk about their culture and memories. Occasionally, we visit hospices. It's a joyful feeling, a heartfelt connection. We are proud to manufacture Kyoto spinning tops that can play a role in society.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Energy-saving
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesYes

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regionsEurope, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Trademark registration 6384264 Jakkyu
【Licenses, etc.】
Kyoto Handicraft Shop

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Kyoto City Future Master Craftsmen
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesTo ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns, increase awareness and value of spinning top culture and fun, and sustain consumption and production.

Company profileJAKKYU
1, Sinsenen-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 604-8371, Japan
Industry:Other manufacturing
Number of employees:1
Annual Sales(JPY):-

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From Kyoto to the World: Kyoto hand-drawn Yuzen (resist dyeing technique) and manufacturing in a new era assuming diverse markets

Kyoto Cooperative Association of KOUGEISENSHO

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceKyoto Yuzen Sarees

Features of product / serviceUsing the traditional Japanese technique of Kyoto Yuzen, the artist created a South Asian national costume called "sari". Kyoto hand-drawn Yuzen products have historically been created on a one-by-one basis using advanced techniques and sophisticated design skills. Take a look at haute couture and monozukuri craftsmanship that reflects the tastes and sensibilities of consumers, taking advantage of its inherent identity as a strength.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionOne of the characteristics of traditional crafts is that most of the processes are done by hand, so electricity and other energy consumption is low. Also, by using these time-consuming handmade items carefully, there is no burden on the environment caused by mass production and mass consumption. We will promote exchanges by expressing designs and patterns that recall the clothing culture and traditions of countries around the world in Kyoto Yuzen.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesNone

Overseas business recordNone

Overseas target regionsAsia
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
NHK, etc

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileKyoto Cooperative Association of KOUGEISENSHO
5F, Sensho-Kaikan, 97 Nishirokaku-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 604-8217, Japan
Industry:Cooperatives (those not otherwise classified)
Number of employees:1
Annual Sales(JPY):-

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Colorful handmade tableware made by skilled craftsmen

Touan Co., Ltd

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceKyoyaki / Kiyomizuyaki (pottery)

Features of product / serviceThe Kiyomizuyaki pottery produced by Touan is characterized by its vivid color and unique strength. It is difficult to produce vivid colors when baking at a high temperature, but by developing from the paints used for the underglaze, the elegant colors are kept the same and are scratch-resistant. We established the techniques that are the foundation of Touan today. Yoshiaki Dobuchi, is now the fourth-generation head of Touan, and has developed and established "flower crystals" that can form a wide variety of crystal shapes.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionSince its founding in Higashiyama Sennyuji Temple in Kyoto, Kyoyaki and Kiyomizuyaki pottery maker Touan has continued to produce its products with skilled craftsmen using high-quality raw materials. While continuing the tradition of Kyoyaki from Nonomura Ninsei and Ogata Kenzan, we are constantly working on technological innovation and crafting tableware that can only be made in this day and age. In collaboration with Tomita Kogei, we also make Buddhist altars and Buddhist altar fittings with colorful paintings based on the plants and flowers that adorn Kyoyaki and Kiyomizuyaki.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic major companiesYes

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】
Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.Companies Driving Regional Growth Selectee

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileTouan Co., Ltd
38, Sennyuji Torin-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 605-0987, Japan
Industry:Ceramic, stone, and clay product manufacturing
Number of employees:30
Annual Sales(JPY):-

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Traditional Crafts

Creating a new tradition, cherishing Japanese traditions

Kurochiku Co., LTD

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceDeveloping products such as crafts and interiors using traditional techniques

Features of products and servicesTraditions have always existed and an aesthetic sense has been developed in the Japanese way of life related to craft art. Since the Meiji Restoration (1868 - 1889), art from the West and aesthetic sense introduced from Japan have learned from this worldview and created new beauty crafts. By being aware that Japanese beauty is deeply rooted and is better understood around the world, we hope to be a company that aims to create products that retain the charm of things that have stood the test of time.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionAllowing customers to use the products offered by selecting good, nature-friendly materials and using traditional techniques for a long time, we contribute to ethical consumption in terms of environmental consideration and passing on traditional local techniques through. Over the years, they have a charm unlike anything new. We upcycle these old wickerwork and kimonos into bags that can be used in modern life.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesYes

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa, Other
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileKurochiku Co., LTD
380, Mukadeya-cho, Nishiki-koji Agaru, Shinmachi-dori, Nakagyo-ku Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 604-8214, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other manufacturing
Number of employees:70
Capital(JPY): 50,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Traditional Crafts

Rice, water, koji, and spirit: 350 years of making just good sake

Tamanohikari Sake Brewing Co., LTD,

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceTamanohikari Junmai Daiginjo Bizen Omachi 100%

Features of products and servicesOur company was founded in 1673. Tamanohikari celebrated its 350th anniversary in 2023. It was born in Wakayama, and later moved to the water-producing area of Kyoto Fushimi, where it has been for over 70 years. Our aim is to make honest sake using only the best ingredients. We use only good rice, water and koji. We also stick to traditional manual methods as much as possible in the sake brewing process, and our ideal is a flavor that does not get boring and can be enjoyed with food as a food-accompanying sake.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe make rice koji entirely by hand, using a handmade method that has been passed down since the Edo period, using a steaming device called a “koshiki” and without using large machinery such as automatic steaming machines. We add koji, steamed rice and water to the yeast starter that has been brewed over a period of about two weeks, and make the sake using the traditional three-step brewing method of “soe-jikomi,” “naka-jikomi,” and “tome-jikomi.” Sake made from 100% rice is the true form of sake, and we contribute to Japanese culture and pass on traditional methods to the next generation in an ethical way.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesKokubu Group Corp., Itochu-Shokuhin Co., Ltd., Mitsubishi Shokuhin Co., Ltd., etc.

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa, Other
【Priority countries and territories】
South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, India, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, United States, Mexico, Canada, UAE, Israel, South Africa, South America (especially Brazil)

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】
Kosher certification (KLBD)

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.Global Niche Top Company

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileTamanohikari Sake Brewing Co., LTD,
545-2, Higashi Sakaimachi, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 612-8066, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:65
Capital(JPY): 65,400,000
Annual Sales(JPY): 1,200,000,000

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Traditional Crafts

Products using braided cords with complex colors and patterns and rich decorative properties


Uji-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceKUMIHIMO

Features of products and servicesIn the traditional handicraft of Kyoto braided cords (Kyo Kumihimo), we can braid products by hand from a single strand for special items. We have various silk, polyester, and rayon thread in stock in about 70 colors at any given time, which can be used to produce original items made to order from small lots of about 30 meters when braided by machine. We can also make cords using supplied thread.In addition to selling cords as components, we can also produce novelty goods and plan products using cords, and we also sell our own planned products wholesale.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionEven if we use machines to braid cords, we have a manufacturing system that measures and produces only what is needed, so we do not create excessive inventory. In addition, thread left over from textile manufacturers and clothing manufacturers can be used to make cords and process products to create new value and reduce waste. Silk thread itself is a highly sustainable natural fiber that is also easy to dye, so it is a material that has relatively little environmental burden.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Energy-saving
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesBeams Co., Ltd., Five Foxes Co., Ltd., Nakagawa Masashichi Shoten Co., Ltd., PHP Institute, Inc., Kiwaseisakujo Co., Ltd.

Overseas business recorddinh van

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Fujingaho, Souda Kyoto Ikou (Let’s Go to Kyoto), Leaf, Kansai Walker, hanako

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileSHOWEN KUMIHIMO CO., LTD.
146-2, Ujimyoraku, Uji-shi, Kyoto 611-0021, Japan
Industry/Business field:Textile industry
Number of employees:41
Capital(JPY): 3,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Traditional Crafts

Natural silk fans made from rare pure domestic silk hand-dyed

ITOKO Co.,Ltd.

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceSilk folding fan "Kasumi-ogi"with bamboo frame

Features of products and servicesThe fan fabric is made from plain-weave thin silk called Kasumiginu, which is made from pure domestic silk called Matsuoka-hime, and is blush-dyed using the traditional "hikizome" technique at a dyeing workshop in Kyoto. We use high quality raw silk from the highest quality Japanese cocoons. The folding fans are handcrafted by artisans in Kyoto using real bamboo ribs, and the mizuhiki charms made of Japanese paper contain incense to provide a fragrant cool feeling.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThis product does not use chemical fibers or petroleum-derived materials and utilizes silk, a natural raw material that does not put any burden on the global environment. For nearly 30 years, Itoko has engaged in contract and cocoon production with domestic sericulture farmers, with the mission of preserving the natural environment of the country. Manufacturing products that make use of the handiwork of craftsmen in traditional industries is an effort that contributes to revitalizing local industries, maintaining employment, and solving issues of passing on technology.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesYes

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Kyoto City "Oscar Company" certification (2019), Kyoto Prefecture "Commendation for Outstanding Small and Medium Enterprise" (2022), Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry "Wisdom 1 Grand Prix (Challenge Category) Excellence Award" (2023)
【Media coverage】
Nikkei BP "Nikkei Design" (2024), Hearst Fujingahosha "Beautiful Kimono" (Spring 2024, Autumn 2023, etc.), Kinki Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Open Factory (2024), JETRO Expo Promotion Business Influencer YouTube (2024), Mainichi Broadcasting "Kyoto Chishin" (2019)

Selection for programs, etc.Companies Driving Regional Growth Selectee, Vibrant HABATAKU Small and Medium Enterprises 300 Program

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesSilk is a biodegradable fiber that does not put a burden on the global environment, so the silk industry has been re-evaluated as an essential industry for achieving the SDGs. As a manufacturer specializing in natural fiber "silk", the company began with cocoon production with contract sericulture farmers in Japan, and by making use of the techniques of white fabrics and dyeing artisans, it has focused on natural raw materials to produce products for Japanese clothing, interior materials, and everyday products.

Company profileITOKO Co.,Ltd.
6th Floor, ITOKO Build. 448-2, Tatsuike-cho, Nakagyou-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 604-8176, Japan
Industry/Business field:Wholesale of textiles and clothing
Number of employees:13
Capital(JPY): 99,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Traditional Crafts

Passing on the Losing Traditional Culture and Techniques


Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceProducts that make use of Kyoto's traditional craft techniques.

Features of products and servicesIn addition to manufacturing and selling crafts using traditional techniques, we are developing businesses that provide new value such as furniture and small craft items by teaming up with artisans and companies involved in traditional industries (Kyoto Butsudan and Kyoto Butsugu, Nishijin textiles, Kitayama cedar, Kyoto bamboo, tatami mats, plastering, and temple and shrine architecture). We develop interior products using various technologies, and offer traditional cultural experiences to meet a wide range of needs.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe majority of our manufacturing is done by hand, without the use of machines; our products are not mass-produced or disposable, but are repaired and loved for generations to come; we use natural materials for our fabrics and colorings; we reduce carbon dioxide emissions and do not use chemicals; and in all these ways, we continue to take an environmentally friendly approach; thereby contributing to the SDGs and ethical consumption.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesYes

Overseas business recordTashkeel

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
Taiwan, Hong Kong, UAE, Saudi Arabia

Overseas basesUAE (Dubai)

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesOne of the characteristics of Kyoto Butsudan (Buddhist altars) and Kyoto Butsugu (Buddhist altar fittings) manufacturing is that they undergo repeated repairs and restorations, allowing them to be used by generations to come. Since our company uses natural materials such as lacquer and mineral pigments, and mainly produces by hand rather than by machine, it is environmentally friendly and has been engaged in activities like the SDGs since the Heian period./p>

9-1, Yamada Kurumazuka-cho, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 615-8238, Japan
Industry/Business field:General engineering business
Number of employees:9
Capital(JPY): 15,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Traditional Crafts

Hand-drawn Kyo Yuzen, a 300-year-old traditional culture from the Edo period


Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceKyoto Yuzen hand-painted style Kimono, Obi and Original fabric goods

Features of products and servicesWe manufacture and sell hand-drawn Kyo Yuzen kimonos and obi in Kyoto. We make original works based on new sense colors and designs that make use of tradition and patterns that match the material. Using 20,000 patterns of data, we can propose fabrics using hand-drawn Kyo Yuzen techniques, traditional colors and patterns, and the development of original fabric accessories. We can handle everything from prototypes to small lots. You can also visit our workshop and experience hand-drawn Kyo Yuzen dyeing.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionAlthough opportunities to wear kimonos are decreasing these days, kimonos are easier to remake than Western clothing due to the way they are cut and their structure. In many ways, these clothes are sustainable and contribute to ethical consumption, as they produce less waste to dispose of in the making process, are easy to remake, are designed to be worn for a long time, and can be passed down to children and grandchildren with proper care.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesYes

Overseas business recordNone

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】
Kyoto City Traditional Industry and Technology Meritorious Person - Recognized as Master of Kyo

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Received the The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Silver Rays, and the Kyoto Prefecture Traditional Industry Excellence Award (Master Craftsman of Kyoto)
【Media coverage】
NHK Bi no Tsubo, etc.

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives

Company profileOKAYAMA-KOUGEI Inc.
8-2-2, Fukakusa Nishiura-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 612-0029, Japan
Industry/Business field:Textile Industry
Number of employees:17
Capital(JPY): 5,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Traditional Crafts

Tailor-made mini tatami to improve the value and appearance of figurines

Kansai Tatami Industrial Co., Ltd

Joyo-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceminiature tatami

Features of products and servicesRectangular and square as well as hexagonal mini tatamis are also available. There are more than 30 different edge patterns used for mini tatami, and you can make your favorite mini tatami of variety. You can choose your favorite design and type of tatami table, not only "igusa" but also resin and Japanese paper. It is not made by machine, but each piece is made by hand by craftsmen, and can be said to be a one-of-a-kind work in the world.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionIn the process of making new tatami mats, scraps of the tatami surface inevitably occur, as well as the last remaining edge. Traditionally they were disposed of as industrial waste. In order to make the most effective use of these scraps, the materials are effectively used by miniaturizing the leftover tatami surfaces and edges and using them as bases for vases, bonsai, and other figurines.

Sustainable / ethical categories-

Business record with domestic major companiesDaiwa House Industry Co., Ltd.

Overseas business recordNone

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
(Kyoto) Commendation given to a shining regional company in FY2021
【Media coverage】
NHK World Japan "Core Kyoto"

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe will contribute to people's lives by making use of the knowledge and experience we have cultivated since our founding, solely on tatami mats. We are engaged in activities such as promoting sales of shock-absorbing tatami mats to prevent injuries among the elderly, implementing a tatami mat support project for disaster-stricken areas, making efforts to reduce waste generated by our business, recycling scraps and old tatami mats as fuel resources, working with suppliers to reuse old tatami mats as tatami flooring, creating a workplace that is employee-oriented, establishing flexible working arrangements such as working from home, and accepting local student interns.

Company profileKansai Tatami Industrial Co., Ltd
20-2, Shimonoaze, Nashima, Joyo-shi, Kyoto 610-0116, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other manufacturing
Number of employees:19
Capital(JPY): 50,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): 322,000,000

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Traditional Crafts

One-of-a-kind Kyoto Art Collection: Works of Traditional Beauty and Contemporary Technology

Kyoto Culture NFT,LLC.

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceMaiko Art Collection

Features of products and servicesMaiko Art Collection is a luxury art collection that fuses Kyoto maiko culture with contemporary art. Original paintings depicting the beauty of maiko, textile paintings using Nishijin weaving techniques, and "Maiko Doll" elaborately reproduced. All of these are unique works created by Kyoto traditions and outstanding techniques. We bring timeless and elegant beauty to discerning art lovers both at home and abroad.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionBy supporting traditional crafts and promoting the succession of craftsmanship, Maiko Art Collection contributes to Goal 8 of the SDGs: Decent work and economic growth. In addition, by producing one-of-a-kind items, we avoid mass production and promote sustainable consumption. Use local materials and techniques to stimulate local economies and promote ethical consumption. This art collection proposes the preservation of traditional culture and sustainable values that are friendly to the earth.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Long lifespan
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesNone

Overseas business recordNone

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Other
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Kyoto Shimbun

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileKyoto Culture NFT,LLC.
26-13, Nishinokyo Shoji-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 604-8381, Japan
Industry/Business field:Information services industry
Number of employees:1
Capital(JPY): 300,000
Annual Sales(JPY): 1,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Traditional Crafts

The beauty of Nishiki (brocade): Traditional textiles that changes with the light and the angle


Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceVericolored, exquisite, and gorgeous silk pattern fabrics "NISHIKI WEAVING TEXTILE"

Features of products and servicesNishiki has long been a metaphor for beauty in Japan, as in many Japanese idioms such as “decorating hometowns with Nishiki,” “Nishiki flags,” and “Nishiki autumn.” We are a workshop that aims to create textiles that surpass the beauty of Nishiki, using the traditional weaving techniques that have been passed down through four generations: the first generation, Heizo Tatsumura (pseudonym: Koha); the second generation, Heizo Tatsumura (pseudonym: Kosho); the textile artist Koho Tatsumura; and the Nishiki textile artist Shu Tatsumura. We create works of art in the form of Nishiki textiles that can be displayed like paintings, as well as obi sashes, bags, neckties, pouches, and other items made from Nishiki textiles.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionMany traditional crafts were once an integral part of our everyday culture, and the work involved was the result of the collaborative efforts of many artisans. Today, many of these crafts are in a critical situation due to business closures and a lack of successors. We are actively working to make traditional techniques useful in modern life in order to pass on traditional culture, which has been the source of cutting-edge technology. We are working to pass on precious resources to the next generation, including textile techniques that have been used for over 1,000 years, in an environmentally friendly way that produces little waste.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesYes

Overseas business recordNone

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
The Kyoto Shimbun, Hearst Fujingaho Co., Ltd., Shogakukan Inc., Gakuseisya, National Geographic Traveler, etc.

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe make the most of discarded textiles and threads to make bags, neckties, pouches, and more. We also offer tours of our workshop and textile-making experiences.

Company profileKOHO TATSUMURA Co.Ltd.
25, Shichiku Shimonokishi-cho, Kita-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 603-8107, Japan
Industry/Business field:Textile industry
Number of employees:4
Capital(JPY): 1,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Traditional Crafts

Promoting Kyoto's tatami culture to the world


Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceTatami production based on Kyoto tatami production technology

Features of products and servicesWe produce tatami mats based on the production techniques of Kyoto tatami, a traditional Kyoto industry. We also develop new products that make use of traditional Kyoto woodworking techniques, and we can propose tatami that meets your needs. Kyoto tatami mats and tea room tatami mats made from natural rushes are made using traditional methods that involve a lot of handwork. Okiyuka tatami mats, which uses Nishijin gold brocade for the edges, gives a sense of Japanism, and okiyuka double tatami mats can be used to create a Japanese-style space by setting up shoji paper screens and fusuma sliding doors. We also have edgeless tatami mats made from Japanese paper.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionTraditional tatami mats are made from many natural materials produced in Japan, which helps to reduce CO2 emissions during production and disposal. The raw material, igusa (soft rush), can regulate the humidity in the room and absorb harmful substances to purify the air. The thickness of the tatami mat absorbs sound to reduce the noise of everyday life, and its elasticity also has the advantage of reducing the risk of injury if you fall over. We are also committed to passing on the culture of tatami mats, such as by accepting successors to tatami mat stores as interns and by accepting local elementary school students for extracurricular learning.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesYes

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
The Kyoto Shimbun, NHK Kyoto Broadcasting Station, Discovery Channel

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe strive to provide environmentally friendly products and services, create rewarding jobs, pass on the culture of tatami mats, and contribute to the local community. We are working to realize a diverse and inclusive society by promoting the inheritance of traditional industries and technological innovation, as well as solving local issues and realizing a sustainable society through our business activities.

22, Matsumoto-cho, Uzumasa yasui, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 616-8085, Japan
Industry/Business field:Furniture and fixture manufacturing industry
Number of employees:16
Capital(JPY): 25,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Traditional Crafts

Many generations of Makuzu ware works are in famous museums both in Japan and abroad, and they continue to captivate the world.


Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceMakuzu wares

Features of products and servicesCeramics made by Makuzu ceramic artists, using traditional Kyo-yaki techniques while producing works that meet the demands of the times. The brilliant and delicate overglaze enamel, fine underglaze blue, and underglaze iron are rich in nuance. Other traditional techniques, such as Kochi and Kinrande, are also encompassed. In addition, the straw ash glaze that was the specialty of Miyagawa Chozo, the founder of Makuzu, has been used for generations. We specialize in works that focus on Japanese tea-drinking culture and the tea ceremony.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe manufacture our products with care to be as environmentally friendly as possible, with as little waste as possible. We have launched an online shop called MAKUZU to communicate the appeal of our own brand, and we create works that will last for many years and generations. We have also mastered the art of Kintsugi (repair and restoration), and we handle the restoration of previously delivered items, contributing to ethical consumption.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Upcycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesDepartment stores (Mitsukoshi, Takashimaya), art museums in Japan and overseas

Overseas business recordNone

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
Singapore, India, France, UK, USA, UAE

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe manufacture our products with care to be as environmentally friendly as possible, with as little waste as possible. By further conveying the appeal of our own brand, we create works that can be used for many years. We have also mastered the art of Kintsugi (repair and restoration).

Company profilemakuzu
484, Shimoumamachi, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 605-0873, Japan
Industry/Business field:Ceramic, stone, and clay product manufacturing
Number of employees:4
Capital(JPY): -
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Traditional Crafts

Setto-ka: Completely new frameless origami lighting decorated with Washi Japanese paper


Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceORIGAMI Lighting "Setto-ka"

Features of products and servicesThe most distinctive feature of Setto-ka® is that it has no framework. Inspired by the traditional Japanese culture of origami, a frame is formed by the tension of the folds, so that when light passes through the folds, they appear as shadows, giving them a tasteful texture. Each piece is made by hand by a Kyoto paper-hanging artisan, so they can also be made in small lots of any size and design. You can also select your own pattern, so you can create products unique to your company.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionBy selling products made with materials that support the SDGs, we reduce waste and disposal costs, and create new value by reusing them. We are currently developing folding, washable paper dishes for Marché. When they are completed and used by everyone, we believe it will lead to a significant reduction in plastic waste.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Recycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Energy-saving
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesAsahi Kasei Group, etc.

Overseas business recordmaison WA/France etc.

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
Singapore, Malaysia, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, USA, Canada, UAE

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Patent No. 6524378 Lampshade (Application filed under the name of Takuya Kinami)
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Shotenkenchiku, Fujingaho, FUDGE

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe create origami lampshades as an elegant design by mixing in the threads of Nishijin brocade and other fabrics that are used in the production of regular picture mounting work when backing the sides of the lampshades with thin Washi Japanese paper. In addition, we also use scrap Kitayama cedar for the bases of stand-type lights. In this way, we are promoting SDGs initiatives by reusing waste materials.

into, 27-12 Jurakumawari-nakamachi, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 604-8403, Japan
Industry/Business field:Pulp, paper, and paper product manufacturing
Number of employees:3
Capital(JPY): 300,000
Annual Sales(JPY): 65,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Traditional Crafts

Matcha for eating, packed with the bounty of Kyoto

Kanaya Masahiro

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / servicematcha carre kyoto

Features of products and servicesWe reinterpret Matcha Yokan not as “Yokan” but as “Matcha for eating.” The manufacturing process is the same as for regular Matcha Yokan, but by using premium ingredients that are different from existing Matcha Yokan and a unique method that increases the amount of Matcha retained by several times, we achieve a new texture that feels like tasting Matcha itself. This product crosses traditional Japanese confectionery techniques and the ingenuity of artisans with the increasing attention Matcha has been gaining overseas in recent years.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionVarious supply chains have long been established in the confectionery industry. We believe that many problems are due to poor communication between businesses and the unfairly low position of manufacturers. In the process from purchasing materials to sales of products, we take care to ensure that the businesses involved are engaged in fair trade. We also want to build healthy partnerships between businesses, with manufacturing done by local companies and materials sourced from local companies as much as possible.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesWest Japan Railway Daily Service Net Company, Kinsho Stores, Inc.

Overseas business recordKyomachi Yamamotoya (Taiwan)

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Kyomono Youth Competition 2023 Grand Prize
【Media coverage】
MBS “Kyoto Chishin,” KBS Kyoto TV “Taniguchi Ryu-Ryu,” a-station “Long Life Design Radio,” “SAVVY” magazine, “Croissant” magazine, “Monthly Kyoto” magazine

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe hope to contribute to the protection of local industries and the creation of a better city by not only conducting manufacturing and sales as a single company but also by actively collaborating with Kyoto businesses.

Company profileKanaya Masahiro
712, Yoshino-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 602-8117, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:4
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): 25,000,000

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Traditional Crafts

Art fabric on interior walls

Tomiya Textile Corporation

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceNishijin-ori art fabric

Features of products and servicesWe use Nishijin weaving techniques to weave custom-made textiles like the one in the photo, and then turn them into panels to decorate walls. Using a special technique that is the only one of its kind in the world, we have been Oscar-recognized by Kyoto City and have received the Kyoto Prefecture Small and Medium Enterprise Technology Award. For example, we can weave textiles from photos you provide. The width is approximately 100 cm. The material is usually silk, but it is also possible to weave it using recycled polyester.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe main demand for Nishijin textiles is from the Japanese-style clothing industry, but this industry is in decline, and the advanced weaving techniques that have been accumulated over many years are disappearing. The weaving techniques used in Nishijin textiles are unique and irreplaceable, and the disappearance of Nishijin textiles would directly lead to the disappearance of the foundations of Japanese culture, with Japanese dance, Noh, Kyogen and Rakugo being performed in Western-style clothing such as suits. By developing demand for products other than Japanese-style clothing, we can protect the traditional techniques of Japan.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesNone

Overseas business recordNOne

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
2022/1/24 Awarded the Shining Community-based Business Award and Special Shining Community-based Business Award from Kyoto City; 2023/1/31 Selected as one of the 100 Next Leader Textile Industry Companies by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry; 2023/11/1 Prime Minister's Award at the Nishijin Textile Convention; etc.
【Media coverage】
Many TV stations such as KBS and NHK, and many newspapers such as Kyoto, Asahi and Yomiuri

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileTomiya Textile Corporation
428, Ichikannon-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 602-8335, Japan
Industry/Business field:Textile industry
Number of employees:18
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Outdoor/Interior Products

Soft and gentle gauze bedding finished using the traditional Japanese wazarashi method


Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceKyo Wazarashi Mensya

Features of products and servicesKyo Wazarashi Mensya creates a comfortable sleeping environment by layering cotton gauze to create layers of air. You can sleep comfortably all year round by covering your body with air, as if letting the wind blow in summer and wrapping oneself in a blanket in winter. The gauze, finished using the time-honored traditional method of "wazarashi," is a soft and gentle bedding and sleepwear item that can be used safely by babies and people with sensitive skin.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe make handkerchiefs for little gifts using scraps of fabric that come out when we make our products. At our shop, we make products with the woven scratches and stains of the fabric that occur in the product production process without discarding them, and offers them at affordable prices. We make recycling by giving scraps of products to nearby schools for reuse in education and community activities.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Upcycling

Business record with domestic major companiesNissan Motor Co., Ltd., Konica Minolta, Inc., Kusakura Inc.

Overseas business recordCOME IN (Hong Kong), CLASSIC&CHAIRS FURNITURE CO., LTD. (Taiwan), Provider Store (Australia), Bottega 360 (USA), Society limonta (Belgium), etc.

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Other
【Priority countries and territories】
Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, EU, UK, USA, Canada, Australia

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Patent No. 6089239 Lying down posture support bedding
Patent No. 6719746 How to use pillows to prevent reflux esophagitis
Others (6 trademark registrations, 2 design registrations)
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Kyoto City Oscar Certification (Kyoto City, 2007), Selected as Companies Driving Regional Growth (METI, 2017), Kyoto City Shining Regional Company Award (Kyoto City, 2019), etc.
【Media coverage】
NHK, MBS, Yomiuri TV, Kansai TV, ABC Asahi Broadcasting, Kyoto Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun

Selection for programs, etc.Companies Driving Regional Growth Selectee, The 100 Next Leader Textile Industry Companies - Business Continuity Enhancement Plan

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesThe cotton gauze made by Kyo Wazarashi Mensya is made using a traditional kettle with a low environmental impact called a wazarashi kettle to remove the oil produced when spinning the yarn and impurities produced when weaving the cotton cloth. We conduct regular community cleaning activities, conduct proper sleep awareness activities (sleep workshops), set up work style reform projects, and improve the working environment. We employ global human resources as employees.

Company profileDAITOU SHINGU KOGYO Co.,Ltd.
66-2, Yamaden, Shimomisu, Yoko-oji, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 612-8238, Japan
Industry/Business field:Textile Industry
Number of employees:20
Capital(JPY): 10,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): 309,183,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

The bento box specialty shop that sparked the bento box boom in Europe

Bertrand Co.

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceRetailer specializing in Bento boxes based in Kyoto "Bento&co"

Features of products and servicesBento, which has been familiar to people in Japan since childhood, is now booming, especially in Europe, without changing the word “bento.” The wide range of bento box designs selected by representative Thomas Bertrand (from France) includes traditional Japanese crafts such as Magewappa bento boxes made of thin wood, dividers and food picks to decorate bento boxes, Japanese patterns, and modern designs. They are currently exported to about 105 countries.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionUsing reusable bento boxes contributes to reducing waste by reducing the use of single-use plastic products. Also, carrying handmade bento made with local ingredients reduces food mileage and promotes local production for local consumption. In addition, bento boxes made from durable and recyclable materials promote sustainable consumption.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization

Business record with domestic major companiesMitsubishi Corporation Fashion Co., Ltd., OPENLOGI Inc.

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)-

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Asahi Shimbun, Nikkei Shimbun, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), KBS TV

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileBertrand Co.
117, Yaoya-cho, Rokkaku-dori, Fuyacho Higashiiru, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 604-8072, Japan
Industry/Business field:Internet-related services
Number of employees:7
Capital(JPY): 77,295,000
Annual Sales(JPY): -

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Thread crafted from sugar cane

Curelabo Co., Ltd.

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceBagasse paper yarn

Features of products and servicesThis is a washi (Japanese paper) thread made from bagasse, a byproduct of sugar cane. The bagasse is ground into powder, combined with hemp, and used to create washi paper, which is then slit and twisted into yarn. In addition to being lightweight, the functional fiber has excellent moisture absorption, quick-drying properties, and antimicrobial and deodorizing qualities. Its smooth texture and sheen are further enhanced by its resistance to pilling. Moreover, residues other than bagasse, such as malt, cocoa husks, wine pomace, and rice husks can also be processed into paper thread.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe develop fibers by upcycling residues that would otherwise be discarded. Unutilized residues generated from factories are typically incinerated as industrial waste, causing an environmental burden. By effectively using these unused resources and developing alternatives to materials with a high environmental load, we contribute to the circular economy and ethical consumption.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Upcycling
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic major companiesSapporo Breweries Ltd., Albion Co., Ltd., Orion Breweries Ltd.

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regionsEurope
【Priority countries and territories】
Italy, France

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Patent No. 6570101: “Paper Thread, Paper Cloth and Cloth Article” (obtained as Rinnovation Inc.)
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
“The 100 Next Leader Textile Industry Companies,” “Certificate to an Enterprise Weaving a Thousand Years into the Future,” and the “Minister of the Environment Award” (EcoPro Award)
【Media coverage】
Nikkei Newspaper, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), and others

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileCurelabo Co., Ltd.
2-14-7, Minatogawa, Urasoe-shi, Okinawa 901-2134, Japan
Branch:17 Yoshidakamiadachicho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 606-8307, Japan
Industry/Business field:Textile industry
Number of employees:5
Capital(JPY): 82,200,000
Annual Sales(JPY): 27,890,000

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A next-generation plant-based sweetener "born from rice"—neither sugar nor honey

Kyoto Grain System Co., LTD.

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceRice Syrup

Features of products and servicesThis rice syrup, made from plant-derived ingredients and organic Japanese rice, features a gentle sweetness and has received Ecocert certification, an international organic standard. Branded as Organic Rice Syrup, it serves as a versatile alternative to honey and sugar, suitable for everyone, including vegans and young children. It can be used as an ingredient or seasoning in a variety of sweets and confections.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThrough raw material processing technology developed over many years and ingredient innovation, we aim to achieve "planetary health" by effectively utilizing food waste (underutilized materials) generated from food manufacturers' production processes. By focusing on eco-friendly, plant-based products, we are committed to the development, manufacturing, and provision of sustainable solutions. One example of our efforts is the creation of a wine pomace powder seasoning made from red wine pomace. We have also ground the stems of shiitake mushrooms into powder and mixed it into soy meat to create plant-based hamburgers.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Energy-saving
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesYes

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
Indonesia, U.K., U.S., U.A.E. (Dubai)

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
Nara Factory (certified by the US FDA)
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】
Organic certification, FSSC certification, vegan certification, and maternity food certification

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Oscar certification
【Media coverage】
Hokkaido Shimbun, KBS Kyoto

Selection for programs, etc.Global Niche Top Company

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesIn Japan, many underutilized ingredients end up being discarded as food waste. We strive to make full and effective use of these natural resources, including food waste, imperfect produce resulting from weather conditions or deterioration during production, harvest, and distribution to retail stores, as well as animal-based materials. By applying a wide variety of designs tailored to manufacturers' standards, we transform these materials and deliver them as valuable products.

Company profileKyoto Grain System Co., LTD.
Shiseido Kyoto bldg. 2F, 480, Kitafudodo-cho, Kizuyabashi-sagaru Aburakoji-dori, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 600-8233, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:95
Capital(JPY): 50,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): 4,500,000,000

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Saikyo Miso, produced by Japan's largest white miso manufacturer, is expanding globally

Saikyo Miso Co., Ltd.

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceSaikyo-Miso originated from Kyoto

Features of products and servicesOur main product, Saikyo White Miso, is a sweet miso with 5% salt content, made using twice as much rice koji as soybeans. It is the miso with the lowest salt content, and can be used as a seasoning in all kinds of dishes. Our trademarked Saikyo Miso is distributed in over 20 countries around the world as a representative brand of white miso. In addition, our manufacturing factory is certified under FSSC22000, and we aim to make safe, high-quality miso.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionMiso uses all of its raw materials, so it contributes to reducing food waste. At the manufacturing factory, the TROLL® UASB anaerobic treatment system is used to decompose factory wastewater into biogas and carbon dioxide, and the biogas is used as energy. This reduces waste and lowers the environmental impact, and an air circulation system has been introduced to maintain a comfortable environment within the factory without using air conditioning or other equipment.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Energy-saving
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesYes

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
Vietnam, Indonesia, UK, France, Germany, United States, Canada, UAE (Dubai), India

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
Acquired FSSC22000 food safety management system certification, registered with the US FDA, and acquired an ML number in Indonesia
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
64th National Miso Appraisal, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award, etc.
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileSaikyo Miso Co., Ltd.
540, Kojima-cho, Muromachidori Ichijo Agaru, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 602-0904, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:108
Capital(JPY): 15,000,000
Annual Sales(JPY): 1,773,000,000

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General/Household Goods

Developing unprecedented women’s clothing fabrics


Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceRegenerate Up Cycle

Features of products and servicesWe plan, manufacture, and sell women’s clothing fabrics under the theme of developing unprecedented women’s clothing fabrics. We purchase distinctive fabrics mainly from Korea, apply secondary processing with our unique sensibility, and sell them as new fabrics. Processing is mainly flock printing, embroidery, and the like. We select the most suitable processing and subcontractors according to the fabrics, entrust production to a factory, and conduct fabric development. Recently, we have been working with university students to develop smartphone case products.

Recommendating organizationKyoto-shi, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionRegenerative upcycling contributes to the effective use of resources and waste reduction by recycling discarded materials into new products. This recycling-oriented business model addresses Goal 12, “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns,” and Goal 13, “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts,” of the SDGs and promotes ethical consumption. In addition, by making use of local traditional handicrafts, we aim to stimulate the local economy and encourage younger generations to enter the industry, and to solve social and environmental issues.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Carbon neutrality
  • Upcycling
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesNone

Overseas business recordWe have a track record of supplying clothing manufacturers in China through a textiles trading firm.

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, Middle East/Africa, Other
【Priority countries and territories】
China, South Korea, Indonesia, Italy, France, UAE, Australia

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesAs a member of the Upcycle Association, we are in the process of building various projects in cooperation with other industry categories, bringing together the excellent technologies and services of the teams to which we belong to realize environmentally friendly manufacturing. We contribute to a recycling-oriented society by carrying out activities to upcycle and rebirth items that would normally be thrown away.

Company profileYMP
1-6, Mibu Shinmei-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 604-8861, Japan
Industry/Business field:Textiles, clothing, and personal effects retailing
Number of employees:1
Capital(JPY): -
Annual Sales(JPY): -

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Outdoor/Interior Products

Japan's first all-Japanese made biodegradable natural rubber beach sandals

Machipro Co.,Ltd

Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa

Name of product / serviceSIX LINE™

Features of products and servicesThis is Japan's first biodegradable natural rubber beach sandal that returns everything from the sole to the thong to the sea. It was born out of the concerns of surfers about environmental pollution caused by beach sandals drifting into the ocean. Completed with 100% organic biodegradable promoting additives. This revolutionary form can be expected to decompose in the ocean and soil in microbially active environments within a few years, and is designed to combat environmental destruction caused by beach sandals made of plastic materials currently on the market.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThere are a significant number of beach sandals that end up drifting away, and the majority of them, such as inexpensive beach sandals made overseas, are plastic products and cause immense environmental pollution on the planet almost indefinitely. Returning to Earth without emitting carbon dioxide protects the ocean and soil. It may be a small step, but it's a product that can contribute to slowing climate change and global warming if everyone works together on sustainable initiatives.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Environmentally-certified products
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsEurope, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Kobe Shimbun, Kansai TV, and others

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileMachipro Co.,Ltd
1-6-28, Tsujido-higashikaigan, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa 251-0045, Japan
Industry/Business field:Retailing of various products
Number of employees:2
Annual Sales(JPY):5,000,000

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Outdoor/Interior Products

High-quality woodwork product that "the more you make, the more beautiful the forest becomes"


Ashibetsu-shi, Hokkaido

Name of product / serviceWhite Line Series: kitchen stocker

Features of products and servicesMade from Paper-Wood, the world's only sustainable plywood material, this brand of high value-added plywood uses wood and white for its base colors and aims to uplift users' lifestyles. We combine unused wood grown on the land of Hokkaido with recycled paper from Shizuoka Prefecture, one of Japan's leading paper producing regions, to create high-quality products with Japanese craftsmanship.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionJapan's low use of domestic timber leaves behind old trees, reducing the chance of planting and growing young trees that absorb a lot of CO2, and the density of trees prevents sunlight from reaching the ground and undergrowth from pooling moisture in the mountains, leading to disasters even with a little rain. Many cut trees cannot be sold due to variations in size and shape, and there are also adverse effects from fallen trees left unattended. Bossche promotes proper logging and effective utilization, transforming the products into high-quality products and contributing to the protection and beautification of the forest.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Environmentally-certified products
  • Energy-saving
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business recordMoMA

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
North America, Asia

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Received the 7th Monozukuri Award for Community Contribution to Monozukuri
【Media coverage】
NHK Ohayo Nippon (nationwide edition), Hokkaido Shimbun, etc.

Selection for programs, etc.Vibrant HABATAKU Small and Medium Enterprises 300 Program

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives

Company profileTAKIZAWA VENEER Co., Ltd
1000, Shinokanancho, ashibetsu-shi, Hokkaido 079-1372, Japan
Industry/Business field:Wood and wooden products manufacturing (excluding furniture)
Number of employees:60
Annual Sales(JPY):934,000,000

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Outdoor/Interior Products

Happiness, a framed item that designs traditional auspiciousness

Noda Industrial., LTD.

Okawa-shi, Fukuoka

Name of product / servicehappiness series 「Carp」

Features of products and servicesKoi is said to be the messenger of God, and swims gracefully in the flowing water pattern depicting pure water flow and ripples. There are also hemp leaf patterns that are meant to represent children's growth and warding off evil, and tortoiseshell patterns that represent longevity and prosperity.
As well as gifts, you can display them in offices and private rooms of restaurants. This is our original craft art product that will surely enhance the happiness of those who view framed items.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionTo protect forest resources, our products are made using environmentally friendly MDF by reusing scrap and waste materials, sheets from domestic manufacturers that contribute to reducing CO2 emissions, and JIS/JAS certified adhesives with the lowest formaldehyde dispersion. In addition, the woodworking industry in this area has been in rapid decline since the rise in wood prices, and all materials for the production of our framed products are sourced from local companies in an effort to revitalize key industries and promote Okawa City.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsEurope, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
Our framed products do not require the CE mark as they fall under the category of crafts for decorative purposes
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Utility Model Registration No. 3235842 Wooden decorative plate material showing micro-digging
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Encouraging Award of Intellectual Property Utilization Business Plan Contest in the 4th (FY2024) (Japan Small and Medium Enterprise Management Consultants' Associations Chairman's Award), sponsored by the Japan Patent Attorneys Association
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives

Company profileNoda Industrial., LTD.
1019-5, Oaza Onoshima, Okawa-shi, Fukuoka 831-0045, Japan
Industry/Business field:Furniture and fixture manufacturing industry
Number of employees:3
Annual Sales(JPY):9,760,000

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Outdoor/Interior Products

Igniter for campfires that utilizes waste materials that are thrown away


Koto-ku, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceFIRE STARTER TAKENOKO

Features of products and servicesThis is an eco-friendly igniter made by upcycling waste bamboo sawdust. We utilize waste materials from factories that process reed sticks used in our reed diffusers (aromatics). It burns well and never goes out, making it easy to burn. It can be used on bonfires, barbecues, wood stoves and fireplaces.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe have a reed diffuser (aromatic) using bamboo as a reed stick. A lot of bamboo sawdust comes out of the factory that manufactures these reed sticks, and the bamboo sawdust is incinerated and thrown away. We hope that not only will we reduce unnecessary carbon dioxide emissions from incineration, but that awareness among people who use TAKENOKO will become more of a social good.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Upcycling

Business record with domestic companiesSeibu Department Store, LOFT, etc.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Design registration, trademark registration
【Licenses, etc.】
Design Registration No. 1730724 Igniter
Design Registration No. 1730789 Igniter

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Tokyo Business Design Awards "Excellence Award", Japanese Stationery Awards "Excellence Award", Kids Design Award
【Media coverage】
Nikkei Marketing Journal, ELLE, etc.

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives

Company profileGRASSE TOKYO Co., Ltd
FourSeasonsBLDG., 5-12-5, Toyo, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0016, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other manufacturing
Number of employees:5
Annual Sales(JPY):45,829,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Outdoor/Interior Products

Handing down Japanese traditions with iron and transmitting them to the world,ltd

Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi

Name of product / serviceEDO style

Features of products and servicesUsing metal materials such as iron and stainless steel, and making full use of the latest laser processing technology, we express traditional Japanese patterns delicately and precisely. It is expressed on metal materials with modern sophisticated technology and finished as an attractive product. By expressing Japanese patterns using high-precision processing technology, it is infused with softness and warmth. We offer one-of-a-kind designs that beautifully blend traditional Japanese beauty with modern technology.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe maasa brand of products contribute to ethical consumption and the SDGs by combining the use of sustainable materials with the latest technologies. In particular, we utilize scrap wood and recyclable iron and stainless steel to minimize environmental burden during the manufacturing process. This contributes to the effective use of resources and waste reduction, thereby achieving sustainable manufacturing. We also offer superior design and product durability, helping to reduce overconsumption by providing a long-lasting product.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Energy-saving
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
Considering acquisition
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Considering acquisition
【Licenses, etc.】
Considering acquisition

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
BS Asahi "Sekai Ni Hokoru Monogatari"

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives

804, Kawada-cho, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi 321-0111, Japan
Industry/Business field:Wholesale trade (construction materials, minerals and metals, etc.)
Number of employees:33
Annual Sales(JPY):1,111,780,000

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Good food starts with beautiful preservation


Takaoka-shi, Toyama

Name of product / serviceKIRIFT Container series

Features of products and servicesBijutsu Kibako Urata has been producing precision paulownia boxes in the traditional craft town of Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture. Through the creation of paulownia boxes for storing artifacts, we use our skills and knowledge to provide kitchenware made of the highest quality paulownia wood from Japan, without any chemicals. Making the best use of the characteristics of paulownia, we produce functional stockers suitable for the hot and humid climate of Japan. It supports a fulfilling life where people can experience polite living and contributes to improving the quality of life.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWith an emphasis on quality and sustainability, we use Japanese paulownia, which is treated by a warm bath water immersion method passed down from generation to generation that does not make use of chemicals, instead of using Chinese chemically treated paulownia wood. By using only paulownia wood that has been naturally dried over several months to several years in the climate, rather than machine-dried, we strive to reduce environmental impact and create products that are safe and environmentally friendly. By using domestic materials, we are reducing CO2 emissions and contributing to the local economy.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesNakagawa Masashichi Shoten

Overseas business recordFocus America

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
Singapore, etc.

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Trademark Registration No. 6454081 "KIRIFT"
【Licenses, etc.】
Adhesives required for manufacturing comply with the Food Sanitation Act.
Comes with a certificate.

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
OMOTENASHI Selection 2021 Gold Award, Wood Design Award, Toyama Products 2020 Award
【Media coverage】
Nikkei (newspaper)

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives

Company profileKIRIFT
4521-3, Shimoasou, Takaoka-shi, Toyama 939-1272, Japan
Industry/Business field:Wood and wooden products manufacturing (excluding furniture)
Number of employees:4
Annual Sales(JPY):27,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Storing coffee beans and rice so they are still delicious with the amazing airtightness of paulownia

Sekine Paulownia Products

Honjo-shi, Saitama

Name of product / serviceKIRI CUBE COFFEE CANISTER

Features of products and servicesThis new product was developed to propose ways to use the traditional Japanese craft of paulownia products in accordance with modern lifestyles. We aim to sustain traditional Japanese handicrafts by taking measures for the aging customer base and developing overseas sales channels. Taking advantage of this feature, the proposed paulownia CUBE is our original product commercialized as a storage container for tea leaves, coffee beans and rice.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWooden products fix the carbon dioxide absorbed during their growth inside. The effect of paulownia, which grows faster than other woods, is remarkable. Items made of plastic or metal must be replaced if damaged, but paulownia products can be used for a long time if repaired. In addition, the traditional handicraft industry in Japan is threatened by a shortage of successors and an aging population, but we are working with university students to develop products and overcome this challenge.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Energy-saving
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesNakagawa Masashichi Shoten Co., Ltd., Maruzen

Overseas business recordBreeze Center (Taiwan), Blue Bottle Coffee (USA)

Overseas target regionsAsia, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesTaipei (Taiwan)

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Trademark Registration No. 6274639 Paulownia CUBE
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Saitama Prefecture Excellent Retail Store Awards "Excellence Award"
【Media coverage】
NHK "asaichi"

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileSekine Paulownia Products
2-1-14, Wakaizumi Honjo-shi, Saitama 367-0055, Japan
Industry/Business field:Wood and wooden products manufacturing (excluding furniture)
Number of employees:1
Annual Sales(JPY):10,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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A rich lifestyle with paulownia wood, bringing the charm of paulownia wood to more people


Osaka-shi, Osaka

Name of product / serviceKIRI no RANGE de GOHANBACHI

Features of products and servicesYou can freeze rice in these containers as it is, and then heat it up in the microwave and use it as a rice bowl, so you can reduce the amount of washing up you have to do. In addition, the high moisture-regulating properties of paulownia wood mean that the frozen rice will be as delicious as freshly cooked rice. Using natural paints made in Germany, we have created a new type of paulownia wood that retains its natural breath, but is also waterproof and stain-resistant. This is a product we recommend for those who want to eat delicious rice even though they are busy.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionBy using natural paulownia wood, which grows quickly and is highly sustainable, we are helping to reduce plastic use.
The Osmo Color paint is made from sunflower oil and is an environmentally friendly paint. Plants that produce sunflower oil are environmentally sustainable materials that do not require much effort to grow and reproduce. Even if they deteriorate over time, you can easily repair them yourself and use them for a long time.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Long lifespan
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesBELLUNA Co. Ltd.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsEurope, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileOSMAC.Co.,Ltd
2-21-8, Kigawa-higashi, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka 532-0012, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other wholesale businesses
Number of employees:14
Annual Sales(JPY):251,714,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Tiles change. Ice that does not melt and brings out the taste of the drink


Fukuroi-shi, Shizuoka

Name of product / serviceIce Demon

Features of products and servicesThis is a new product in the Suiga series of tiles, which develops the concept of using traditional Japanese roof tiles around you. This tableware series can be expected to have the same effect as the charcoal as we have succeeded in capturing carbon with a special firing method derived from Suigara smoked roof tiles. Maybe the power of carbon will boost your drink a notch. The Kimengori demon-face ice cube has been developed to be more accessible while retaining such featuers. We recommend it as a memory of Japan and as a daily treat.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionSimilar to Japanese tiles, the products themselves are environmentally friendly and return to the soil, and the traditional culture born from the demon face design is also considered. The Kimengori ice cube is expected to have the same effect as the charcoal that is characteristic of the carbon in smoked roof tiles, and is made with a special firing method that traps carbon. It brings out the flavor of the drink and can be used over and over again. Our products are all eco-friendly, using paulownia boxes, cotton, Sanada cord and paper cushions as packaging.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Long lifespan
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesIsetan Mitsukoshi Co., Ltd., Ginza Wako

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe
【Priority countries and territories】
Singapore, UAE

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Good Design Shizuoka 2020 Gold Award, OMOTENASHI Selection 2021
【Media coverage】
Shizuoka Shimbun, Chunichi Shimbun, Shizuoka TV

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileKAWARAIKI Co.,Ltd
1-4-4, Izumi-cho, Fukuroi-shi, Shizuoka 437-0062, Japan
Industry/Business field:Specialist construction (excluding facility construction)
Number of employees:2
Annual Sales(JPY):26,921,000

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New tableware for everyday use that adds toughness to the lightness of paulownia.

tomekawa Co., Ltd

Kishiwada-shi, Osaka

Name of product / servicePaulownia cup gentle tumbler

Features of products and servicesThis is an eco-friendly paulownia tumbler, plate and lunch box made by shaving out the scraps of wood resulting from making paulownia chests and rice bins from logs. It is dishwasher compatible. It is sturdy and does not get scratched or dented even if dropped. The paulownia tree itself is also the lightest of all Japanese woods and can be washed and lifted very easily, so it is recommended for the elderly.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionProducts made from paulownia wood scraps contribute to sustainable production and consumption (SDGs 12) by reducing waste of forest resources by effectively using waste materials. It is also lightweight, durable and reusable, helping to reduce the use of plastic products and waste. It is dishwasher compatible, which helps conserve water resources and promote ethical consumption. In addition, we will contribute to the local industry with new products.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesCatalog house

Overseas business recordKiriko Made

Overseas target regionsEurope, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Order of the Sacred Treasure, 6th Class, Governor's Award of Osaka Prefecture
【Media coverage】
Yoi Don, HOTKANSAI, TV Osaka Yasashii News

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profiletomekawa Co., Ltd
1-8-27, Omachi, Kishiwada-shi, Osaka 596-0812, Japan
Industry/Business field:Furniture and fixture manufacturing industry
Number of employees:4
Annual Sales(JPY):24,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

Facial soap luxuriously formulated with high quality sericite from Japan


Kitashitara-gun, Aichi

Name of product / serviceSERICITE WHITE SOAP PREMIUM

Features of products and servicesThis facial soap contains the clay mineral sericite, which is also used in the foundations of famous domestic and international cosmetic brands, and produces a gentle, cloud-like lather. It gently removes dirt from pores and roughness without causing stress to the skin, leaving it moisturized and translucent. Made using cold process manufacturing methods, Premium Soap is a genderless facial soap for all ages and genders.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionLocal "sericite" is added to the ingredients contained in the soap. About seven years ago, I moved from Tokyo to the depopulated town of Toei in Aichi Prefecture, and by commercializing items found only there, I have raised the town's profile, leading to activities to increase the number of visitors and immigrants to the town. Utilizing the time-honored method of cold-process manufacturing, the soap is finished after over a month of aging, and is gentle on both people and the environment.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Japanese Unexamined Patent Application No. 2024-174781 Soap containing sericite, cleansing pigment, body soap, shaving foam, and method for producing soap, etc. (filed as Miyuki Fukuda in June 2023)
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Chunichi Shimbun, Higashi-Aichi Shimbun, Tonichi Shimbun, NHK asaichi, etc.

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileSimple⁺
7, Tsuki-Yamate, Toei-cho, Kitashitara-gun, Aichi, 449-0212, Japan
Industry/Business field:Retailing of various products
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):3,178,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

From Nara! All-in-one gel gently wrapped in Nara strawberries and watermelon

be oneself

Nara-shi, Nara

Name of product / servicebe oneself all in one gel

Features of products and servicesThis all-in-one gel from skincare brand "be oneself", born in the ancient city of Nara, is close to your skin and heart. With the original extract made from strawberries (Kotoka) from Asuka Village in Nara Prefecture and watermelon from Shimoichi Town, this one will blend smoothly with any skin, leaving it soft, moist and smooth. This item can bring back your unique character.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThis all-in-one gel is made from strawberries and watermelons from Nara Prefecture, and supports sustainable agriculture in cooperation with local farmers. LIMEX sheets made of limestone are used for bottle labels and POP seals to reduce plastic consumption. Actively addressing SDGs and ethical consumption, this additive-free formula is gentle on the skin, and contributes to the creation of a sustainable society by revitalizing local economies and reducing CO2 emissions.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Trademark Registration No. 6785687 be oneself
【Licenses, etc.】
Human patch test, RIPT test

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profilebe oneself
YAMATO BASE, Matsuda Building 2F, 475 ,Sanjocho, Nara-shi, Nara, 630-8244, Japan
Industry/Business field:Chemical industry
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):0

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

The grace of Mt. Fuji and 41 natural beauty ingredients make your skin the best ever

Erica esthetic

Kamo-gun, Shizuoka

Name of product / serviceASTABONITA

Features of products and services "Incorporating Shizuoka Prefecture's natural resources and bringing its appeal to the whole country and overseas"
Astabonita Botanical All-in-One Gel is an all-in-one gel that is gentle on sensitive skin and uses natural water from Mt. Fuji and organic herbs from Shizuoka Prefecture. 41 highly concentrated active ingredients firm and elasticate the skin for the best skin conditions for age-friendly skin.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe use natural ingredients to make products that are healthy and environmentally friendly. We make our products using natural meltwater from Mt. Fuji and donate a portion of the proceeds to WaterAid to deliver clean drinking water to countries in need. We use organic herbs to protect local ecosystems and reduce our carbon footprint. The boxes will be FSC certified with vegetable ink and refills will be introduced in the future to reduce plastics.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Environmentally-certified products
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Trademark Registration No. 6683022 Astabonita
【Licenses, etc.】
FSC certification

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Appeared on Nikkei Shimbun, Nikkei MJ and SBS Radio

Selection for programs, etc.Companies Driving Regional Growth Selectee

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileErica esthetic
1117-5, Inatori, Higashiizu-cho, Kamo-gun, Shizuoka 413-0411, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other retail
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):4,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

No plaque staining liquid required! Lights that fluoresce plaques red just by shining light

HA_PPY Co., Ltd

Kita-ku, Kumamoto

Name of product / serviceDental Light

Features of products and servicesConventional dental plaque coloring solutions pose a high hurdle for people to use on a daily basis. Dental Light is a revolutionary product that can help eliminate these concerns and make plaque visible easily. The plaque glows red just by shining a light on it, so it's easy to see where to focus your toothbrush. It can also be used for tooth brushing instruction, helping you raise awareness of oral care yourself. Helps you brush your teeth more effectively every day.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionDental Light helps people extend their healthy life expectancy by visualizing dental health and contributing to the improvement of oral care quality. This directly contributes to SDGs "3. Good Health and Well-Being". It is also expected to help prevent systemic diseases caused by periodontal disease and lead to reduced medical costs. In addition, it has the potential to reduce the overuse of oral care products and reduce environmental burden.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Long lifespan
  • Energy-saving
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
Vietnam, Canada

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Japanese Patent Application 2022-179743 Light for dental filling and dental pulp inspection
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Baby Tech Award 2023 "Grand Prize", Kumamoto Healthy Products 2020 Certification (R0201)
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileHA_PPY Co., Ltd
1041-57 tsuruhata-machi, Kita-ku, Kumamoto 861-5513, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other Life-Related Services
Number of employees:7
Annual Sales(JPY):37,736,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

This is a cute, convenient, single-use, additive-free hand wash soap.


Miki-shi, Hyogo

Name of product / servicePOCKET SOAP

Features of products and servicesIt is a single-use, additive-free soap that can be carried anywhere and used with confidence. There are no quality stabilizers, preservatives, synthetic fragrances or synthetic pigments. Reproducing the shape and pattern of a calico cat, "Pokken M" features a different pattern and shape for each piece, so you can enjoy the individuality each time you use it. Natural ingredients are used for coloring, with Kyoto bamboo charcoal in black and cocoa powder in brown.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe do not use any palm oil or palm kernel oil that is grown on large plantations cut out of the rainforest. In addition, additive-free soaps made using cold process methods are characterized by the rapid decomposition of wastewater into water and carbon dioxide after use, resulting in less environmental impact. In addition, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to support animal conservation efforts. Our soaps are an environmentally and animal friendly choice.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Attention to harmful substances

Business record with domestic companiesOsaka Gas Co., Ltd. Amuse

Overseas business recordTJX (USA)

Overseas target regionsEurope, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Good Design Award 2013, Kobe Selection "Asia Design Award", etc.
【Media coverage】
Yomiuri TV, Mainichi Broadcasting System, Yomiuri Shimbun (Kanto), Savvy magazine, and others

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileMARUBISHI SOAP Co.,Ltd
1108-393, Shimoishino, Bessho-cho, Miki-shi, Hyogo 673-0453, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other manufacturing
Number of employees:21
Annual Sales(JPY):128,415,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

Beauty ingredients from Tottori provide moisture without compromising on time


Tottori-shi, Tottori

Name of product / serviceHOHOULULU GEL CREAM

Features of products and servicesThis all-in-one gel cream is luxuriously formulated with natural beauty ingredients from Tottori Prefecture. We make use of three local ingredients: acetylglucosamine extracted from red snow crab landed in Sakaiminato, fish collagen, and natural water. It combines five functions, from lotion to foundation primer, into one product to support the daily lives of busy women. It has a non-sticky feel and moisturizes thoroughly, and its additive-free formula ensures safe use for sensitive skin.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe make effective use of unused seafood resources (snow crab shells and fish scales) landed in Sakaiminato, with a focus on ingredients from Tottori Prefecture. It contributes to waste reduction by reusing resources that would otherwise be discarded as raw materials for cosmetics. In addition, based on the idea of local production for local consumption, sales rooted in the local community will revitalize the local economy and reduce CO2 emissions during transportation. We aim to make sustainable products that develop together with the local community without wasting resources.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
Thailand, Malaysia

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileSHALLBE CO., Ltd.
2-122, Minami-Yasunaga, Tottori-shi, Tottori 680-0914, Japan.
Industry/Business field:Other retail
Number of employees:6
Annual Sales(JPY):50,000,000

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

A milk-type skin lotion with high-concentration vitamin C that blends well with the skin

ALLEY Co., Ltd

Kanazawa-shi, Ishikawa

Name of product / serviceYuzu Silk Milk Lotion

Features of products and servicesThis skin lotion contains double cocoon extract and high-concentration vitamin C with a slight scent of Kanazawa Yuwaku Yuzu. Yuzu from Kanazawa in Ishikawa Prefecture is extracted by vacuum low-temperature distillation, so you can enjoy the original aroma of the yuzu. In addition, silk extract is extracted by boiling the thin skin of the double cocoon, so it can be expected to improve the moisture retention capacity of the skin. It provides a good balance of moisture and oil to the skin, leading to smooth and soft skin.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe bottles are made from renewable plastic with the SDGs in mind. The materials are silk extract extracted from the thin skin left over after pulling the thread in the process of boiling the double cocoon in hot water, non-standard yuzu from the Yuwaku area of Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, and environmentally friendly all-Ishikawa materials. This is an environmentally friendly upcycling initiative that utilizes raw materials that were originally supposed to be discarded.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Ishikawa TV, Hokkoku Shimbun, Hokuriku Chunichi Shimbun

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileALLEY Co., Ltd
Kanazawa univ. venture buisiness laboratory 402, nu7, Kakuma-machi , Kanazawa-shi, Ishikawa 920-1164, japan
Industry/Business field:Retailing of various products
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):200,000

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General/Household Goods

Food paper coaster made of vegetables and fruits and washi


Echizen-shi, Fukui

Name of product / servicefoodpaper-coaster

Features of products and servicesThis is a washi (Japanese traditional paper) food paper coaster made by washing and pulverizing waste ingredients of vegetables and fruits and mixing them with washi raw materials. We also have pre-dyed coasters made from dyed washi paper and solid beige coasters. The thickness is about 2 mm, and because of the high fiber density, it is water repellent, water absorbent and buffering. There are 8 kinds of raised patterns inspired by flowers and fireworks. There are two types of silhouettes, square and circle, and framed ears.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWashi, which is made by washing and pulverizing waste ingredients from vegetables and fruits and mixing them with washi raw materials, is highly versatile and can be used in a variety of fields such as interior wall materials and notebooks. Washi and discarded ingredients are naturally sourced and do not place a burden on the environment. By adding different materials (such as discarded foodstuffs) to the washi raw material, we can address the problem of mulberry and ganpi shortages. Food paper coasters are food loss products that add color to your table.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Recycling
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsEurope
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Fukui Shimbun

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileclasimons
2-1-2, Kokufu, Echizen-shi, Fukui 915-0076, Japan
Industry/Business field:Storeless retail
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):4,500,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

For cold soles in winter and cold soles by air conditioner in summer! Insoles warm to the toes

SANCHO Corporation

Chuo-ku, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceSanchoMiracleSheet

Features of products and servicesThis insole is made from 100% cotton canvas fabric printed with a special blend of several types of ore powders based on smoked rice husk carbon. By using it in shoes, slippers, socks, etc., the far infrared effect emitted from special materials makes you feel warm from the sole of your feet. It’s perfect for people concerned about cold or swollen feet, going to the great outdoors in winter, watching outdoor sports or working outdoors. It can be washed, so it can be used repeatedly.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThis product uses rice husk smoked carbon as a base material. Rice is an important plant that has been eaten by the Japanese since ancient times, and rice husks are responsible for protecting the most important grain (seed) of rice, and most of the rice husks that have fulfilled their role are discarded. The developer’s idea is to use discarded rice husk as a raw material to support rice farmers.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Upcycling

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia
【Priority countries and territories】
Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Koureisha Jutaku Shimbun

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileSANCHO Corporation
Otomi Building 2F, 13-7, NihonbashiOdenma-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0011, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other wholesale businesses
Number of employees:2
Annual Sales(JPY):25,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

A new catalog gift to deliver the feeling of traveling to your home town

STOREink Inc.

Kanazawa-shi, Ishikawa

Name of product / serviceJINOMON gift box

Features of products and servicesJINOMON Gift Box is a catalog gift packed with the charms of Ishikawa Prefecture. Gift box recipients can choose from a selection of delicious hometown gems (jinomon) from the "card-style catalog" set inside. Also included are Hometown Picture Scrolls Traveling in Ishikawa and Furusato Magazine, which bring back a nostalgic feeling of being back at home.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionAs part of the JINOMON promotion project, which has the theme of "searching for hidden treasures in the region," we created a "Hometown Journey Picture Scroll" that divides Ishikawa Prefecture into five regions. If Japanese and foreigners who want to visit Ishikawa Prefecture can travel with this picture scroll in hand, we hope they will discover that there are many treasures lying in the region. In particular, we would like to focus on the areas devastated by the Noto Peninsula earthquake, and hope that this will encourage people to visit.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
HAB Hokuriku Asahi Broadcasting System "Tokunabi", Okayama Broadcasting System "Nanshon?", Ryoko Yomiuri August issue, TOKYO MX "Ejanaika!!", Hokuriku Chunichi Shimbun, TV Kanazawa "Tonari no Telekinchan"

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileSTOREink Inc.
1-66-1, Nishiizumi, Kanazawa-shi, Ishikawa 921-8043, Japan
Industry/Business field:Advertising
Number of employees:30
Annual Sales(JPY):240,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Authentic bean paste made from Hokkaido azuki beans, that dogs can also eat


Sakai-shi, Osaka

Name of product / serviceJapanese Dog Sweets AN-CHUBE

Features of products and servicesAN-CHUBE is a dog snack produced under human food standards so you can feed it to your dog with peace of mind, focusing on the traditional Japanese sweet "anko bean paste". It is made into a paste that is easy to eat even for senior and small dogs. The retort package allows for long-term storage at room temperature, making it a new kind of Japanese sweet for dogs that can be used as a snack for outings or as an emergency preserved food.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionAN-CHUBE is a product that contributes to SDGs and ethical consumption. It uses completely plant-based ingredients and eliminates preservatives to ensure health and the environment. The packaging is made of recyclable materials, and the manufacturing process is eco-conscious. The retort package, which can be stored at room temperature, also helps reduce waste. This contributes to solving issues for the realization of a sustainable society.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Recycling
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesAHB Inc.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
Singapore, Malaysia

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Trademark Registration No. 6709816 Brand name "1ANKO"
Trademark Registration No. 6727721 Trade Name "AN-CHUBE"
【Licenses, etc.】
Permission has been obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries for the "Act on Ensuring of Safety of Pet Food, Pet Food Manufacturers"

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
2024 London Design Awards Gold Award, OMOTENASHI Selection 2024 Gold Award
【Media coverage】
Medist Pet Co., Ltd.; Happyplace

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profilePRISM DESIGN,INC.
51-15, 1-chou, HamaderasuwanomorichoNaka, Nishi-ku, Sakai-shi, Osaka 592-8348, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other retail
Number of employees:2
Annual Sales(JPY):1,300,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Your very own leather, created by putting the joy of nurturing into leather

Kawachi Co., Ltd.

Kawaguchi-shi, Saitama

Name of product / service Earth-friendly leather accessories that can be used for a long time - Flying pig series

Features of products and servicesOur brand is aligned with the complex emotions of a parenting generation in their 30s and 40s - heightened environmental awareness, the joys of parenting, and financial constraints. Made from sustainable materials and carefully handcrafted, enrio's leather products offer a special experience where, by enjoying the change over time, owners and their leather products grow together as if they were raising a child.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionLeather products are made from the skins that are produced when meat is taken from animals. Making use of the skin that keeps being produced as long as you continue to eat meat as leather goods without waste is an eco-friendly and sustainable activity that has been around for a long time. And leather goods can last a long time. In addition, the pigs used as raw materials are native to Fukaya City, Saitama Prefecture, and our company, which makes the products, is also a company in Saitama Prefecture, making them locally produced products for local consumption.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Long lifespan
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companiesMitsubishi Corporation, World Corporation

Overseas business recordMECANICO JEANS

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Saitama Shimbun, TV Saitama

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileKawachi Co., Ltd.
2-4-28, Shiba, Kawaguchi-shi, Saitama 333-0866, Japan
Industry/Business field:Tanned leather, tanned leather products, and fur manufacturing
Number of employees:7
Annual Sales(JPY):115,740,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Relax with the scent that spreads from "My Chinese Zodiac sign"!

Marukenseitou Co.,Ltd

Tajimi-shi, Gifu

Name of product / servicearoma diffuser

Features of products and servicesWe made this product because we thought it would be fun if you could use "your Chinese zodiac sign" for yourself like your initials and constellations instead of this year's zodiac. When you put aromatic oil in the container, a diffuser made of sucera (porous ceramic) will suck up the oil and diffuse the scent. When the fragrance bothers you, such as during a meal, you can block it with a lid. Both the container and diffuser can be washed and used repeatedly.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe kilns used to fire the products were changed from gas kilns to electric kilns to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. This is an eco-friendly aroma diffuser that requires no power supply. With consideration for people who do not like aromas, you can also block them out by putting a lid on them. It is ceramic, so if it gets dirty, it can be washed or bleached the same as dishware. It is also strong, so it can be used hygienically for a long time.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Energy-saving
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesL'Occitane Japan, Koransha

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Trademark Registration No. 5686274 Sucera
【Licenses, etc.】
Certificate of Antimicrobial Effect, Water Absorption, Strength

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Minoyaki New Works Exhibition Gifu Prefecture Governor's Award and Market Excellence Award
【Media coverage】
CBC Chant! Sato Kondo's Local Support Team

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileMarukenseitou Co.,Ltd
15-131, Takiro-cho, Tajimi-shi, Gifu 507-0813, Japan
Industry/Business field:Ceramic, stone, and clay product manufacturing
Number of employees:2
Annual Sales(JPY):10,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

"Just the right laundry detergent" to wash both everyday and stylish clothes

Kimurasoap industries Co., Ltd.

Yao-shi, Osaka

Name of product / serviceLAUNDRY POWDER

Features of products and servicesThe brand name asuno is an acronym of the words wash (arau), rinse (susugu), and leave nothing behind (nokosanai). Kimura Soap created asuno, "the perfect laundry detergent," with careful consideration given to the principles of washing, rinsing, and leaving nothing behind. This is a fragrance-free, softener-free powder laundry detergent that can be used for both everyday and stylish clothing. It is an environmentally friendly product without any accessories (spoons).

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThere is a strong belief that washing equals getting rid of dirt, but in everyday life, it is not likely to get that badly soiled, and you don't need that much cleaning power to wash your clothes every day. The powder form is more compact than a liquid, and is environmentally friendly in terms of packaging and transportation. It is also fragrance-free and requires two rinses, so it leaves no unwanted fragrances or ingredients on clothes, which we believe to be the definition of laundry, and we have faithfully developed it to that end.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Long lifespan
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesJapanese Consumers’ Co-operative Union

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】
South Korea, USA

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Won the Forbes JAPAN SMALL GIANTS AWARD 2019 "Local Hero Award"
【Media coverage】
Honest cosmetics beauty magazine "LDK the Beauty", Kansai TV Yoi Don! Sugo Ude Worker

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileKimurasoap industries Co., Ltd.
2-1-30, Kitakamei-cho, Yao-shi, Osaka 581-0066, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other manufacturing
Number of employees:56
Annual Sales(JPY):1,564,110,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Shichisan, a bag derived from the gassai-bukuro, a jaunty Edo-style bag

Plaisir Co.,Ltd.

Setagaya-ku, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceGassai pouch, Gassai sacoche

Features of products and servicesGassai-bukuro, an Edo-style bag for everything), is a bag that originated in Japan. The "Gassai Pouch" and "Gassai Sacoche" have been designed and produced to have a Japanese feel and be easier to use, regardless of nationality, gender or age. The "Gassai Pouch" can be used in 3 ways: as a drawstring bag, a handbag, or a sacoche, while the "Gassai Sacoche" can be used gallantly as a sacoche-type shoulder bag.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWith sacoche-type products, the rope that is passed through the rope loops can be freely adjusted to your preferred length before use, allowing you to flexibly style it to your liking depending on the situation. The rope passed through the rope loops is a boat mooring rope that is durable and designed to be used without fear of color fading.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesIsetan Mitsukoshi Co., Ltd.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Senken Shimbun newspaper

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profilePlaisir Co.,Ltd.
4-17-12, Sakuragaoka, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 156-0054, Japan
Industry/Business field:Textile Industry
Number of employees:1
Annual Sales(JPY):5,107,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Just like freshly baked fine bread?! A fluffy and soft hand futon


Tsu-shi, Mie

Name of product / serviceOTEBUTON®

Features of products and servicesWe wanted to create a happy time at bedtime so you could feel the warmth of hands holding each other and "see one another even when you really can’t." You can feel the warmth as if you are gently holding hands. Not only does the relaxing time have an anti-stress effect, but warming your limbs leads to good sleep. Since we have started development as a hand care product, it has a high heat-retaining and moisture-retaining effect.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe product packaging is made of washi (Japanese traditional paper), which has insect, moisture and fungicidal resistant properties, so that the product packaging can be used as a storage bag during the season when the product is not used. The main part is made from organic cotton. Not only did we develop products among our businesses in Mie Prefecture, but our manufacturing plants have also received technical trainees from China and continue to employ them.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsEurope, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Trademark Registration No. 6399225 Otebuton
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Selected as one of the most popular items in the 2022 Gift Show site contest
【Media coverage】
anan Karada ni Iimono Taisho 2024 Spring, Nagoya TV, CBC Radio, Mainichi Shimbun, Asahi Shimbun Web Media "Tsuginojidai", Chunichi Shimbun, The Mid-Japan Economist, Gekkan Shokokai, Ise Shimbun, etc.

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileYamachou
1093-1, Minami-ieki, Hakusan-cho, Tsu-shi, Mie 515-3133, Japan
Industry/Business field:Textiles, clothing, and personal effects retailing
Number of employees:2
Annual Sales(JPY):82,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Leather products that fuse Edo culture with Tokyo materials

DAPHNE Co., Ltd.

Taito-ku, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceUCHIWA

Features of products and servicesWe planned a product made from Tokyo's special pig leather. We make the most of the lightness and softness of pig leather to make bags and fans. The scraps generated in the manufacturing process of leather goods is often an issue, but in this product, we reuse it as a frame and commercialize it without waste. The rich history of Edo and the contemporary sensibilities of Tokyo combine to create a collection that values local traditions and culture, from the selection of materials to the production of the products.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionIn recent years, record-breaking heat has hit the Japanese archipelago. Electric handheld fans are also popular, but these fans are very eco-friendly because they are easy to carry and do not require charging. This product uses sustainable natural materials that effectively utilize animal by-products. In addition, we reuse the waste materials generated in the manufacturing process, which are generally discarded, as bookmarks, and commercialize them without making any waste.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Upcycling
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileDAPHNE Co., Ltd.
5F, 4-11-1, Asakusabashi, Taito-ku, Tokyo 111-0053, Japan
Industry/Business field:Tanned leather, tanned leather products, and fur manufacturing
Number of employees:1
Annual Sales(JPY):48,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

A 100% natural bath additive made from domestic herbs that is gentle on the skin.

Cheerfull Co.,Ltd.

Yoshino-gun, Nara

Name of product / serviceBath Herb

Features of products and servicesThis bath additive has a gentle aroma and is made from edible herbs. We make products that are good for the mind and body using local materials. The raw materials can be returned to the soil when they are disposed of, so we also take the environment into consideration. People often think that bath additives are only sold in the fall and winter, but they are also popular as gifts throughout the year, and they have a loyal fan base, so they are products that can be sold for a long time.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThis bath salt is made from edible herbs and has a gentle aroma. We make products that are good for the mind and body using local materials. The raw materials can be returned to the soil when they are disposed of, so we also take the environment into consideration. We value the handmade process and have a system in place for producing the right amount of product. We work with welfare facilities to create jobs for people with disabilities and the elderly, and we also involve women who are working from home and raising children, so we are creating a business that aims to be diverse and inclusive.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesSEIBU Shibuya, Isetan Mitsukoshi Co., Ltd., Hankyu Hanshin Department Stores, Inc., Hotel Nikko, snow peak, etc.

Overseas business recordShanghai Yurong Trading K.K.

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe
【Priority countries and territories】
UK, Singapore, Hong Kong

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
5th LED Kansai Finalist, Kansai Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Women's Entrepreneur Support Program
【Media coverage】
Magazines "FIGALO JAPAN", "DISCOVER JAPAN", "GEKKAN JIKIJITSUKAN", Yomiuri TV "Joho Net ten." Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, Yomiuri Shimbun (regional front page)

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileCheerfull Co.,Ltd.
291-1, Mitchaya, Yoshino-cho, Yoshino-gun, Nara 639-3321, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other manufacturing
Number of employees:5
Annual Sales(JPY):16,890,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

100% natural oyster sanitizer made from the shells of Hiroshima oysters


Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima

Name of product / servicekakirara

Features of products and servicesMade from oyster shells, a specialty of Hiroshima Prefecture, it is an organic disinfectant made from 100% natural ingredients that are friendly to people and the environment. Proven to eradicate viruses and bacteria by more than 99%, it can be used to sterilize furniture, cookware, baby products, etc., and has long-lasting effects. And because it is free of alcohol and surface-active agents, it can be used in a wide range of foods such as vegetables, as well as baby products, and it is safe for your hands.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionOyster shells, a specialty of Hiroshima, are produced in large quantities every year, and this treatment is one of the important issues in Hiroshima Prefecture. In the past, it has been used for a variety of purposes, including animal feed, agricultural soil improvers, and construction wall materials, but it is difficult to process the entire amount, resulting in thousands of tons of surplus each year. Therefore, we are contributing to the solution of the disposal problem by developing products with higher quality disinfectants as a new effective use.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Japanese Patent No. 4651875: Bactericidal antibacterial agent, bactericidal antibacterial calcium powder, and method for producing the same (applied by Tone Seisakusho K.K.)
Trademark Registration No. 6111502 Kakirara
Trademark Registration No. 6111581 kakirara logo mark
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Chugoku Shimbun, Asahi Shimbun, Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileSHINMARUSE Co.,Ltd
5-2-31, Konan Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima 730-0825, Japan
Industry/Business field:General engineering business
Number of employees:16
Annual Sales(JPY):348,110,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Absorbent underwear for adolescents that protects the future of children, parents and the planet


Nishio-shi, Aichi

Name of product / servicewellme

Features of products and serviceswellme is a junior absorbent sanitary underwear made from the voices of mothers, which provides peace of mind by eliminating the anxiety of a sudden period in school or everyday life. It also comes with information that can be used as a starting point for sex education between parents and children, and promotes correct knowledge and dialogue. This product can be used repeatedly, and parents and children can make a choice that protects the health of the mind and body while also protecting the future of the earth.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionwellme reduces the disposal of disposable sanitary products and the burden on the environment, contributes to the alleviation of poverty related to menstruation, and promotes sustainable consumption and production. We also support girls to live comfortably through puberty, and through comprehensive sex education, we work to empower girls and their parents, and to eliminate prejudice and lack of knowledge about sex education. We aim to expand our sales channels both domestically and internationally, and contribute to the sound growth of society as a whole. We donate a portion of our sales to local schools, sex education instructors, and youth clinics.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Energy-saving
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Winner of the madame FIGARO japon BWA Pitch Contest 2024 “audience award,” nominated for the Inno-vation program
【Media coverage】
Chunichi Shimbun, madame FIGARO japon, regional newspapers, cable TV

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profilefollg.
82, Kamayacho, Nishio-shi, Aichi, 445-0044, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other wholesale businesses
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):300,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Let the cute cherry blossoms bloom and experience the Japanese spring!

le blanc

Kobe-shi, Hyogo

Name of product / serviceSAKURA mini CRAFT

Features of products and servicesCherry blossom in a box: We have chosen a pale pink cherry blossom that gives a sense of fragility. As you continue to add one flower at a time, you will eventually create a topiary of full bloom, and spring will come. Optional crepe rabbits: Crepe craft was one of the Japanese women's cultural pursuits, which taught them to have a sense of beauty that valued leftover cloth and to be dexterous with their hands. You can enjoy the dexterity of elegant women and the experience of making and wearing kimono.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionCrepe craft was passed down from the practice of noblewomen and samurai women making bags and ornaments from leftover cloth after sewing kimono. Eventually, in the Meiji era, it became a subject in school education to cultivate the dexterity of women, and it developed into a refined and cultivated skill. This traditional culture, born from something that would otherwise have been thrown away, not only reminds us of the beauty of the kimono culture, but also allows us to pass on a little of it to the present day.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesKITAMURA Co., Ltd., Hankyu Department Store, Takashimaya Co., Ltd., Kintetsu Department Store Co., Ltd., TOKYU DEPARTMENT STORE CO., LTD., MaryCoco K.K.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsEurope, North America
【Priority countries and territories】
UK, East Coast of the USA

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profilele blanc
2-112-7, Mochiko, Nishi-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo 651-2131, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other manufacturing
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):400,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Ceramic aroma diffusers that create a high-quality, holistic space

HOUSEN-GAMA Kaneyoshi,Inc

Toki-shi, Gifu

Name of product / serviceMOVING NUTS(essential oil diffuser_mobile style)

Features of products and servicesWith the aim of allowing people to experience the wonder of the unique clay used at HOUSEN-GAMA, we have created a diffuser mobile with a motif of the mukago, which is the fruit of the Japanese yam that grows wild in the mountains. The way it sways and moves irregularly in response to the slightest air flow is very calming to watch. By dripping essential oil onto the ceramic fruit, a subtle aroma spreads. This allows you to create a space where you can enjoy both aroma and art.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe wood used for the mobile wooden parts is made from MDF, which is mainly made from thinned wood and wood waste. The clay used for the ceramic diffusers is made from unglazed half-finished products that have been crushed and mixed together. In addition, the clay itself is colored, and by shortening the manufacturing process (manufacturing - drying - high-temperature firing), CO2 emissions are reduced. (Normally, the process is: manufacturing - drying - low-temperature firing - glazing/painting - high-temperature firing) By sourcing all the raw materials locally and from nearby areas, we are reducing the energy used in distribution.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileHOUSEN-GAMA Kaneyoshi,Inc
1804-17,Dachi-cho,Toki-shi, Gifu 509-5401, Japan
Industry/Business field:Ceramic, stone, and clay product manufacturing
Number of employees:2
Annual Sales(JPY):-

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Unique stationery created by combining traditional techniques with modern technology

Inoue Tool Works Corp.

Miki-shi, Hyogo

Name of product / serviceMakihari Ballpoint pen hammered finish 130mm

Features of products and servicesEach of our fire-forged stationery products is handmade, with a distinctive texture and hammered finish created by fire forging. Because they are handmade by a forging craftsman, no two products are the same, and each has its own unique look. We have combined the traditional blacksmithing techniques we have developed since our founding in 1911 with modern metalworking using NC lathes and other equipment. The main material used is stainless steel (SUS304), which is highly resistant to deterioration and can be used for a long time.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionMore than 90% of each product is made from stainless steel, and because they can be used for many years and are recyclable (recycling rate 80-90%), they conform with “responsible consumption and production.” 80% of the products are made in our own factory, and 95% of the products are made in Hyogo Prefecture, so they conform with “local production for local consumption” Our company is a certified company for the regional group trademark “Miki Kanamono.” This enables us to be environmentally conscious and create employment.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Long lifespan
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesRent Corporation

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsOther
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Design registration No. 1743121 - Writing utensils
Application for design registration 2024-012022 - Pen stand
Application for design registration 2024-012023 - Pen tray
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
The Kobe Shimbun Co., Ltd.

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileInoue Tool Works Corp.
397, Omura, Miki-shi, Hyogo 673-0404, Japan
Industry/Business field:金属製品製造業
Number of employees:7
Annual Sales(JPY):105,619,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

Request a business meeting through SMRJ

General/Household Goods

Stepping and stepping all you like. Health equipment that looks like a kamaboko (ground fish cake).


Sakai-shi, Osaka

Name of product / servicetatami stepper fumufumu

Features of products and servicesHow to use tatami mats with all five senses. We named it "Fumufumu" (stepping and stepping) with the key word being to encapsulate the goodness of the tatami that you feel with bare feet and to step on it. The target market is young women. - We are working on product development so that they will want tatami mats and a Japanese-style room when they get married and build their own house, and through Fumufumu, they will learn the true goodness of Japan and the splendor of Japanese culture.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThis product is made from high-grade soft rush grown in Kumamoto Prefecture, and is aimed at sustainable production by reducing waste together with soft rush farmers. We upcycle discarded materials, such as scraps and waste materials generated during the tatami mat making process, and scratched, unevenly woven, and semi-scrap materials generated by rush farms, into products. The aim is to make people feel the scent and warmth of soft rush and to introduce them to the Japanese tradition of tatami, through using Fumufumu. We create products that contribute to the SDGs while having fun.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesTsutaya Books

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsEurope
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Design Registration No. 1720094 Sole Massage Device
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileooetatami
2-1-6, Minami Hatagocho Nishi, Sakai-ku, Sakai-shi, Osaka 590-0968, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other manufacturing
Number of employees:1
Annual Sales(JPY):10,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Living with natural scents, a diffuser that is easy to use with just a tilt


Niigata-shi, Niigata

Name of product / servicearoma wood cap

Features of products and servicesThis diffuser allows you to easily enjoy the scent by replacing the cap of your essential oil bottle with an aroma wood cap and tilting the bottle, allowing the scent to soak into the hinoki cap. It fits the mouth size of common essential oil bottles, so you can use it with your favorite essential oil. The fragrance spreads gently, so we recommend using it at your desk or in the toilet.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionIt is made using Japanese cypress wood. Since we also have an architecture department, we also use the cypress wood from the construction of houses as part of our products. In addition, wood shavings generated during processing are used as cushioning material when shipping products, and scraps and small wood chips are made into pellets to use as heating fuel in the winter. Our aim is to make things without wasting a shred of wood.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Carbon neutrality
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profiletwig
2-10-12, Koyo, Higashi-ku, Niigata-shi, Niigata 950-0011, Japan
Industry/Business field:Wood and wooden products manufacturing (excluding furniture)
Number of employees:8
Annual Sales(JPY):37,069,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Pen-shaped container: My Pen


Shimada-shi, Shizuoka

Name of product / serviceMy Pen

Features of products and servicesThis is a portable pen-shaped container. It is mainly used to hold food powders. It can be used repeatedly and does not produce any waste. The powder inside can be shaken to dispense only the amount you need, so you can make it as strong or weak as you like. It can be used for various powders, such as beverages like tea and black tea, and seasonings. The container is all made in Japan, and has a double lock that is highly resistant to moisture.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionMy Pen is not a disposable product, and can be refilled with food after cleaning and drying the inside. As it is used for food, we have paid particular attention to safety, and after coating the inside, it is baked at a temperature of 250℃ to dry it, so there is no residual organic solvent content. By using it repeatedly, you can reduce the amount of waste. Use it to add powdered tea such as green tea for your health. We have declared a partnership.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Energy-saving
  • Attention to harmful substances

Business record with domestic companiesMishima Foods Co., Ltd.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Method of opening and closing the opening of the container, lid and container, powder container, and powder container cover
【Licenses, etc.】
Shizuoka Prefecture Food Sanitation Act

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Omiyage Grand Prix - Food and Drink Category “Idea Award”
【Media coverage】
Shizuoka TV, nhk Shizuoka, Asahi TV Shizuoka, Shizuoka Shimbun

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileASAHARA Co.,Ltd
3900-1, Sakamoto, Shimada-shi, Shizuoka 427-0111, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other manufacturing
Number of employees:3
Annual Sales(JPY):20,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

Request a business meeting through SMRJ

General/Household Goods

A minimalist leather wallet with a new design and a focus on usability

Kōtots design

Suginami-ku, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceshin orisaifu

Features of products and servicesThis wallet is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, but still has enough capacity for all your essentials. The coin compartment has a wide opening for easy access. The card slots are distributed in three places to suit your needs, and you can make payments with your IC card without taking it out. The bill compartment can be opened and closed smoothly without any creases, just like a traditional folded wallet. This is an all-in-one leather wallet that combines a simple form and ease of use that is only possible with a product that is not sewn.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionMost leather products are sewn with plastic thread, but our non-sewn products are plastic-free, as they do not use thread or glue. The precise design allows the leather to be directly connected to form the product, so it is manufactured without the use of a sewing machine, saving power. After use, our seam-free leather products can be returned to the earth without incineration, thereby contributing to a reduction in environmental impact. As long as humans continue to eat meat, we have a responsibility to continue to utilize leather, which is a by-product of the livestock industry, as a resource.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Long lifespan
  • Energy-saving
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business recordCOME IN'

Overseas target regionsEurope
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Storage container sewn-free structure and storage container
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
mono magazine, LS&D, Nikkei MJ, Begin official website

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileKōtots design
showaso 2-106, 1-2-25, Honan, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 168-0062, Japan
Industry/Business field:Tanned leather, tanned leather products, and fur manufacturing
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):670,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Tatami sandals wrapped in Kyushu rush and super-soft Himeji leather

Liberato LLC

Chuo-ku, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceTatami sandal slippers

Features of products and servicesBased on the concept of “calming, coloring and stimulating the senses in everyday life,” this is a brand of natural shoes that are kind to the mind and body, made by Japanese craftsmen who make each pair by hand, using the effects and benefits of traditional Japanese beauty and natural materials. The tatami insoles are made from upcycled rush waste, a material that is kind to the natural environment. We have developed tatami-shoes that keep your feet free from stuffiness and odor, and allow you to spend a comfortable day, whether you are at work or at home.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe use traditional Japanese natural materials by combining upcycled rush and Himeji leather. Rushes have the effect of absorbing CO2, and we use only cowhide leather from edible cows (steer), which has the effect of reducing CO2 emissions through incineration. We aim to pass on the Japanese tatami culture, which is declining due to the spread of Western-style rooms, by giving it a new form in the form of fashion. All products are made by hand in Japan by artisans, and we have also achieved a reduction in CO2 emissions through transport and other means.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Upcycling
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】
USA, France

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
OMOTENASHI Selection Award 2022
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileLiberato LLC
6th Hayama building 4F, 17-2, Nihonbashi-kabutocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0026, Japan
Industry/Business field:Wholesale of textiles and clothing
Number of employees:2
Annual Sales(JPY):5,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Nurturing the fundamentals of music with wood for a future of music


Sakura-shi, Chiba

Name of product / servicePre RhythmCan

Features of products and servicesThe RhythmCan Series is a teaching tool that allows you to learn rhythm in stages while having fun. Using a patented design, you can master the fundamentals and applications of rhythm using your sense of sight, touch and hearing. The material is wood, which gives a sense of warmth, with the hope that it will enrich the heart through music. Like musical instruments that are passed down through the generations... we hope that you will use these teaching aids for a long time to come.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionRhythmCan provides a place of education full of smiles, and helps to nurture children's emotions and social skills, as well as improving their communication and cooperation skills. In addition, developing a sense of rhythm is expected to improve learning ability, and we also expect it to have a music therapy-like effect, particularly for children with developmental disorders or learning disabilities. Furthermore, based on the philosophy of wood education, it provides a valuable opportunity to deepen understanding of the importance of wood and the natural environment.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Long lifespan
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Patent No. 7223464 - Music teaching material
Trademark registration No. 6594309 - RhythmCan
Trademark registration No. 6629996 - Ototano
【Licenses, etc.】
Chiba Prefecture Management Innovation Plan No. 1144 - Certified as a wood education instructor

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileAliceMusic
Skyplaza-mall 3F, 4-1-1, Yukarigaoka, Sakura-shi, Chiba 285-0858, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other education and learning support businesses
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):4,054,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

Request a business meeting through SMRJ

General/Household Goods

A bottle that can be used to make water anti-oxidant and to care for your body with your favorite drinks.

Emma JapanCo., Ltd

Yourou-gun, Gifu

Name of product / serviceEmma Bottle

Features of products and servicesThis anti-aging bottle can be used to make water anti-oxidant simply by adding water, tea, or other beverages to the bottle. This is a patented bottle that has been proven by evidence from the Saishunkan, an independent third-party organization. Simply add your favorite drink to this bottle every day and continue drinking it, and you can experience various anti-aging effects as the water in your body is replaced 70% of the time. You will find that water can be so delicious, and you will come to love drinking water.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThis product can be described as a biotechnology that changes living water that does not rust due to natural vibrations. It slowly enhances the body's natural healing power. In addition to reducing the use of plastic bottles and reducing the use of medicine and supplements, it can also raise the standard of living to an infinite level, and achieve a lifestyle that is friendly to the global environment and society. Furthermore, it can be used in a wide range of areas, from livestock farming and aquaculture to agriculture, and can be used in sterilization, growth, and the harvesting of high-quality produce.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Long lifespan
  • Energy-saving

Business record with domestic companiesHands Inc.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe
【Priority countries and territories】
Singapore, Australia, UK, UAE (Dubai)

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Far-infrared radiation emitters and water activation devices that use them
【Licenses, etc.】
Anti-oxidant certificates based on biomarker tests by the Saishunkan

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Tokyo Girls Collection, CLASSY, anan, UK health magazine Natural Health

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileEmma JapanCo., Ltd
448-1, Oshikoshi, Yorou-cho, Yourou-gun, Gifu 503-1316, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other wholesale businesses
Number of employees:1
Annual Sales(JPY):5,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Take home the memories of your trip to Tochigi with the aroma of Tochiotome strawberries

Ooto Shokai Co., Ltd

Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi

Name of product / serviceStrawberry Aroma Diffuser Set

Features of products and servicesThis aroma oil faithfully reproduces the aroma of Tochiotome strawberries, which are the most popular variety in Tochigi Prefecture, the largest producer of strawberries in Japan. The aroma is just like eating freshly picked Tochiotome strawberries. Oya stone is a special tuff that is quarried only in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture. It contains a large amount of zeolite, and is an aroma stone that uses these characteristics to provide excellent moisture absorption and deodorizing power without using heat. You can enjoy the aroma for a long time.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionCompared to the peak production of the early 1970s, the production of Oya stone has decreased to less than 10%, and the waste stone that has become unnecessary as a building material or wall surface has become industrial waste. Our company's aroma stones are a way of upcycling some of these materials. We also analyze the pulp of the fruit and faithfully reproduce the aroma in our aroma oils, which we are developing as social good products that can provide peace of mind for the body and mind. We are also using these products to breathe new life into the Oya stone industry, which was once a local industry, and are also contributing to the local community.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
Considering acquisition
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Considering acquisition
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
RADIO BERRY FM, Tochigi Broadcasting, Nippon Cultural Broadcasting

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileOoto Shokai Co., Ltd
7-3, Tokujira-mach, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi 321-2116, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other retail
Number of employees:2
Annual Sales(JPY):16,670,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

A knit cover that prevents mix-ups and for repairs to help you get the most out of your umbrella


Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima

Name of product / serviceKnitted umbrella handle cover

Features of products and servicesThis cover, made using a seamless knitting technique, is specially designed for umbrella handles, and can be used to mark your umbrella or to repair an umbrella that is still usable but whose handle is damaged. The material, which is made from a blend of recycled polyester and organic cotton, has a water-repellent finish, making it feel smooth to the touch. This product is recommended for people who want to match their new umbrella to their existing umbrella, or for people who have an umbrella that they want to continue using for a long time.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionBecause the handle is knitted without any seams from the thread, there is almost no loss in the manufacturing process. Even if only the handle is damaged, it will extend the life of the umbrella and indirectly contribute to reducing the amount of umbrellas thrown away. The materials are being updated to be more environmentally friendly every year, and in the future, we plan to switch from the SKU that has run out of stock to a thread that uses fluorine-free water-repellent agents. We are also creating employment by requesting home-based work from people who have difficulty going to work, such as those who are caring for or recovering from illness.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesShanghai (China), Hanoi (Vietnam)

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Chugoku Shimbun (newspaper with high subscription rate in Chugoku region)

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

2382-6, Tode, Shinichi-cho, Fukuyama-shi, Hiroshima 729-3101, Japan
Industry/Business field:Wholesale of textiles and clothing
Number of employees:125
Annual Sales(JPY):7,462,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

A new hijab that blends Japanese and Islamic styles with a melting texture


Shirakawa-shi, Fukushima

Name of product / serviceHIME HIJAB

Features of products and servicesHIME HIJAB is a one-of-a-kind hijab for special occasions that fuses the elegance of vintage kimonos with the melting texture of recycled fibers. It embodies the principles of MIRAI, ETHICAL, and MODEST, and offers a special experience of wearing traditional Japanese beauty. Combining modesty and beauty with environmental consideration, it is the perfect outfit to color the important moments of Muslim women, and also makes a great souvenir for tourists visiting Japan.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWATASI JAPAN's products promote sustainable production and consumption by upcycling old kimonos, and contribute to reducing waste. We respect diversity through the fusion of different cultures, and are developing initiatives to build international partnerships. Through this, we aim to achieve ethical consumption and solve issues related to the environment, traditional Japanese culture, and culture of peace.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business recordGoshopia (UAE)

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
Middle East

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Winner of the Fukushima Industrial Award "Special Award"
【Media coverage】
NHK, NHK WORLD, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Asahi Shimbun, etc.

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileWATASI JAPAN LLC
131-1, Ikenoue, Izumida, Shirakawa-shi, Fukushima 961-0003, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other manufacturing
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):1,646,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Traditional Crafts

A bento box made from 100% natural materials for all those who love food


Toyooka-shi, Hyogo

Name of product / serviceBENTO BOX

Features of products and services“Rice kept in a basket will keep for a long time.” The cotton that runs through the center of each willow stalk manages the moisture. These traditional crafts made from 100% natural materials are all handmade, from the cultivation of the materials to the production process. The beautiful weave creates a pleasant texture, and the unpainted, natural finish changes over time. The products, which are woven together by real handicrafts, express functional beauty and enrich our eating habits. They are also recommended as gifts.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionOur company is involved in all aspects of the production process, from the cultivation of the willow used as raw material to processing and manufacturing, and we are committed to genuine handicrafts. In creating all of our products, we put our hearts into them, hoping that they will become deeply and permanently integrated into people's everyday lives. While respecting tradition, we also bring new appeal to a wide range of generations, both in Japan and overseas, through unprecedented expressions.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Energy-saving
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsEurope, North America
【Priority countries and territories】
Germany, France, USA

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Winner of the DENTO Award 2024
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileKORI ANRI JAPAN
159, Matsugae, Izushi-cho, Toyooka-shi, Hyogo 668-0236, Japan
Industry/Business field:Wood and wooden products manufacturing (excluding furniture)
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):3,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Traditional Crafts

Combining the beauty and functionality of traditional crafts. For people who enjoy eco-friendly lifestyles


Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceFutatabi-Soma dual tumbler-

Features of products and servicesOborisoma ware from Fukushima Prefecture boasts a 350-year tradition. Utilizing the double-fired technique, we have created tumblers that are excellent at retaining heat and do not become hot on the outside. You can carry your drinks around while keeping them warm or cold. We have created these products as an eco-friendly option that can be used repeatedly, with the aim of reducing the use of disposable containers. Furthermore, the beautiful traditional handiwork of Oborisoma ware gives this product a sense of richness and history for everyday use.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWith the recent rise in awareness of environmental issues and the need to reduce resources, we are proposing this product as an eco-friendly option that can be used repeatedly, with the aim of reducing the use of disposable containers. In addition, by using these beautiful, warm traditional crafts in your everyday life, you can help to foster an awareness of the importance of protecting Japan's regions, traditions and culture. We aim to promote sustainable consumption behavior, as well as a rich heart.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Long lifespan
  • Energy-saving
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companiesTHE LOFT CO., LTD., Hands Inc.

Overseas business record47 Hiyori (Hong Kong), KADO (LA), minski++ (South Australia)

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
Australia, USA, Europe, Northern Europe

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
December 2021: Selected for the 46th Kouboten
November 2022: Selected for the New Tohoku Souvenir Contest
December 2022: Selected for the 47th Kouboten
November 2023: Excellence Award, New Tohoku Souvenir Contest
November 2024: Selected for the New Tohoku Souvenir Contest
December 2024: 49th Kouboten, Award of Excellence, “Traditional Craft Industry Promotion Association Award”
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileKoquela
2-16-2-803, Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0022, Japan
Industry/Business field:Retailing of various products
Number of employees:4
Annual Sales(JPY):7,000,000

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Traditional Crafts

Send a greeting card with a kimono pattern that expresses the wishes conveyed in the kimono to your loved ones


Arakawa-ku, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceJapanese Blessing Kimono Greeting Card

Features of products and servicesThese greeting cards are made from kimono fabric and Japanese paper, and are made entirely by hand, from the unravelling of the real kimono. The cards are made in a shape similar to a picture frame, so they can be easily displayed in a room as well as given to loved ones. It can be a gift that conveys Japanese history, culture and personal thoughts, when traveling abroad from Japan. For tourists visiting Japan, it is a souvenir that they can enjoy even after returning home.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionIt makes use of local resources in the form of traditional crafts, upcycles kimono, and provides employment for women, mainly through home-based work. Washi is a natural material with a shelf life of over 1,000 years and a low environmental impact. It also represents a groundbreaking reuse of the 20 trillion yen worth of kimono that are lying dormant in Japan. In addition, it is also leading to the creation of new opportunities for senior women, particularly in rural areas, to find a sense of purpose and fulfillment in their lives.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Upcycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companiesDaimaru Matsuzakaya Department Stores Co., Ltd.

Overseas business recordFlying solo

Overseas target regionsEurope, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade; Through cross-border EC; Distributorship transactions

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Startup Business Plan Contest Ishikawa 2021 Female Entrepreneur Award, WWD x LUMINE NEXT LEADERS 2022 MOVE ON Self-Nomination Award
【Media coverage】
VOGUE, So-en ONLINE, Hokkoku Shimbun, Iwate Nippo

Selection for programs, etc.Selected as APT Women (Tokyo Metropolitan Government Business)

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileEBRU Inc.
3-14-1, Machiya, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo 116-0001, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other manufacturing
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):1,984,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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This soup is made entirely from vegetables and contains no animal ingredients. Suitable for vegans


Takasaki-shi, Gunma

Name of product / serviceSoup with vegetables

Features of products and servicesThis vegetable soup is made with 16 kinds of domestically grown vegetables, water, olive oil, and shio koji (salt-marinated rice malt), and contains no seasonings (amino acids), preservatives, or animal products. The soup is made by slowly frying vegetables for three hours and simmering them for two hours, making for a rich, flavorful soup without using any animal products. We also put effort into reducing food waste by using non-standard vegetables from producers and cabbage cores from a gyoza factory run by a classmate.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe actively purchase and use non-standard vegetables that cannot be sold on the market from vegetable producers, and use cabbage cores from a gyoza factory and non-standard vegetables to improve farmers' profits and reduce food waste. The soup itself does not contain any animal ingredients, preservatives, and amino acids, making it suitable for a wide range of people, from children to vegans. We also actively use organic vegetables from producers to provide our customers with even safer food.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Long lifespan
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic major companiesYaoko Co., Ltd.; Kasumi Co., Ltd.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
The Yomiuri Shimbun, Jomo Shinbun, Yahoo! News, etc.

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profilemacaroni
501-1, Kamishiba, Misato-machi, Takasaki-shi, Gunma 370-3104, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:1
Annual Sales(JPY):1,500,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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You’ll feel as though you are drinking mandarin oranges.

Uetomo Farm Inc.

Arida-shi, Wakayama

Name of product / servicePremium Taste uetomo

Features of products and servicesArida City, Wakayama Prefecture has been the top production region in Japan of Unshu mandarin oranges for 20 consecutive years, and boasts a history of more than 400 years. We are committed to letting fruit ripen on the branch, enhancing their flavor to the fullest extent possible, and then carefully selecting only fruit with a sugar content of 12 degrees or more. We peel mandarins one by one at room temperature to avoid unnecessary oils or impurities, and squeeze the juice out while checking the quality. The product is pasteurized only once to preserve its flavor. You can enjoy the rich flavor that is just like that of a real mandarin orange.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe own a vast 12-hectare orchard, which stores approximately twice the amount of CO2 per hectare as the regional standard value. Through mandarin orange cultivation, the farm absorbs more CO2 into the soil, contributing to the prevention of global warming. We are also actively leasing abandoned farmland and expanding our cultivation area every year, further contributing to the prevention of global warming. In addition, our orchard stores an abundance of organic matter and is a habitat for many soil bacteria, so through mandarin orange cultivation, we are also contributing to the conservation of the global and natural environment.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Upcycling
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】
Food Hygiene Manager

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileUetomo Farm Inc.
2189, Chida, Arida, Wakayama 649-0313, Japan
Industry/Business field:Agriculture
Number of employees:6
Annual Sales(JPY):63,694,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Fight aging with nutrition and intestinal health! Rice from age 70

Mind Bank Ltd.

Sasebo-shi, Nagasaki

Name of product / serviceRice for people over 70

Features of products and servicesFight aging with nutrition and intestinal health! From age 70, it is harder for the body to absorb nutrients and loses them more, which is said to be a cause of frailty. We process the rice to incorporate essential nutrients (protein, antioxidants, minerals) and intestinal health support ingredients (oligosaccharides, dietary fiber, lactic acid bacteria) that are suited to the Japanese physical constitution. This rice is designed to support the health of people aged 70 and over, and is made to be mixed with white rice at a rate of about 10%, with the aim of providing efficient supplemental intake in daily meals.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe use innovative patented technology to process and incorporate a wide range of nutritional ingredients that cannot be obtained from brown rice or other grains into rice. It supports your health by efficiently providing a wide range of nutrients through daily meals. Moringa, which is used as a raw material, is said to absorb about 20 times more CO2 than ordinary plants. Increasing consumption and planting more trees can ultimately contribute to improving the climate by reducing CO2 emissions.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia
【Priority countries and territories】
Hong Kong

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Japanese Unexamined Patent Application No. 2008-200023: Method of producing wash-free rice using honey as base material
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Food Action Nippon Award 4 time award winner
【Media coverage】
Nikkei Shimbun, The Nishinippon Shimbun, etc.

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileMind Bank Ltd.
1F,2-9, Miyata-cho, Sasebo-shi, Nagasaki 857-0032, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:3
Annual Sales(JPY):1,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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"Drinkable" adzuki bean paste "AnMMu", completely free of food additives

Kashinmaruichi LLC

Saga-shi, Saga

Name of product / serviceAN MMu

Features of products and servicesThis smooth, additive-free adzuki bean paste drink is made by a Japanese confectionery shop that was founded over 70 years ago. It is used in a variety of situations, such as for replenishing energy before and after exercise, as a snack for the elderly, or as a spread on bread for breakfast. It makes everyday meals a little richer and more comforting. We offer delicious red bean paste drinks made with carefully selected ingredients so that anyone can enjoy the traditional Japanese flavor at anytime.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionIt can also be used as "rolling stock" to prepare for disasters. It can be stored at room temperature for several months and has a comforting, authentic flavor which will ease the stress felt during disasters. It has a smooth texture that makes it drinkable, is allergen-free, and contains no food additives, making it suitable for people of all ages and genders, including those with food preferences. In addition, the main ingredient is domestically produced adzuki beans, which helps circulate domestic natural resources and contributes to carbon neutrality.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesTakashimaya Co., Ltd.; AEON Kyushu Co., Ltd.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
The Yomiuri Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, Nikkei Marketing Journal, The Nishinippon Shimbun, FBS, RKB, TBS Radio, Forbus JAPAN, Saga TV, The Saga Shimbun, NBC Radio

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileKashinmaruichi LLC
1224-7, Nabeshima, Nabeshimamachi, Saga-shi, Saga 849-0938, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:19
Annual Sales(JPY):112,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Feel good in body and mind: A treasure that protects the nature and future of Ryukyu

Operation Systems,Ltd

Naha-shi, Okinawa

Name of product / serviceRyukyu Moromi Vinegar with Brown Sugar

Features of products and servicesIt has been over 20 years since this long seller was launched. This product was created by upcycling the unrefined sake lees of Ryukyu Awamori. It is made from a blend of Okinawan brown sugar, granulated sugar, and yellow soft sugar, and has a mellow taste and is easy to drink every day. This product is perfect for people who have irregular eating habits and tend to get tired easily. It is rich in natural amino acids and citric acid, is kind to both nature and the body, and is a product whose value is currently being reevaluated.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionRyukyu Moromi Su (unrefined sake vinegar) is made by upcycling sake lees from Ryukyu Awamori, which were previously just discarded. It is rich in natural nutrients (amino acids, citric acid, etc.) and contains no artificial coloring, flavorings, or additives, making it kind to the body and it helps promote health. It is registered with the Japan Geographical Indication (GI) protection system, we are working to raise awareness and promote sales, not just to preserve traditional specialty products of Okinawa, but also to help protect the environment by solving the problem of a lack of disposal sites.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Upcycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business recordOnly indirect exports via domestic trading companies (Hong Kong, Shanghai, USA)

Overseas target regionsAsia, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
Contract manufacturing at FDA-certified factory (Chuko Awamori Distillery Co., Ltd.)
Facility registration number: 13054603402
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
2017: "Ryukyu Moromi Su" registered under the Japan Geographical Indication (GI) Protection System
【Licenses, etc.】
Product: Certified by the Moromi Su Fair Trade Council in 2008 (Fair Trade Mark)
Contract manufacturer (Chuko Awamori Distillery Co., Ltd.): Licensed for soft drink and alcoholic beverage manufacturing (Okinawa Prefecture Southern Health Center)

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileOperation Systems,Ltd
2F, 18-65, Yamashita-cho, Naha-shi, Okinawa 900-0027, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food and beverage wholesale
Number of employees:3
Annual Sales(JPY):21,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Dried edible flowers act as visual seasonings that change the taste through appearance

87 Inc.

Higashiomi-shi, Shiga

Name of product / serviceDried edible flowers

Features of products and servicesEdible flowers lose their freshness quickly, making them difficult to distribute, so they are generally used by professionals. However, we developed dried edible flowers so that anyone can easily use them at home. This natural ingredient is made by cultivating edible flowers in Shiga Prefecture in house, then drying them after harvesting. Edible flowers are made with a series of delicate tasks that are difficult to mechanize. By completing the entire process from cultivation to processing in-house, we can maintain the vivid colors of flowers even after drying.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionFreshness and appearance are important for edible flowers, and the reality was that more blooming flowers are discarded than are shipped as fresh flowers. We developed dried edible flowers hoping to share these beautiful edible flowers with as many people as possible without them being wasted. We use fallow land to grow edible flowers without the use of agricultural chemicals, and harvest them by hand. We also handle everything from cultivation to processing.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Upcycling
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
The Yomiuri Shimbun, Chunichi Shimbun, The Shiga-hochi Shimbun

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profile87 Inc.
212-3, Ikesho-cho, Higashiomi-shi, Shiga 527-0113, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:5
Annual Sales(JPY):-

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Make a simple and easy dish anytime you want! FineDISH!


Hachinohe-shi, Aomori

Name of product / serviceFineDISH! Sardine and garlic ajillo from Aomori

Features of products and servicesThe "FineDISH!" series allows you to enjoy a simple and easy dish whenever you want. This dish is made with a special blend of olive oil and seasonings to maximize the flavors of Aomori sardines and Aomori garlic, which makes for a simple but flavorful dish. The sardines are moist and tender, and you can eat them without worrying about the bones.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionFrom the perspective of the SDGs, we aim to reduce food waste by ensuring longer expiration dates, and by using recyclable plastic and paper containers, we make sorting easier and minimize waste generation. From the perspective of social good, by using local ingredients, we aim to promote local production and local consumption, which will lead to revitalization of the region and promotion of prefecture-produced ingredients nationwide.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic major companiesAEON Co., Ltd.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsEurope
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Trademark Registration No. 6738386: Hachinohe Takewa Shokudo
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award from the National Comprehensive Quality Review Committee for Marine Products
【Media coverage】
Daily Tohoku

Selection for programs, etc.Companies Driving Regional Growth Selectee

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileTAKEWA SUISAN CO.,LTD.
32-1, Shimoteshiromori, SameMachi, Hachinohe-shi, Aomori 031-0841, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:139
Annual Sales(JPY):2,101,698,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Gyoza for vegetarians and vegans Made without meat or garlic.

Harada Syokuhin Co.,Ltd.

Katano-shi, Osaka

Name of product / serviceKatanoharadaya amanokawa namagyouza

Features of products and servicesAmanogawa Nama Gyoza was created in an area associated with the Tanabata legend on the Amano River, a first-class river in Katano City, Osaka Prefecture. It does not contain any flavorings or preservatives, and is made without meat or garlic. The wrapper and filling are made from Madeira vine harvested locally in Katano City, giving it a sticky, creamy texture and making it rich in minerals and nutrients. The wrapper is made from Japanese grown wheat and rice flour, and plenty of local Katano City ingredients are used in the finest of vegan gyoza.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe believe that creating a "local specialty" in Katano City, Osaka Prefecture will not only revitalize the region, but also create local jobs and help create new local industries. Our company, founded in Katano City over 40 years ago, uses the local ingredient Madeira vine to create high-value-added products that are free of additives, with the theme of "giving the local community." We aim to create a "local specialty" using Chinese prepared foods originating in Katano City, and have it become a specialty that is known not only throughout Japan, but around the world.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileHarada Syokuhin Co.,Ltd.
5-1-35, Kuraji, Katano-shi, Osaka 576-0051, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:20
Annual Sales(JPY):71,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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You can easily enjoy a dish in about five minutes by adding vegetables and fruit.


Hidaka-gun, Wakayama

Name of product / servicesannenjyukusei sonomanma-umenotoko

Features of products and servicesWe have processed traditional Japanese umeboshi plum to make it easier to eat, and you can enjoy it with vegetables and fruit. Even those who can't eat ume can enjoy it with vegetables and fruit from their own country. Just soak cut vegetables for 5 to 15 minutes, and you'll have another dish for dinner or a snack. There is no need to stir it every day like with nukazuke pickles.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionYou can make a dish just by mixing the local vegetables and fruit together without using heat. Wakayama Prefecture is the number one producer of Nanko ume in Japan, and only uses ume that have been cultivated as a brand ume without using pesticides or fertilizers. Ume have long been called the household medicine of the home. The ume-no-doko can be used again and again, and when the flavor becomes weak, it can be used for ume fried rice or ume dressing, so there is no part to throw away, and you can enjoy it until the end.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Long lifespan
  • Energy-saving
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】
Wakayama Prefecture's “Premier Wakayama Certified Products”

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Selected for the Minister of the Environment Prize
【Media coverage】
Kansai Television Chichin Pui Pui

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileteraumeyuugengaisya
1204, Nishiiwashiro, Minabe-cho, Hidaka-gun, Wakayama 645-0014, Japan
Industry/Business field:Agriculture
Number of employees:7
Annual Sales(JPY):67,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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We would like to offer original beverages made using Japanese ingredients.


Setagaya-ku, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceEZUL CHAI TEA LATTE

Features of products and servicesIt is made with five carefully selected spices from different countries and Assam tea as a base. Ezul Chai Latte is made with 100% Okinawan brown sugar, giving it a gentle natural sweetness, and a spicy, deep flavor. You can easily enjoy an authentic chai latte. Just mix hot or cold water with the powder! It contains no refined white sugar, no artificial flavorings, and no preservatives.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionGoda Cafe imports sundries to support the economic independence of Indian women and the education of Indian children. Considering how to contribute to our local community, we provide food support in the form of original ingredients and pasta and other meals to children's cafeterias in Setagaya Ward through the "Se-Taberu" food drive project promoted by the Setagaya Council of Social Welfare.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic major companiesStylingLife Holdings Inc. Plaza Style Company

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Trademark Application No. 2024-34056 Ezul
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileGODA CAFE Inc.
4-30-9, Wakabayashi, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0023, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food and beverage wholesale
Number of employees:2
Annual Sales(JPY):-

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Kyushu ponzu sauce is also "sweet and delicious" A new type of ponzu sauce that is "sweet and delicious"


Hita-shi, Oita

Name of product / serviceSweet ponzu sauce fresh Kabosu・Spicy & Sweet ponzu sauce

Features of products and services"Ama Pon Nama Kabosu" is a new type of ponzu sauce that is both sweet and delicious. The taste can be enjoyed by people of all ages, from children to adults. We use fresh kabosu juice, a specialty of Oita Prefecture, giving it a refreshing aroma. For those who prefer something spicier, we offer "Kara Pon," which is Ama Pon with chili oil and chili peppers added. The base is Ama Pon, and it has a great umami flavor too. The fine balance between sweet, umami, and spicy flavors will whet your appetite.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe will contribute to regional development by building and expanding a new food culture. Since our founding, we have done integrated production, making koji (malted rice) in our own brewery and naturally aging the moromi (unrefined mash). We preserve and pass on local flavors and traditional production methods, and also promote them to spread understanding and value. In addition, soy sauce lees, a by-product made during the soy sauce production process when pressing the moromi, is used as animal feed. It is highly valued for its rich nutritional value.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesKokubu Kyushu Co., Ltd.; Yamaehisano Co., Ltd.

Overseas business recordShanghai Youyi Fresh Co., Ltd.

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
edit Oita

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileMARUMATA Co.,Ltd
2-2-36, Kuma, Hita-shi, Oita 877-0044, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:11
Annual Sales(JPY):71,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Enjoy a slightly strong flavor with a new sensation, as it has a sour and sweet flavor and a crunchy texture


Naruto-shi, Tokushima

Name of product / serviceNaruto Rakkyo Gyoza

Features of products and servicesThese unique gyoza have a slightly strong flavor that allows you to enjoy the exquisite harmony of the small pieces with crunchy texture typical of pickled Naruto rakkyo (Japanese shallots) and the sweet flavor of cabbage. No dipping sauce is needed, making it easy to eat. Rakkyo are a superfood known as "medicine of the field" and they meet the needs of health-conscious cold food consumers. This is a rare item that can also be enjoyed as part of a home party.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionRakkyo production is a labor-intensive industry that requires a lot of manual work, from harvesting with tractors to the shipping process. In particular, the manual process of cutting off roots and leaves is a bottleneck in production efficiency. The current labor shortage is a major challenge to the future sustainable development of Japanese grown small rakkyo. We believe that promoting the value of this product nationwide and increasing the number of Naruto rakkyo fans and people connected to Naruto through this product will lead to solving this problem.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, North America, Other
【Priority countries and territories】
Taiwan, Australia

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Naruto Boot Camp Gran Prix, Tokushima Founders Award 2023 Finalist
【Media coverage】
NHK Ohayou Nippon (Nationwide), TV Tokyo Holdings Corporation WBS, Nikkei Shimbun, Nikkei Marketing Journal, The Tokushima Shimbun

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profilemoyai-sha
B203, 327, Takashima Aza Yamaji, Naruto-cho, Naruto-shi, Tokushima 772-0051, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):-

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Healthy and satisfying! Kudzu starch non-melting ice pops


Minato-ku, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceKudzu Ice Pops that won't welt

Features of products and servicesThis non-melting ice pop is made using kudzu starch by a long-established Japanese confectionery store founded 300 years ago. The kudzu starch’s jelly-like texture means it won't melt and you can enjoy the flavor right to the end, even in hot places. We offer a variety of flavors, from Western-style fruit-based flavors to those that use matcha to give you a taste of Japanese culture. Enjoy a new texture that exquisitely combines crunchy and chewy textures.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThere are two social good aspects to our products. 1. We make package designs in collaboration with Sozo Gakko, a company that hires people with disabilities to draw pictures as illustrators and develop them into commercial designs. 2. Our packaging is manufactured by Shizai, that supports the "ONE TREE PLANTED" initiative, which plants trees around the world, creating a cycle in which the wood consumed in the production of packaging is returned to nature.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileEnny.Inc
27th floor, Shiroyama Trust Tower, 4-3-1, Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-6027, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food and beverage retail
Number of employees:1
Annual Sales(JPY):17,635,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Chiran tea tells a story of rich bittersweet flavor


Ibusuki-shi, Kagoshima

Name of product / serviceotyamena imokenpi

Features of products and servicesThis product combines ingredients from Kagoshima based on the concept of "collecting and delivering the best things from Kagoshima." This sweet combines sweet potatoes grown in the land of Minamisatsuma City looking up at slopes of Mt. Kaimondake and Chiran tea that represents Kagoshima. We make imokenpi (fried strips of sweet potato coated with sugar) thinner so that you can taste the bittersweetness of tea and appreciate its flavor.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe product is made using sweet potatoes and tea produced in Kagoshima Prefecture, which helps support local farmers, revitalize the local economy, and promote sustainable agriculture. It is a healthy sweet made with natural ingredients and no additives, and it has a moderate sweetness, so it can be enjoyed safely by people of all ages, from children to the elderly. It is made using local ingredients, so it is an attractive souvenir for tourists, helping to improve the brand power of the entire region and serving as a tourism resource.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Other
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileQUELL Co.,Ltd
2250-5, Jyuni-cho, Ibusuki-shi, Kagoshima 891-0403, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food and beverage retail
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):1,800,000

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Steamed black soybeans have a rich flavor and can be used in salads, soups, or eaten as is


Tambasasayama-shi, Hyogo

Name of product / serviceSteamed TAMBAGURO Black Soybeans

Features of products and servicesWe have steamed large Tamba-guro soybeans to bring out the mildly salty natural flavor of the ingredient. They have a texture similar to freshly steamed edamame, and you can enjoy the rich flavor of the Tamba-guro soybeans themselves. Black soybeans are also known as "meat from the field" and are rich in protein, as well as polyphenols. Why not start a healthy habit with steamed beans, which are delicious as an ingredient in salads and soups, or when eaten on their own?

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumption"Tamba-guro" is a top-quality variety of large, delicious black soybeans. The native Tamba-guro variety is labor-intensive to cultivate, but has a low yield per unit area, making a shortage of farmers an issue. Part of our management policy is to convey the deliciousness and story behind Tamba-guro, and we are focusing on developing products that convey its appeal. As awareness of Tamba-guro spreads, producers will be motivated to cultivate it, and this will help preserve traditional varieties.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Guidebooks such as Rurubu, TV Osaka's "Tabi-wa Michizure Kansai Tuk-Tuk Tabi ," NHK's "Hotto Kansai Saturday," and other TV programs, Shoten Kenchiku and other specialty magazines, and many others

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileODAGAKI Co., Ltd
9, Tatsumachi, Tambasasayama-shi, Hyogo 669-2323, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food and beverage wholesale
Number of employees:76
Annual Sales(JPY):-

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Use this one sauce for vegetables, meat, salad, and tofu. Use it for anything.

ShinshuShizenOkoku co.,Ltd

Shimoina-gun, Nagano

Name of product / serviceYasai Sauce

Features of products and servicesOur company began as a shipping association of producers based in Matsukawa Town, one of the leading fruit producing areas in Nagano Prefecture. One concern facing both us and the producers was how to deal with non-standard fruit. To break away from the current situation in which we are forced to dispose of apples, we were thinking of creating a product using apples, and came up with a product called "sauce made with apples" that can be made at home. This versatile seasoning can be used not only on meat and vegetables, but also on tofu, udon, and other foods as well.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionBy adopting sustainable production methods, such as using domestically grown vegetables and reducing additives, we contribute to the efficient use of resources and the reduction of waste. We are promoting local production and local consumption, and contributing to revitalization of the local economy. We also work to strengthen ties with local farmers and support sustainable agriculture. By not using additives, we meet the needs of health-conscious consumers and contribute to improving health issues.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia
【Priority countries and territories】
Taiwan, Hong Kong

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileShinshuShizenOkoku co.,Ltd
8557, Ikuta, Matsukawamachi, Shimoina-gun, Nagano 399-3302, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:13
Annual Sales(JPY):22,500,000,000

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Supporting your beauty! With organic soybean chips, you can easily get your daily serving of protein.

Cosmos Co., Ltd

Nasushiobara-shi, Tochigi

Name of product / serviceOrganic SoyChips - seaweed salty

Features of products and servicesOrganic soybean chips are perfect for your busy lifestyle! A single bag has your daily serving of protein, and is full of dietary fiber and minerals. It is low in sugar, so we recommend it for people on a diet. Isoflavone in soybeans can also have skin-beautifying effects. It comes in a compact package, so you can easily replenish your nutrients at the office and on the go. It is perfect for people who do not have time to cook and women who are health conscious.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionCompared to beef, soybeans are a food with a small environmental impact, as they consume significantly less water and emit less greenhouse gases during production. SoyChips is a product that harnesses the power of soybeans and can play a role in solving food issues. We aim for SoyChips to be widely known in the market as a product that contributes to achieving the SDGs.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Energy-saving
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】
USA, UK, Germany, Scandinavian countries, India

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
We have filed a design right application for the product package design of SoyChips.
We have submitted a trademark application for "Bihadaiz" (inspired by 美肌大豆, pronounced "bihada daizu", meaning "beautiful skin soybeans").
【Licenses, etc.】
Organic JAS certification

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileCosmos Co., Ltd
354-1, Sakitama, Nasushiobara-shi, Tochigi 325-0033, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food and beverage wholesale
Number of employees:1
Annual Sales(JPY):51,800,000

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This product absorbs delicious broth and be mixed in at the end of a hot pot meal.


Sakurai-shi, Nara

Name of product / serviceHarusame for hot pot70g

Features of products and servicesSince our founding in Sakurai City, Nara Prefecture, the birthplace of domestic harusame (bean‐starch vermicelli), we have been committed to producing handmade, sun-dried harusame using traditional manufacturing methods. These days there are few companies that make harusame domestically, and there are hardly any companies that have been making harusame with the same manufacturing method since they were founded. Using the quality of our handmade products, we work to offer better products to meet our customers' needs as much as possible, and deliver the best harusame.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionIn order to reduce food waste, our company offers non-standard products to kodomo shokudo (volunteer-run cafeterias providing free or inexpensive meals to children) and for use as animal feed. We have installed solar panels on the roof of our factory, and use the electricity generated inside the factory. We are gradually changing our product packaging from PP to paper. In order to reduce non-standard products in the future, as a product that reduces customers’ time spent cooking, we plan to rehydrate the harusame, vacuum-freeze it, and sell it.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Long lifespan
  • Energy-saving
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesKokubu Corp; Itochu Shokuhin Co., Ltd.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsEurope, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Nippon Television Network Corporation, Yomiuri TV, Nara TV, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), etc.

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileNARAFOODSCO,LTD
448, Wakimoto, Sakurai-shi, Nara 633-0018, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:15
Annual Sales(JPY):87,176,000

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It has a smooth texture, and a rich flavor that is modestly sweet


Iwamizawa-shi, Hokkaido

Name of product / serviceglutenfree snowball kinako

Features of products and servicesMade using rice flour and kinako (soybean flour) from Iwamizawa, Hokkaido, and produced using gluten-free manufacturing methods. It has a smooth texture like melting snow and a gentle taste with a subtle sweetness. We developed this product from our desire to develop a product that makes full use of local ingredients, as our area is one of the leading production regions of rice and soybeans in Hokkaido. Its low allergen content and melting texture make it popular with people of all ages, from children to seniors.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionAll products of the sweets brand "patisserie soraka" are made by people with disabilities. Through collaboration between pastry chefs, welfare professionals, and other professionals, we can produce products of consistent quality. Using locally produced ingredients, the smooth texture meets consumer needs. On the other hand, the process of hand-rolling each piece allows the company to balance quality and quantity when making a product that utilizes the characteristics of people with disabilities. Sales directly connect to their achievement of financial independence.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Women's Association Women's Entrepreneur Award Startup Category "Excellence Award"
【Media coverage】
Kei Navi Hokkaido

Selection for programs, etc.Vibrant HABATAKU Small and Medium Enterprises 300 Program, Business Continuity Enhancement Plan Selectee

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profilejouvre.Co.,Ltd
1-4-3, 6-jo nishi, Iwamizawa-shi, Hokkaido 068-0026, Japan
Industry/Business field:Social insurance, social welfare, and nursing care business
Number of employees:20
Annual Sales(JPY):104,000,000

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Authentic Izumo soba made by a century old company using buckwheat flour from Izumo City

Kodama Seimen Co., Ltd.

Izumo-shi, Shimane

Name of product / serviceIzumo Soba ”Miyabi" - Made with buckwheat flour from Izumo City

Features of products and servicesKodama Seimen, a long-established Izumo soba (buckwheat noodle) maker founded in 1919, makes Izumo soba using traditional methods that have been passed down for a century. The biggest feature of this product is that it uses "Izumo City buckwheat flour" that is grown and milled locally in Izumo City. In order for customers to enjoy the delicate and refined flavor of buckwheat flour produced in Izumo City, we have made our noodles thin and easy to swallow. It is a new product from our region that combines a traditional manufacturing method passed down in Izumo City with local ingredients grown in Izumo City.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionKodama Seimen products are made with locally produced buckwheat flour and matcha to create a distinctive flavor, using traditional Izumo soba manufacturing methods from the Izumo region. With these products, we aim to spread the appeal of Izumo's rich nature and food culture to the world, while also promoting job satisfaction and pride for all who work these jobs, and enriching the foundations of their lives. The characteristics of dried noodles give them a long shelf life and make them eco-friendly product that can be stored at room temperature. By optimizing shipping units and case quantities, we are eliminating food waste at retailers and wholesalers.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
USA, Europe

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
Some of our other products are FDA approved. This is a new product, so we will submit an application in the future.
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Food Hygiene Excellence Facility
【Media coverage】
The San-in Chuo Shimpo

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileKodama Seimen Co., Ltd.
1181-2, Imaichi-cho, Izumo-shi, Shimane 693-0001, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:20
Annual Sales(JPY):212,224,000

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Our gentle-tasting dashi pack is perfect for people who are conscious of their diet


Hamada-shi, Shimane

Name of product / service4colors novelty

Features of products and services[A safe and secure dashi pack] Our dashi (soup stock) contains no preservatives, colorings, flavorings or chemical seasonings, and the contents are simple and easy to understand. We use unbleached tea bags for the packs. [Dashi packs made using local products] Most of the ingredients are locally produced. [Reducing food waste as much as possible] The main ingredient is fish, made from parts that would normally be discarded, along with shiitake mushrooms that are poorly shaped and would not be worth much and would otherwise be discarded.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe fish used in the soup stock is the bony parts discarded by local fish shops and supermarkets, so the fish used in this process are produced without catching more fish. Other ingredients used include those that have no value and would otherwise be discarded, which helps reduce food waste. Our products are safe to eat because it does not contain any chemical flavorings and only uses healthy ingredients. Not only do we make the ingredients without additives, but we use unbleached bags, making your daily meals a safer experience.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Upcycling
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileDashi's-Tonojyu
145, Motohama-cho, Hamada-shi, Shimane 697-0055, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):1,000,000

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A harmony of gelato made with traditional Italian techniques and Yamagata ingredients

Sagaeshoten Co., Ltd

Yamagata-shi, Yamagata

Name of product / serviceCOZAB GELATO 6-Piece Set

Features of products and servicesThis set has popular Cozab Gelato flavors, made with traditional Italian methods, so it is the perfect trial purchase. By purchasing directly from producers in the prefecture whose faces we can see, we are able to use fresh ingredients, including tree-ripened produce that is not generally available. We make the most of the individuality of each ingredient without using any coloring agents, flavorings, or commercially processed products. This gelato allows you to experience Yamagata's rich nature through flavors.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionAll of our gelato flavors contain no artificial colorings, flavorings or sweeteners. We provide safe and healthy food to consumers. For seasonal sorbets, we use B-grade ingredients that are not suitable for market distribution, helping to reduce food waste. Furthermore, we buy directly from producers without going through middlemen, never bargaining for unfair prices. We work to build good relationships with producers while protecting their interests.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic major companiesIsetan Mitsukoshi Co., Ltd.; RINGBELL Co., Ltd. (Place an order with Fujingaho)

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
JAL in-flight magazines (March 2020), BRUTUS (June 2024), newspapers in the Yamagata/Tohoku area, TV stations in Yamagata Prefecture

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileSagaeshoten Co., Ltd
2443-5, Jumonji, Yamagata-shi, Yamagata 990-2211, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:5
Annual Sales(JPY):-

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One latte contains as much dietary fiber as one bowl of Japanese pearl barley rice.

Terao Flour Milling Co., Ltd.

Himeji-shi, Hyogo

Name of product / serviceSticky barley latte (plain) 45g

Features of products and servicesWe have flavored roasted Japanese pearl barley flour with just a little sweetness, and made granules with a smooth texture. This non-caffeinated powder drink is full of dietary fiber. We recommend this drink before bed for people who want to cut down caffeine. Mix and drink with warm or cold milk (You can prepare it faster if you use a bottle shaker). It is also delicious when mixed with soy milk, or spread on yogurt or ice cream.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionIn order to continue cultivation of pearl barley, which is a local resource, it is necessary to continuously develop processed products. We are confident that this initiative will help to raise awareness of Fukusaki as the hometown of Japanese pearl barley, and revitalize the town. By clarifying the responsibility to produce of producers and also the responsibility to use of actual users, we believe that resources will be consumed primarily in the local area, and increased awareness of processed products will lead to more tourists coming and the creation of local jobs.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe
【Priority countries and territories】
Hong Kong, Taiwan

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】
November 2023 Registered as a "Hyogo Industry SDGs Promotion Declaration Company"

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Kobe Shimbun

Selection for programs, etc.Hyogo Industries SDGs Promotion Declaration Company

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileTerao Flour Milling Co., Ltd.
15, Fukumoto-cho, Himeji-shi, Hyogo 670-0004, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:23
Annual Sales(JPY):-

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Tone your body and mind with traditional Japanese tea based on the yin and yang of nature.


Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceJapanese traditional brown rice tea Tbag type

Features of products and servicesKuroyaki is a traditional Japanese folk remedy using charcoal. It appears in Japan’s oldest book the Kojiki (An Account of Ancient Matters), and in Chinese and Russian sources. Rice coffee is also known by the name “Kuroyaki Genmai Cha”, and it has long supported the health of Japanese people. Keep your body warm to make it through the cold. It is non-caffeinated, so pregnant women and children can also drink it. We also recommend it to drink before sleeping.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe ingredients are agricultural products grown without the use of agricultural chemicals or chemical fertilizers, and we value indigenous crops. We work with farmers who cherish life to protect biodiversity. For that reason, we regularly go to visit farms, and help support farmers when they are busy together with people who live in the city and have little contact with nature. Our traditional culture is replete with “wisdom, techniques, and ideas that enable people to live richer and happier lives. Through traditional tea, we will pass on cherished things that have been passed down over time to the future.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesJR Community Design Co., Ltd.; Goldwin Inc.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsEurope
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Shueisha Inc.

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileMIRATOAMI
Sani-biru2F, 1-4-4, Nishiki-cho, Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo 190-0022, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:1
Annual Sales(JPY):6,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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These famous noodles from Miyagi are made without cooking oil, and measure just 9 centimeters long.

Kichimiseimen Co., Ltd

Shiroishi-shi, Miyagi

Name of product / serviceTsurigane Shiroisi Uumen

Features of products and servicesA representative product of Shiroishi Umen noodles. This is our company Kichimi Seimen’s signature product (the product with the highest factory shipment volume). These noodles have the perfect balance of smoothness, feeling when swallowed, and firm texture, and have long been highly regarded as Kichimi Seimen’s signature product. It is a long-selling product with our highest annual factory shipment volume. These noodles with a firm texture are very popular. You can enjoy these delicious noodles either hot or cold.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThey are dried noodles, so they can be kept for a long time without consuming energy. Shiroishi Umen has been loved in the Shiroishi area for more than 400 years. Since our company was founded in 1897, we have passed down our skills and mindset, and simply devoted ourselves to making umen noodles. We hope to deliver umen noodles, which are beloved by the local community, to even more people and preserve them as a traditional flavor for many years to come.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Energy-saving
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesMitsubishi Shokuhin Co., Ltd.; Nippon Access, Inc.

Overseas business recordYamabakedoma

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
USA, Israel, etc.

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Trademark Registration No. 5867785: Shiroishi Umen (registered under the name of the Oshu Shiroishi Umen Cooperative Association)
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Himitsu No Kenmin Show Kiwami, etc.

Selection for programs, etc.Companies Driving Regional Growth Selectee

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileKichimiseimen Co., Ltd
46, Motomachi, Shiroishi-shi, Miyagi 989-0275, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:30
Annual Sales(JPY):255,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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A Fukushima delicacy bringing "good fortune" and "happiness"

Tohshin Co.,Ltd

Soma-gun, Fukushima

Name of product / serviceTACOSIUMAI

Features of products and servicesAfter the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, the first octopus catch landed became a symbol of recovery. In Japanese "tako" can mean either octopus or happiness, so we developed Tako Shiumai (Chinese dumplings) as an auspicious product that will bring happiness to us all. The bright red octopus packaging and local brand story make it a popular gift or souvenir. It is highly valued as a frozen food you can easily cook in the microwave, and has become popular with a wide range of customers.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionTako Shiumai uses 100% octopus from Fukushima, and we create employment by having local people make it by hand, which also helps revitalize the local economy. By using local products and passing down traditions, we contributes to SDG Goal 8 "Decent Work and Economic Growth" and Goal 14 "Life Below Water". Furthermore, we aim to develop a regional brand by promoting ethical consumption, and creating new value while preserving local culture.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Japan Food Selection Grand Prix, Fukushima Best Design Competition, Fukushima Mantendo, etc.
【Media coverage】
NHK Hamanaka Aizu TODAY, various newspapers, "Otona no Shuumatsu" magazine, others

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileTohshin Co.,Ltd
1-18-2, Ekimae, Shinchimachi, Soma-gun, Fukushima 979-2709, Japan
Industry/Business field:Retailing of various products
Number of employees:4
Annual Sales(JPY):12,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Just a few drops of this premium black sesame oil from Japan will bring out the flavor of other ingredients


Komagane-shi, Nagano

Name of product / servicesesameoil Premium Black

Features of products and servicesIt will bring a little luxury to your dining table. Just two or three drops on other ingredients will give you a finer dining experience. By consuming an appropriate amount of sesamin, you can reduce bad cholesterol in your blood vessels, which will help prevent vascular disease and wrinkles. By selling products at their true value, we are able to raise the wages of employment support users involved in our work. We can also respond to the issue of abandoned farmland and landscape preservation in mountainous areas caused by the shortage of workers.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionSesame can be grown even in farmland with certain poor conditions. Small farms will be able to operate an area of around 50 ares, while large farms will be able to operate an area of over 200 ares. If the productivity of cultivated crops increases, it will be possible to reduce abandoned farmland and continue to protect the local environment. We can also raise the wages of type A and type B employment support recipients who are involved in our work.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
North America

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Trademark Registration No. 6719657: sesameoil\Premium Black
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Fujin Koron

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profiletozawanosyo
6510-2, Nakazawa, Komagane-shi, Nagano 399-4231, Japan
Industry/Business field:Agriculture
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):5,000,000

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Enjoy a stylish and delicious toast! Non-alcoholic cider made from 100% fruit juice.

SuggesCom Co., Ltd


Name of product / serviceVEGETARE Cider, Non-Alcoholic

Features of products and servicesIn search of exceptional taste, this non-alcoholic cider started with the best soil and is the product of environmentally-friendly sustainable farming. Vegetare’s cider is a non-alcoholic cider made from delicious 100% pure juice. Our ciders contain no water or sugar whatsoever. Enjoy the rich, fragrant sweetness of apples along with a refreshing acidity.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe mix straw into an apple pomace compost and then return it to the field as fertilizer. The components in animal manure typically used for compost are not always well-balanced. But apple pomace compost contains only apple nutrients, so there is no need to worry about balance when returning it to the soil and cultivating apple trees in sustainable soil.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Recycling
  • Energy-saving
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Nippon Food Awards, OMOTENASHI Selection, The Ultimate Universal Souvenir Gift, Souvenir Gift Secretary’s Choice
【Media coverage】
TV, magazine, newspaper, radio, internet

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileSuggesCom Co., Ltd
5-14-1-601, Shirokanedai, Minato-ku,Tokyo 108-0071, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food and beverage retail
Number of employees:4
Annual Sales(JPY):150,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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A feast brought from the field just as it is

Hatake no mikata Inc.

Konan-shi, Shiga

Name of product / servicemanma seasonal baby food: Stewed beef and white radish(9+month)

Features of products and servicesmanma is a baby food using seasonal produce cultivated in Shiga Prefecture. Our production method captures the farm produce deliciousness of each and every vegetable “just as it is”. We purchase vegetables grown without synthetic chemical fertilizers or pesticides from local farmers in Shiga Prefecture, and we use only salt for seasoning. Since we use seasonal vegetables, our product lineup changes with the seasons.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe vegetables and rice used in manma are purchased through direct contracts with local farmers in Shiga Prefecture. Purchasing produce that prioritizes the environment helps foster sustainable farming and protects biodiversity. By purchasing at a set price produce that despite still being of high quality are difficult to bring to market because they have lost value due to scars and slight differences in size, we are able to send profits back to the farmers, revitalize agriculture in the prefecture, and stimulate the local economy.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products

Business record with domestic major companiesEdogawa Ward Office, Hankyu Hanshin Department Stores

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】
Shiga Prefecture HACCP, business permit (prepared foods manufacturing, restaurant operation)

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Cabinet Gender Equal Participation Award
【Media coverage】
Magazines: VERY, Hiyoko Club, Baby-mo

Selection for programs, etc.Companies Driving Regional Growth Selectee

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileHatake no mikata Inc.
407-2, Mikumo, Konan-shi, Shiga 520-3221, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:25
Annual Sales(JPY):140,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Feel the power of enzymes with this utterly unique tasting syrup


Koyu-gun, Miyazaki

Name of product / serviceGREEN PAPAYA KOSO SYRUP

Features of products and servicesThis is an enzyme syrup made with generous portions of green papaya, a versatile and nutrient-rich vegetable. Green papaya is cultivated in Miyazaki Prefecture and uses no pesticides during the growing season. Enjoy a new and convenient healthy habit every day all season long with this delicious enzyme syrup made from green papaya – the king of enzymes. We also offer green papaya in commercial size for restaurants and drink stands.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionTo reduce its environmental footprint, green papaya, our main ingredient, is produced using no agricultural pesticides during the growing season. Moreover, we employ outdoor cultivation, an environmentally-friendly method that requires no vinyl greenhouses or other agricultural materials and fuel. Our green papaya raw materials also include so-called B-grade produce, produce with scars and other cosmetic defects, as our goal is to use all of the green papaya produced.

Sustainable / ethical categories

Business record with domestic major companiesAEON Co., Ltd., G-7 Holdings Inc., etc.

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
THE TIME, anan, etc.

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

2-1-1, Tondahigashi, Shintomi-cho, Koyu-gun, Miyazaki 889-1412, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):20,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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100% made with Gumma Prefecture wheat flour, animal-free, and no artificial flavoring


Fujioka-shi , Gunma

Name of product / serviceSemi Dry Vegan Udon Series

Features of products and servicesWe developed this udon noodle for vegans and vegetarians for both export and to meet inbound demand. What’s more, we developed the product based on the concept of a healthy udon noodle made with 100% Gumma Prefecture wheat flour and containing no preservatives whatsoever served with soy milk and sesame based soup. (Produced locally for local consumption, no preservatives or artificial flavoring)

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionDeveloped for local production and consumption, this product is 100% made with locally cultivated wheat flour for the benefit of people who cannot consume animal-derived foods or are concerned about their health. The product comes in three flavors: soy milk and miso base, tamari soy sauce base, and miso base. This semi-dried udon noodle made with Gumma Prefecture wheat flour and containing no preservatives or artificial flavoring can be stored at room temperature, which also brings out the natural flavor and power of its ingredients.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companiesAEON Group, Nippon Access, Inc. Kokubu Group, etc.

Overseas business recordMutual Trading, KC Central Trading, etc.

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa, Other
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
FDA facility registration No.: 18854589516
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Local resources, 1 company 1 technology, Kanto Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Director’s Award, etc.
【Media coverage】
Shuichi, Kenmin Show, NHK “Roko dake ga shitteiru”, Zawatsuku! Rosen basu to yorimichi no tabi, Bakugai Star, Kayo Surprise, etc.

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

879, Fujioka , Fujioka-shi , Gunma 375-0024, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:26
Annual Sales(JPY):240,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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A gluten-free, guilt-free snack with no refined white sugar or butter.

natural kitchen SAL

Fukui-shi, Fukui

Name of product / servicerice flour cheesecake

Features of products and servicesGluten free. This cheese cake is made using only organic brown rice flour and eggs laid by Momiji chickens, a domestic breed that comprises a mere 6% of domestic egg production. Lots of eggs creates a rich, smooth cheesecake. Each cheesecake is lovingly made and has no refined white sugar, preservatives, or other additives. Our cheesecake won the 2023 Japan Food Selection Grand Prize.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionFood producing businesses like ours are helpless without the farms that produce food. Organic rice is very labor intensive, as it is cultivated in mountainous regions without herbicides and requires weeding by hand. Rice that is not up to standard and cannot be shipped is ground into flour so that it is not left to waste. We also use non-standard eggs, and we reuse waste oil from rice oil used in restaurants as a fertilizer for bird feed. We want to make people and the environment healthier with gluten-free sweets.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Recycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic major companiesSEIJO ISHII CO., LTD.

Overseas business recordMitsuwa Corporation

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】
Restaurant operation, confectionary manufacturing, side dish manufacturing

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Fukui broadcasting

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profilenatural kitchen SAL
104-12, Maki-cho, Fukui-shi, Fukui 918-8184, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:10
Annual Sales(JPY):30,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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A captivating fruit syrup made with lavish portions of Fukushima fruit

Nikfuns co.,Ltd.

Fukushima-shi, Fukushima

Name of product / serviceFUKUSHIMA CRAFT FRUITS SYRUP series

Features of products and servicesUsing imperfect produce from fruit trees in Fukushima Prefecture, we make products designed to reduce disposal loss and help increase farmer income. This syrup for diluting is made one bottle at a time with generous amounts of imperfect produce—which is nonetheless as good as typical distributed produced—cultivated in Fukushima’s fruit paradise. We make a variety of syrups year-round that make it easy to enjoy the flavor of Fukushima fruit.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionClimate change and global warming are making the cultivation environment increasingly severe. These products are intended as a way to teach us about sustainable farming, reducing disposal loss, and the importance of food for ensuring that the living environment that we now take for granted is preserved for the future. We remain committed to doing what we can to protect the primary industries that serve as the foundation of humanity.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Upcycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business recordHAWS Handels GmbH.

Overseas target regionsAsia, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNierstein (Germany)

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Fukushima Chamber of Commerce and Industry Fuku Eru Award, Winner of the Tohoku Miyage Contest
【Media coverage】
Fukushima Chuo TV, Fukushima Minpo

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileNikfuns co.,Ltd.
98, Tennouhara, Matsukawamachi, Fukushima-shi, Fukushima 960-1241, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:3
Annual Sales(JPY):24,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Safe and reliable flavor with only the best ingredients

0172 Co.,Ltd

Hirakawa-shi, Aomori

Name of product / serviceapple pie ingredients

Features of products and servicesApple pie base made by hand one at a time. This product is created around the concept of safe and reliable flavor with no food additives. We operate two restaurants and are committed to local production for local consumption. Our mission is to create a workplace where women can thrive and play an active role. Production follows a shift schedule that allows people—mainly housewives with small children or who are no longer raising children—to come to work when they want.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe purchase apples classified as imperfect produce due to bruises and other defects from farmers as a way to turn these apples into income for the farmers. The product is made by mothers raising small children according to a flexible, easy-to-work schedule. As part of our commitment to creating a product with safe and reliable flavor, it uses no artificial coloring, additives, or chemical seasoning.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
2024 Aomori Prefecture Special Products Competition Chairman’s Award, 11th Shintohoku Miyage Contest Excellence Award (November 2024).
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profile0172 Co.,Ltd
42-1, Yawatasaki Matsueda, Hirakawa-shi, Aomori 036-0241, Japan
Industry/Business field:Restaurants
Number of employees:26
Annual Sales(JPY):12,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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A milk-, additive-, and guilt-free plant-based amazake sweet

Maeda Eiichi Shoten Ltd.

Obihiro-shi, Hokkaido

Name of product / serviceRICE CREMA Sake lees sweet sake

Features of products and servicesA natural, plant-based frozen amazake sweet made primarily from amazake, a unique Japanese sweet that has been a favorite of Japanese since ancient times. This milk-free, additive-free sweet with no unneeded extras uses simple, plant-based Japanese ingredients. This low-calorie, low-fat, Japanese sweet is nourishing, easy to digest, and has a flavor that satisfies the whole body. It’s perfect for hot days, needless to see, but feel free to also enjoy it anytime, such as when you’re tired or before bed.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe use of sake lees in amazake in Japan varies from region to region. Some regions lack supply because they use sake lees effectively, while other regions and sake brewers have no choice but to treat sake lees as waste. Our company is among those who actively make use of sake lees. Strict control of production all the way to shipment ensures an additive-free product. To help eliminate as much plastic as possible, the main cup and lid use paper materials.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Recycling
  • Attention to harmful substances

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileMaeda Eiichi Shoten Ltd.
17-14, Nishi Gojo Minami, Obihiro-shi, Hokkaido 080-0015, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food and beverage retail
Number of employees:2
Annual Sales(JPY):62,166,000

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We make food products safe for everyone, from children to adults.

TsukudaSyokuhin Co.,Ltd

Kanazaw-shi, Ishikawa

Name of product / serviceTsukuda's Handmade fig jam

Features of products and servicesWe use only Noto Hodatsushimizu-cho, Ishikawa Prefecture figs. Each fig is hand peeled and cut and then packed with all of their delicious flavor into jam. Since our jams use absolutely no preservatives or coloring, everyone from children to adults can safely enjoy the natural flavor of figs. Enjoy it in yogurt or on bread.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionCommitted to local production, local consumption, our jam is made exclusively with locally produced Ishikawa Prefecture figs. From an SDGs and ethical perspective, producing and consuming locally helps both reduce CO2 generated by distribution and stimulates the local economy. What’s more, this is an ethical jam that uses absolutely no preservatives, coloring, or other additives. Using ingredients efficiently and without waste contributes to reducing food loss.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Long lifespan
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Trademark registration No. 5984523: HAPPY WALNUTS
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileTsukudaSyokuhin Co.,Ltd
828, Obachohigashi, Kanazaw-shi, Ishikawa 920-3121, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:100
Annual Sales(JPY):1,027,059,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Just boil for two minutes in a pot at home to enjoy authentic 100% buckwheat soba noodles made by artisans

Komatsuan Sohonke Co., Ltd.

Toshima-ku, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceSimple Frozen Soba (crafted by a soba artisan)

Features of products and servicesFor those who want to enjoy authentic hand-made soba noodles at home. Just boil one pack per person in a pot for two minutes to enjoy. We have frozen authentic hand-made soba noodles made by soba noodle artisans. We are particular about the production area of the buckwheat. We purchase whole buckwheat with the husk still on and mill it ourselves. The soba is 100% soba flour, with no other ingredients added. The tsuyu (soup) is additive-free, made with bonito flakes made from a blend of honkarebushi (fermented dried bonito) and soda katsuo (dried bullet mackerel).

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe deal with soba producers in Japan, and have even visited the soba farms to see the harvest, and also traveled to Kochi Prefecture, the home of the soda katsuo used in the tsuyu. We are particular about using Monozukuri craftsmanship to create products that allow you to see the faces of the producers, and we also take care to ensure that our products can be eaten with peace of mind and that the ingredients are handled without waste. We also focus on training our artisans, and we are committed to the entire process of milling our own flour, managing our own dried bonito flakes, making the soup stock for our tsuyu (soup), and making our own soba noodles by hand.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
TV Tokyo's “Adomachikku Tengoku,” monthly magazine “Otona no Shumatsu,” etc.

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileKomatsuan Sohonke Co., Ltd.
3-3-21, Komagome, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-0003, Japan
Industry/Business field:Restaurants
Number of employees:54
Annual Sales(JPY):610,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Taste and texture that is just like bacon! Bacon-style seasoning made from shiitake mushrooms

Hoshi shiitake-ya

Taketa-shi, Oita

Name of product / serviceSHIITAKE BACON

Features of products and servicesThis is a new-style umami seasoning made from dried shiitake mushrooms that you can simply sprinkle on, mix in or use as a topping. This bacon-style seasoning is made from Japanese shiitake mushrooms that are high in umami and simply seasoned, then smoked slowly over two days. It comes in flake form, so you can easily add umami and smoked flavor to a variety of dishes, which will really enhance the quality of your cooking. It is a 100% vegetable-based umami seasoning with no artificial flavors or chemical seasonings added.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionAbout 90% of the shiitake mushrooms distributed in Japan are grown on mushroom beds, and the production of shiitake mushrooms grown on logs, which take about two years to harvest, has declined to less than 10%. Log-grown shiitake mushrooms help to reduce CO2 emissions and preserve forests, and the wood that the shiitake mushrooms decomposes becomes decayed forest nutrients, contributing to biodiversity. We are working to increase the consumption and added value of local specialty products and promote employment in depopulated areas by developing products that make it easy to enjoy log-grown dried shiitake mushrooms, which are also good for the environment.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycling
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Selected for the “Judges' Special Prize” at the 2nd Pan no Otomo Championship, selected for the “Oita Prefecture Regional Issue Entrepreneurial Support Program,” selected for the “Encouragement Prize” at the Oita Prefecture Business Plan Grand Prix, finalist in the “Oita Prefecture Women's Entrepreneur Promotion Project,” selected for the “Oita Industrial Research Institute Product Commercialization Support Program”
【Media coverage】
Oita Broadcasting, Oita Shimbun

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileHoshi shiitake-ya
20, Nyuuta, Taketa-shi, Oita 878-0033, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):1,250,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Sugar-free, guilt-free, naturally sweet azuki (red) bean paste made with koji fermentation


Nakagawa-gun, Hokkaido

Name of product / serviceKoji Blessing Koji Fermented Red Bean Paste

Features of products and servicesThis is a sugar-free, naturally sweetened azuki bean paste made with koji fermentation that uses our company's fresh koji, made from Hokkaido rice that has been fermented and matured twice. The refreshing sweetness of the koji makes it perfect for topping not only sugar-free koji red bean bread, but also ohagi rice cakes, strawberry daifuku, cakes and other Western-style sweets, and it also goes well with yogurt. It's especially great as a topping for ice cream. It contains 0.81mg of ceramide, a moisturizing ingredient, so you can enjoy your sweets without feeling guilty.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe use azuki beans from the local Honbetsu-cho, Tokachi, Hokkaido. We are working in partnership with the Honbetsu Agricultural Cooperative to contribute to the local community and foster local industry. Our products are made with a sugar-free azuki bean paste made using our fermentation technology, and are low GI sweets that can be enjoyed by vegans and vegetarians. The Keio Plaza Hotel Sapporo has been making sugar-free koji bean bread for over ten years using koji fermented red bean paste and selling it as a collaborative product with the Tonan Hospital in Sapporo as a healthy food for hospital patients.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
We carry out hygiene management in accordance with HACCP. We have experience exporting to Hong Kong and Singapore.
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

14-3, Kyouei, Honbetsu-cho, Nakagawa-gun, Hokkaido 089-3305, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:10
Annual Sales(JPY):62,356,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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The taste of Kyushu in a single cup. A blend of seven types of tea from the seven prefectures of Kyushu


Kumamoto-shi, Kumamoto

Name of product / servicekyushu megumi cha

Features of products and servicesWe have carefully selected ingredients that have long been drunk as tea or Chinese herbal medicine in Kyushu, and blended them in a well-balanced way. The ingredients are seven types of ingredients, each carefully selected from the seven prefectures of Kyushu (Fukuoka, Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima, Kumamoto, Nagasaki, Saga). This is a new blend of tea with no caffeine. It comes in 15 tea bags, which is enough for about half a month. All of the ingredients are grown without the use of pesticides.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionFirst, we used paper for the packaging, reducing the amount of plastic used. We also use ingredients that have a long tradition in Kyushu and process them within Kyushu, contributing to the promotion of local industry, local production for local consumption, and the continuation of local traditions. Furthermore, we only use ingredients that have been grown using cultivation methods that are kind to people and the earth, and that do not use pesticides. Part of the manufacturing process is carried out by hand, with the help of people with disabilities.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Trademark Registration No. 6236097 Kyushu Megumi Cha
【Licenses, etc.】
We can provide a certificate of origin.

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Takarajimasha “Liniere,” Magazine House “anan”

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileLP
#601, 4-20, Suizenjikoen, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto-shi, Kumamoto 862-0956, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:1
Annual Sales(JPY):10,000,000

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Ah, I think I slept well. The moment you can really feel it is in the morning.


Sawa-gun, Gunma

Name of product / serviceDesign Coffee Good Night

Features of products and servicesA new coffee habit to drink before bed for a comfortable morning! This is a decaffeinated coffee in drip-pack form that lets you enjoy two types of coffee: the rich Mandheling Mellow and the aromatic Mocha Relax. We have blended a unique blend of GABA, glycine, theanine and kwanso (also known as “sleep grass”) that is said to be good for improving the quality of sleep, with charcoal-roasted coffee in a balance that brings out the original deliciousness of the coffee to the maximum.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionSufficient nutrition and good sleep are essential requirements for maintaining and improving health. The main aim of this product is to improve the productivity of daytime activities by getting good sleep. The product we developed this time was manufactured with the cooperation of those throughout Gunma Prefecture, and it took a year to complete. We hope that local companies will work together to send this product out to the whole of Japan and the world, and in the process contribute to employment in the area.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Selected for the Japan Food Selection Grand Prix
【Media coverage】
Jomo Shimbun, etc.

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileVEGITALADVANCE Co.,Ltd
4394, Tsunobuchi, Tamuramachi, Sawa-gun, Gunma 370-1124, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food and beverage wholesale
Number of employees:3
Annual Sales(JPY):85,000,000

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Just drink it to make the world more sustainable

Blue Farm inc.

Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka

Name of product / serviceSUSTEA

Features of products and servicesYou can help to reduce and absorb greenhouse gases just by drinking tea. We use organic cultivation methods to reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizer used compared to regular tea, and we use sensors and apps to measure the effect of this on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from tea cultivation. SUSTEA is a beverage that helps to make the world more sustainable just by drinking it.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionOur products provide tea grown through sustainable organic cultivation, and contribute to SDG Goal 12 (Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns) and 13 (Climate action). We promote ethical consumption by visualizing the reduction of carbon emissions in tea gardens and providing environmental solutions to companies. In addition, we aim to improve the lives of producers and protect the environment through sustainable business models, bringing value to society as a whole.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Environmentally-certified products
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Nihon Keizai Shimbun, TV Tokyo

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileBlue Farm inc.
Zazacity hamamatsu chuokan B1F, 100-1, Kajimachi, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka 430-0933, Japan
Industry/Business field:Agriculture
Number of employees:5
Annual Sales(JPY):-

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Specializing in umami. A completely new type of additive-free, vegan chili oil

U's Stream Co., Ltd

Takaishi-shi, Osaka

Name of product / serviceLA-YU

Features of products and servicesThis chili oil, which has captivated foodies around the world, is a product of 15 years of work by a chef who has worked abroad. It uses a luxurious selection of ingredients, including Awaji Island's Kiwami onions and Kakukyu's Hacho miso. As it is concentrated with natural umami, just adding a little to various dishes, regardless of genre, will elevate home cooking to a professional level. We aim to revitalize local economies under the slogan of local production for "global" consumption.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe engage in direct transactions with producers and commission manufacturing to local processing factories rather than our own factories in order to contribute to the revitalization of local economies, which are in decline due to the aging of the population and the lack of successors in the primary industries. By doing so, we aim to achieve a sustainable society for local economies by returning as much profit as possible. We contribute to the maintenance of people's health by not using ingredients such as artificial coloring agents, coloring agents, or chemical seasonings. We only use plant-based ingredients, so our products are suitable for people who cannot eat animal products for religious or other reasons.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】
Certified as maternity food

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Selected for the Japan Food Selection Grand Prix
【Media coverage】
Nikkei Marketing Journal

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileU's Stream Co., Ltd
1-8-21, Kamo, Takaishi-shi, Osaka, 592-0011, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food and beverage retail
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):4,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Stylish pickles that are gorgeous, healthy, and beautiful

Obaneya Co., Ltd.

Oyama-shi, Tochigi

Name of product / serviceJEWELED PICKLES

Features of products and servicesJeweled Pickles are premium pickles that combine health and beauty. They have low salt content, pair well with red or white wine, and come in three different flavors of spice herbs. Making the most of the rich flavor and beauty ingredients of burdock grown in Japan, you can easily enjoy a stylish and healthy snack. It is low in calories, rich in nutrients, is good to look at, and makes for the perfect gift. A moment of brilliance even on a busy day! They offer a sense of luxury and style, and are also delicious and healthy.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe use fresh, domestically produced vegetables grown by Japanese farmers, which helps to reduce food miles. We are also making efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, such as minimizing the environmental load of the manufacturing process. We will continue to provide consumers with the option of practicing ethical consumption through our products, such as by adding value to fresh products that are not sold through major distribution channels, promoting the upcycling of products, and regional collaboration.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Upcycling
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business recordKyosei Sogo Shokuhin K.K. (Korean distributor)

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
FDA registration, facility registration (FCE), product registration (FCE-SID)
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Trademark Publication 2023-024068 JEWELED PICKLES
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Received a gold award in OMOTENASHI Selection Award 2024.
【Media coverage】
PRTIMES, Shimotsuke Shimbun, Nikkei Marketing Journal, The Japan Agricultural News, Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Selection for programs, etc.Vibrant HABATAKU Small and Medium Enterprises 300 Program

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileObaneya Co., Ltd.
1747-1, Hitotonoya, Oyama-shi, Tochigi 323-0827, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:60
Annual Sales(JPY):1,264,540,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Paste with a rich umami flavor made from shiitake mushrooms, shottsuru (fish sauce), and salted malted rice

Norte Carta Inc.

Yamamoto-gun, Akita

Name of product / serviceShiitake Tapenade

Features of products and servicesWe have chopped up shiitake mushrooms from Akita Prefecture and made a rich umami paste in the style of the tapenade of southern France using shottsuru (fish sauce) and salted malted rice. The shiitake mushrooms have a pleasant texture and a gentle saltiness that complements the meat, fish and other ingredients you pair them with. Enjoy it with baguette and sake, or as a seasoning for everyday cooking. It was selected for the top gold prize at the 2nd Pan no Otomo Championship hosted by the Japan Vegetable Sommelier Association.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionAkita Prefecture is a major producer of mushroom beds, and boasts one of the highest production volumes in the country. On the other hand, shiitake mushrooms that do not grow well or have poor color or shape are sometimes sold at low prices or even disposed of, even if they have a good flavor. So, we received non-standard shiitake mushrooms from local mushroom farmers and put them to use. We also developed a Western-style paste by combining traditional Akita fermented seasonings such as shottsuru (fish sauce) and salted malted rice with olive oil. The product has been selected at contests for its deliciousness, and is contributing to raising the value of the local area.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Upcycling
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
“Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Prize” at the 2020 Buyer's room AWARD of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Top Gold Prize at the 2nd Pan no Otomo Championship of the Japan Vegetable Sommelier Association, and many others
【Media coverage】
Matsuko no Shiranai Sekai, Aiba Manabu, Hiruobi, Danshi Gohan, and many others

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileNorte Carta Inc.
18, Hachimori Furuyashiki, Happo-cho, Yamamoto-gun, Akita 018-2664, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:4
Annual Sales(JPY):-

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We want to deliver the packaged abalone that we have carefully raised in our aquaculture racks (boxes)

Genshoeikitanihonsuisan co.,ltd

Ofunato-shi, Iwate

Name of product / serviceHakoiri Awabi Sauteed in Butter

Features of products and servicesThis is a new canned abalone product made using Sanriku Hisui Awabi brand abalone, which is thick, tender, and even the liver is delicious. It is seasoned with a butter sauté flavor. It keeps for three years at room temperature, and is the perfect souvenir because of its easy-to-carry size. You can savor it as it is, sliced, or diced, however you like.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionIwate Prefecture has the largest abalone catch in Japan, but the catch is decreasing year by year due to climate change. In this situation, our company is producing and supplying high-quality abalone stably by completely cultivating abalone on land. We believe that continuing to produce abalone in this area will lead to the stabilization of the local industrial base, the protection of abalone resources, and a contribution to ethical business practices.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Long lifespan
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Manten Aozora Restaurant, Nishimura Campground, etc.

Selection for programs, etc.Vibrant HABATAKU Small and Medium Enterprises 300 Program

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileGenshoeikitanihonsuisan co.,ltd
71-1, Ishihama, Ryori, Sanriku-cho, Ofunato-shi, Iwate 022-0211, Japan
Industry/Business field:Aquaculture
Number of employees:12
Annual Sales(JPY):17,207,000

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Gluten-free, additive-free, vegan cookies made with sake lees (pressed lees left over from sake brewing)

Aswenus LLC

Ota-ku, Tokyo

Name of product / serviceSake-Kasu Cookies (additive-free, gluten-free, vegan)

Features of products and servicesThis is the first product from a brand that upcycles by-products that are produced in food manufacturing and other sites but not used, as well as ingredients that are disposed of at the raw material stage (unused ingredients, food loss), into delicious, healthy foods. We knead sake lees, which are left over from sake brewing, into the dough, and use a recipe that is additive-free, gluten-free, and vegan so that you can enjoy the food with peace of mind.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe upcycle food waste and reduce the amount of waste that generates greenhouse gases through incineration. We reduce the disposal costs and psychological burden on businesses, and convert it into a more valuable form, creating a product that leads to a richer life for consumers. In addition, it is a healthy food product that does not contain additives, and can be enjoyed by those with wheat allergies and vegans. It does not contain animal ingredients, and we believe it also reduces the environmental burden.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Upcycling

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Oceania
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileAswenus LLC
2-22-13-205, Higashi-Yukigaya, Ota-ku, Tokyo 145-0065, Japan
Industry/Business field:Storeless retail
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):1,675,000

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Rice crackers that let you enjoy the natural flavor of ingredients from Nanto City, Toyama Prefecture


Nanto-shi, Toyama

Name of product / servicesakusaku mura salt

Features of products and servicesThese rice crackers were made in collaboration with Sakusakumura, an agricultural corporation based in our local Nanto City, Toyama Prefecture. The main ingredient, glutinous rice, is 100% grown in Japan, and the other ingredients are also supplied by Sakusakumura. We wanted to preserve the natural flavor of the ingredients, so we do not use any preservatives or chemical seasonings. Please enjoy the natural flavor of the ingredients.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThese products are made from ingredients produced in Nanto City, Toyama Prefecture, and processed by a manufacturer also based in Nanto City. When we were thinking about how we could deliver the agricultural products of Sakusakumura to people all over Japan, we came up with the idea of making rice crackers, a type of snack that Japanese people are familiar with and that can be stored at room temperature, and a company in Nanto City collaborated with us to develop them. Increasing sales of Sakusakumura products will enable us to deliver local products to people all over Japan, and we believe that this will lead to the creation of local jobs and serve as a model case for regional revitalization.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic major companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileMARUYONE SEIKA,Inc.
1380, Takamiya, Nanto-shi, Toyama 939-1741, Japan
Industry/Business field:Food manufacturing
Number of employees:40
Annual Sales(JPY):380,000,000

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Teapots and tea cups blending traditional and contemporary artistry

T. Nishikawa &Co., Inc.

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceKATA Teapot

Features of products and servicesNishikawa Japan is a tea ware brand that creates Japanese tea utensils in a form and combination suited for today based on the concept of “new arrangements of traditional Japanese beauty.” We want to bring the Japanese tea culture tradition and the ever-present richness behind it to the people of the world through tea utensils. With that in mind, we have carefully selected the finest traditional crafts and locally made goods from around Japan and endowed them with a modern sensibility and technique.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionMany of these traditional crafts have centuries-long traditions and are derived from nature, and every item is created using local materials. Traditional crafts and artisans with deep local roots in their regions are vital to regional revitalization. We believe that enhancing the value of traditional crafts heightens a region’s appeal and draws people to the region, which in turn has a positive impact on local employment and economic growth and also contributes to solving the issue of fostering sustainable cities.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Long lifespan
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business recordFrance Dammann

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】
USA, UK, India

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
Our products are classified as traditional handicrafts and do not require a CE mark. We can submit the documents that our customers require at the export destination.
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Kyoto medium- and small-business superior business
【Media coverage】
The Yomiuri Shimbun, Mainichi Newspapers Co., Ltd., Kyoto Shimbun, Togyojiho, Jiji Press Ltd., Yomiuri Shimbun Shiga-ken Min joho

Selection for programs, etc.Kyoto Small and Medium Excellent Enterprise Award

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileT. Nishikawa &Co., Inc.
377, Yamazaki-cho, Yamato-oji Gojo Agaru, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 605-0841, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other wholesale businesses
Number of employees:3
Annual Sales(JPY):99,390,000

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General/Household Goods

Reed canvas bags manufactured by a reed design company

atelier May Co.,Ltd.

Hirakata-shi, Osaka

Name of product / serviceyodo river canvas tote bag<Osaka tote bag>

Features of products and servicesOur company is a local design office based in Osaka that focuses on planning and selling reed products, and to date we have developed approximately 350 products. This tote bag is made of canvas from reed grown on the shores of the Yodo River, Osaka Prefecture, and is sewn in Izumi City, Osaka Prefecture. The gusset, handle, piping, and lining are made of leather. This makes the bag easily compatible both with casual clothes and with neat clothes or kimono as well.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionReeds are a plant that grow naturally on the waterfront, and it helps conserve the environment of the waterfront. Moreover, since it is a perennial plant, you can cut it off once a year to promote its growth. In the old days, reeds used to be used as an architectural material, but consumption of reeds is on the decline because of changes in the living environment and the distribution of products from abroad. As a new method for using Japanese reeds, we have turned the reed into a textile and developed Reed Yarn®, a yarn that combines the reed with organic cotton.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Japanese Patent No. 7583486: Manufacturing method of reed fiber
Japanese Patent No. 7576833: Reed microfibers, their spun yarns, and nonwoven fabrics
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Selected for the Grand Prize at the Osaka Environmental Awards. Selected for the Ministry of the Environment's Regional Environmental Beautification Achievement Award.
【Media coverage】
Various newspapers (Kansai, local editions), NHK Ohayou Kansai, etc.

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileatelier May Co.,Ltd.
1-13-3, Tsudayamate, Hirakata-shi, Osaka 573-0128, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other business services
Number of employees:6
Annual Sales(JPY):15,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

Without gender restrictions and rules. A new prayer bead that makes prayer more accessible.

kamei juzu

Kyoto-shi, Kyoto

Name of product / serviceHIGHLIGHT

Features of products and servicesWe have designed a modern version of the prayer bead, free from gender and formality. It is not just for use in front of the Buddha, but can be used in any moment when you join your hands in prayer, with your important wishes and thoughts. It has a pop and cute design that is perfect for those who are holding a prayer bead for the first time. Why not gently hold your wishes for peace and safety in the palm of your hand?
This product was selected for the Kyoto Design Award 2022.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe gender-free, one-size design eliminates the need for separate stock for men and women. In addition, it uses solid wood produced in Japan that has not been used much until now, and is coated with environmentally friendly oil. The tassels are made from natural rayon, not petroleum-derived rayon, to reduce the environmental impact. This contributes to the SDGs “12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns” and “13. Climate action,” and promotes ethical consumption.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia
【Priority countries and territories】
China and Taiwan

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
Selected for the Kyoto Design Award 2022
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profilekamei juzu
427, Matuya-cho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto 600-8105, Japan
Industry/Business field:Other manufacturing
Number of employees:9
Annual Sales(JPY):180,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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General/Household Goods

The hands of Kanagawa, where the gods reside: We will take our thoughts, shape them, and send them to you.


Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa

Name of product / serviceMINIATURE TEA SET (WITH A FITTED CASE)

Features of products and servicesThis is a tiny wooden tea set that opens up a world of detail, made using a curved plane and a hand-operated lathe. The lid and saucer, made from material cut into 2mm squares, create a more delicate and elegant design. The wooden box can be used to store the tiny tea set like a jewel, or it can be displayed on top of the box. The contours carved into the inside are as precise as the finest lathe work, and the tea set fits perfectly, preserving the delicate shape of the vessel and your attachment to it for a long time to come.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe woodworking artisans of the southwestern part of Kanagawa Prefecture have high technical skills and produce high-quality products, but it is not uncommon for their appeal to not be fully conveyed or for them to be traded at an appropriate price. We add new designs to the beauty of traditional techniques to create products that have never been seen before. We work to ensure that the cycle of communication between creators and users, and between thinkers and communicators, continues by carefully conveying these works to others as if they were letters.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesTakashimaya, Tsutaya Bookstore, Mori Trust Hotel & Resorts, Matsuya

Overseas business recordCOMEIN' LIVING LIMITED

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Korokaru/FM Yokohama

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileJEAN WORKS. Co., Ltd
2911-4, Mukaihara, Yamakita-cho, Ashigarakami-gun, Kanagawa 258-0111, Japan
Industry/Business field:Wood and wooden products manufacturing (excluding furniture)
Number of employees:1
Annual Sales(JPY):50,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Outdoor/Interior Products

Send a message of happiness with timeless samurai patterns


Morioka-shi, Iwate

Name of product / serviceNatual-dyed linen-blend mat

Features of products and servicesFabric in the Mingei spirit creating a new kind of traditional Japanese style. Materials: 70% cotton, 30% hemp A smooth yet firm fabric. Elegant patterns worn 425 years ago by members of the samurai class. A variety of patterns each expressing a particular sentiment, such as health, hope, wealth, beauty, and more, make choosing your favorite pattern even more fun. Each item is a quality good dyed one at a time by artisans using an environmentally-friendly ancient dying method.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionHaving become one of the world's largest consumers of clothing in recent years, Japan constantly consumes and disposes of clothing. But clothing recycling remains uncommon, and many still usable textile products are discarded and burned. The use of recycled cotton helps foster a sustainable society. What’s more, our shop applies traditional techniques dating back to the Edo period using naturally derived dyes and pastes that minimize the amount of polluted water produced by the dying process.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Recycle
  • Upcycle
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
UK, Germany

Overseas bases

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company; Direct trade; Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】

【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】

【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives

2-25-27, Takamatsu, Morioka-shi, Iwate 020-0114, Japan
Industry/Business field:繊維・衣服等卸売業
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):800,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Traditional Crafts

From Tsugaru lacquerware you buy to Tsugaru lacquerware you polish yourself. Get your own one-of-a-kind set of chopsticks.

tsugaruakari lab

Hirosaki-shi, Aomori

Name of product / servicetsugaru nuri POLISH-KIT

Features of products and servicesUntil now Tsugaru lacquerware chopsticks were something you bought and used. This polishing kit allows you to experience the polishing process, which is the true joy of Tsugaru lacquerware, and create your own one-of-a-kind pair of chopsticks. You can polish them yourself and use them yourself, or you can give a pair of personal chopsticks as a gift to your parents, family, or people who have helped you, and they are sure to love it. We developed it as a keepsake for newlyweds.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWith this kit, people can experience Tsugaru lacquerware, a traditional craft recognized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, so we believe that this will enable people to learn about the tradition and feel more familiar with it. Because people will experience making things themselves, they will learn to cherish items and use them for a longer period of time. We believe that consumers' sense of connection with local traditional crafts and artisans will also contribute to revitalizing production areas.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Long lifespan
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsNorth America
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profiletsugaruakari lab
232-1, Naranokiyouda, Hirosaki-shi, Aomori 036-1206, Japan
Industry/Business field:Retailing of various products
Number of employees:0
Annual Sales(JPY):450,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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Traditional Crafts

We offer an experience where you can learn about a craft by touching it and imitating the artisans’ techniques.

Asahi Electric Co.,Ltd.

Hakusan-shi, Ishikawa

Name of product / service"temane" DIY Kit of Traditional Japanese Crafts

Features of products and servicesThis product is a product that focuses on the experience (event) of traditional crafts. As consumer behavior shifts from products to events, experiences are becoming more important. As part of our product lineup, we have developed a brand of experience kits that are sold individually, and we are expanding them on a larger scale. This allows us to develop experiences as the main focus, and provides an opportunity to experience a variety of traditional crafts. We currently offer four kits: Foil-stamping iPhone covers, Mizuhiki knot accessories, incense blending, and shaping the tips of chopsticks.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe "temane" DIY Kit of Traditional Japanese Crafts help to protect and pass on the traditional crafts of Ishikawa Prefecture. Learning about local culture and techniques deepens people's attachment to their region, and contributes to the creation of a sustainable community. We also contribute to the revitalization of the local economy through collaboration with local artisans and businesses. From the perspective of ethical consumption, we also provide an opportunity to respect local traditions and culture and to reaffirm their value. We support the continuation and development of traditional crafts by stimulating new demand and interest in the face of the challenge of their decline.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companies-

Overseas business record-

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】
UK, Germany, USA

Overseas bases-

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
SMEs and Cooperatives (December 2023 issue), Nihon Net Keizai Shimbun

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profileAsahi Electric Co.,Ltd.
1-10, Asahigaoka, Hakusan-shi, Ishikawa 924-0004, Japan
Industry/Business field:Electrical machinery and appliance manufacturing
Number of employees:124
Annual Sales(JPY):1,204,007,000

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General/Household Goods

Once you start moving ("shining"), it won't stop shining

Crossfor Co., Ltd.

Kofu-shi, Yamanashi

Name of product / service"Keep shining" Gemstones Dancing Stone

Features of products and servicesWe have a patented method for setting gems which allows diamonds to "shine" just with the slightest movement of your body. This is jewelry that uses ingenuity to the maximum to maintain the radiance of dazzling jewel that accentuates the beauty of the wearer. These are products that are well-loved across the world and which are compatible with various kinds of jewelry, such as pendants, rings, bracelets, etc. We have transactions with more than 1,000 customers in Japan and more than 450 customers in 45 countries around the world.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe only handle diamonds that satisfy Kimberley Process requirements, and our gold complies with the provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act and remains DRC conflict-free throughout the supply chain. We are contributing to the realization of a recycling-based society by shifting to sustainable materials for products, packaging materials, and promotional materials, and reducing the use of waste and petroleum-derived materials generated through product recycling processes. We are contributing to accelerating the development of artificial diamond products and ethical consumption demand.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesYes

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regions Asia, North America, MiddleEast/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
India, USA, UAE

Overseas basesHong Kong, China, Thailand, India

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Patent No. 7158082 Accessories
Patent No. 7378862 Piercing posts, piercings and methods for attaching piercing posts
Patent No. 7377581 Jewelry supports and personal ornaments
Patent No. 7485443 Accessory fastener, accessory fastener assembly set, and accessories
We have other overseas patents
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage 【Awards】
Awarded the Intellectual Property Achievement Award given by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and received the Japan Patent Office Commissioner's Award (2020)
【Media coverage】
Japan Precious, Senken Shimbun, Nikkan Gendai, Magazine "Zaikai", etc.

Selection for programs, etc.Companies Driving Regional Growth Selectee

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesOur corporate philosophy has been to continue creating and supplying jewelry with creative beauty for the pleasure of everyone around the world ever since our founding in 1980. We aim for harmony with society and sustainable development by manufacturing jewelry that doesn't put an excessive burden on the global environment, protecting the health and safety of our employees, and protecting human rights, including those of our business partners.

Company profile Crossfor Co., Ltd.
7-11-4, Kokubo, Kofu-shi, Yamanashi 400-0043, Japan
Industry:Other manufacturing
Number of employees:74
Annual Sales(JPY):3,413,982,000

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Traditional Crafts

Creating new appeal and value through the harmony of spatial display decoration and traditional craftsmanship


Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa

Name of product / serviceSpatial display decoration x traditional craftsmanship techniques

Features of products and servicesStainless steel planters made by Tsubame-Sanjo artisans and new art objects created with the techniques of Hakata doll makers can be combined with spatial display decorations to maintain the beauty of their vibrant colors, and by harmonizing with the artistry of each, we can enhance the aesthetic appeal of spaces. Traditional crafts are also linked to the history of the region and its culture. By combining it with spatial display decorations and artificial flower decorations, we can incorporate modern elements while still respecting traditional culture.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe can provide products that use traditional craftsmanship by harmonizing spatial display decorations with traditional craftsmanship, and thereby support local artisans and industries and contribute to the revitalization of the local economy. Craft products made with traditional techniques are of high quality, and they can be used for a long time. High-quality artificial flower decorations do not wither, so there is no limit on how long they can be enjoyed. In this way, we contribute to reduction of waste and environmental protection.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesYes

Overseas business recordNone

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, NorthAmerica
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company, Direct trade, Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
2024 Kanagawa Hardworking Company Ace
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.Vibrant HABATAKU Small and Medium Enterprises 300 Program

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

1-8, Oono-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 221-0055, Japan
Industry:Other wholesale businesses
Number of employees:159
Annual Sales(JPY):5,200,000,000

Company profile & direct inquiries

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We provide universal porcelain products of highest quality to keep our customers company throughout their lives.

Koransha Co.,Ltd.

Nishimatsuura-gun, Saga

Name of product / serviceTableware Furnishing Goods

Features of products and servicesHaving been in business for 335 years, we have continued to manufacture products that meet the needs of people at that time. To continue the tradition that our predecessors have created for Koransha-style products, we are not shying away from innovation and are boldly taking on the challenge of new materials, manufacturing techniques, and expressions. We have a print room and design room, which are rare even on a nationwide basis, and carry out all processes in-house. Tableware made with a passion for Monozukuri craftsmanship is passed down from parents to children, along with the thoughts they had over the days.

Recommendating organizationKyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry; The Bank of Saga Ltd.; SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe promote “3R”-action (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Unnecessary clay from the manufacturing process is recycled, and water and glaze used in the factory are pressed to remove solids and return only clean water into the rivers. We also repair B-grade (second-grade) products as far as possible and sell them at a pottery market for everyday use. Through factory tours, company tours, and a pottery market, we communicate the responsibilities involved with manufacturing and use.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Recycling
  • Energy-saving
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesYes

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regionsAsia, NorthAmerica
【Priority countries and territories】
China, Thailand, Singapore, USA, Canada

Overseas basesDalian, Liaoning Province, China

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Trademark rights 
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage【Awards】
【Media coverage】
NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), Sekaibunka Holdings Inc.

Selection for programs, etc.Companies Driving Regional Growth Selectee

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesSolar panels allow us to produce porcelain using natural energy, thus creating eco-friendly products. We are pursuing a genderless, comfortable working environment.

Company profile Koransha Co.,Ltd.
1-3-8, Kobira, Arita-cho, Nishimatsuura-gun, Saga 844-8601, Japan
Industry:Ceramic, stone, and clay product manufacturing
Number of employees:230
Annual Sales(JPY):-

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Circulating happiness - Satoyama Beef

Sakaue Co., Ltd.

Shibushi-shi, Kagoshima

Name of product / serviceSATOYAMA BEEF

Features of products and servicesSatoyama cattle are raised in grazing environments on farmland such as abandoned land, etc. Their fodder is coarse feed that has been produced in-house only, and we have built a production system that does not depend on imported fodder. The cattle are naturally grazed, and unlike grass-fed cattle overseas, which only eat grass in vast areas, our cattle also eat dent corn silage so that they have the right amount of marbling which is characteristic of Japanese black beef. This achieves a well-balanced and strong umami meat quality.

Recommendating organizationSMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThis helps make local environments richer by making effective use of local resources, such as abandoned farmland, etc., to make feed and let cattle graze. Until recently, there has production that overemphasizes marbling, and there are also issues with animal breeding environments as a result of prioritizing economic efficiency. We think about the environment of cattle, and we consider their health, and also that their meat is lean, which contributes to the health of the people who eat it. The consumption of Satoyama beef links in with solutions for regional problems and it also links in with building healthy bodies.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesFANCL Corporation, Costco Wholesale Japan, Ltd., Valor Holdings Co., Ltd., etc.

Overseas business recordNone

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, NorthAmerica
【Priority countries and territories】
Thailand, USA, Canada

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company, Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc. 【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Japanese Trademark Registration No. 6524780 里山牛
Japanese Trademark Registration No. 6654307 SATOYAMA BEEF
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage 【Awards】
2005 15th White Award at the Organic Recycling Farming Experience Contest sponsored by Sugano Farm Machinery MFG Co., Ltd.; 2009 Grand Prize at the Agricultural Manager A-1 Grand Prix sponsored by Agricultural Technology Communications Co., Ltd.; 2010 Special Award at the Kyushu IT Management Grand Prize sponsored by the Kyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry; 2010 Excellent Company Award at the 2010 Prefectural Small and Medium Enterprise Support Center Information Promotion Center Excellent Company Awards sponsored by the National Small and Medium Enterprise Information Promotion Center; 2011 Grand Prize at the 3rd Agriculture and Food Industry Innovation Award sponsored by the Japanese Society of Agricultural Informatics; 2013 Grand Prize at the 62nd National Agriculture Contest sponsored by Mainichi Shimbun; 2016 11th Minaminippon Economic Award sponsored by Minaminippon Shimbun; 2022 Excellence Award at the Sustainable Japan Award 2022 sponsored by the Japan Times
【Media coverage】
Minaminippon Shimbun, Gendai Nogyo (magazine), Nikugyu Journal, Farmers' Business, NHK, Japan Times, Weekly Diamond (magazine), etc.

Selection for programs, etc.Companies Driving Regional Growth Selectee

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesPoint one is that we are putting into practice the reduction of the use of agricultural chemicals and disinfectants in vegetable farming as an agricultural method with a low environmental impact.
Point two is that we sell domestic coarse feed to local livestock farmers and collect livestock fecal waste, which we then compost and use for soil preparation.
Point three is that we promote sustainable efforts, such as our Satoyama Cattle Business where cattle are raised using home-grown coarse feed and graze on abandoned farmland.

Company profile Sakaue Co., Ltd.
2873-4, Anraku, Shibushi-cho, Shibushi-shi, Kagoshima 899-7104 Japan
Number of employees:170
Annual Sales(JPY):1,700,000,000

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Outdoor/Interior Products

Adding Japanese color to modern homes


Mizuma-gun, Fukuoka

Name of product / serviceRush Grass Interior & Bedding

Features of products and servicesWe manufacture a variety of items using igusa (rushes), which have been used in Japan for over 1000 years, to improve people's lifestyles and culture. Igusa has many functions in its own right, such as humidity control, moisture absorption, deodorization, flame retardance, and stain resistance. This makes it possible to improve living environments and provide a comfortable living environment for those who use it. In addition to rugs and cushions, we also have a range of sleep-related items such as pillows and mattress pads.

Recommendating organizationKyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry; SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionDuring the growth process, igusa absorbs approximately 6.5 tons of carbon dioxide per hectare. This helps to reduce global warming. We are developing products using igusa that we have grown and harvested ourselves in order to pass on the ancient culture of igusa and tatami. In the manufacturing process of some of our products, we produce products using igusa that have not been through the usual mud dyeing process, using a process that is kind to the makers.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Upcycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesNitori Co. Ltd., DCM Holdings Co., Ltd., Japanese Consumers' Co-operative Union, etc.

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, NorthAmerica
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesVietnam

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company, Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc. 【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Patent No. 3060065: Method of laying a rug with a surface component woven from igusa
Design Registration No. 1499861: Textile fabric
Trademark Registration No. 4645201: Hikotaro, etc.
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage 【Awards】
“Companies We Want to Cherish the Most in Japan" Grand Prize, Special Prize from the Judging Committee
【Media coverage】
Nikkei Marketing Journal, Begin May issue, Saga TV's information program “Kachikachi Press,” etc.

Selection for programs, etc.Companies Driving Regional Growth Selectee

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe provide products that are comfortable to use and sustainable, with the makers and users in mind, based on our management philosophy of “contributing to the revitalization of local industries and the improvement of living culture.” As a company involved in living, we contribute to the achievement of the SDGs by providing products that are kind to both people and the environment through sustainable manufacturing that leads to the future.

Company profile IKEHIKO CORPORATION Co., Ltd.
1052, Miyamatsu, Okimachi, Mizuma-gun, Fukuoka 830-0424, Japan
Industry:Other manufacturing
Number of employees:340
Annual Sales(JPY):9,029,289,000

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Blessings of nature and pure water: Genuine shochu, a Japanese distilled spirit that harmonizes techniques

Yanagita Distillery Co., Ltd.

Miyakonojo-shi, Miyazaki

Name of product / serviceAOKAGE, Barley SHOCHU

Features of products and servicesAokage is a barley shochu that the fifth-generation master brewer has spent over 20 years perfecting, with the aim of extracting the full potential of the ingredients into a single bottle of shochu. With the aim of one day being ranked alongside the world's finest spirits, it is a shochu with a unique flavor, rather than one that is easy to drink. It is a genuine shochu that has won top prizes at international liquor competitions in France and Spain.

Recommendating organizationKyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry; SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionAokage is made using only Kyushu-grown two-rowed barley as its base ingredient, with no additives other than koji mold, yeast, and water. It is characterized by its unique production method, which involves distilling the ingredients in a way that preserves their flavor. When used to make cocktails, the unique flavors and aromas of the ingredients can be clearly felt, creating a unique taste. It is attracting attention from bartenders in Japan as a Japanese-style cocktail base.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Regional products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesNone

Overseas business recordSkurnik Wines & Spirits (USA), La Maison du Whisky(France), Jinzuanyun (Xiamen) Import & Export Co., Ltd.(China), Kurisake(Taiwan)

Overseas target regionsAsia, NorthAmerica, Other
【Priority countries and territories】
Vietnam, Canada, Australia, New Zealand

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company, Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc. 【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage 【Awards】
Kura Master 2023 Honkaku Shochu and Awamori Contest Grand Prize
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.Vibrant HABATAKU Small and Medium Enterprises 300 Program

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profile Yanagita Distillery Co., Ltd.
14-4, Hayasuzu-cho, Miyakonojo-shi, Miyazaki 885-0055, Japan
Industry:Manufacturing of beverages, tobacco, and feed
Number of employees:9
Annual Sales(JPY):120,000,000

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Outdoor/Interior Products

Love LIFE with more outdoor products


Yanagawa-shi, Fukuoka

Name of product / serviceNORINORI LIFE

Features of products and servicesThis is an outdoor equipmentbrand that was born from the combination of craftsmanship and design cultivated in the production of floodgates. It has won design awards around the world for itslifestyle tools that have been designed from scratch without being constrained by existing product genres. The products are made from SUS304 stainless steel, which is highly resistant to weathering and is also used in floodgates, and are hand-made and welded, so they have a very long lifespan and are maintenance-free.

Recommendating organizationKyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry; SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionNORINORI LIFE products are born from collaborations with local Monozukuri craftsmanship companies, designers, universities, and other organizations. We are a hub for creative players in the region, connecting with a wide range of people and transcending the boundaries of companies and industries through our product development activities. We also contribute to solving the shortage of people involved in Monozukuri craftsmanship by improving the social status of artisans through the products we create.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional products
  • Regional cooperative products
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesYodobashi Camera Co., Ltd., Bic Camera Inc., Ishii Sports Co., Ltd.

Overseas business recordCITY HANDS COMPANY

Overseas target regionsEurope, NorthAmerica
【Priority countries and territories】

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company, Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc. 【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Patent No. 7493848: Method for installing a sluice gate
Patent No. 6739021: Lifting jig
Patent No. 7249692: Bonfire stand, etc.
Many utility model registrations
【Licenses, etc.】
ISO 9001, ISO 14001

Awards & media coverage 【Awards】
Fukuoka Design Award 2024 Silver Prize, Good Design Award 2024, A' DESIGN AWARD 2024, iF DESIGN AWARD 2024, Fukuoka Design Award 2023 Silver Prize, 9th GOOD ACTION AWARD, etc.
【Media coverage】
NEWSPICKS, Tsugi no Jidai, Nikkei X Trend, THE OWNER, TECH TEAM JOURNAL, and many others

Selection for programs, etc.Vibrant HABATAKU Small and Medium Enterprises 300 Program

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

934-4, Mitsuhashi-machi, Yanagawa-shi, Fukuoka 832-0806, Japan
Industry:Metal product manufacturing
Number of employees:75
Annual Sales(JPY):-

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Traditional Crafts

Paulownia products that pursue ease of use based on the theme of “Paulownia boxes in everyday life”


Koga-shi, Fukuoka

Name of product / serviceManufacturing and sales of paulownia wood boxes

Features of products and servicesEstablished in 1929 as a paulownia box specialty store, we manufacture a wide range of products, from boxes for storing the works of living national treasures and works in national museums to gift boxes for sake and other items. Since 2015, we have also been planning and developing a variety of products, including our own line of rice storage chests. We have developed our own unique processing, coating and printing methods to create beautiful and attractive boxes, and we also manufacture paulownia boxes for storing works in museums.

Recommendating organizationKyushu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry,SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionPaulownia wood, the material used, has the ability to regulate humidity, absorbing moisture when the humidity is high and releasing it when it is low, so the humidity in spaces surrounded by paulownia wood is always kept at a constant level. It also has good heat insulation, so it helps to keep food warm. We use wood that has a low impact on the environment, which takes 25 years to mature, and we plan, develop, and sell a variety of products with a modern design and unique ideas.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Deplasticization
  • Carbon neutrality
  • Upcycling
  • Long lifespan
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesYes

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, NorthAmerica
【Priority countries and territories】
Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, UK, France, Swiss

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company, Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc.【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage 【Awards】
14th Kids Design Award, Kyoto Design Award Grand Prize, JIDA DESIGN MUSEUM SELECTION 18, Fukuoka Design Award Excellence Award
【Media coverage】
TrustCellar, momo vol.24, KBC show “Shiritaka!,” etc.

Selection for programs, etc.Vibrant HABATAKU Small and Medium Enterprises 300 Program

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

100-1, Aoyagimachi, Koga-shi, Fukuoka 811-3133, Japan
Industry:Wood and wooden products manufacturing (excluding furniture)
Number of employees:50
Annual Sales(JPY):445,000,000

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General/Household Goods

A quick way to refresh your hair even when there is no water available

Hondayoko Co.,Ltd.

Shikokuchuo-shi, Ehime

Name of product / serviceShampoo Glove

Features of products and servicesBy making the wet wipes into a glove-type, you can move your fingers freely, thoroughly remove dirt from your scalp, and use them even when there is no water available or when you can't take a bath. The mandarin orange extract contained in the product helps to keep your hair and scalp healthy, and it can be used to refresh your mood in a simple way. It does not lather, so you can simply wait for it to dry naturally after use, so there is no need for anything else.

Recommendating organizationShikoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry; SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionIt can be used easily by people who are temporarily unable to wash their hair due to injury or illness, or by people who need care and cannot bathe for long periods of time, so it can be used to wash hair in a short time without placing a burden on the user. It can be used easily without any special preparation, so it can be used by everyone from children to adults, in places such as inside trains, inside buildings, and even in bed. It also helps to conserve water and contributes to hygiene management in times of disaster.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Energy-saving
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companiesYes

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America
【Priority countries and territories】
China, Indonesia, Malaysia, France, UK, Germany, USA

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company, Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc. 【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Patent No. 6214315: Glove-type wiping tool
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage 【Awards】
Certified as a Shikoku-based Kirameki Kigyo; received Disaster Preparedness Goods Grand Prize
【Media coverage】
ZIP!, Nankai Broadcasting News Channel 4, NHK News Watch 9, Baguette, Yojikoji Days, etc.

Selection for programs, etc.Companies Driving Regional Growth Selectee

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe made a declaration of the SDGs through the Iyo Bank in September 2022. As specific products, we are working to reduce CO2 emissions by reducing the amount of plastic used in the bottle containers of wet wipes products such as pet toothpaste sheets, and by using containers that contain around 51% calcium carbonate.

Company profile Hondayoko Co.,Ltd.
928-1, Kinseicho Shimobun, Shikokuchuo-shi, Ehime 799-0111, Japan
Industry:Other wholesale
Number of employees:56
Annual Sales(JPY):3,200,000,000

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

The secret to beautiful skin is a face mask every day

SPC Co., Ltd.

Shikokuchuo-shi, Ehime

Name of product / serviceCosmetic Face Masks(Sheet Masks)

Features of products and servicesWe are a company that manufactures and sells sheet-type skincare cosmetics, centered around beauty face masks. We are active in a wide range of areas, from developing our own brand to OEM for famous brands. We have a reputation for the cost performance of our products, and we are one of the top manufacturers of beauty face masks in Japan. We can handle both the overseas development of our own brand and OEM orders from overseas companies. An example of our own brand: Temogey

Recommendating organizationShikoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry; SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionWe aim to create a future where people can lead healthy and cultured lives through face masks. Face masks are often cheaper than skincare products such as lotions, and contribute to people's healthy and sustainable lifestyles. In addition, it is becoming more common in Japan to use face masks for daily skincare. By using a face mask every day, you can feel more confident in your skin and lead a more fulfilling life.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Energy-saving
  • Regional products

Business record with domestic companiesYes

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe, North America, Middle East/Africa, Other
【Priority countries and territories】
India, ASEAN countries, Australia

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company, Direct trade, Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc. 【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
ISO9001, FDA registered
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage 【Awards】
【Media coverage】

Selection for programs, etc.Companies Driving Regional Growth Selectee

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profile SPC Co., Ltd.
1-6-3, Mishimaasahi, Shikokuchuo-shi, Ehime 799-0403 JAPAN
Industry:Chemical industry
Number of employees:120
Annual Sales(JPY):-

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Outdoor/Interior Products

Interior art that re-examines and creates materials and techniques for hat production from a new perspective

Fujii Hat Co., Ltd.

Onomichi-shi, Hiroshima

Name of product / serviceMOBJE

Features of products and servicesOur collections are completed by two hands. The first is the “hand of production” that does sewing and knitting, and the second is the “hand of the customer” that adds a new individuality. We will continue to propose a lifestyle in which people can appreciate the beauty of new expressions that are born by grasping and folding the hat, while feeling the texture and weight that only a material that touches the skin can provide.

Recommendating organizationChugoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry, SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThe technology of hat production differs from mechanical mass production, and is often done by the hands of experienced craftsmen. It is also necessary to pass on and further develop this technology. In the world of fashion, where trends come and go, there are many materials that are no longer used in hats today. A number of techniques and materials that were once commonplace in hats. If we take away the filter of hats, can't we upcycle them as new value? MOBJE was born with this idea in mind.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Upcycling
  • Regional heritage products

Business record with domestic companiesNone

Overseas business recordYes

Overseas target regions Asia, Europe, NorthAmerica, MiddleEast/Africa, Other
【Priority countries and territories】
China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, France, Italy, USA, Middle Eastern countries, Australia

Overseas basesNingbo City, Zhejiang Province, China

Preferred overseas business type(s)Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc. 【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Trademark Registration No. 5543016: TOCIT
Trademark Registration No. 6028087: Hats that can be hung up and displayed TOCIT
Trademark Registration No. 6225762: TAHAT
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage 【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Le Monde newspaper, domestic interior and fashion magazines

Selection for programs, etc.-

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiatives-

Company profile Fujii Hat Co., Ltd.
2638, Minari, Minogo-cho, Onomichi-shi, Hiroshima 722-0215, Japan
Industry:Textile Industry
Number of employees:13
Annual Sales(JPY):-

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We created a light, durable, and heat-retaining resin teapot from automotive technology with a durable 10 year/100,000 kilometer service life.

Suzuki Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.

Nukata-gun, Aichi

Name of product / serviceJUNEN KYUSU (TEN YEAR TEAPOT)

Features of products and servicesThis bodily safe resin also used as a safe material for baby bottles uses no BPA or other bisphenol chemical substances whatsoever. A two-layer structure with outstanding thermal insulation keeps your hot tea hot and cold tea cold. What’s more, there is no need to worry about burns, as the exterior does not easily get hot. Despite a generous 500 ml capacity, the resin teapot body is a light 260 g.

Recommendating organizationChubu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry; SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThis is a plastic product that benefits the global and bodily environment in three ways. First, since it is hard to break it does not require frequent replacement purchases, thus reducing plastic waste. Second, the resin is designed to minimize microplastics generated by use, thus reducing their impact on health and the environment. And third, the teapot contains no hazardous chemical substances, making it suitable for use when safety is required.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • CO2 reducing products
  • Long lifespan
  • Attention to harmful substances
  • Barrier-free / Universal design

Business record with domestic companiesYes

Overseas business recordNone

Overseas target regionsAsia, Europe
【Priority countries and territories】
Taiwan, UK, France

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company, Through cross-border EC

Certification, IP, etc. 【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Japanese Trademark Registration No. 6482423, Ten year teapot
【Licenses, etc.】

Awards & media coverage 【Awards】
【Media coverage】
Nagoya TV “Dodesuka-plus”, CBC TV “Chant!”, NHK “Marutto!”, TV Aichi “Kando Kanpani”, etc.

Selection for programs, etc.Companies Driving Regional Growth Selectee

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesWe set up workplaces where employees can work both mentally and physically with peace of mind and in good health. We create environmentally-friendly business activities that help preserve a rich global environment for the next generation. Our activities benefitting local communities help achieve sustainable societies on the local level. Our company provides services leveraging our strength as an organization of plastic molding professionals.

Company profile Suzuki Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.
2-1, Sousaku Mutsuguri, Kota-cho, Nukata-gun, Aichi 444-0122, Japan
Industry:Plastic products manufacturing
Number of employees:190
Annual Sales(JPY):3,500,000,000

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General/Household Goods

Industry’s best osamet


Nagoya-shi, Aichi

Name of product / serviceOsamet、Osamet Jr.、Osamet Egg

Features of products and servicesThis collapsible helmet is a compact 45 mm A4 paper size when folded. It can be kept within easy reach during an emergency and is easy for anyone, from children to the elderly, to quickly put on and wear. Compared to the products of other companies, this helmet is thin when folded, easy to unfold, and when worn has the rounded shape of a typical helmet that highlights its excellent shock absorbing performance. From a safety perspective, the helmet has obtained Japan work helmet certification under the Industrial Safety and Health Act standard.

Recommendating organizationChubu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry; SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionThis product can quickly cover and protect a person’s body in the event of an earthquake or other disaster. What’s more, it’s compact size makes it very easy to store. We help the global environment by developing products that use greenhouse gas reducing biomass materials and upcycle reusable energy materials. The assembly process is performed at a facility for people with disabilities as a way to provide a way for them to be active.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Carbon neutrality
  • CO2 reducing products
  • Upcycling
  • Regional cooperative products

Business record with domestic companiesAll Nagoya City public elementary schools

Overseas business recordYesPrivate

Overseas target regionsAsia
【Priority countries and territories】
Thailand, The Philippines, Indonesia, India, Singapore

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company, Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc. 【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Patent no. 5970122 telescopic retractable helmet
【Licenses, etc.】
Industrial Safety and Health Act standard examination certified

Awards & media coverage 【Awards】
2018 Good Design Award
【Media coverage】
NHK, Newsweek, numerous other publications

Selection for programs, etc.Companies Driving Regional Growth Selectee

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesIn May 2023, led the industry by being first to obtain SBT certification. We set a 2021 greenhouse gas reduction target of 42%, followed by launching a company-wide carbon neutral committee and a united company-wide effort.

Company profile KAGA SANGYO CO., LTD.
1-8-7, Shirakane, Showa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 466-0058, JAPAN
Industry:Manufacturing of machines and instruments for transportation use
Number of employees:123
Annual Sales(JPY):5,564,000,000

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Cosmetics/Healthcare Products

Japan’s only auto-faucet hand washing basin gets hands clean with the force of foam mist.

Mizutani Valve Industry Co., Ltd.

Yamagata-shi, Gifu

Name of product / serviceAWAMIST

Features of products and servicesUltra fine bubbles (UFB) clean and wash with micro-bubbles. Touchless auto-faucet requires no electrical work. A simple design harmonizes with any space. This spout and bowl in a single unit that emits foam and mist simultaneously without splashing water is patent pending. This innovative feature reduces the stress of household and personal handwashing to zero.

Recommendating organizationChubu Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry; SMRJ

Contribution to sustainable development / ethical consumptionExcellent water conservation emits 900 cc of water per minute, an exceptionally low amount compared to the 6000 cc emitted by a typical faucet. You may think it’s not possible to clean hands with such a small amount, but the excellent cleaning performance of ultrafine bubbles do the job. Ultrafine bubbles are tiny bubbles invisible to the naked eye that have the additional merit of moisturizing skin 150% more effectively than ordinary water.

Sustainable / ethical categories

  • Energy-saving

Business record with domestic companiesTakara Standard Co., Ltd., Cleanup Corporation, Miratap Inc., Miura Co., Ltd., Rinnai Corporation

Overseas business recordNone

Overseas target regionsAsia, MiddleEast/Africa
【Priority countries and territories】
India, Indonesia, UAE

Overseas basesNone

Preferred overseas business type(s)Via domestic trading company, Direct trade

Certification, IP, etc. 【Certification (FDA, CE marking, etc.)】
【IP (patents, utility models, etc.)】
Patent no. 7386549 Faucet discharge apparatus and faucet
Japanese Design Registration No. 1727794 Handwashing basin
Japanese Trademark Registration No. 6572342 AWAMIST, etc.
【Licenses, etc.】
JIS B2061 Faucet (water discharge unit)

Awards & media coverage 【Awards】
iF DESIGN AWARD 2024, Good Design Award 2022, JIDA Design Museum Selection vol.24 Award, DIA (DESIGN INTELLIGENCE AWARD) 2022, DIA HONORABLE MENTION (DIA Special Award), DFA Design for Asia Awards 2023 – Bronze Award, Gifu SDGs Suishin Golden Partner SBT Certification, 2024 Chubu IT Management Grand Prize Excellence Award, 2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations “Youth Yell” certification
【Media coverage】
Remodeling guide, The Japan Journal of Remodeling, Earth Note

Selection for programs, etc.Companies Driving Regional Growth Selectee

Use of SMRJ support servicesUse of SMRJ services: Yes

Sustainable development initiativesAnnounced an SDG’s Declaration in December 2021 We focus on products with easy-to-use design, reducing CO2, supporting daily living environments, nurturing the leaders of tomorrow, and growing together in a mutually appreciative and supportive environment. We focus especially on providing support to daily living environments. In July 2022 we obtained SBT certification, and in fiscal year 2023 we reduced CO2 emissions by 47% compared to 2020.

Company profile Mizutani Valve Industry Co., Ltd.
194, Tominaga, Yamagata-shi, Gifu 501-2257, Japan
Industry:General-purpose machine and implement manufacturing
Number of employees:63
Annual Sales(JPY):1,500,000,000

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